Jul 27, 2024, 05:27 AM


Proudly established in 2010, still going!

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Messages - BluetigerESW

Quote from: AllyJadee on Apr 24, 2023, 02:49 AMMeeee I was AllyJade, joined in 2012 I think when I was like 11. Played for years, literally had a dream about SFT last night which is why I'm here run lol...
I remember you as well, good to see ya around! Was the dream any interesting? lol
Quote from: Silly_StringSFT on Apr 20, 2023, 08:18 PM
Quote from: BluetigerESW on Mar 28, 2023, 06:27 PM
Quote from: Silly_StringSFT on Mar 28, 2023, 12:22 AMI show up on the forums occasionally to see what's going on


just about grew up on SFT ~2012-2017 or something like that

Miss you dude

my family!
Facts man! Factions was crazy :)
Inactivity Board / Inactivity for Fellina1987
Apr 15, 2023, 03:48 AM
Fellina1987 — Today at 1:32 AM
I won't be online for a long time, could someone make sure i don't lose my towers? Its at /warp fft

Fellina1987 — Today at 5:32 PM
Until summer- schools a pain.
Updated (added Valheim)
Our brand new server/modpack for Valheim is live right NOW! Valheim is a fun Viking mythology survival game on steam and we've added TONS of new content (over 50 mods) to help make things a more enjoyable experience! Hope you enjoy! <3

How to join: https://wiki.superfuntime.org/en/global/guides/valheim/installing
Modpack direct link: https://valheim.thunderstore.io/package/SFT/SFT/
Forum Games / Re: Last poster wins!
Apr 12, 2023, 02:28 PM
Quote from: itsConnor_ on Apr 08, 2023, 09:41 PMJust came by to check on these forums - I was active in SFT from 2011-2014 ish (when I was 13-16...) and was very active in event hosting at one point! Hope everyone is keeping well  :D
Yooo what's up Connor! Nice to see you around, you were a great event host! Hope life's treating you well!
Forum Games / Re: Last poster wins!
Apr 01, 2023, 05:31 AM
Forum Games / Re: Last poster wins!
Apr 01, 2023, 02:44 AM
Forum Games / Re: Last poster wins!
Mar 31, 2023, 01:58 PM
Forum Games / Re: Last poster wins!
Mar 31, 2023, 04:29 AM
Steve Co. Crate Theme: Prisoner set
Number of Steve Co. Items: idk
IGN of Suggestor: me
Item #1:
     Name: Prison jumpsuit (orange helmet)
     Lore: The best in inmate fashion
Item #2:
     Name: Prison jumpsuit (orange chestplate)
     Lore: The best in inmate fashion
Item #3:
     Name: Prison jumpsuit (orange leggings)
     Lore: The best in inmate fashion
Item #4:
     Name: Prison jumpsuit (orange boots)
     Lore: The best in inmate fashion
Item #5:
     Name: Escape plans
     Enchants: punch 5 enchanted book
     Lore: Snitches will be punished!
Item #6:
     Name: Prison Shank (wood sword)
     Enchants: sharpness, impaling, punch
     Lore: A prisoners' favorite multi-functional tool!
Item #7:
     Name: Confiscated Drugs (sugar)
     Lore: The warden's favorite contraband
Forum Games / Re: Last poster wins!
Mar 31, 2023, 02:01 AM
Prefacing this with this would include everyone that wasn't in the previous version.

Steve Co. Crate Theme: Appreciation set
Number of Steve Co. Items:
IGN of Suggestor: me
Item #1:
     Name: Autpek's head
     Lore: His work for SFT won't be forgotten!
Item #2:
     Name: AtomicPulse's head
     Lore: His work for SFT won't be forgotten!
Item #3:
     Name: blalp's head
     Lore: His work for SFT won't be forgotten!
Item #4:
     Name: BuilderCreep's head
     Lore: Her work for SFT won't be forgotten!
Item #5:
     Name: ceddy24's head
     Lore: His work for SFT won't be forgotten!
Item #6:
     Name: xQuicScope's head
     Lore: His work for SFT won't be forgotten!
Item #7:
     Name: RallyReaper's head
     Lore: His work for SFT won't be forgotten!
Item #8:
     Name:  SFT's 13th Anniversary Ticket(paper)
     Lore: Est. 2010 and still going!
Steve Co. Crate Theme: Resident Evil
Number of Steve Co. Items: idk
IGN of Suggestor: me
Item #1:
     Name: Leon's Knife (iron sword)
     Enchants: unbreaking, impaling, smite
     Lore: Not so sturdy but it gets the job done
Item #2:
     Name: Leon's Bingo Card (paper)
     Enchants: Curse of Vanishing
     Lore: Where's everyone going?
Item #3:
     Name: Leon's Vest (black leather chestplate)
     Enchants: projectile protection, blast, ???
     Lore: It's seen some crazy things...
Item #4:
     Name: Umbrella Company's Evil Plans (music disc 11)
     Enchants: none
     Lore: A multi-step guide for world domination
Item #5:
     Name: T-Virus Cure (drinkable insta health potion)
     Enchants: none
     Lore: I think I'll let you test it out first...
Item #6:
     Name: Leon's Jeans (blue leather leggings)
     Enchants: projectile protection, blast, ???
     Lore: Dependable against the infected
Item #7:
     Name: Leon's Boots (black leather boots)
     Enchants: projectile protection, blast, ???
     Lore: Useful for kicking the infected (or people)
General Announcements / SFT Wiki returns!
Mar 29, 2023, 06:19 PM
Let's try this again, SFT Wiki (4?) is returning and is live right NOW!  This time we kept it simple and straight to the point, with useful guides and a history section that to my knowledge documents SFT's ENTIRE history year by year!  A whole lot of time and work went into this so I hope you enjoy! ❤️

Wiki Link: https://wiki.superfuntime.org/
Quote from: SkullzCrew2 on Mar 28, 2023, 11:15 PMHi everyone! My old forum account says 'logged', I think it's gone.  I'm SkullzCrew, I joined in Jan 2013 when I was ten.  I was a mod for a while and racked up a couple thousand hours as a little kid.  Now I'm in a uni library procrastinating.  Time flies!
Nice to see ya around again skullz!
Quote from: Silly_StringSFT on Mar 28, 2023, 12:22 AMI show up on the forums occasionally to see what's going on


just about grew up on SFT ~2012-2017 or something like that

Miss you dude
Forum Games / Re: Last poster wins!
Mar 24, 2023, 03:10 AM
I win
Somehow I'm still around
Just wanted to share that I added a few cool new features to hopefully enhance the Creative server experience a little :)

  • Heads - You can now use /heads to spawn in from a list of 100's of different decorative heads
  • Banners - You can now use /banner to open a menu to easily make and clone custom banners to decorate your builds with
  • Furniture - You can now use /furniture to spawn in from a list different decorative furniture to enhance your builds (you can also sit on them)
  • Sitting, Crawling & More - You can now use /sit, /lay or /bellyflop on any block! As well you can use /crawl for fun traversal or /spin (just try it  ;) )! (You can also right-click slabs and stairs to sit on them)
  • (also all known bugs should now be fixed)

Have fun! :heart:
[Mature] Rust / Re: [Guide] Rust Command List
Aug 03, 2021, 04:20 PM
Added /q
Heya everyone, just letting you all know that Map #2 / The Perks Update for the Rust server is live right now!
Starting this update we will be switching to a bi-weekly (every 2 weeks) wipe to keep things fresh and not stale. With it we will add be adding a ton of new things including the following this update:

  • Perks System - Perks that can be leveled up for ingame currency earned by being online! Check out all the perks by doing "/perks"!
  • Clan Leaderboards - We're introducing a new leaderboard (/ranks) that ranks players/clans in various categories!  The each member in the #1 ranked clan at the end of each wipe will when a prize!
  • Thunder-Poon - An early game raiding tool. Can be made by placing a beancan grenade on a wooden spear in your inventory/chest.
  • Events - Coming soon with various rewards such as cases, loot, etc.
  • Donation Goal - Each month we reach our donation goal we plan to do giveaways for premium shop rewards!

**Please note with this wipe we WILL be starting with a BP/Mapwipe then the next wipe just map, then bp/map again