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[B-Team] Apply for JMod!

Started by iLaxrv10, Oct 15, 2016, 03:08 PM

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Have you ever wanted to see yourself as a JMod? With this post, now you have a chance! If you think you fit the following requirements, then reply in the thread using the code below!


- 6 Hours of playtime weekly
- 70 Hours on our B-Team Server
- No major bans within the past 5 months
- If you have tons of uptime on another server and only have a little less than 70 on B-Team, that is okay too.

Please use the following format to apply:

[b]Why should we choose you?:[/b]
[b]Do you reach the requirements?:[/b]
[b]Do you try your best to help players?:[/b]
[b]How much time do you play SFT a week?:[/b]
[b]Have you been banned before? If so, what for?:[/b]
[b]Do you have skype? If not, are you able to get it?:[/b]

Thanks for applying! If you're accepted you'll receive a forum pm or Skype message from one of our staff members. Please do not comment back asking if you're being accepted or not, it lowers your chances of being accepted.
Ex-Pixelmon Manager
Ex-Survival, Lost Islands, Pocket Edition Elder
Ex-WildWest, B-Team, Factions, Prison Owner


Oct 15, 2016, 03:34 PM #1 Last Edit: Oct 15, 2016, 06:40 PM by iiTimmy
Why should we choose you?: Its your choice :)

Do you reach the requirements?: I think i would make a great addition to the B team staff after all i've applied before aswell

Do you try your best to help players? I always try to help a player in need or a player that is lost

How much time do you play SFT a week? I usually get in about 3-4 hours a day depending on my time

Have you been banned before? If so, what for?: I think I've been banned once the reason was my account got hacked on the server

Do you have skype? If not, are you able to get it?: Yes i do have Skype     skull.phantom1


Oct 15, 2016, 03:40 PM #2 Last Edit: Oct 16, 2016, 03:59 PM by SenpaiSasha
 Hello! Yes this is the one and only SenpoopSasha!!! *cough* weeaboo *cough* I mean what? Ok now to wanting to be JMod!!!

1.) Why would we choose you?

That is a very good question, I know for sure I wouldn't be number one choice, but I want JMod because Id honestly spen all my time on this server and do all I can to make it even better than it is. #MakeSFTGreatAgain

2.) Do I reach the requirements?

Yes I do, Ive never been banned once, of course I would have more than 6 hours a week, yes I'm over 70 I believe 77 or something? (I have no life)

3.) Do I try my best to help players?

Yes, when I can. When they ask for items I try my hardest to get it to them. I also helped my old friend , SharkBoyyy , build something but that might not be what you are looking for.

4.) How much do you play STF a week?

I try to get to atleast 6 hours, but the restart messed the server up a bit for me, it was a bit laggy

5.) Have you been banned before?


6.) Do you have skype?

Yup! sashadiaz71 no caps!



Why should we choose you?: I am currently staff on PE and play a lot of SFT, Always helping people even if I am not in game. I love the SFT Community and always play in it and will continue to play in it for a long time.   
Do you reach the requirements?: I don't have uptime on B-team because i joined when the reset was rumored, so I decided to wait to play, but since the reset just recently happened, I love playing B-team with friends and others. B-team is very fun to play, even when I just started!
Do you try your best to help players?: I am always helping players, even if I am not even on the server! I am staff on Pocket Edition and ex-staff on Pixelmon and am always helping. I enjoy helping newer players and the rest of the community. I am always active on forums looking for ways to help and give suggestions to players and others.
How much time do you play SFT a week?: I am always on SFT, if it's not PC, it's PE. If I happen to not be on, I am ALWAYS active on the forums and Discord.
Have you been banned before? If so, what for?: I have not
Do you have skype? If not, are you able to get it?: I do have Skype, I also have Discord and a forums account (obv)



Why should we choose you?: Even though I am still getting used to the server again (I took a long break but I used to play a lot) I do have a bit of past experience as being staff. I have been a moderator on two servers and for about 2-3 weeks I was a temporary admin on one server.
Do you reach the requirements?: I play as much as I can, haven't been banned, Have skype, and try to help as much as possible :D
Do you try your best to help players?: definitely when I can and I'm hoping to help out a lot more soon
How much time do you play SFT a week?: 15-30 hours :3
Have you been banned before? If so, what for?: On this server definitely not, and as far as I'm aware I dont remember being banned on any others
Do you have skype? If not, are you able to get it?: Yeppers :P its tinafaelilynna


Why should we choose you?: because i'm REALLY good at filling out these forms!!!
Do you reach the requirements?: probably not but i can supply steady streams of banter and can call people names unnecessarily :)
Do you try your best to help players?: if they got them sweet sweet EMP bills i am all theirs ;)
How much time do you play SFT a week?: I'm mainly here for the drama but love the challenge this place brings as i struggle to keep my self mentally stable because of it.
Have you been banned before? If so, what for?: Got banned on tekkit for asking a staff member if he had sexual relations with spen
Do you have skype? If not, are you able to get it?: Skype? you guys gotta join 2k16 this is the year of discord!! pff skype


Oct 15, 2016, 10:59 PM #6 Last Edit: Oct 18, 2016, 01:36 PM by Tysee
Why should we choose you?: I have been a avid player in the past and I am getting back into the swing of things after a long summer. I enjoy playing AOBT on Superfuntime. I am always willing to lend a helping hand whenever I am currently not busy. I feel that my ability to stay calm in tough situations would definetly help in this task.
Do you reach the requirements?: Yes
Do you try your best to help players?:I always attempt to go out of my way to help whenever possible and if I am not currently busy with another task.
How much time do you play SFT a week?: 6+ hours
Have you been banned before? If so, what for?: No
Do you have skype? If not, are you able to get it?: I have Discord and Skype. My Skype is bryoomgames


Why should we choose you?:

Because I love helping people, and I despise people breaking rules!!

Do you reach the requirements?:

I do with flying colors!!

Do you try your best to help players?:

I do! I love helping people with mod problems and projects, and helping people who are in need!

How much time do you play SFT a week?:

I play probably ~10-15 hours on the weekends.

Have you been banned before? If so, what for?:

I've never been banned before.

Do you have skype? If not, are you able to get it?:

I do! It's either Julian Heilmann or Julibob991. I prefer not to be called, I'm an awkward speaker, but skype chat works!


Why should we choose you?: I try to be as helpful as possible to the people around me, I've got tons of experience with mods and even B-Team as I used to play a lot. I've also got some experience staffing, having been a Manager on Lost. plus i love memes
Do you reach the requirements?:Yes, although my weekly uptime is on other servers (mainly Lost)
Do you try your best to help players?: Of course!
How much time do you play SFT a week?: 10+ hours, normally. School does get in the way sometimes, but I can manage that much.
Have you been banned before? If so, what for?: I haven't!
Do you have skype? If not, are you able to get it?: I do, and lax, you've got me already xd
SFT Lost Islands Engineer!


Oct 16, 2016, 03:14 PM #9 Last Edit: Oct 16, 2016, 03:27 PM by Darth_Noob
Why should we choose you?: Because I am a Mod on survival and a pocket jmod  and I live helping people quite alot.
Do you reach the requirements?: yeah, but not the uptime one, but i do have 28 hours on bteam and know quite alot.
Do you try your best to help players?:yep! Love it!
How much time do you play SFT a week?: Well, I have been inactive this week since I am still moving in, but I'll be playing next week alot! The average is 6 hours or more
Have you been banned before? If so, what for?: Nope, never been banned!
Do you have skype? If not, are you able to get it?:Yep, have skype!


why should we choose you? I'm staff on lost islands and are going to be very active on the newly fresh restarted bteam
do you reach the requirements? yes, not the uptime for bteam though, I have a ton of uptime on other sft servers though!
do you try your best to help other players? yes of course! That's one of the reasons why I've become staff on lost!
how much time do you play sft a week? 13-20 hours if I can, sometimes my Internet decides to hate me though
have you been banned before? If so, what for? I've been banned on other servers from killing someone in factions, and for accidentally using a claim plug in for a chest that I owned, but so far, not been banned on sft.
Do you have skype? of course!


Why should we choose you?:
Due to me having been staff on a Bteam server elsewhere (server closed), I have a major understanding of many aspects of the modpack, including more 'technical' aspects. I also know waaaay too much about some of those technical aspects (just ask StormEnder or CaykoMarie about that). I have already figured out most of the used plugins, and already know how to use or expand the use of these plugins.
Going for timezones, I would be an addition to the staff team during the 'early' hours, as my timezone is located in Europe (same as Zam's). There aren't many staff members on (if any at all) during those hours.

Do you reach the requirements?:
Currently at 75 hours and counting.

Do you try your best to help players?:
While I do try my best to help each player, I back off when there's already someone else (or more players) helping that specific player. Too many players trying to help someone only causes help spam, which gets confusing very quickly.

How much time do you play SFT a week?:
Depending on my schedule, I can usually get 8-10 hours in weekly. This may bump up to like 20 hours a week, depending on how much time off I got.

Have you been banned before? If so, what for?:
I've never been banned on SFT, and I'd like to keep it that way.

Do you have skype? If not, are you able to get it?:
While I do have skype, I much prefer Discord nowadays. Poking me on discord almost guarantees a quick response nowadays (Except while at work, you are paid to work, not paid to write messages to others). Due to reasons, I'd like to keep my Skype private for now, but you can always poke me on JaariAtmc on Discord.

On a related note, maybe it would be nice to let players know if their application is denied by forum pm. It wouldn't have to very specific or a very long post. Just let them know they weren't chosen for the job.


Oct 17, 2016, 01:50 AM #12 Last Edit: Oct 17, 2016, 04:10 AM by SubatomicSheep
Why should we choose you?: I've been staff on pixelmon and had resigned recently because of personal issues and those issues are resolved. :) I've been Jmod and event host.

Do you reach the requirements?: No not yet! But I will be playing bteam as much as I can. I have a lot of uptime on survival and pixelmon. Even a bit on lost.

Do you try your best to help players?: I've always tried to help players and make sure everything is going well for them so they stay on Sft

How much time do you play SFT a week? oh gosh I last week was lesser do to issues but i can get 40 plus a week. xD

Have you been banned before? If so, what for? Never O:

Do you have skype? If not, are you able to get it?:  yes I do have Skype :)

Bteam doesn't seem very guest friendly to me. I had joined, of course I'm a guest and the only people who seemed to help me were people from other Sft servers, not the other staff.


1) I am a God
2) Everyone loves me  :heart:
3) I ALWAYS get on with staff
4) No other decent candidates
5) I have the key to success



Why should we choose you?: I've been JMod on pocket, ex-Mod on wild west and a current Mod on survival, but putting all ranks aside, I really like to help SFT the most I can. I donate when I can, and try really hard to make SFT a better place. ^^
Do you reach the requirements?: I have about 1k-2k hours on survival. :)
Do you try your best to help players?: No doubt about that I go to extreme measures to make sure a player is satisfied just as long what the player requests abides with the rules.
How much time do you play SFT a week?: 30 hours max.
Have you been banned before? If so, what for?: I have not been banned before on b-team no.
Do you have skype? If not, are you able to get it?: Yeah I have skype!

 :redflower: :redflower::redflower::redflower::redflower::redflower::redflower::redflower::redflower::redflower:

:heart:You MUST learn to help yourself. Thats how you become stronger. :heart:


Why should we choose you?: I haven't ever been staff but I know help someone no matter what if it follows rules sometimes staff aren't on people do things and get away with it and when I deal with it people say don't matter you cant get me in trouble if they don't get disciplined then they continue on doing bad things and as a JMod I will enforce those rules when nobody else does ill enforce them if anyone is on all the time and let everyone enjoy and have fun on their b-team experience.

Do you reach the requirements?: yes I help out all the time and have fun while doing it.

Do you try your best to help players?: yes I help out whenever some needs it as long as it doesn't break the rules and provide the support they need.

How much time do you play SFT a week?: 14 hours a weekend cant play on school days unless it pro-D-day that current day or the day before after school.

Have you been banned before? if so what for? not on this server and I entend to keep it that way.

Do you have Skype? if not are you able to get it? No I can not get it but I hope it doesn't affect my chances please message me in-game or private message me for email



Oct 21, 2016, 10:29 PM #17 Last Edit: Oct 26, 2016, 07:59 PM by Djharper
*VOID* I edited this as I decided I would rather try out for something else as we have a huge amount of staff!


Why should we choose you?: Cause I have manager experience and have been mod on survival before
Do you reach the requirements?: not yet but that is an easy fix ;)
Do you try your best to help players?: all the time! plus I know most of the mods already (other then some small details)
How much time do you play SFT a week?: well since I was diagnosed epileptic im limited to like 1-2 hours a day so I can do at most 14 hours a week safely
Have you been banned before? If so, what for?: long time ago on survival but I forget why
Do you have skype? If not, are you able to get it?: I do and most people know it already xD


Hey there! Before I begin I would like to say I am not applying for JMod I am applying for Event Host as I asked Papa_Fish if there was a forum link and he suggested posting here and specifying this is for Event Host! So, I am going to do a JMod app and exchange JMod for Event Host <3. Lets get right into it!

Why should we choose you?: I think I would make a good event host as I try my hardest to do fun events. Recently I ran a "BBQ" Which was more of a party. During this I had around 10 players chilling in my base while I did magic stuff to cook until I did a "Puzzle" Where they did a maze, then they did a fun little PvP Tournament and finished with my base getting trashed xD. I enjoy helping players have a good time and I think it is currently hard for Event Hosts as we have only two and currently one is active so I would love to help out and do daily events when I am online (Due to parent's being split up I cannot be online every day but 4 days a week normally <3.

Do you reach the requirements?: Yes, I am biologist and have too much free time c:

Do you try your best to help players?: I try to give out items if I can afford to, ask Mesteven or others. I also sell items when I cannot give away as well as welcoming new players and giving advice. Back in the old days me and Mord ran a group where we taught Witchery to new players as it is still our passion on B-Team.

How much time do you play SFT a week?: I can normally get 2hrs or so on a Sunday-Wednesday and normally more on Sunday if I don't have to go out or I am not meeting friends!

Have you been banned before? If so, what for?: No, I am a goody two shoes (I don't recall a ban).

Do you have skype? If not, are you able to get it?: I do have it, I am not fond of giving it out however if it is necessary I will be on (I would prefer to be told a time or be asked to go online IG as I hardly use it!)

Okay, thanks for reading and I hope you consider me for Event Host! If you have further questions ask me IG or ask me to join Skype and we can have a chat! Have a good time and I hope to hear from you soon!


This topic will be closed on Sunday November 6 so please post your application before then!
Ex-Pixelmon Manager
Ex-Survival, Lost Islands, Pocket Edition Elder
Ex-WildWest, B-Team, Factions, Prison Owner


Why should we choose you?:because i am experienced with servers and can help out with command

Do you reach the requirements?:yes

Do you try your best to help players? I try to sometimes i might be a little mean when i am like really angry

How much time do you play SFT a week? on school days i can play 5 - 6 hours

Have you been banned before? If so, what for?: i got banned on [Redacted] because of a simple chest glitch and i was banned for flying : / i got unbanned though

Do you have skype? If not, are you able to get it?: i do it is xXDragonGaming1991Xx


Why should we choose you? You should choose me because I am an extremely devoted player as well as very friendly and helpful. I believe that I would be a strong link in the community that makes up Super Fun Time! I have a large knowledge of many plugins related to this server and spend a lot of my time searching them up, though I mainly know all about witchery. Though I am very friendly, I can also be stern to those breaking rules and promise to work my hardest and to perfection. I love knowing that I am helping players and a server such as this, which I truly enjoy supporting and communing with.

Do you reach the requirements?: Yes, I reach all staff requirements.

Do you try your best to help players?: When I have the chance to help players, I usually do. In the day, more staff are online to help, but since I am on during the night quite frequently, I usually help players when no staff or little/unresponsive staff are online.

How much time do you play SFT a week?: My weekly uptime for this week is 25 hours, I play about 5 hours throughout the day, and up to 8 or 9 hours throughout the rest of the evening and night, due to this I would be a great night staff member.

Have you been banned before? If so, what for?: I have never been banned before on this server.

Do you have skype? If not, are you able to get it?: Yes I do, you may add me at ryan.miller129 on skype!


Why should we choose you? I think i would make a great staff member addition because of my previous servers experiences and my devotion to the server. I love helping players and making sure they feel comfortable and not ignored. I think becoming staff would make a great oppertunity of being able to help players more when it is needed.
Do you reach the requirements?:I currently have 102 hours in game and counting, No mutes bans kicks or warnings, and i try to help every player that i can.
Do you try your best to help players? I try to help all the players i can, Sometimes staff beat me to it though.
How much time do you play SFT a week? Going by what /pstats says... 46 hours :
Have you been banned before? If so, what for? I have never had any problems on B-Team or any other servers related to this one.:
Do you have skype? If not, are you able to get it? Yes i do have Skype, xxcrystal612xx .:[/b


Nov 04, 2016, 10:44 PM #24 Last Edit: Nov 04, 2016, 10:54 PM by Djharper
Is it okay I look through this board and see applications that are not only okay for at least a try of JMod but I see applications that are better for president than Trump and Hillary, let's just say that when nukes start flying I'm with Australia. That's right, I'm going to Australia if Trump gets in or Hillary starts a war with Syria and therefore Russia. Bye you bustard who live in the slash zon- Oh shit I'm getting sued by Trump now and Hillary will probably leak emails on me...