Jul 27, 2024, 10:22 AM


Proudly established in 2010, still going!

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Messages - Trojan

Odyssey: New MC RPG Server coming, Sneak Peek pre-release, more details, Your Help Wanted

Hello everyone, I come humbly before you to show progress on our new server and see if there are any new people on SFT who would like to help with the creation of Odyssey, an RPG-based server that you may remember we tentatively announced last year but hasn't been given an update really since then.

SFT Vanilla RPG
Odyssey is Spigot-plugin powered, which means it does not need mods in order to play. Through the use of plugins and vanilla features, we will be aiming* to implement new elements into Minecraft, core to the gameplay of Odyssey:

:grassydirt: New Worlds, unlike the vanilla Overworld, that you can explore, quest, and build in
:chest: Dungeons: Story-set and procedurally generated dungeons you can play by yourself or with friends, with unique loot, scaled difficulty and new enemies.
:diamondsword: Character Classes: Multiple types of new character classes, like warriors, mages, rogues and archers that offer new play types based off of attributes and class-specific skills. Whether you want to take on enemies with heavier attacks and defense, damage and restoration magic, or nimble feet and a bow from afar, you have the choice to choose your player class and playstyle. Plus, custom items that do different kinds of damage, give stat bonuses, or are exclusive to classes.
:book: Quests: Odyssey will make full use of questing from interactable NPCs and side quests to offer objectives involving exploration, fighting, scavving, crafting and more to not only offer rewards, but also new and useful tools, weapons, skills, and player level progression.
:creeper: New and More Challenging Enemies: New types of enemies, from hogs and barbarian hordes to new story-centered cultists with scaled and unique stats, along with new models that don't require a resource pack.
:woodendoor: Player Pathways: Player pathways will also open up, combining quests, jobs, MCMMO, adventure, dungeons, and the economy to progress towards new planets to explore, new dungeons to raid, and new ranks to obtain.
:potato: Player Jobs and New Economy: Odyssey will integrate new jobs, such as farming, hunting, and foresting in order to generate money for players. In addition, quests, dungeons, and killing enemies will come with money bonuses. While there won't be an EMP or plugins like Pyrofishing, players can make money through player shops or a server-run shop which adjusts with the economy.
:steve: New Player Guilds and Wars: Odyssey will have player-run guilds, which can operate as trades guilds or factions. In the second player world, there will be more robust underground resources and opportunities, but the lawless nature of the world will also mean guild and PVP fighting. Additionally, our aim is to allow player to self-claim territory and build towns with automatic slot purchase.
:diamondblock: Seasonal release of new content gradually added to streamline running the server and continuously add new challenges for players - as well as special occasion unique events for solo players and teams.
:sign: Re-designing Survival, or at least elements of the classic gamemode, so the progression is updated and fits the server better. Things like enchanting, trading, mining, and hunting will all be different from vanilla survival for a newer, more dynamic, and more challenging experience.
:mobspawner: Other plugins and features, such as a return of MobArena with custom enemies, minigames different from survival, new SlimeFun add-ons with magic and tech, and (possibly) more

There's some specific story and world-building elements I'll keep concealed for now so it can be explored for the first time when it launches, but hopefully the feature set is exciting enough  ;)

Help Wanted and Progress Shots
However, due to the size and scope of these ambitions it means that the more help we can acquire, the better. And not just the better, but is necessary for us to have key and background contributors to help flesh out the development path with ideas, designing, building, and playtesting.

Since its announcement, a lot of important work has been done-but unfortunately development went on pause while I was on extended hiatus. However, now that I'm back I'm happy to keep working on it and resume development. Here's some of the progress that's been made on the server:

-If photos don't load, try imgur: https://imgur.com/a/8WVj6Sv

Photos of the main world, taken without shaders or a resource pack. The world has dozens upon dozens of unique biomes, and a refined color palette made by us for the server for a new look to a unique world.

Photos of one of the adventure worlds, along with the biggest volcano (render distance will be higher)

Procedurally generated rooms for use in dungeons

SlimeTinker, an implementation of Tinker's Construct mod using materials and smelteries from Tinker's through Slimefun in vanilla, one of the addons we'll have. And a GUI showing jobs you can take on to earn money. You can take on multiple jobs at once and as you level up and the jobs are harder, you'll earn more.

A randomly generated custom weapon, such as one you'd find in a dungeon (except maybe let's hope not a hoe)

The separate RPG inventory, which holds your armor, weapons, buff items, backpack and pets + expandable inventory slots.

Illustrations of the planned enemy cultists courtesy ValVenus_ (thank you Val you're awesome), which will have varying experience, difficulty and different attacks.

That's all I have for now on the server progress that I was able to capture!

And now for the part where I get on my knees.

If you'd have interest in helping, whether casually, regularly or whatever the third option is, you'd be greatly appreciated. Due to the size we're open to anyone on SFT, whether you're new or a legend, to come and help contribute. It's needed and much appreciated.

There's several main needs for us:

  • People who can build dungeons and notable landmarks
  • People who have an interest in RPG development and design for the class sytem and quests, in order to balance the system and introduce ideas
  • Technical development with our plugins (no coding required)

If you're interested in helping, please DM me: @Trojan#9149

With all of this, we have a specific goal in mind: We want to release a sneak peek pre-release by next month, so we can gauge interest in the server before we invest the time in to completing it. What this means is that we'll have the server open to the public as a limited release, with several core hours of beginning gameplay for people to try out and give feedback on. We are not aiming to make all the content available immediately, just a spoonful of questing and exploration. The server, if feasible and well received will then get a full release later.

Thank you for your attention, and I hope you're excited about this server (and maybe want to help)! Leave an upvote  :)
Cluescrolls Re-release

Hello Survival players, today I have an exciting announcement to make: Cluescrolls have been completely revamped to be more fun, more rewarding, and more challenging! Every aspect from clues to rewards have been revamped and improved so there are more ways to get more and better loot.

New Features:

New Clues

Clues have been completely revamped to include new and fun challenges with added variety, with changes made for balancing. Clues that are impossible or hard on SFT have been removed or altered, and some new types of clues of varying difficulty have been added, including but not limited to:

  • Altered mob kill quotas
  • Fairer crafting and mining clues
  • New clues, like crafting tricky items, exploring, and voting
  • A mix of challenging and moderate legendary and special clues
  • Some joke-based clues, added for fun
  • New plugin-integrated clues planned for the future!

New Rewards

 :slimeball: All low quality rewards like the enchanted tools and horse armor, along with many inadequate prizes like ores have been removed from all tiers.

Common Cluescrolls: Common cluescrolls have been revamped to have better loot, including vote tokens, steve co crate keys, slimefun items, pyrofishing items, enchanted books, custom enchanted items (TBD soon), and more lucrative vanilla options. Each cluescroll gets you 3 rewards after you solve no more than seven low difficulty clues.

  • Hazmat Suit
  • Infinity & Flame Book
  • Pet spawn eggs
  • Prismarine Crystals

Special Cluescrolls: Special cluescrolls yield higher loot including better slimefun items, high tier enchanting books, rare items like crying obsidian and ghast tears, valuable custom enchanted items (details TBD soon), music disc vouchers, arcade vouchers, x6 vote tokens, zeta and entropy, a platinum lure, and a slim chance at an Elytra. Each scroll gives you three rewards for upwards of nine clues.

  • Platinum lure
  • Explosive tools
  • Large Backpack
  • Celestial Artifact
  • Fortune 3 Book
  • Channeling, Mending, Prot V, Silk Touch Books
  • x6 Vote Token
  • Music Disc Vouchers, for both classic C418 and 1.16+ Lena Raine discs
  • Elytra

Legendary Cluescrolls: Legendary cluescrolls have the most valuable items. Rewards include:

  • Pairs of celestial artifacts
  • Rare Crate Key
  • x12 vouchers
  • x15 vote tokens
  • Radiant Backpack
  • Turtle cap
  • Shulker Box
  • Heart of the Sea
  • High powered custom items (more details TBD) :)
  • A *rare* (2%) chance of getting a Nether Star

New Methods of Obtaining

You can now *buy* each tier of cluescroll using EMP instead of experience. The new system works as follows:

 :iron: Common cluescrolls cost 4,500 emp
 :gold: Special cluescrolls cost 35,000 emp
 :diamond: Legendary cluescrolls cost 100,000 emp

In addition, you can still buy mystery cluescrolls which have a chance to become any cluescroll for 12 initial exp levels (215 points). Each type of cluescroll has a weighted chance, so special has less than half the chance over common and legendary half of that.

Please note that buying cluescrolls now has a cooldown, so you can only buy one every three hours.

In addition, you can now obtain clue crystals from killing mobs! Ordinary spawner mobs including blazes, skeletons, zombies, and spiders do not drop them, but mobs like creepers, wither skeletons, strays, drowned, and piglins have a 1.5% chance to drop a crystal. These crystals, when redeemed, turn into a random tiered cluescroll (with higher odds than mystery cluescrolls purchased with EXP).

Those are our new changes for cluescrolls, and we have more planned and to be implemented in the very new future! If you have any feedback about these changes or questions about the new system, please leave them in a reply so we can improve them further :)
Here's a list of mods you can use on the forge or vanilla launchers with Fabric and Fabric API. If you have any you'd like to add, please feel free to modify this post but make any edits in a different text color.

Forge mods Fabric mods


Forge: Simply configure a profile and download the mods on the curseforge website directly to the launcher (Orange button). Mods compatible with Forge are red. You cannot install Forge mods for Fabric or vice versa.

Fabric: MAKE SURE YOU DOWNLOAD BOTH THE MODLOADER AND MOD API. The api and loader must be the correct versions to work together for the MC version you want to play. I'd recommend getting the most recent fabric modloader and api for your MC version, but that may not guarantee the game won't crash. Fabric modloader can be hard to configure with a lot of mods so they aren't incompatible. I have only run Fabric 1.17.1 with half of the included fabric mods, so it is not guaranteed to work. Be aware that it may take several launch attempts and guesswork to get working. 1.17.1 compatibility: I'd recommend 40.1 API and v0.11.6 since it worked for me with some of the following mods.
Once you download them, run the fabric modloader.exe application and install it. Then open %appdata% (Windows Start Search: %appdata% and enter) on your computer and go to .minecraft. Create a new folder called mods. Put the api .jar in there, along with all mod files you download.  [/b]

Only install mods from credible sources, like CurseForge. .jar files can be harmful to your PC. Some browsers will automatically block installs of .jars, so open the download menu after downloading and confirm you want to keep it if prompted.

WECUI-allows you to see worldedit selections with no limitation on size and helpful red barriers that are visible through blocks. Also allows a hotkey to deselect W/E selections on creative and see chunks on survival instantly. https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/worldeditcui-fabric
WECUI is also available for Forge, but isn't updated to 1.17. 1.18 version is underway. https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/worldeditcui-forge-edition-3

Beehive Tooltips - Shows you how many bees are in a hive! Useful, I know! https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/beehivetooltips/download/3524291

Just Enough Items - lists every item in the game in menus and shows you how to make them. https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/jei

Not Enough Resources - lists every item's obtaining method, from drops to helpful graphs that show you the best levels to mine for ores. https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/just-enough-resources-jer

Roughly Enough Items Fabric-compatible JEI. Requires Cloth Config and Architectury API. https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/roughly-enough-items

Jade - Provides tooltips that tell you what you're looking at. More helpfully, it can be programmed to tell you anything from pet owner names to mob health to redstone power levels to block placement coordinates and registry W/E states (you savvy managers you). Helpful for being staff sometimes, such as by checking coordinates. https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/jade/download/3468298

What The Hell Is That? - Alternative to JADE https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/wthit

OptiFine-This mod is simply useful because it improves in-game performance significantly and usually doubles frames. Also includes useful features like handheld torches, hotkey zooming and free in-game capes. https://optifine.net/adloadx?f=OptiFine_1.17.1_HD_U_H1.jar&x=9562

OptiFabric or OptiForge - For Fabric users, you must also add OptiFabric to make it run on Fabricloader. https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/optifabric/files

Phosphor, Sodium, Lithium
- Alternative to OptiFine. Improves performance slightly to OptiFine, doesn't include any of the cool features. Not compatible with OptiFine. May be more compatible with other Fabric mods. https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/phosphor https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/sodium https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/lithium

Useful Mouse Tweaks-adds useful in-inventory/crafting Quality-of-life mouse tweaks to make inventory management and crafting easier. https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/mouse-tweaks

Xaero's Minimap Fairplay addition - Provides helpful minimap in the corner of your display, configurable and togglable. Remember you must turn off entity radar, or you're breaking our rules.https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/xaeros-minimap-fair-play-edition

JourneyMap for Forge Forge minimap. Remember you must turn off caves and entity radar, or you're breaking our rules. https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/journeymap/files

AppleSkin - Includes useful food saturation info to the hunger bar and shows you the hunger and health gained from eating food you're holding. https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/appleskin

Toast Control - Allows you to disable or reconfigure toasts (those obnoxious top-right bumpers that show up for recipes, tutorial, etc.) https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/toast-control

Sound Physics Remastered - Improves MC sound generation for better reverb, caves, nether, etc. https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/sound-physics-remastered

ShulkerBoxTooltip - Allows you to view shulker contents in inventory. https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/shulkerboxtooltip

TipTheScales - Allows for custom GUI scaling. https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/tipthescales/download/3620468

Pickup notifier - Notifies you in the corner when you pick up items. Requires two other mods. https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/pick-up-notifier-fabric

Visual Workbench - Allows items to stay in crafting benches and makes them visually render on the bench top. Also available for enchanting tables. Needs other mods. https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/visual-workbench-fabric

There's lots more mods you can install from CurseForge! Just remember that they have to be client-side only, and they must not be unfair or give an unfair advantage (if you have any doubts, ask an admin).

If you crash make sure you are using only compatible MC versions, modloader versions, and api versions. This may take some tampering, and I recommend using the most recent modloader and API for an MC version first. Then try removing mods one by one, starting with the most likely candidates to crash (minus optifine/fabric/phosphor/lithium/sodium if you want to use them). Those mods are guaranteed to work, at least by themselves (optfine does not work with phosphor, lithium, and sodium or vice versa).

Happy modding!  ;)
Congrats Atomic, I'm beeping you whenever I have a question now.
Hello! On behalf of the SFT Staff Team, it's my pleasure to announce ourselves as your new Community Ambassadors!

As Community Ambassadors, we are the team charged with communicating between the staff team and Survival players. This means we'll update you on important decisions being made, and we will ask for your input on important issues facing Survival.

This also means that if you have suggestions or feedback for Survival, you should leave those ideas in the appropriate places. All players and staff get to see your feedback on Discord, but if you want to draw more attention to a topic without it disappearing behind other feedback we recommend you make a poll here. Please keep in mind this board is where recommendations should go.

Also, if you have any suggestions or questions please feel free to reach out to us directly as well. We're always open to hearing your voice! :) We also ask you take your concerns to us, where we will forward them to the staff team as a whole rather than messaging Towelie so as not to overwhelm him.

Some tips for leaving suggestions here:
:snowball: Be clear on what you're suggesting and provide enough details. If we don't understand the issue or know what needs to be resolved, we can't help you as easily. Explaining why this change is beneficial is also important to helping us understand.
:book: Please be constructive. It doesn't help to attack decisions the staff team makes or be negative towards us or other players. Stating why you think a change should be made is the more helpful feedback we want.
:egg: If you want players to vote, make your topic a poll so they can do so.
:fish: Be succinct and on topic so we can understand the issue better and also so more people will want to read it. ;)
 :leather: Post your suggestion/poll and link it in discord survival-feedback for maximum effect!

Thank you for your time. If you'd like to reach us on discord, here is our contact list:

Nic W.#7772

If you have a have a suggestion for survival or feedback in general you would like to make, there's three places you can leave it:

:slimeball: On our Discord, in the survival feedback channel. This channel will be widely seen by staff and players.
:goldenapple:  On the Survival Feedback sub-board, located under Community Support. Here you can leave a longer post and ask players for opinions through polls, something you should also consider so it won't be buried. You're definitely free to leave a suggestion/poll and link it in survival-feedback!
:cake:  DM one of your community ambassadors on Discord. We're more tham happy to listen to your concerns if you want to reach us personally, and we'll forward your concerns to the staff team. If you need our contact info, please check the Staff Contact list on this board.

Please do not post to this board, or your topic will be moved to Suggestions.
Also, please avoid dmming Tow directly, as we as Ambassadors take your suggestions to the entire team including Tow.

Thank you! :)
Forum Games / Re: Last poster wins!
Jan 29, 2022, 10:51 AM
You will not win pulsenub
Quote from: NotChocobo654321 on Jan 28, 2022, 11:54 PMThis is just me personally yet heres what i have to say
-Some kind of benefit other then two extra hearts for staying at the comfort temp (Like maybe speed, or some other effect)
-Some more leather based armor for when new people join the server so if the server happens to be in winter they won't have to worry about getting to cold incase the helmet isn't enough.

Chocs idea of leather armor when you spawn for the winter is really smart. Giving it unbreaking 1 would also be a good idea.

Quote from: Kakota on Jan 29, 2022, 02:09 AM-Reduce summerheat and raise winter temps. Even if their own biomes.

-Changing the color palette wouldn't hurt.

If I think of more I'll add.

-Hot/cold biomes could def use an adjustment. Cold biomes are cold enough you'll lose hunger quickly, get frozen in the rain, dunking into water or even inside. Leather armor isn't really enough to get past ~0 even in the best circumstances. Rain and snow is also a biggie, and if the commonality/duration of storms can't change it should be +10 in cold biomes and while I don't often find myself in hot biomes or in fire I'm sure it's similar during summertime so they should be -10.

-Different colors would also be nice for things like browner/duller grass in fall and brown/gray in winter. Leaves should all be brown/red/orange in biomes.
-Additional issues with animal farms not able to exist without getting killed off or greatly reduced
-Some biomes could use a cold a cold weather adjustment, as it is hard ti stay warm even with leather armor and mob spawns are a tad high.
Hello Survival Players,

The manager/admin team has decided in order to address potential lag on survival, there will be a new rule regarding hopper usage:

Where hoppers are used for transport of items between places and into containers such as chests and furnaces, they MUST covered with chests
. Why? Because covering a hopper actually improves the performance of hoppers in Minecraft.

Currently, hopper usage is potentially causing unwanted lag that will become a bigger issue as more hoppers are placed. So we're using this rule as an easy way to help mitigate lag from hoppers. If you're not familiar with the rules, you're allowed up to 100 hoppers in one area-that rule has not changed. But if you are found with uncovered hoppers that belong to you, you'll now be asked by survival staff to cover them with chests.

If this issue isn't addressed adequately, there may unfortunately need to be further action taken by nerfing hoppers so they'll generate less lag (which will make them worse)-so please, cover your hoppers!

Thank you for your time and your effort towards making survival more enjoyable.  :)
SFT Modded / Re: Server Idea
Jan 04, 2022, 05:08 PM
Quote from: jasper_Fritz on Jan 03, 2022, 06:30 AM
Quote from: Trojan on Apr 15, 2021, 08:36 AMDungeonDQ, Doomlike Dungeons, Roguelike Dungeons or other: These mods add random and differently sized dungeons to the game which, depending on the mod you use, have different things to offer including different mobs, spawners, loot, and places to explore. Fun for people that run into them, and probably a challenge to conquer and pillage.
Recurrent Complex: RC allows *hundreds* of different user-submitted buildings to spawn in every variety of fashion from temples to houses to ships to dungeons-a lot of these are pretty ridiculous and it is a controversial mod, but all of the sillier and less fittings builds can just be turned off.
Another mod which adds dungeons, temples, and places to explore?
Infernal Mobs: Allows mobs to spawn with all sorts of different conditions, buffs, and nerfs which make mobs more varied and harder to kill. This zombie might have more health, this skeleton revives itself a second time, this creeper is charged and this spider is a lengendary boss! Any mods which add more mobs or bosses will also get these effects!
Mo Creatures?: Mo Creature adds around forty different new mobs you can tame, such as lions, elephants, so on and so forth. People who faint over animals might get a kick out of this, though it might not be important enough.
(Tier 2 Mods)
Tinkers' Construct: Another amazing classic mod, TC allows you to make an incredible amount of powerful tools and weapons. TC allows you to create almighty things like the Shickaxe, an all-in-one tool, and use new and unheard-of tiers of gear with different qualities to them. A great mod for becoming more powerful, secure, efficient, and fearful-TC allows another route of exploration and time spent at the workbench building up that blood-enchanted shuriken.
Minefactory Reloaded: There are a lot of tech mods out there that excel at adding new ways to be efficient and get your tech on. But, MCR is short and sweet to the point: With MCR you can automate your smelting operations, your farm, and even your mining! Plus, it adds unique and sophisticated efficient logic to redstone which can now crawl up walls and be wired to go multiple places through one-block channels. Plus, it adds cool and useful items like the safari-gun which can be used to capture mobs, the omniscient spyglass, or the awesome-sounding needlegun, SPAMR launcher and potato cannon.
Thermal Dynamics: TD adds one large, notable benefit: item and fluid transport. You can move items and liquids through different pipes to anywhere you want, and it uses the same power as MCR.
Project Red?: PR is the successor to the popular RedPower, which adds a ton of new redstone capabilties, likewise to MCR. Actually, MCR incorporated RP's additions after RP ended development. Alas, PR allows for even more! redstone and advanced logic within just one block. Redstonephiles will love this mod. It also has its own itemducts, potentially eliminating the needs for TD. It's just if whether or not this is a more needed or worthy addition, or needed in conjunction.
Applied Energistics?: A great time-consuming mod, AE allows you to create deep storage systems that in conjunction with mods like MCR and TD allow for a nice and orderly system where you can request any item you possess within your system at any access point-even remotely if you get that capability. I don't know if this is justified for such a light modpack, though.
If you have any other great tech suggestions, I would love to hear them!

these are some top tier mod ideas, nice. Beachcraft or something was pretty neat as well and small and prob what youre looking for (was in bteam)

Thanks for the reply, if they were considering it at all
General Announcements / Re: Bedwars release!
Jul 17, 2021, 07:27 PM
Awesome! Thanks Atomix for all the hard work  :) It's been fun and I hope everyone will enjoy it!
I have had a few ideas before, these include:

Terraria and/or Starbound would be fun
I like the space exploration/factory game ideas
There is another game called StarMade which is pretty cool, it's like Minecraft but with spaceships. It's been quite some time since I've played it and I don't know how it's developed but it's pretty cool.
Something like CSGO would be fun.
Or that lite modded pack I suggested; something that has very minimal expansion and hobbies/logisitics for added adventure, tech, magic, combat, etc.
(Ceddy actually responded to this one, forgot his response but I already put it here so I'll include it anyway)
I'm not going to lie, a server by the name of "Hardcore" seems adequate to me. Call me lame, but I think something a little bit too out there is just too odd unless you're really trying to hype it.

Throwback Survival (blalp's suggestion)
Revved up/Revved/Revved Survival
Full Throttle
Extreme Survival
Nuclear Survival/Nuclear Mode
Rage/Rage Survival
Raid/Raid Survival
No Honor (ok, I'm sorry, really cheesy take on "For Honor" but I couldn't help it)
Dystopia/Dystopian Survival
Quote from: Towelie on Apr 28, 2021, 02:44 PMSo I have seen it mentioned before that people are adverse to change and resets and they would like a permanent world that is never reset.
Well, honestly I don't think something like that is possible and whoever promises you that is either lying or wrong.
Mojang changes world structure several times, including complete format changes so there is absolutely no way to say for sure that a world from this version will work in version let's say 2.12 or even 1.18 (minecraft just is volatile like that).
Something you are understanding is: Survival dies without resets, you don't do resets, yeah sure people will be happy but the server will be in pain because of lack of players.

TL;DR and this is something NOT ALL SERVER ADMINS UNDERSTAND: The best for the server is not necesarly the same thing to what the players want, it's actually some times the complete opposite.
Quote from: Kakota on Apr 28, 2021, 05:30 PMWhile I'm not sure how direct this is, to what is being asked. World resets do help majorly in SFT - it allows players to build new and improved buildings, get rid of "inactive builds" that have been abandoned(but can have an active owner/player), and allows us to keep up to date on new MC releases and keep SFT up to par with newly added items and worlds! :)

Quote from: Towelie on Apr 28, 2021, 02:42 PMTL;DR Without adding any worlds, how could we improve our current world layout?

Without world resets, I am not sure how this is possible at its best experience. Only suggestion is reseting SW, nether, and theend...SW could have some resources w1/w2 does not, but longrun I am not too sure myself...I personally agree with Autpek as well.

Yeah I agree with Kak, Aut, and Cr. Would I be possible to have every biome (or not every, but like a snow, mixed forest, dark, mesa, etc) in both worlds combined?

Also I like the portal area idea, lots of new players seem to not know about /servers and are interested in things like creative, pixelmon, skyblock, or modded.

Otherwise my only other idea that stands is one world has a low dungeon count (or at least no villages, since villagers are disabled) in order to have more build room.
Quote from: Towelie on Apr 28, 2021, 02:42 PMOur current world schema is:
world1: 4000 border (in worldborder, i am not sure what that means in vanilla mc but its prob 8000x8000)
world2: 3500 border
world3: event world, irrelevant, it's as big as it needs to be
scavengeworld: small but irrelevant as it gets reset often
nether, end - irrelevant, only specify if you feel either hte end or nether need to be removed from the server.

Now I cannot increase world sizes more than that for various reasons, from disk usage to backup logistics nightmares, but I had a few questions and this goes to the players but also to those who are experienced in running MC servers.

Currently world1 and world2 are both building worlds and reset by rotation whenever needed (either when there are new features that we need to reset world to have or when we run out of space).
But I was thinking... is this order good? Got any better ones in mind?

TL;DR Without adding any worlds, how could we improve our current world layout?

I mean the alternative is a world where the seed is chosen to have biomes of every form (or most forms) for resources and the other world is for building and uses a seed with cool regen. Also, maybe disable dungeons like villages. The other option is equalize their size and make sure combined the seeds give each biome available.

Or just make it one big world. I assume you do it this way for the server though.
SFT Modded / Re: Server Idea
Apr 22, 2021, 08:44 PM
Quote from: Towelie on Apr 22, 2021, 02:12 PM
Quote from: TrojanKitty on Apr 15, 2021, 08:36 AMMy idea is to have a new server that is something pretty close to survival, but adds a few mods that improve several sides of survival: it adds new modes of exploration, be-it biomes or dungeons or what have you; possibly some new forms of mobs as a challenge for players to take on
Honestly I would love a "Modded Survival" with nothing drastic added but some "unofficial updates" with more mobs, biomes, etc.
It's kinda hard tho because with any modded server it's just impossible to keep the economy in check tho.

@xQuicScopex @ceddy24 @blalp FYI, I for one think this may be a good idea. A barebone modded server with just modds that add new content, but we should NOT sacrifice performance like mce/stoneblock, we should FOCUS on performance and if adding a mod kills that, don't add it.
I'd be willing to be involved in such a project if anyone else wants to drive it

Yeah, that was pretty much my idea. So lightweight a lot of computers could handle it, less upsetting to some players who don't want a lod of mods, but adds some new challenges/features/things to do.

Also OptiFine can be installed both serverside and clientside, I believe. When both have it it works the best.
SFT Modded / Re: Server Idea
Apr 22, 2021, 07:27 PM
Alright, cool. Thanks!

Also yeah, knew about Texkit, I didn't know if it was THAT lightweight or not. Thanks for replying
SFT Modded / Server Idea
Apr 15, 2021, 08:36 AM
Hi everybody,

After reading Tow's post on ideas regarding survival which you can read here, I had an interesting idea I thought might be attractive to some players(?)

We've obviously been observing a recent decrease in players. Tow proposed in the above thread that maybe some players would like a return to simpler MC, although I personally believe that add-ons like slimefun and pyro are more enjoyed by people than less-and they also add a hobby and something to do for people that like doing more on SFT than simple vanilla-whether it's mine or fish for achievements and money you can use to buy more loot, or pursue cool items in slimefun. Tow recently announced he wants to make a hardcore-lite/pseudo-anarchy server (here) and this server has some simplifications made to it (no slimefun, vehicles, or mcmmo, for example) which I think simplify the game for people looking for that, as well as combine it into pseudo-anarchy or hardcore-lite.

Instead, what if we make things a little more complicated?

What if players, both the curious and the old, looking for something to do, wanted a little bit more fun?

We already have two wonderful modded servers (well, one is on the way), but these servers (at least MCE does, with several hundred) have a great quantity of mods which make the game less accessible to people with potato computers, or who would have trouble playing it for other reasons like the TPS. My idea is to have a new server that is something pretty close to survival, but adds a few mods that improve several sides of survival: it adds new modes of exploration, be-it biomes or dungeons or what have you; possibly some new forms of mobs as a challenge for players to take on; logistics and tech mods which allow you to explore more creativity and ingenuity AS WELL AS improve your redstone, smelting, farming, etc. operations; and other mods which aim to pique user interest and give them something to do-all while being lightweight and very select in number. This means that the modpack might offer a little tech, a little adventure, a little magic, a little combat-but it will still be simple enough that vanilla users might want to try it out and can without having a computer with a decent CPU and a good amount of RAM. Hear me out:

The server would likely include only the basics (as I said). What that is exactly, I do not know. But anyone is free to add their suggestions below. As I said, this mod would aim to give players more things to do, as well as improve their lives and let them do more at the end of the game so you would have more things to try and play! Likely, as an incentive to survival players who would want to try it, the server would have two things:

a)The server runs OptiFine at the server-level and would be encouraged at the client-level (assuming this is possible), as OptiFine greatly increases FPS and allows for more performance-enhancing options without sacrificing a lot or any MC quality
b)Players on survival either have their empbucks SYNCED with this new server (if that is possible) or their current empbucks level is reflected into the economy added into this server (assuming there is one). This would allow veteran players with at least a decent amount of money to get started which might make it easier and incentivize them to start playing on the modded server.
c) also maybe anything else to make it more interesting or attractive to get players to try it without feeling like they went from being in such a high position to such a low one-including a getting started kit which gives you intro leeway into each mod.

More importantly, though, are the mods. In addition to the same plugins, including pyromining and pyrofishing to make money, and other plugins like vehicles and mcmmo, there would be a new short modlist to enjoy. I did some digging from my old modded days and found some mods which might be interesting to add, and encompass all sorts of different areas and fields while adding things for the players to do and enjoy their experience.

Biomes o Plenty: BOP adds fifty new biomes with unique generation and appeal. It also adds tons of flowers, trees, and other natural blocks which can be used for decoration. Not all biomes would need to be enabled, either: the less popular ones could be disabled allowing for a selection of new biomes to explore or build in while keeping more room for vanilla ones.
DungeonDQ, Doomlike Dungeons, Roguelike Dungeons or other: These mods add random and differently sized dungeons to the game which, depending on the mod you use, have different things to offer including different mobs, spawners, loot, and places to explore. Fun for people that run into them, and probably a challenge to conquer and pillage.
Recurrent Complex: RC allows *hundreds* of different user-submitted buildings to spawn in every variety of fashion from temples to houses to ships to dungeons-a lot of these are pretty ridiculous and it is a controversial mod, but all of the sillier and less fittings builds can just be turned off.
Another mod which adds dungeons, temples, and places to explore?
Infernal Mobs: Allows mobs to spawn with all sorts of different conditions, buffs, and nerfs which make mobs more varied and harder to kill. This zombie might have more health, this skeleton revives itself a second time, this creeper is charged and this spider is a lengendary boss! Any mods which add more mobs or bosses will also get these effects!
Mo Creatures?: Mo Creature adds around forty different new mobs you can tame, such as lions, elephants, so on and so forth. People who faint over animals might get a kick out of this, though it might not be important enough.
Suggestions for mods which add unique mobs and bosses would be appreciated.
Thaumcraft: Thaumcraft is a storied and expansive magic mod which allows for lots of sophisticated and powerful magic. People who take up thaum have a lot of time to decide how they want to branch out their magic skills and what they want to deploy-great hobby interest.
Witchery?: The Witchery mod allows people to become witches and employ lots of different powerful witch-like novelties such as potions, flying brooms, spells, and more. It is a powerful and interesting mod, and adds another great magic option-I just don't know if it is too much to add as well.
Tinkers' Construct: Another amazing classic mod, TC allows you to make an incredible amount of powerful tools and weapons. TC allows you to create almighty things like the Shickaxe, an all-in-one tool, and use new and unheard-of tiers of gear with different qualities to them. A great mod for becoming more powerful, secure, efficient, and fearful-TC allows another route of exploration and time spent at the workbench building up that blood-enchanted shuriken.
Minefactory Reloaded: There are a lot of tech mods out there that excel at adding new ways to be efficient and get your tech on. But, MCR is short and sweet to the point: With MCR you can automate your smelting operations, your farm, and even your mining! Plus, it adds unique and sophisticated efficient logic to redstone which can now crawl up walls and be wired to go multiple places through one-block channels. Plus, it adds cool and useful items like the safari-gun which can be used to capture mobs, the omniscient spyglass, or the awesome-sounding needlegun, SPAMR launcher and potato cannon.
Thermal Dynamics: TD adds one large, notable benefit: item and fluid transport. You can move items and liquids through different pipes to anywhere you want, and it uses the same power as MCR.
Project Red?: PR is the successor to the popular RedPower, which adds a ton of new redstone capabilties, likewise to MCR. Actually, MCR incorporated RP's additions after RP ended development. Alas, PR allows for even more! redstone and advanced logic within just one block. Redstonephiles will love this mod. It also has its own itemducts, potentially eliminating the needs for TD. It's just if whether or not this is a more needed or worthy addition, or needed in conjunction.
Applied Energistics?: A great time-consuming mod, AE allows you to create deep storage systems that in conjunction with mods like MCR and TD allow for a nice and orderly system where you can request any item you possess within your system at any access point-even remotely if you get that capability. I don't know if this is justified for such a light modpack, though.
If you have any other great tech suggestions, I would love to hear them!

That's all I have for mods. Remember, the idea here is to have a very lightweight pack which is more accessible and fashioned into a server in such a way it is enticing to any player who wants to give it a shot; from new players to veteran players who want more things to do! Anyone is invited (please) to suggest mods to add (modded experts especially). Notice, my idea here is to have something of magic, tech/logistics, exploration, and combat in here in order to have a taste of each-and mods which will allow players to explore that mod and find new goals and items to strive for in each.

What do you think of this idea? Would you like to see it happen? Are there any other suggestions you would have?

Other notes:
-Server would probably be on normal, due to the presence of IE and to make it consistent with survival.
-Likely there would be no EMP store, or if there is, it would only sell (and not buy) as resources in this world would be increasingly easier to get thanks to the leveling-up and progression in the mods. However, my idea for EMPbucks still stands; your survival balance passes into your modded balance in order to make it easier to get started (and you also get a kit).
-Goal here is to require less RAM and CPU strength than larger modpacks do-so it has to be as simple as possible.
-I would assume protections would be self-serve unless staff exist.
-Most heavy or "cool"  8)  mods are on 1.12.2-this means no new nether, bees, coral, or pillagers. Personally, I find this acceptable. It would also mean that they would likely require their own end and nether, assuming they are added-I can't personally see a huge need for the end at least.

These suggestions correlate to my personal suggestions for the hardcore-lite server, which I will post sometime later and update this post with the link to it so you can read both if you want.

Quote from: Kaninka on Apr 14, 2021, 03:10 PMWell it depends on what people mean with simpler times..

We once had a complete Vanilla Minecraft server.. but once you have done the big milestones, people slowly stopped playing Vanilla and returned to Survival.
Any game that doesn't add new things slowly becomes stagnate and people lose their reason to play :)

Survival certainly got a lot of plugins, the most popular are most likely Slimefun, Pyrofishing and Pyromining.
Is it too many? Maybe, but if you start removing them, then the reason becomes too few things, it is after all hard to satisfy everyone.

A possible solution, would be that you could do something like /pyromining off or /pyrofishing off. So you could basically go mining/fishing and you just don't get the items from them.
They would still exist for the people that want them, but they could be turned off for the people that feels forced to use them :)
Unsure if it is even possible to make the plugins do that, but it is a compromise in a way :)  :zombie:

This is a good idea, I like it in that you can turn off plugins you don't want to collect items for.

Also the idea of having stuff you can come back to is a good point. Adding plugins like pyrofishing, pyromining, and slimefun do add new stuff but to be fair it is supplementary-as in it makes it easier to play and make empbucks which in turn allow you to do more survival stuff (buy beacons, quartz, shulkers, build bases etc). But they don't really inherently add a lot except as a hobby. With the other additions to the game I think you have some other fun items (cars, cosmetics).

I think survival add-ons should stay for those reasons: experienced players depend/center around them, and most of them just add fun or stuff to do to keep playing.
The hardcore server you are adding, in my opinion, should probably remove plugins like slimefun, vehicles, and mcmmo-not just to make the game harder, but also more vanilla for people who want that.
Quote from: NotChocobo654321 on Mar 13, 2021, 02:03 PM
Quote from: BluetigerESW on Mar 12, 2021, 05:26 AM
Quote from: QT_runa on Mar 12, 2021, 05:21 AMteam fortress server?? or left for dead server??
If they've still got a playerbase yeah that's possible, TF2 is free and everyone has L4D.

From what I know on the tf2 side, even though there is an overwhelming bot crises going on people are still playing tf2 regardless (Also I believe tow tried setting up a server for tf2 yet idk what happened with it)

It was turned off

Quote from: badbrad01 on Mar 14, 2021, 08:13 PM
Quote from: Minecraftmeme11 on Mar 14, 2021, 06:51 AM
Quote from: BluetigerESW on Mar 11, 2021, 11:06 PM
Quote from: Minecraftmeme11 on Mar 11, 2021, 04:20 PMSomething that shot to the top of my mind: CSGO, also known as Counter Strike, Global Offensive.
Quite well known game where you can host your own servers.
What kind of server do you mean and are cs servers popular still?

From what I have seen/heard, CSGO seems just as popular. What I think happens with the non-minecraft servers is that they don't seem to get the acceptance from the players as much. However, I think CSGO is a more versatile game, and has a big popular name, like Minecraft. I believe many will be interested, like Palker, and that it could succeed.

Edit: Other people have also suggested interested in this!

Thing is people get bored quickly on cs:go and just leave it wouldnt last 2 weeks

CSGO is popular but unless you like the game it would probably get boring-unless you had a lot of new players entering it.
Quote from: Towelie on Mar 15, 2021, 09:25 AMI am going to start working, this week, on a new server. It's a vanilla Minecraft server, called Survival Lite Hardcore.
Here's how it's going to be different from Survival and other servers:

- This server will be whitelisted, and you will have to apply
- The server will have a single world, but considerably larger than Survival worlds
- This server will be as close to vanilla as possible. Meaning no economy, no fun plugins (Eg: Vehicles, pyrofishing/mining, mcmmo)
- This server will not have an economy
- This server will be in hardcore mode. Meaning if you die... well you die. And you won't be able to play any more for a while (To be determined, 2-12h). Oh and no health regen.
- This server will not have staff, instead survival staff will moderate the chat (seing as we will generally whitelist those who already are a familiar presence on SFT, this should be possible)
- This server will block dupes and glitches, but we will try to leave as much as possible to you (pistons, hoppers) with no limits, however if you create something that is lagging the server extremely, we may remove `
- This server will have TNT, creepers and all such stuff enabled
- Protections will be done by the players, there will be no staff to help with that
- The server will have a small max players to limit the lag (12-20 players at most)
- There will have to be some monetizing to cover hosting, but at a minimum.  It will be EULA compliant as we are, and we are still deciding on that aspect. Playing on the server will be free though, perhaps implement a priority queue system, TBD based on demand.
- This won't be for everyone. It is highly possible that you can work for weeks, build a base, gather all the loot then permanently die and lose everything and nobody's going to help you recover it.

This will be our implementation of Anarchy. We don't intend to punish griefing or looting.

I like the idea, I mentioned a hardcore server on Evan's suggestions post. I like the anarachy idea since you can still protect your buildings. However pvp toggle I think should remain on, and players should be able to go to sw for pvp-anarchy.
Another idea I would had is that you should use something like Population Scarcity, which does a few things. For one it means that you will get a few of each animal nearby so you don't have ridiculous scavenges like you do on regular survival (which you can circumvent in ours with eggs). Secondly, it stops hordes of mobs spawning in one consolidated space so you can't use grinders. Thirdly, it disallows warp set but enable warp posts every 300 blocks away.
Will fly still be enabled? Also, I think players should be able to fill in water and lava areas due to the fact it could be cumbersome otherwise. Are the nether and end independent or shared with surv?

Quote from: Towelie on Mar 15, 2021, 09:44 AM
Quote from: Nubbun on Mar 15, 2021, 09:35 AMWill pvp be enabled/will you be able to toggle it?
Honestly, haven't asked myself this question. full time on most likely.

The sw idea would make it less terrifying for those wanting hardcore but not pvp, but still allow free pvp :D

Quote from: MsDanteMoon on Mar 15, 2021, 05:31 PMSince it's supposed to be like anarchy will you allow hacked clients?

Hmmmmm xD
What about xraying Tow?
Quote from: TrojanKitty on Mar 12, 2021, 06:10 AMSome ideas:

Starbound-Starbound is a lot like Terraria but it is more sci-fi and based on different planets. It supports multiplayer on hosted and dedicated machines. The biggest issue, though, is I don't.know how many players it has.

CSGO-I did like this idea as CSGO is popular and free but constantly needs a lot of people.

Rust-Interesting idea, not going to lie. Similarly you could do ARK or The Forest although Rust would probably be the most popular. Might find attraction from those who like MC survival. It should be noted though these servers could have a good chance of bringing in new players as they are popular server options (or at least ARK is).

There are zombie games like DayZ you could host.

Games like Arma and Insurgency, good war/cs/fps games allow you to host servers I believe. However I still don't know how many players you would get. Likewise for a game like Killing Floor. Players would likely be new players, as with most of these options. Also, it sounds like with Call of Duty Warzone, which offers Battle Royale, can now be hosted on private machines. Activision was apparently thinking kf integrating this with Cold War, which offers modern prop hunt, but I don't know anything about this.

Hosting a Garry's Mod server is always a good catch I would think because people love TTT and prop hunt at the least and HL2 is an old and lightweight game.

Edit: saw TF2 and L4D. Forgot about them. Probably lighter since they are 2007/2008 and I like the games but idk about player base, at least TF2 has dipped the last few years.

I would say survival games have good potential, COD or Arma/Insurgency might be possible and do well, Terraria or Starbound are solid ideas if there are enough people looking to play, and GMod is always fairly solid but I would make sure you could compete with the networks that exist.

Also a good game I forgot to mention is you could host a GTA V Online server, since GTA is a popular game and is generally fun and has a long play-cycle if you are interested in it.

I know you weren't looking for MC servers, though one I have been thinking about is a "hardcore" or "challenge" server that has no emp shop, warp points (instead, fixed warps every 200 or 300 blocks), population scarcity plugin (no spawners, and mobs are spread about but there are a few of each where the player spawns), burning out torches, no steve co items (for ridiculous sharpness boosts), no mcMMO (for buffing), no slimefun (for op items), and no food eating boosts (the newer ones that will quickly regen health at full hunger). There might be other changes, like no fly, but autoshops/empbucks, pyro, and opt-in pvp stays. You can also still go /scavengeworld for anarchic pitfights and such. Protections and anti-griefing stay too, of course. I don't know what you think, but the increased survival-ness and hardcore-ness are nice changes that people might enjoy or want to play on. It isn't the same as MC hardcore in that you don't lose everything after you die, but I think that is a positive since it is really more of a challenge or stress than difficulty. Players who would like a closer to vanilla survival, and one that can't be manipulated (like mob scarcity) or cheated (full hunger) I think has an appeal. Imo you could do something like ine w2-sized mao and survival's sw.
Some ideas:

Starbound-Starbound is a lot like Terraria but it is more sci-fi and based on different planets. It supports multiplayer on hosted and dedicated machines. The biggest issue, though, is I don't.know how many players it has.

CSGO-I did like this idea as CSGO is popular and free but constantly needs a lot of people.

Rust-Interesting idea, not going to lie. Similarly you could do ARK or The Forest although Rust would probably be the most popular. Might find attraction from those who like MC survival. It should be noted though these servers could have a good chance of bringing in new players as they are popular server options (or at least ARK is).

There are zombie games like DayZ you could host.

Games like Arma and Insurgency, good war/cs/fps games allow you to host servers I believe. However I still don't know how many players you would get. Likewise for a game like Killing Floor. Players would likely be new players, as with most of these options. Also, it sounds like with Call of Duty Warzone, which offers Battle Royale, can now be hosted on private machines. Activision was apparently thinking kf integrating this with Cold War, which offers modern prop hunt, but I don't know anything about this.

Hosting a Garry's Mod server is always a good catch I would think because people love TTT and prop hunt at the least and HL2 is an old and lightweight game.

Edit: saw TF2 and L4D. Forgot about them. Probably lighter since they are 2007/2008 and I like the games but idk about player base, at least TF2 has dipped the last few years.

I would say survival games have good potential, COD or Arma/Insurgency might be possible and do well, Terraria or Starbound are solid ideas if there are enough people looking to play, and GMod is always fairly solid but I would make sure you could compete with the networks that exist.