May 22, 2024, 12:10 AM


Proudly established in 2010, still going!

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Messages - BioPh33r

You do know that 1.8 Pixelmon has alot more in it than just the new 1.8 blocks right SuperJK
Hey guys im Bio or now AisuSuchiruBea my real name is Jeremy.

I enjoy playing pixelmon and im an amazing builder, but i work best solo since i dont have to cooperate with any and can build extremely fast.
i play games varying from FPS's mmo's to RTS

No question for the one above since there new
Coco has short maybe cropped brown hair roughly 5'6" in height around 190 pounds (American standard height and weight)
i got 10 gb currently allocated xD
General Announcements / Re: What is this?
Jan 08, 2016, 12:33 AM
I think its Pie... Something Delicious and cant wait to sink our teethes in
ive read alot up on 3.5.1 and alot of people claim it to be broken so fingers crossed to see if it works for us
Unless He means player made gyms Laxxy
Towlie wat type of BF4 server was it offical or ranked...

and if we had one now me and my BF friends would probably play therecause why not plus it would be sft :D

And if you guys decide to reopen a bf4 server for pc you guys dont have to have max players only a 32 player server on ranked have a 8 member staff team and seup plugins and anti-cheat stuffs
a possible Battlefield 4 Platoon(clan) and a possible 16-32 man server.
Responded! Towlie those last two survey responses were difficult, they even made me leave the room for coffee. At any rate i responded with the most reasonable responses i could muster.
Noted All supreme Towelie... but this seems like a Anti Bulling campain tho XD ill spread to word *Salutes*
Make Florida realistic with swamplands and especially the Everglades

Also Florida hardly see's snow and we have little to no mountains but we do have craters due to Sink holes and lots of trees
Kran kby posting and like i am were pretty much bumping this also. think bout it
ok towlie
Q: What's your name?
A: Jeremy (Surprised it wasnt actually Bio huh you freakin' nubbles >:3 ) my in game name is BioPh33r

Q: What's your age?
A: ----> ! 20 ! <-----

Q: What country are you from?
A: U.S. of frepping freaking F-word of america

Q: Favorite SFT server?
A: Pixelmon  duh

Q: What is your favorite thing to do on your favorite SFT server?
A: Build and excavate

Q: What are your hobbies?
A: In game Build excavate. In real life i ride racin bikes, mountain bikes, Bmx bikes, dirt bikes.

Q: What kind of music do you listen to?
A: Pop genre, Nightcore, and yea hell no to counrty it can go to a hole and burn >:3

Q: Do you own a console? If yes, what console?
A: Xbox, xbox360, Sega genesis, Sega saturn, Sega Dreamcast, PS1&2, Ds, DS lite, 3dsxl (zelda edition), Gamecube <ftw

Q: Do you have any pets?  What kind of?
A:  =^.^=

Q: Do you use Skype?
A: um..... YEA its My igm name

Q: Name the top three games you still play
A: Halo series preferably odst, Elder Scrolls series, BF3, Insurgency, SUPER SMASH BRO.S MELEE!!

Q: Is there anything else about yourself you would like to mention?
A: yea im textbook narcissistic bout the name Bio in generall, and im one of the best builders (if not best) on Pixelmon >:3 same with excavating
Quote from: onionboyzz on Oct 04, 2014, 02:35 PM
Kanto Pixelmon Server

Dpa said he always wanted one, but he didn't have the time or builders needed for a project like this.

Sent from TapaSwag

I would mind helping out a build like this and alot of players on pixelmon thinks im a very good builder on pixelmon
Towlie i'll be asking players to donate on the pixelmon server and as for me im sorry to say im broke and im having to rely on grants for my scholling or i would donate for supporter rank and autoshop perms. But ill spread the word .
Sorry to those guys whos all wet but in florida is dry and im going to be grillin burgers and fireing off the works
Rememinds me of the Imperial city from Elder Scroll Oblivion
Neat thanks for making that even better
Quote from: EeveeGurl on May 26, 2014, 06:00 PM
will we be able to bring all pokemon from across worlds like my eevee from w1 and back again to w2

Post Merge: May 26, 2014, 07:51 PM

can u pls just do it already though cuz im not playing until something happens
:heart: :fire: :heart: :mushroom: :mushroom: :furnace: :goldenapple: :goldenapple: :diamondaxe: :diamondhoe: :bone: 8) :grassydirt: :grassydirt: :heart: :sugarcanes: :snowball: :( :book: :egg: :painting: :ironblock: :lavabucket: :sheep: :redflower: 8)

One its impossible to migrate pokemon between the two world, Two you must wait for 1.7.2
Hey Towelie this seems cool i added the pack and +1'd the pack
Danggit i missed bash lol that fool is crazy XD... and kipper were the heck do you find the animal phto's... its kinda stange