Feb 06, 2025, 08:21 PM


Please vote for us daily!

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Topics - MobileHome18

Hey guys! Hope everyone is doing well!

For the month of February, Nicadean33 and I will be giving out some Arcade Vouchers and 10k EMP for every 10 votes casted! I know its the shortest month of the year, so don't start voting late! Start now! ;D

Happy voting! <3
Hey everyone! Want a chance to make some easy EMP? Come play some grass luck with Kakota and I! Top prize will be 1 Million EMP with other goodies as well!

/warp grassluck

Please come join Kakota and I and play some lucky grass on Saturday 1/11/25 at 10PM EST
Hey everyone,
This is MobileHome18.

As some of you new players don't know, I've been on this server with my cousin (Warthog7086) since May of 2012, Coming up to our 11 year anniversary together, I know we are both grateful to have SuperFunTime in our memories. With that, I have thousands of screenshots as I have been going through all hard drives. Wish I can show them all but that's a lot of effort. :/

I would like to share two screenshot for now though. One is the Old B-Team staff members. Copen, Ironman, Mrmoose, me, and a few others I can't think of off the top of my head. And the other picture is me and Towelie riding horses back in 2013, don't remember what we were doing lol. Just wanted to say thanks for the memories, as I have come back now and hope to reconnect with old friends, and make new ones. Thanks guys.

Please share some old screenshots you guys have as well! Would love to see!

The pocket-edition's world has now been reset. New features include a new spawn autoshop which is coming soon! Come check it out at games.superfuntime.org:19132!
     As of now, the [free] signs are NOT allowed on PE (they were never allowed in the first place). There was a permission screw up a few days back allowing players to use [Free] signs which allowed you to give yourself items for free. Our Manager+ team will be starting to open the EMP more often so you can use your EMP bucks to buy items. If you are caught having these free signs, they will be removed and you will be warned. If you have to be warned again, there will be further consequences. We are sorry for this issue and we will make sure it never happens again.

 -Mobile :minecart:
Hello Everyone!
     With a little amount of staff members that we have on PE, we are struggling to keep the server going at its full potential. This application allows us to bring in more players and notice more players who have the potential to be staff. Please DO NOT APPLY if you are not a regular player on PE. We are trying to look for players from PE.

     Applying for staff is in no way a guaranteed you will become staff. You have to go through a rigorous process among the Mod+ before you are approved. Do not message Admins asking how your application processing is going. Doing so will lower your chances of becoming staff. We will contact you.

Please only apply if you meet the following specifications:
 :grassydirt: Active player of Pocket-Edition (about 6 hours a week).
 :grassydirt: Have been playing on the server for at least a month.
 :grassydirt: No serious bans (ex: advertising).

Use the form below and reply on this thread.
Please put your answers AFTER [ /b]!

[b]Around how much time to you get a week?:[/b]
[b]Will you be able to make staff uptime?(about 6 hours a week):[/b]
[b]Have you been banned? If so, what for?:[/b]
[b]Why do you want to be staff/why do you think you're suitable for staff:[/b]

-Mobile :minecart:

Hello SuperFunTimers!
You guys wanna come to a big party? Well you can! Come on down to bteam.superfuntime.org and come be apart of B-Teams 1 year Anniversary Party! There will be a HUGE Drop Party Hosted by: Copen6199, MobileHome18, AMDMgames, ironman3000, Bade_Anthony and many more staff members! Don't miss it!
Click Here For Time Until Party
-Mobile  :minecart: