Jun 03, 2024, 02:25 AM


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Messages - tree43

Quote from: MrC0W on Apr 10, 2020, 03:02 PMI plan to open SFT's greatest autoshop, known as MountAuto. It will sell all vanilla items at outstanding prices, while also buying items for the best prices.
Set in a stunning location, it is a beautiful place to just come and hang out as well. This is a big operation, however most of the work is already done. I am now beginning the process of stocking every chest ready for opening day. I am now hiring people to help me stock, and keep the stock levels high so that we minimise outages.
I also have a built in Emporium. This will be opened once a day and will offer even better prices than those advertised in the autoshop. I believe this will reduce the stress on managers to open the EMP, give players another option for when EMP is not open and will encourage more manual transactions, like the old days.
MountAuto has a warm, homey feel. It is 100% safe from mobs, and due to the shelving system, item frames are minimised as so to reduce lag and appeal to all players.
I have hired Kysentra to help me collect resources for opening day. I am looking for reliable people to help upkeep farms, brew potions, craft items that need to be crafted, collect resources to ensure MountAuto is fully operational at all times. I will promise to pay these employees fantastic rates, and reward them for their loyalty with higher positions to delegate tasks and improve the efficiency of MountAuto.
The 10mil EMP will be spent on rewarding employees for their hard work, and expanding in any way players suggest to offer as much as we can to the SFT community. With a large portion of the shop based underground inside the mountain, we have plenty of room to expand should we need it, and we are fully preparing for future updates so that we can roll new items out as soon as possible. With this investment, MountAuto can and will be the future of Autoshops.

sounds artisanal and organic- in the best way.
tbh I was against this at first but now maybe I'll come back on and play how I used to play when I wasn't rich in the 2012-2013 era where I just gathered and ran a shop. This will probably bring me back for a little bit so good job! I'm very excited :)
Quote from: Thanos on Oct 09, 2017, 06:51 PM
Quote from: tree43 on Oct 09, 2017, 06:47 PM
Quote from: Towelie on Oct 08, 2017, 09:41 AM
Quote from: tree43 on Oct 08, 2017, 04:41 AMrip sft part 7545475464223456545254345345774564657465746755645646546754
Thank you for your comment, it really gives me hope and it's totally in good taste.

Really? I didn't know that you liked the taste of wood! ;)

Quote from: Towelie on Oct 08, 2017, 09:41 AM
Quote from: tree43 on Oct 08, 2017, 04:41 AMrip sft part 7545475464223456545254345345774564657465746755645646546754
Thank you for your comment, it really gives me hope and it's totally in good taste.

Really? I didn't know that you liked the taste of wood! ;)
rip sft part 7545475464223456545254345345774564657465746755645646546754
General Announcements / Re: Roast me
Sep 20, 2017, 02:20 AM
Quote from: Dpa1991 on Sep 19, 2017, 08:09 PMI vote @MarisaKirisame too. I actually feel bad for Towelie reading that one.

Should I post a roast me thread too?

please do so that I can say "you're too irrelevant to roast"
General Announcements / Re: Roast me
Sep 14, 2017, 10:43 AM
Quote from: Towelie on Sep 14, 2017, 05:55 AM
Quote from: American_Walrus on Sep 13, 2017, 08:41 PMYou said you wouldn't ban me so...

c***** and spen  would've been better owners than you

Note to self: Add spen to censor words.

meh you'll probably forget to add it just like how piggy was manager+ for over a year and you forgot to give her spec or how you forgot how to run a good server after 2012 or that other time where you forgot how to function as a normal human being in society
General Announcements / Re: Roast me
Sep 13, 2017, 08:22 PM
Quote from: MrChanango on Sep 13, 2017, 08:14 PM
Quote from: tree43 on Sep 13, 2017, 07:08 PMyou'll never be half the owner spen would be
I'm sorry, but how can you be half of nothing? ;)

I'm not sorry, but how can you make me loose any more brain cells? I think you've completely killed my brain with your stupidity.
General Announcements / Re: Roast me
Sep 13, 2017, 07:08 PM
you'll never be half the owner spen would be
Quote from: MasterX70 on Apr 26, 2017, 11:34 PM
Quote from: BluetigerESW on Apr 25, 2017, 05:25 AM
Quote from: Towelie on Apr 24, 2017, 06:05 AM
Quote from: MasterX70 on Apr 23, 2017, 07:22 PMSo, just to be clear, if you want your rewards for voting, you'll have to wait for the vote party, right?
That's the idea, however we won't apply that just yet. But in the near future
But wouldn't this make voting worthless if you aren't online during a vote party? Could discourage players from voting in my opinion.

My thoughts exactly, and no one wants to have to sit online and wait for the VP to trigger, or worse, vote, then get online, only to learn the VP happened just before you got on.
Also... doesn't the vote party still glitch out sometimes and not reward people? Since it had happened to me a few weeks ago.

I'm irrelevant, but I agree.
IGN: shrub34
Survial uptime: over 9000 parsecs
Can you get 6 hours of uptime on Survival each week? I can't get 6 hours per week, only 6.1 hours. sorrynotsorry
Have you been banned before? If yes, why should we overlook this? yes but it was my brother on my account I swear!
Do you have or can you get a Skype? i own skype
Are you applying to be JMod or EventHost or both? If EventHost, will you be able to host 25 events per week? I'm applying for an unknown event called the [ExStaff] and the rank has admin perms. Sounds like a plan! Can't wait to be contacted!
Thank you so much for the donations! It means a lot and will really help SFT :heart:
Yay memener!! You'll be great at making tow some memes... er I mean being a secretary! ;D
Grats dude!
Quote from: MrEpicWonder on Nov 09, 2016, 08:01 AM*slowly walks to tree on a hill.*
If anyone wants emotional guidance/ someone to vent to, I'll be on that hill. (or skype)
My science teacher said I could put in on the white board for 2 weeks:
(Please ignore my awful handwriting. I may be in high school but my handwriting doesn't show it)

No words.
Is the best Memeager ever and has the spiciest memes in existence ;)
I just.. I don't know what to even say. Ella and I weren't ever best friends but we would talk here and there and she was just an amazing person. It's terrible that this had to happen to such a young wonderful human being. My thoughts go out to her family and friends. :(
I think it would be well worth a try for maybe a month and depending on how it went, we would either keep it or revert back.
Tow forgot to log out so nafi trapped him lel
One thing I saw once was a player was leaving (I tried to get them to stay)because they had a rank on another server and was a guest on SFT. Idk if this is really useful info but just gonna throw it out there.