May 08, 2024, 07:03 PM


Proudly established in 2010, still going!

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Topics - Bug

Hey Guys! This year Katherine0496, Caz10, TheStarNomad, _smallfry5545, and I will be judging a holiday time contest!

The theme is pretty broad: just build something about your favorite thing about the holiday time! It could be just related to wintertime/late fall, or it could be a specific holiday!

Make sure all your builds are appropriate; and please refrain from anything overly religious that isn't specifically related to your holiday, as we don't want to start any unneeded debates.

To enter, just post your team name and team members here, up to four members.
Teams Must Have One Staff and One Non Staff Player.

We're trying somthing new; the building will take place on the Creative server this time, to get there just type /Creative while on the Survival server! You will get a creative building area for your team. Most likely your warp will be /warp [Your Team Name]. We will let you know on here when your plot and warp are ready.

Please be patient as your plots have to be set on the creative server. We will have your plots set ASAP after you post your teams, so post your teams as soon as you can.

Prizes will be 1Mil for First, 500k for Second, and 300k for Third, divided equally between teammates!
Money will be added to your Survival Account.

You have until December 16th to finish!

Judging should be finished by the 22nd.

Good Luck Everyone!