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Messages - Towelie

General Discussion / Re: Post your FACE!
Aug 03, 2013, 04:59 PM
This is actually me. Thanks to bogey for restoring it.
We do not allow PvP guilds to be created on the survival server.
This sub-forum is just for peaceful/social guilds.
Survival Guides / [Guide] Global Market
May 11, 2013, 01:35 PM
This is a quick guide to the global market plugin.

/market listings or /ml -> Shows the current listings
/market listings search <item name/id> -> Shows all the items of type <item>

To sell:
- Select the item(s) you want to sell in your hotbar
- Type /ah sell <price> <amount>

Example: If I had a stack of diamonds selected and I wanted to sell 32 - /ah sell 32000(price) 32(amount)

NOTE: If you sell multiple items you'll sell the whole amount of items for the specified price, not each for that price.

More auction house commands:
/ah listed - shows what you have put up
/ah expired - shows expired items (also if you cancel a sale your items will go here)

Plugin is currently on:
Survival Server
General Announcements / Re: SFT Client
Mar 18, 2013, 07:32 AM
Yep, the client can determine whether you're a player or staff and adjusts itself accordingly
General Announcements / Re: SFT Client
Mar 18, 2013, 07:19 AM
Glad you guys like it, bogey put a lot of work into it and still does updating.
The link is normal yes. Just hit continue after the 5 seconds and you will get a download link.
For people saying "i won't be using this" -> We aren't shoving it to you, use it if you want, don't if you don't... Pretty simple.
However, using it, will provide an improved experience when playing on SFT and will give you useful info (such as announcements inside the client, one-click joining on the server, updating when the server updates, etc.)
General Announcements / SFT Client
Mar 17, 2013, 07:17 PM
Thanks to bogeymanEST, SFT now has its very own Client!
This has been out there for a few months, but we've kept it as a staff client until now.
However, we decided to share the awesomeness with you

> Features

  • Custom main menu - Displays your stats and recent news.
  • Chat tabs - Use Shift+Click on the tabs above chat to select which messages are displayed
  • Context menu - Right-click a chat message to get some useful actions
  • Chat alerts - Displays an alert when someone says a predefined message (change in Settings->SFT
  • Client->Settings->Alert Words)
  • Automatic updates - No need to worry about updating when Minecraft is updated. The client should be updated right as the server is updated.

> Installing
Download the launcher anywhere you like and double-click it to run!
Quote from: ACrazyMan on Oct 24, 2012, 02:57 PM
   Well what I was thinking wasn't a big change to the site, but about the donation progress.. Why not have a bar under the monthly one for year? This way when donations are done for one month. more donations can be added to go at other months in the future. This way next month can be payed off ahead of time? And so people can see how much was payed in the year so far if they wanted to?

   The picture in the monthly bar is grass, why not the yearly one be the letters "SFT" Or something neat to fill up each year. (Just for entertainment reasons) I know this isn't the best idea ever, but just something which was in my mind. If it is lame, then so be it :]
because two bars would look ugly and because our concern is monthly donations not yearly.
General Discussion / Re: Post your FACE!
Oct 21, 2012, 03:41 PM
Ok, here it goes. you finally convinced me to post a picture :\
nice guide
Survival Guides / [Guide] Autoshop Signs
Dec 01, 2011, 05:47 PM
How to create a shop

Place a chest on the ground
Place a sign 1 block away from the chest (for example, above it)
On the sign, write: Sign
First line will be automatically filled with your name by the plugin

For more info, please read the documentation available on the plugin's page

Second line is the amount of items to buy or sell

Third line is a combination of buy and sell prices. You need to have a price indicator (like 'B' - price that will apply to items BOUGHT by PLAYERS - or 'S' - the SELL price) near the price - the prices are separated by a colon (:)
Some of the possible price combinations: "B 5:5 S", "B 5", "S free"

The forth line will hold the id/name of the item. Write ? on the sign and the item will be autofilled with the one from the chest or you can click on the sign with the item afterwards.

Optionally you can put the actual name on it. You can find out the name of the item you're holding by doing /iteminfo

For example

A person can buy 64 diamonds for 10 empbucks and sell them back for 5 empbucks from Phoenix616
General Discussion / Re: Post your FACE!
Oct 06, 2011, 09:54 PM
Here's a self-portrait that i just took of me.
It's legit.
PS: The damn steve head is a lot bigger than i thought and made of cheap cartboard :\ But i guess 3$ is a decent price for it.
I just thought it would be better.
Use this form
Community Projects can ONLY be submitted through that form!
Survival Guides / [Guide] Lottery
Jun 05, 2011, 05:50 PM
I've added a new plugin called lottery.
Every 12 hours, there is a draw.
The prize consists of all the tickets purchased (A ticket's price is 5000, so if 10 players enter the lotto with 1 ticket, the prize will be 50000).

How to join:
Type /lotto buy to buy a ticket. It costs 5000 EmpBucks.

Can I have more than one ticket?:
Yes! You can now buy up to 15 tickets. To do this you type /lotto buy # (you can type 1-15)

How to find out when the next draw is, and what the pot is?:
Type /lotto - This also let's you see who won the previous lottery.

Special lotteries:
Once in a few days, the admins can decide to make the next draw special.
They can do so by adding extra pot to the current pot. (/lottery addtopot <ammount>).
The winner of the special lottery will get the extra pot + the normal pot.

Can I donate money into the lottery myself?
Yes! Simply type /guishop and click one of the emeralds. The amount you add to the pot will depend on the emerald you click. Note: This will not be refunded.
By popular demand, I will explain how each rank is granted. Note that this post was originally made for the Survival server.

:diamondblock: Normal Ranks :diamondblock:

[Untrusted] - Untrusted is for players that have been banned and have done something to the community that makes them unable to be trusted by staff. These players can only use /spawn and /tpaccept.
Their time as Untrusted is decided by the Moderator+ that banned them.
An Admin can change their rank back to normal when their time is up.

[Guest] - Default rank when a new user joins
                                /kit starter
                                  /warp create <name>
                                  /warp pcreate <name>
                                  /warp help

[Member] - This rank is given to guests who have registered on the forums and played on the server for at least 24 hours (check with /pstats). It is free to be upgraded in uptime ranks EXCEPT TYCOON Just type /rankup <RANK>
                                /kit member
                                  /kit farm

[Veteran] - Rank awarded to Members that have at least 200 hours uptime.
                                /kit veteran

[Elite] - Rank awarded to Veterans that have at least 500 hours uptime.
                                /kit elite

[Tycoon] - Rank awarded to Veterans or Elites that have at least 500 hours uptime. This rank costs 10 Million emp to rankup
                              /kit tycoon
                                /kit elite

[Legend] - Rank awared to Elites that have over 1,000 hours uptime and is very dedicated players that have been here for over 2 years (decided by TowelieDOH).
                              /kit legend
                                BCV permissions
                                Vanity pack

There are also other legend ranks that were recently added. These are for the super dedicated players of the server.
[Legend2] - 2 year old forum account and at least 1500h uptime on Survival.
                              /kit legend2

[Legend3] - 3 years old forum account and at least 2000h uptime on Survival.
                              /kit legend3
                                /jumpto (compass)

[Legend4] - 3 years old forum account and at least 3000h uptime on Survival.
                              /kit legend4
                                Big warp pack

[Legend5] - 4 years old forum account and at least 3500h uptime on Survival.
                              /kit legend5

[Jesus] - A rank for ledfarmer911 only.
[Architect] - Awarded to the Architects of SFT, they are in charge of building Server Attractions and Spawn Towns.
                                    /head (used for Towelie approved attractions)

[YouTuber] - Rank awarded to people who make a video of SFT (mentioning the server ip and website) and have over 2000 views on that video (In a month after the video has been posted).

:diamondblock: Donation Ranks :diamondblock:

[Donator] Rank obtained only by donating!! (Use button on the main page to donate) Awarded for donations of at least 5 euros. Or Purchasing the rank from the donator shop, by purchasing the "Donator" pack

[Contributor] - Rank purchasable from the donator shop. Only awarded to people who purchase the "Contributor" pack

[Benefactor] - Rank purchasable from the donator shop. Only awarded to people who purchase the "Benefactor" pack.

[Philantropist] - Rank purchasable from the donator shop. Only awarded to people who purchase the "Philantropist" pack.

[Sponsor], [Grinch] or [SantaClaus] - Rank purchaseable from the donator shop. Only awarded to people who purchase the tier 5 pack.

Link to the donator shop:

:diamondblock: Staff Ranks :diamondblock:
[EventHost] - This rank is given to chosen players with 500h+ that have been an active SFT player for at least 12 months, preferably an ex-staff member, and have good uptime of about ~7h+ weekly. Please refer to:,48526.msg305372.html#msg305372

[JMod] - This rank is rewarded to players who stand out from the community, and who are overall helpful and maintain an uptime of at least 7 hours/week. The entire staff team will decide who gets to become a JMod, and asking for it, will only decrease your chances.

[Mod] - The rank after JMod, only given to very good JMods.

[Developer] - Awarded only to people who have done outstanding work for the community (such as design our website/forum/banners or code plugins/web applications)

[Specialist] - Awarded to Managers that have stepped down who have been on the team for 6 months OR Mods that have stepped down who have been on the team for 12 months.

[Sheep] - Is only for a very special sheep named Pimmert. Some say he got the rank for eating Towelie's grass on his yard. But we may never know.  :sheep:

[Reaper] - Is only for a very special Reaper named RallyReaper.

[Noob] - Is only for a very special Noob named Loggles.

[ToweliesB!tch] - Is a rank for only Shanikewajones.

[Manager] - Special rank only given to very extraordinary and professional Mods who go above and beyond what is required of them.

[Elder] - Awarded to Admins that have retired honorably. 

[Admin] - No  :P

[Owner] - Owns the server.