Sep 07, 2024, 11:39 PM


Have a Super Fun Time!

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Topics - MasterX70

Hey all, hope you've all been well

Quick post this time, gonna be hosting some Leaf Luck on Saturday the 24th, starting at 8pm PST/11pm EST

Probably at least 3 rounds

Prizes will be 800k EMP, vouchers, tokens, maybe a head

:heart: ✌️
Howdy hey all, quick and to the point this week

Gonna host some Wipeouts this Saturday, 8pm PST/11pm EST

Prizes will be 850k per round, tokens and vouchers

Hope you'll join me for some suffering  :heart:
Heya guys 'n gals, been a bit! Hope you've all been doing well

Figured this Saturday, the 8th, I'd host our 3 Mudder courses! They can be bit messy, but hopefully will be fun for anyone who wishes to participate. The event will start around 5pm PST/8pm EST, first place prize will consist of the usual goodies, vouchers and tokens, 900k emp, and somethin' special

Hope you'll join me  :heart:

Mudder 1, 2, and 3
Saturday the 8th, 5pm PST/8pm EST
900k emp, tokens and vouchers, special prize
Howdyhey once again ladies 'n gents, hope things have been going well for you all!

I'm gonna host some Pictionary for all who wish to attend, this Saturday starting at 8pm PST/11PM EST

Gonna offer 50k per round, and hopefully host 5 rounds, so if you're really good at guessing my nonsensical and poorly made artistry, you could walk away with a decent chunk of change ;)

-Pictionary, Saturday, 8pm PST/11PM EST
-50k per round, 5 rounds

Hope you'll join me :heart:
Howdy ladies 'n gents! Hope you've all had a lovely March thus far :heart:

Feeling like hosting the SFT Speedway this weekend, specifically on good 'ol Sunday, starting at 7PM PST/10PM EST

Prizes will be the following:

1st place will get 1 Million Emp, 20 vouchers and tokens

2nd place will get 500k emp, 10 vouchers and tokens

3rd place will get 250k emp, 5 vouchers and tokens

4th place and lower will get... something!

i'll also maybe toss in somewhat thematic goodies, we'll see >w>

Hope you'll join me for some speedy zoomies :heart:

Event: SFT Speedway
When: Sunday, 7PM PST/10PM EST
Prizes: 1Mill, 500k, 250k, vouchers & tokens
Howdy hey once again guys 'n gals

Another quick run down this time, gonna host Bouncy Kour 1 & 2 this weekend, on Saturday, 8pm PST/11pm EST

Prize for 1st place will 700k, tokens and vouchers
maybe a surprise item or head, we'll see

Bouncy Kour 1 & 2
Saturday the 24th, 8pm PST/11pm EST
700k, tokens and vouchers

Hope you'll join me :heart:
Howdy ladies 'n gents! A happy first month of the new year to you all :heart:

Real quick, I'ma host Ninja Warrior 1 & 2 this Sunday (le 21st) at 8pm EST/5pm PST

Prize for 1st place will be: 800K, vote tokens, vouchers, and a mystery head! Fun fun

Be there or be not a ninja! regardless you'll be square tho, minecraft 'n all :-\

Ninja Warrior 1 & 2
Sunday, 8pm EST/5PM PST
800k, vouchers and tokens, mystery head!
Inactivity Board / idkatherine Inactive
Apr 21, 2021, 09:31 PM
idkatherine informed me that she is having tech/keyboard issues and may not be active for a bit, also unsure as to when she'll be able to get a fix or replacement.
Howdy folks!

This Saturday, at 7pm EST, myself and Britney :potato: will be hosting 3 rounds of Boatrace, 1st place for each round will receive a nice 250k prize. Though no repeat winners, for fairness.
and maybe somethin a lil extra

Hope you'll join us for some fun! :heart:
Hiya everyone

This Saturday at 9PM EST, myself and hi735 will be hosting some Tower Spleef

Prize will be 125k

Hope you'll join us :heart:
Hello everyone, sorry for this being a bit late :heart:

Saturday, Sept 21st, 8pm EST, JustAddWater and myself will be hosting Skyfall.

Prize will be 100k per round, with 3 rounds total. Be sure to store any items and spend any EXP that you don't wish to risk losing.

Hope you'll join us!  :heart:
Howdy folks!

This is just a little reminder about villages.

A world reset or two ago a rule was created, this rule stated that, due to naturally generated villages being limited but also now claimable by players, that only 1 could be claimed per account. Meaning that if you wish to own a village, you may only own 1 under your name. This seems to have been forgotten over time, sadly.

It's been discussed and decided that this rule should still be in place and enforced. This way more folks will have a chance to get one, and no one will be able to have a sort of monopoly on villages.

I myself have also noticed that some people have already claimed multiple for themselves. No one will be punished for this or forced to give them up, but if you wish to have it unclaimed so that another person may have it, just contact a Mod+ ingame and ask them to do so. Just remember to remove any locks/personal belongings beforehand!

Thank you for your time and I hope you have a good day. :heart:
Howdy everyone, sorry for this being a bit late :heart:

This sunday, 6pm EST, myself and Britney1177 will be hosting spongehunt! ;D

Prize will be 50k per sponge.

We hope you'll join us! :heart:

Howdy everyone, sorry for this being a bit late :heart:

This weekend's event will be a few rounds of Spongehunt, hosted by myself and Britney1177! :heart: :potato:

It'll be on Sunday, at 3:30pm EST. Prize will be 50k per round.

Hope you'll join us and have some fun. :heart:
Howdy again folks :heart:

This Saturday, at 5:30pm EST, myself and Sky_Comet will be hosting 5 rounds of Anvil Luck, with a 100k prize per round.
Please keep in mind that it's a death event, so be sure to store your items at home and spend your experience! owo

Hope you'll join us for a smashing good time~ ;)
Howdy again folks :3

This weekend Towerspleef will be hosted by Darren64_NY, treefart, and myself.

It'll be held on Saturday, 2pm CST (3pm EST, 12pm PST) with a 90k prize per round!

Hope you'll join us :heart:
Howdy folks :heart:

This weekend's event will be Pyramid Spleef, held this Sunday at 2pm est. Prize will be 100k per round.

Hosted by: JustAddWater, Britney1177, and myself.

Hope you'll join us! :heart: