Feb 06, 2025, 07:35 PM


Please vote for us daily!

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Messages - Nicadean33

Please join me Wednesday evening at 7pm CST for a few rounds of Hide n' Seek! For every player found while the seeker, you will win 100k! For each round a hider makes it out unfound, they will win 250k! See you there at /warp hidenseek!
Quote from: UntrustedAlly on Jan 09, 2025, 06:36 AMStill kicking it. Good to see so many familiar faces

Good to hear from you! Glad to know you're still around, you're a name I can remember from long ago!
Happy New Year! A new year is a time for new plans (or resolutions), so I hope you may resolve to vote consistently for the server! This months vote contest will be a pretty easy bag.

For every vote that a player votes more than myself, Nicadean33, that player will receive 1000 emp.

So, if I voted 237 times, and you voted 456 times, you would receive 219,000! For each 25 votes more, players will also receive an arcade voucher!

Happy voting!
Quote from: tman6698 on Dec 27, 2024, 06:33 PMStill here.... lurking ;)

Love to see your name tman!
Get ready for a flash event! Tomorrow night, roughly 22 hours from now, join us on the survival server for a mini-golf event! Come on down to /warp minigolf and earn a prize for finishing Minus, Even, or Over the course par! Prizes will range from 500k emp to netherite ingots and arcade vouchers!

When: Thursday, December 19th at 7pm CST
Where: /warp minigolf
Who: Nicadean33!
Congratulations to the winners of this year's pumpkin decorating contest. As a reminder, contestants were asked to NOT edit the exterior of their pumpkin, but instead color, paint, or otherwise costume their pumpkin based on its shape. The following players received 1st and 2nd place;

1st - emily142
2nd - Vacsinator

Congratulations to all contestants!
Join me on Saturday at noon CST for a few rounds of spongehunt! The prize will be 100k per round along with special goodies like arcade vouchers, head vouchers, and more!
Hey everyone!!

This spooky season, Maya546 and I want to introduce you to the Survival Decorating Contest! We have created an entire Pumpkin Patch in-game at /warp SFTPumpkinPatch (sftpp for short) where you can decorate up some pumpkins in Minecraft! Many people carve pumpkins, as we did last year, but many others tend to decorate them with paint and clothing, which is what we are looking for this year!

As for the Contest itself, everyone who wants to participate will be given one pumpkin that they can decorate up! You are only allowed to build outside of the pumpkin! In fact, very little of your pumpkin should be altered, instead building around the outside and the features of the pumpkin itself.

If you want to participate, reach out to one of our Manager+ and ask them for a pumpkin at the SFT Pumpkin Patch! Please be aware that we are a small team, so we will not be around 24/7 and bothering the team will barr you from entering the contest!

Your pumpkins will be judged by Maya546 and I on two factors: Complexity and Thematic Inspiration! If we find the top two pumpkins to be equally themed and complex, we will split the prize equally among the two decoraters! So if you want to win the grand prize, you will have to make your pumpkin have a theme and complex, as well as follow our rules for the competition as stated below.

The competition rules are as follows:
  :snowball: Your pumpkin MUST be appropriate and follow server rules!
  :snowball: You are allowed to edit outside of your pumpkin's outer layer ONLY if you are adding a nose or a hat.
  :snowball: No changing the color or shape of your pumpkin.
   :snowball: You are allowed to house your items in chests at your pumpkin, but make sure to remove them before the competition ends!

Now, for the prizes everyone wants to know!
The winner shall receive... 1 million emp and 10 arcade vouchers.
ALL participants shall receive... 75k emp and a Custom Item![/b]

The competition will end on Halloween Night at 11:59pm EST  so get to carving! Maya and I look forward to seeing your pumpkins (:
Happy spooky season! For the month of October, the voting contest provides the opportunity for, what the kids say, "hella" Arcade Vouchers. For every 7 votes, you can receive 1 arcade voucher.

Happy Voting!
Guess who's back, like he never left? (never left)

That's right, Skyblock Race is back this week for a SPECIAL DOUBLE FEATURE!! Want double the prize, double the contest, and double the chance to prove your ability? Join me for one or BOTH of the events this week, which will have different set goals to reach by the end of the hour. Returning players continue in their own Skyblock island, while new players will be brought "up to speed" with some additional materials.

Monday, September 23rd at 7pm CDT
Saturday, September 28th at 8am CDT

Prizes won at both times, including but not limited to EMP, arcade vouchers, head vouchers, netherite ingots, and of course, the speciality collectible item for completing the challenge.

Check the discord for a countdown and event reminder!
Join me again this Tuesday at 8pm CDT for another rendition of Skyblock Race! Each contestent receives their own starting island with Skyblock resources, and 1 hour to achieve the pre-set goal of the hour. If you are able to obtain or complete the given challenge in 1 hour, you receive your prize! Those that competed in the last session are able to use their islands from last time, but the pre-set goal is still obtainable for anyone starting out this round.

This week's prizes could include;

-Custom commemorative item
-EMP vouchers
-Arcade vouchers
-A bundle of goodies
-Netherite, diamonds, or upgrade templates
-My unwavering love and affection

Make sure to join this round to be able to jumpstart your island for future rounds too!
Hello community,

With the latest release and update of PyroFishing, the augments received a major overhaul. With this, many of the fishing rods that are already augmented need to be remade and reimbursed. Therefore, if you have a current fishing rod with augments on it, please reach out to any Admin+ or specifically myself and we will work with you to get the fishing rod remade.

You can do this by dm'ing me on Discord or opening a support ticket in our main discord. Sending a forum PM will also work.

Happy Fishing!
Survival / Re: Ghost_SQ
Aug 16, 2024, 06:04 PM
Quote from: Ghost_SQ on Aug 15, 2024, 06:10 AMThats fine you need to do what you need to do if possible may i keep my mending books and tools in my ender chest and if not thats fine. to be honest i have worked hard to obtain those items legitimately 

Thank you for your reply. An extensive review was done on your items and a reset has been done on the stated items in your unban. If you have trouble logging into the server, please reply here. You have been unbanned
Survival / Re: Ghost_SQ
Aug 14, 2024, 11:53 PM
Hi Ghost,

I was the staff member who banned you for X-raying. I and another member followed you for a small while and determined that your mining patterns were consistent with someone who was using X-ray due to the amount of diamond ores you were harvesting and the pattern you were using.

Since you were very compliant and were able to discard your mining trip before logging off, your unban requirements will be much less. To be unbanned, please agree to the following terms;
 :diamondblock: Have any ores and other iron+ materials removed from your enderchest
 :diamondblock: Have your EMP reset to 5,000
 :diamondblock: Have your SFTmmo for both mining and repair reset to 0

If you agree to these terms, please reply below. Thank you.
Ready for a new challenge? Join me on Wednesday, 7pm CDT for a Skyblock challenge! Each contestent receives their own starting island with Skyblock resources, and 1 hour to achieve the pre-set goal of the hour. If you are able to obtain or complete the given challenge in 1 hour, you receive your prize!

The prizes for this round;

A shulker box full of;
netherite ingots
EMP vouchers
Arcade Vouchers
Vote Tokens
Head Vouchers
Custom commemorative item
... And other goodies!

Make sure to join this session as future sessions will occur that use your current island and everything you accomplished last session!
Hello fellow SFT'ers!

August is here, and for many that may mean the winding down of summer and the start of school again soon. To help give you some motivation for the coming change, this month we will be having a voting competition.

At the end of the month, I will total up votes from the staff and the non-staff over the month.

If staff win, each staff member will receive their player head, 500k, some arcade vouchers, and a custom made token to commemorate the win.

If non-staff win, each non-staff member will receive their player head, 500k, some arcade vouchers, a custom made token to commemorate the win, and a weekend event where they get to dunk some staff in our dunk tank.

Happy voting!
All prizes delivered except for @Fractalion and @Emerald_Dragon69
Inactivity Board / Re: Extended leave
Jul 15, 2024, 10:46 PM
Hope everything goes well! I will put myself on your protections until you post here that you are back.
Hello SFT'ers!

Starting July 10th, we are having a voting blitz! This means that for the next 10 days, your votes will be tracked  and rewards given out based on how many votes you can get in!

100+ votes - Shulker of some goodies totalling more than 500k!
75+ votes - Shulker of some goodies totalling more than 250k
50+ votes - Shulker of some goodies totalling more than 100k
25+ votes - A bundle of some goodies totalling more than 10k

Make sure to head to our voting sites and set a timer! And, remember which sites you can vote more than once in 24hrs ;D
Hello friends!

Join me this weekend on Friday, July 5th at 7pm CDT for an hour long session of Build Contest! Using the Build Contest arena, a genre will be given to you at the start of the hour to build a representation of said genre. All supplies will be provided! Teaming is allowed, but the prize will be split amongst team members.

First place - 500k
Second place - 150k
Third place - a nice hug
Quote from: Mazeworker on May 15, 2024, 02:53 AMSo how many sponges were found?

Mazeworker was the only person to find any of the sponges, and he found all 3! Congrats Maze.
Are you looking for an easy 150k? Are you good at finding lost sponges? Well then, take some time over the next few days to look around the spawns of /w1, /w2, and /w3 to find my missing sponges. This is a play-at-your-own-pace scavenger hunt where as you find the sponge you will take a screenshot and send to me either through forum or discord dm.

The sponges will be released at midnight tonight, GMT+/-0 and be up until Saturday, May 11th at midnight GMT+/-0. Send me pictures of the missing sponges by then to receive your prize! Max 150k, multiple winners allowed.
Quote from: wolfey136 on May 03, 2024, 02:21 PMNot sure if anyone will remember me but I joined way back in 2011/2012 and played for a few years. I still remember searching for a Minecraft server to play on and SFT was the first and only one I ever played. Basically played my entire middle school and early high school days. I miss those times. It's crazy how fast time goes by.

This name rings a bell a little! You would have been pretty well established by the time I came along (2013), which is why I think I remember it. Glad to hear from you again, hope to see you online sometime soon!
Please join me Friday, March 29th at 10am CDT for a few rounds of Pyrofishing! Awards given both by the Pyrofishing plugin and myself in the form of Arcade Vouchers, Crab Claws, Crab Shells, and more!

See you there!
Things left at everyone's /home or private warps.