Feb 08, 2025, 06:34 PM


Proudly established in 2010, still going!

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Topics - MrChanango

Hello everyone!

Tomorrow, or the 21st of July, 2019, at 6PM EST, myself and @MasterX70 will be hosting this week's weekend event, Boat Race!

If you would like to join us for a few rounds of an amazing racing experience, a chance at awesome prizes such as $100,000 EMP, items, and more (per round), make sure to be there on July 21st, 2019 at 6PM EST
Polls / Dark VS Milk Chocolate
Dec 26, 2017, 05:00 AM
I was talking with my brother today about this.

Milk chocolate is sweeter, easy on the pallet and isn't as strong.
While Dark chocolate is healthier and is better for baking.

Thoughts ? Not sure
I prefer Milk but I can see both sides
Happy early Thanksgiving everyone!

To celebrate, @Nicadean33 is taking time off of his break to host some PICTIONARY for us!
It will be hosted tomorrow, November 23rd, at Noon EST ;)
Each round will have a prize of $25,000 and there might even be some turkey-day-themed pictures! :)
Most importantly, everyone stay safe during the holiday and make sure you have a great time! :)

Forum Games / TIAY #4
Oct 03, 2017, 11:56 AM
Ooh I have a question for you!

Make up a new word and define it!
It can be funny, stupid, rtc.
Forum Games / TIAY #3
Sep 28, 2017, 12:39 PM
What really grinds your gears?

Stupid things in English like the word "dumb" like that's SO DUMB
Forum Games / TIAY #2
Sep 26, 2017, 11:53 AM
Roses are red...

Roses are red,
SFT is great,
It stretches from the USA
To Australia, m8

(It's a bad one, but it works)
Forum Games / TIAY #1
Sep 24, 2017, 04:36 PM
Hey SFT people! :D

@Britney1177 , and I are big fans of this guy called "jacksflims" and he does this series known as "YIAY" which stands for "Yesterday I asked You." It's a really funny series where he asks a question, then the next day (or two) people post comments, or tweet at him responses to the question. But since this is a forums, the replies will be directly in this post, instead we will be doing "TIAY" which stands for "Today I'm Asking You." I will ask a question (shown below) and hopefully this works out. NOTE: THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE FUNNY! TRY TO MAKE FUNNY REPLIES!

Ooh I have a question for you!
If you could make up a rank on SFT, what would it be called and who would you give it to first?
Survival Guides / [Guide] Ways to make money!
Feb 13, 2017, 01:30 AM
I made a post just like this, I just wanted to bring it back
Hey! So I know I haven't played as long as some other people, but I think I have some good information.

This post is all about how to make money and the best ways of doing so to make the best use of your time. This is mostly for newer players but for more experienced players there can be some new info.


- Makes the most consistent amount of money.
- With certain powerups and enchantments it is even more beificial to mine.

- If you are in an area where other players have mined already, it can be a complete waste of time.
- Time consuming.
- Annoying if you don't have a fast/good pickaxe.

Try making a haste 2 beacon *expensive yet worthit*
With this you can go crazy with an efficiency 5 pickaxe and find ores quickly.
Another way of doing this, is get an efficiency 5 pickaxe and hold down right click, this will trigger the haste ability which will give you insta-mine for a short amount of time.
If you are wondering the best place to sell diamonds specificly is mallusa, or endmall (now trumpmall) or the best, selling it to other players for a small markup. (as of making the post)
A good mining vacation (for me)
Averages at least 125k+ depending on enchantments and things, these also last 25-45 minutes.


- Infinite source of money.
- No durability for tools.
- Can get free things from the 'luck' skill.

- Need a large farm to make good money.
- Very time consuming, maybe not the best choice for fast money.
- If you don't grow the right crops, it's kind of a waste of time.
-Need to check if the farm is legal! Auto farms are not allowed.

GROW MELONS. Per inventory of Melon blocks (made from 9 Melon slices in a crafting grid or silk touch) at the Emporium, is 46k.
Also wheat gives you 2-5 per wheat crop so you can make a lot of money through that too.
Go big or go home, you will make so much more money if you make a farm that's very large like 100x100 or 80x80. Very worth while.

This is very underrated

- Infinite money.
- Very small amount of time.
- When you get up to tier 2 or 3, you can get 6k-8k per vote, per day.
- Helps out the server.
- Can also get cool prizes next to the money, such as Elytras, Steve co. Crate Keys, Gold, Emeralds, Vote Tokens and more!

Cant make as much as the other methods, but it's guaranteed money and as another benefit, every time you vote you can say you are helping SFT just a little bit.

Consistently vote every day. That way your tiers will get higher and you will get better prizes such as Elytras, Keys and vote tokens.
For sure one of the best ways to make money.

Your own shop

This one actually consists of all of the other things and it can be the best investment or the best investment. This method works extremely well when you can find a good thing to sell. I have my own shop and IT WORKS WELL. Try pricing your things a little less than major autos so people come to you rather than larger shops.


-With selling you can get rid of some items to clear your chests, A.K.A clear your chests and do /iv, if you think you won't use it, and it's worth ANYTHING, when the EMP is open, get free money.
-Get TONS of money.

Can loose durability on your good tools FAST.

- try going in the nether and collecting glowstone, quarts and definantly Magma Blocks. The worst part about all of these blocks is that they are in the nether, which means the durability on your tools go down quickly, an easy way to go around this is bring 6 stacks of Cobblestone and 32 logs, this way you can make 128 cobblestone pickaxes for you to you instead of using your good tools. Each cobblestone pickaxe can only break 11-12 magma blocks each, but magma blocks (for a full inventory) is worth nearly 60k at the Emporium.


-more dedication directly influences how much money you make

-Time consuming
-durability on tools go down somewhat fast

- If you want to make good money by doing jobs for people the best (the ones that make the most money) are excavation, Teraforming, farming and building.
Ask people to hire you, say "does anyone need anything cleared?" And you would be very surprised how much money you make fast. For example MrC0W hired me for a ~~150x150 area to make flat. I chopped down trees, cleared a couple big hills in less than 1 hour work time.
Ask to keep resources, if there are trees or clay or any resources you might want, ask to lower the pay by maybe 20% to keep all wood, saplings/flowers and stone. This is good if you own a shop and you might be able to gain more than if you payed them. 50k-250k per job is good!

Thanks for reading this and I hope it helped you learn something.  bye

Forum Games / One Word Story
Jan 30, 2017, 02:30 AM
Let's bring Forum Games BACK!!!!

The rules are simple: We have to make a story, but here's the catch. In your post your only allowed to say one word. For example:
Player1: The
Player2: Rhino
Player3: Ate
Player4: A
Player5: Banana
You are allowed to use punctuation only if it makes grammar ;)

Only One word people!!!!
I'll start this off: