Feb 11, 2025, 08:38 AM


Proudly established in 2010, still going!

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Topics - Nicadean33

Please join me Wednesday evening at 7pm CST for a few rounds of Hide n' Seek! For every player found while the seeker, you will win 100k! For each round a hider makes it out unfound, they will win 250k! See you there at /warp hidenseek!
Happy New Year! A new year is a time for new plans (or resolutions), so I hope you may resolve to vote consistently for the server! This months vote contest will be a pretty easy bag.

For every vote that a player votes more than myself, Nicadean33, that player will receive 1000 emp.

So, if I voted 237 times, and you voted 456 times, you would receive 219,000! For each 25 votes more, players will also receive an arcade voucher!

Happy voting!
Get ready for a flash event! Tomorrow night, roughly 22 hours from now, join us on the survival server for a mini-golf event! Come on down to /warp minigolf and earn a prize for finishing Minus, Even, or Over the course par! Prizes will range from 500k emp to netherite ingots and arcade vouchers!

When: Thursday, December 19th at 7pm CST
Where: /warp minigolf
Who: Nicadean33!
Congratulations to the winners of this year's pumpkin decorating contest. As a reminder, contestants were asked to NOT edit the exterior of their pumpkin, but instead color, paint, or otherwise costume their pumpkin based on its shape. The following players received 1st and 2nd place;

1st - emily142
2nd - Vacsinator

Congratulations to all contestants!
Join me on Saturday at noon CST for a few rounds of spongehunt! The prize will be 100k per round along with special goodies like arcade vouchers, head vouchers, and more!
Hey everyone!!

This spooky season, Maya546 and I want to introduce you to the Survival Decorating Contest! We have created an entire Pumpkin Patch in-game at /warp SFTPumpkinPatch (sftpp for short) where you can decorate up some pumpkins in Minecraft! Many people carve pumpkins, as we did last year, but many others tend to decorate them with paint and clothing, which is what we are looking for this year!

As for the Contest itself, everyone who wants to participate will be given one pumpkin that they can decorate up! You are only allowed to build outside of the pumpkin! In fact, very little of your pumpkin should be altered, instead building around the outside and the features of the pumpkin itself.

If you want to participate, reach out to one of our Manager+ and ask them for a pumpkin at the SFT Pumpkin Patch! Please be aware that we are a small team, so we will not be around 24/7 and bothering the team will barr you from entering the contest!

Your pumpkins will be judged by Maya546 and I on two factors: Complexity and Thematic Inspiration! If we find the top two pumpkins to be equally themed and complex, we will split the prize equally among the two decoraters! So if you want to win the grand prize, you will have to make your pumpkin have a theme and complex, as well as follow our rules for the competition as stated below.

The competition rules are as follows:
  :snowball: Your pumpkin MUST be appropriate and follow server rules!
  :snowball: You are allowed to edit outside of your pumpkin's outer layer ONLY if you are adding a nose or a hat.
  :snowball: No changing the color or shape of your pumpkin.
   :snowball: You are allowed to house your items in chests at your pumpkin, but make sure to remove them before the competition ends!

Now, for the prizes everyone wants to know!
The winner shall receive... 1 million emp and 10 arcade vouchers.
ALL participants shall receive... 75k emp and a Custom Item![/b]

The competition will end on Halloween Night at 11:59pm EST  so get to carving! Maya and I look forward to seeing your pumpkins (:
Happy spooky season! For the month of October, the voting contest provides the opportunity for, what the kids say, "hella" Arcade Vouchers. For every 7 votes, you can receive 1 arcade voucher.

Happy Voting!
Guess who's back, like he never left? (never left)

That's right, Skyblock Race is back this week for a SPECIAL DOUBLE FEATURE!! Want double the prize, double the contest, and double the chance to prove your ability? Join me for one or BOTH of the events this week, which will have different set goals to reach by the end of the hour. Returning players continue in their own Skyblock island, while new players will be brought "up to speed" with some additional materials.

Monday, September 23rd at 7pm CDT
Saturday, September 28th at 8am CDT

Prizes won at both times, including but not limited to EMP, arcade vouchers, head vouchers, netherite ingots, and of course, the speciality collectible item for completing the challenge.

Check the discord for a countdown and event reminder!
Join me again this Tuesday at 8pm CDT for another rendition of Skyblock Race! Each contestent receives their own starting island with Skyblock resources, and 1 hour to achieve the pre-set goal of the hour. If you are able to obtain or complete the given challenge in 1 hour, you receive your prize! Those that competed in the last session are able to use their islands from last time, but the pre-set goal is still obtainable for anyone starting out this round.

This week's prizes could include;

-Custom commemorative item
-EMP vouchers
-Arcade vouchers
-A bundle of goodies
-Netherite, diamonds, or upgrade templates
-My unwavering love and affection

Make sure to join this round to be able to jumpstart your island for future rounds too!
Hello community,

With the latest release and update of PyroFishing, the augments received a major overhaul. With this, many of the fishing rods that are already augmented need to be remade and reimbursed. Therefore, if you have a current fishing rod with augments on it, please reach out to any Admin+ or specifically myself and we will work with you to get the fishing rod remade.

You can do this by dm'ing me on Discord or opening a support ticket in our main discord. Sending a forum PM will also work.

Happy Fishing!
Ready for a new challenge? Join me on Wednesday, 7pm CDT for a Skyblock challenge! Each contestent receives their own starting island with Skyblock resources, and 1 hour to achieve the pre-set goal of the hour. If you are able to obtain or complete the given challenge in 1 hour, you receive your prize!

The prizes for this round;

A shulker box full of;
netherite ingots
EMP vouchers
Arcade Vouchers
Vote Tokens
Head Vouchers
Custom commemorative item
... And other goodies!

Make sure to join this session as future sessions will occur that use your current island and everything you accomplished last session!
Hello fellow SFT'ers!

August is here, and for many that may mean the winding down of summer and the start of school again soon. To help give you some motivation for the coming change, this month we will be having a voting competition.

At the end of the month, I will total up votes from the staff and the non-staff over the month.

If staff win, each staff member will receive their player head, 500k, some arcade vouchers, and a custom made token to commemorate the win.

If non-staff win, each non-staff member will receive their player head, 500k, some arcade vouchers, a custom made token to commemorate the win, and a weekend event where they get to dunk some staff in our dunk tank.

Happy voting!
Hello SFT'ers!

Starting July 10th, we are having a voting blitz! This means that for the next 10 days, your votes will be tracked  and rewards given out based on how many votes you can get in!

100+ votes - Shulker of some goodies totalling more than 500k!
75+ votes - Shulker of some goodies totalling more than 250k
50+ votes - Shulker of some goodies totalling more than 100k
25+ votes - A bundle of some goodies totalling more than 10k

Make sure to head to our voting sites and set a timer! And, remember which sites you can vote more than once in 24hrs ;D
Hello friends!

Join me this weekend on Friday, July 5th at 7pm CDT for an hour long session of Build Contest! Using the Build Contest arena, a genre will be given to you at the start of the hour to build a representation of said genre. All supplies will be provided! Teaming is allowed, but the prize will be split amongst team members.

First place - 500k
Second place - 150k
Third place - a nice hug
Are you looking for an easy 150k? Are you good at finding lost sponges? Well then, take some time over the next few days to look around the spawns of /w1, /w2, and /w3 to find my missing sponges. This is a play-at-your-own-pace scavenger hunt where as you find the sponge you will take a screenshot and send to me either through forum or discord dm.

The sponges will be released at midnight tonight, GMT+/-0 and be up until Saturday, May 11th at midnight GMT+/-0. Send me pictures of the missing sponges by then to receive your prize! Max 150k, multiple winners allowed.
Please join me Friday, March 29th at 10am CDT for a few rounds of Pyrofishing! Awards given both by the Pyrofishing plugin and myself in the form of Arcade Vouchers, Crab Claws, Crab Shells, and more!

See you there!
I apologize for this being a little late, I have been dealing with some family items after the passing of a close family member.

Much like last month, this month is the second in the series for leaving a personal review on our voting websites! Last month we did MCServerList and had 6 members leave a review. This month let's shoot for more!

March Voting Website: https://minecraft.buzz/vote/4159

While voting, make sure to click "Review and Rate" and leave us a 5 star review! Tell others about the plugins, staff, community, or your history with the server.

Leaving a review inside the month of March will earn you a coveted, completely unique, collectable, and legendary prize. This prize is only available during this month, so get to voting and reviewing!

Welcome to Season 1 of our Community Events: Valtellini Valley

"Welcome to Valtellini Valley. The earth has fallen to pieces and this is the last safe-haven that exists. The walls are fortified from the outside world, but you can still smell and hear some of the chaos that exists. You are tasked with rebuilding humanity in a way that can withstand the cruel environment outside these walls. Take a few days to create a base and get familiar with the area. Soon, the outside will start creeping in. How long can your civilization last?"

How Community Event Seasons Work
In an effort to bring together the community and provide some more interesting ways to engage, the Manager+ team has taken an idea originally suggested in our #survival-feedback chanel. Community Events allow for our users to have a set-aside time to work together as a community towards the Season goal. This season, the survivors in Valtellini Valley must band together to create a thriving society. The world is chaos outside the valley, and players will be faced with many challenges that they must prepare for. Zombie hoards, extreme weather, and even back-stabbing are all possibilities while restarting the world.

A Manager+ will announce 2 weeks in advance the time(s) that they will be hosting the event. A regular schedule would be 2-4 play sessions prior to a "wave" coming on, and the participants needing to defend or recover from the devestation. A schedule will be outlined in a post in the Community Projects board, as well as posted in the Discord. Plan on attending to earn your way towards the Season 1 special prizes and memorabilia!

Current planned schedule:

First Release: Saturday, February 24th at 8pm CST (countdown here: link)
Following Play times:
Monday, February 26th at 7pm CST
Friday, March 1st at 9pm CST
Tuesday, March 5th at 7pm CST

First Wave: Saturday, March 9th at 12pm CST

See you all soon! Warp will be provided in-game!

Please excuse the quality of the video. I did the best with what I was working with. Click spoiler to see my setup.
Spoiler: show
This month's voting contest will be slightly different. Were you aware that you are able to leave a review on many of the voting sites we use for SFT? We will be starting a campaign over the next few months to increase these reviews, as it is a search and rank criteria on these websites!

February Website: MCServerList https://minecraft-server-list.com/server/181430/vote/

While voting, make sure to click "Review and Rate" and leave us a 5 star review! Tell others about the plugins, staff, community, or your history with the server.

Leaving a review inside the month of February will earn you a coveted, completely unique, collectable, and legendary prize. This prize is only available during this month, so get to voting and reviewing!

Join us Monday, January 22nd at 7 pm CST for a couple rounds of /warp Boat Race! Prizes will be 75k 1st, 50k 2nd, and 25k for 3rd!  :boat:

The Grand Opening of Royal Mountain Casino and Arcade (A product of FishyBusiness) will be Thursday January 25th at 8 PM CST.

This is gonna be an absolutely awesome party, and starting off the nights agenda will be a tour and reveal of multiple new attractions. After that will come a drop party consisting of all sorts of goodies, with a max prize of 2 Purple 250k chips being dropped at random.
After the drop party, the chip buy station, gift shop, and all machines will be open for purchase and play.
While the slot machines are occupied, a series of Poker games, Blackjack tables, and roulette games will be in motion, switching between the hosted tables periodically.

Everyone who shows up will receive a free token to one of the new games that's to be revealed.

/warp casino
/warp RoyalMountainCasino
/warp RMC

1. All Forum rules (can be found here) apply! You have to abide by them on any posts or replies you may do in this board!

2. Do not make replies that mock the poster's work. Negative Feedback is allowed but it has to be respectful.

3. Do not provide videos with the higher purpose of advertising your YouTube channel! It is visible if you do.

4. You are in charge of locking a post if your Shop/Business or Town has been removed for any reason.

5. Do not leave your topic untouched for more than 15 days. Replying to them saying you updated the information makes it clear they are still active. Any topics older than 15 days will be locked and eventually removed.

Not knowing the Rules is no excuse to not abide by them!
The Exhibition is a board of the Survival Server.
It is used for the demonstration and advertisment of Towns and Businesses.
It consists of two Sub-boards, the Marketplace and the Community Projects Board.

Board Moderators:
Survival Manager and Survival Admin

Use The Exhibition to make posts about your Towns or Businesses.
Use Community Projects to make posts about any landmarks you might be building. The current Playerbase Project will be posted here.
Use Marketplace to make posts to advertise items or buildings you might be selling.

Remember to include!!!
Ownership Information
Builder's/Employee's Information
Brief Explanation of what you're demonstrating
Welcome to The Newsstand board! If you are not aware of what The Newsstand is, you can get caught up by going to the pinned post on this board. I am not an editorial person, nor a person who would know where to start on keeping you all informed. I still read the local newspaper each day to get my news and listen to an AM radio talk show. Instead, I will be posting a couple brain teasers every other week. Post the correct answer and win 1k in-game! You can either respond with the answer or download the images and write on them to respond. Happy solving!

P.S. If you are interested in posting editorials to this board, please contact myself or another admin to get the rundown on how!

Brain Teaser Monday, April 24th
Use the given letters to fill in the empty squares so that each row across spells a word and so that the shaded letters, clockwise from the top, spell out a big oil produces.



Brain Teaser Tuesday, April 25th
Each letter from A through H has one of the eight values listed, and no two letters have the same value. Determine which number goes with each letter to make the equation true.

1     3     4      7
10    11    17     21


Brain Teaser Wednesday, April 26th
In each row, rearrange the letters in each word to come up with another word. Then think of a common saying that contains the anagrams that you've just found, keeping the words in the same order in which they appear. The number in parenthesis tells you the number of words in the saying. For example, TEAL NERVE (4) is "Better late than never.


Brain Teaser Thursday, April 27th
Each repeated letter in this 5x5 word square has been replaced by the same number everywhere it appears. Letters occurring only once are not numbered. Use letter patterns to reconstruct the grid of 10 different words (five across and five down) with the help of the randomly ordered clues.


Clues: soup scoop, pips, coasters, cop's shield, IOUs, circumvent, be of use, like mosaics, valleys, narrowly defeated

Brain Teaser Friday, April 28th
Eight knights - numbered 1 through 8 - are seated facing the Round Table in such a way that any two knights sitting next to each other have numbers that are at least three apart. Additionally, knight 7 is directly opposite the knight who sits two seats to the left of knight 6. With knights 2 and 5 seated as shown, seat the rest of the knights.
Welcome to The Newsstand board! If you are not aware of what The Newsstand is, you can get caught up by going to the pinned post on this board. I am not an editorial person, nor a person who would know where to start on keeping you all informed. I still read the local newspaper each day to get my news and listen to an AM radio talk show. Instead, I will be posting a couple brain teasers 2x a week. Post the correct answer and win 1k in-game! You can either respond with the answer or download the images and write on them to respond. Happy solving!

P.S. If you are interested in posting editorials to this board, please contact myself or another admin to get the rundown on how!

Brain Teaser Monday, April 3rd
Place seven 6-letter words in this grid reading across, one letter per square. Heavy Outlines indicate all contiguous cells holding identical letters (note that different, non-adjacent regions may share the same letter.) We've given you clues, listed randomly, for the five middle words. Place these words using letter patterns, especially any double letters. Can you deduce the top and bottom words, which are related?

Clues: Brit's sausage, improved, four-leaf plant, pancake mixture, dam critter

Brain Teaser Tuesday, April 4th
The 6x6 grid was tiled using only the two trominos shown, with reflections and rotations of these tiles permitted. The locations of the tiles' dots are indicated in the grid. Can you add the thickened lines to show the tiling?


Brain Teaser Wednesday, April 5th
TRY ON and TOURNEY form a " consonantcy": a pair of words or phrases with the same consonants from left to right (T-R-N) but different vowels. From the clues below, identify five more consonantcy pairs. Each pair uses a different set of three consonants.

1. National Symbol - Greenery
2. Government in power - Paper-folding art
3. Chant - Make tidy
4. Force from office - Antigone's father
5. Mexican artist Friday - Door feature
Welcome to The Newsstand board! If you are not aware of what The Newsstand is, you can get caught up by going to the pinned post on this board. I am not an editorial person, nor a person who would know where to start on keeping you all informed. I still read the local newspaper each day to get my news and listen to an AM radio talk show. Instead, I will be posting a couple brain teasers 2x a week. Post the correct answer and win 1k in-game! You can either respond with the answer or download the images and write on them to respond. Happy solving!

P.S. If you are interested in posting editorials to this board, please contact myself or another admin to get the rundown on how!

Brain Teaser Monday, March 27th
Each clue below leads to three rhyming words. The number of letters in each word appears in parentheses. Can you solve them?

1. Reduce the size of a light red beverage (6 4 5)
2. Animal having the smallest amount of lard smeared on it (5 7 5)
3. Do a parody of a geometry exercise mistake (5 5 4)
4. Device that records the position of a worker putting saltines in boxes (7 6 7)

Brain Teaser Tuesday, March 28th
In this crossword, you are given the first and last letters of each word (six-letter words across and five-letter words down). To solve, fill in the central letters using the randomly ordered clues.


Clues: dodge; curly-haired dog; poison; fanatic; planet; wound; significant

Brain Teaser Wednesday, March 29th
A club with 120 members is holding a Spring Fling dance for members only. Tickets for new members are $21 whereas tickets for longtime members are $30. As a result, all of the new members attend the dance but only 70% of the long-time members attend. How much revenue is collected from the ticket sales?
Welcome to The Newsstand board! If you are not aware of what The Newsstand is, you can get caught up by going to the pinned post on this board. I am not an editorial person, nor a person who would know where to start on keeping you all informed. I still read the local newspaper each day to get my news and listen to an AM radio talk show. Instead, I will be posting a couple brain teasers 2x a week. Post the correct answer and win 1k in-game! You can either respond with the answer or download the images and write on them to respond. Happy solving!

P.S. If you are interested in posting editorials to this board, please contact myself or another admin to get the rundown on how!

Brain Teaser Monday, March 20th
Eight words associated with springtime have been translated into a random cipher alphabet. Letter substitutions remain constant throughout. Can you decipher them all? A starting hint will be given on Thursday.


Brain Teaser Tuesday, March 21st
A changeover is a pair of words like WRATH and WATCH in which a letter in the first word moves to a position later in the word and changes to a new letter to form the second word. Here, the R moves and changes to a C. In each row below, the clues lead to two 5-letter words with a changeover. Write the letter-change pair (such as R C in the example) in the boxes in the center. When you're finished, read the two columns formed by the letter pairs to see how you may have solved this puzzle.

Circus performer __ __ Genetic duplicate
Pay a call on __ __ Panoramic view
Book-lined room __ __ Like good dishwater
Bronze medalist's finish __ __ Exhausted

Brain Teaser Wednesday, March 22nd
In this maze, start on the black circle in the top-left corner and end on the black circle in the lower-right corner as you follow these rules:
1. Move from cell to adjacent cell up, down, or sideways but never diagonally.
2. The cell you move to must contain the same shape (square or circle), the same shading (black or white), or both the same shape and the same shading as the one you're currently on. For example, if you're on a white circle, you can move to an adjacent cell containing a white circle, a black circle, or a white square.

Can you find the path? https://gyazo.com/9ddbfaa4bb5a9a0a4e3b3578d7835bb1

Brain Teaser Thursday, March 23rd
The letters C-A-S-T have been dropped  from the words and phrases below, with all spaces and punctuation removed. The letters C-A-S-T were extracted in left-to-right order, although not necessarily consecutively. For example, EUHRI is EUCHARIST. What are these words and phrases?


Brain Teaser Friday, March 24th
Form six 9-letter words by combining two of the three-letter blocks shown below (right) with each ending in the grid. All blocks will be used. If you do it correctly, two of the vertical columns will spell a two-word phrase.
Welcome to The Newsstand board! If you are not aware of what The Newsstand is, you can get caught up by going to the pinned post on this board. I am not an editorial person, nor a person who would know where to start on keeping you all informed. I still read the local newspaper each day to get my news and listen to an AM radio talk show. Instead, I will be posting a couple brain teasers 2x a week. Post the correct answer and win 1k in-game! You can either respond with the answer or download the images and write on them to respond. Happy solving!

P.S. If you are interested in posting editorials to this board, please contact myself or another admin to get the rundown on how!

Brain Teaser Monday, March 13th
Four playing cards, one of each suit (a red heart, a red diamond, a black club, a black spade), lie in a row on a table. They are a Jack, a Queen, a King, and an Ace. Using these clues, can you determine the cards and their order?
1. The Queen is somewhere to the left of the red Jack
2. The Ace of clubs sits between two cards of different colors
3. The diamond is somewhere to the left of the heart
4. The King is not the diamond, and is not next to the Ace.

Brain Teaser Tuesday, March 14th
Place the digits 1 to 9 into the empty cells so that the three rows across and three columns down form correct arithmetic statements. All calculations involve only positive whole numbers and should be performed from left to right and top to bottom, ignoring mathematical order of operations. A starting hint will be provided on Thursday.

Brain Teaser Wednesday, March 15th
Starting on a letter in the longest row, spell out a 10-letter word going from letter to adjacent letter -- horizontally, vertically, diagonally -- as you use every letter in the grid once. Then, rearrange the 10-letter word into two 5-letter words that begin and end with the letters shown in rows at the bottom. What are the words?
Welcome to The Newsstand board! If you are not aware of what The Newsstand is, you can get caught up by going to the pinned post on this board. I am not an editorial person, nor a person who would know where to start on keeping you all informed. I still read the local newspaper each day to get my news and listen to an AM radio talk show. Instead, I will be posting a couple brain teasers 2x a week. Post the correct answer and win 1k in-game! You can either respond with the answer or download the images and write on them to respond. Happy solving!

P.S. If you are interested in posting editorials to this board, please contact myself or another admin to get the rundown on how!

Brain Teaser Thursday, March 2nd
Find rhymes for the words in each quartet so that the first word becomes a category and the second, third, and fourth words become specific items in that category. For example: TOWER: lazy, faster, knows --> FLOWER: daisy, aster, rose.

1. BOY: battle, mop, call
2. WDGIE: parrot seat, thorn
3. Purred: manager, hollow, brain
4. ME: search, fine, helm

Brain Teaser Friday, March 3rd
The ratio of acid to water in three samples is 3:1 and 1:5 and 5:7. Kiara makes a mixture using equal quantities of all three samples. What is the ratio of acid to water in Kiara's mixture?
Welcome to The Newsstand board! If you are not aware of what The Newsstand is, you can get caught up by going to the pinned post on this board. I am not an editorial person, nor a person who would know where to start on keeping you all informed. I still read the local newspaper each day to get my news and listen to an AM radio talk show. Instead, I will be posting a couple brain teasers 2x a week. Post the correct answer and win 1k in-game! You can either respond with the answer or download the images and write on them to respond. Happy solving!

P.S. If you are interested in posting editorials to this board, please contact myself or another admin to get the rundown on how!

Brain Teaser Monday, February 27th
In this small crossword, all of the consonants in the answer words are provided, in alphabetical order. The missing vowels -- and the words themselves -- are for you to guess. The letter Y isn't used.

Brain Teaser Tuesday, February 28th
The three words coded below are clues to the placement of their letters in this grid. Each number in the code represents the sum of the column and row headings of that letter. Can you put the letters into the proper cells of the grid to spell out, reading across, a great way to make money?

Brain Teaser Wednesday, March 1st
Divide this rectangle along the lines into two identically shaped 12-block pieces so that one piece contains all the P's and the other piece contains all the Q's. A starting hint will be released on Wednesday if no one gives the answer before then.

Need a way to test your brain? Think you're a step above the rest when it comes to math and word problems? Head over to The Newsstand board for the Bi-weekly Brain Teasers! Each Sunday and Wednesday brain teasers will be posted for the coming week. Solve them first to win 1k each!

Link to The Newsstand https://www.superfuntime.org/forum/index.php/board,244.0.html
Welcome to The Newsstand board! If you are not aware of what The Newsstand is, you can get caught up by going to the pinned post on this board. I am not an editorial person, nor a person who would know where to start on keeping you all informed. I still read the local newspaper each day to get my news and listen to an AM radio talk show. Instead, I will be posting a couple brain teasers 2x a week. Post the correct answer and win 1k in-game! You can either respond with the answer or download the images and write on them to respond. Happy solving!

P.S. If you are interested in posting editorials to this board, please contact myself or another admin to get the rundown on how!

Brain Teaser Thursday, February 23rd
Dinah secretly assigns values to each of the letters in the word SHORE and then provides Annika with the sum of the letters in these shorter words
HERO 32     ROSE 26     HERS 29     HOSE 34     RHOS 31
Dinah challenges Annika to determine the sum of the letters in SHORE, and Annika does it quite quickly. Can you?

Brain Teaser Friday, February 24th
The answers to the clues are four-letter words, listed in no particular order. Fill the ribbon with the words overlapping by two letters, like GLOW and OWNS in the example. We've supplied the first and last letters of the ribbon. Can you piece the words together?

Clues: asterisk - toque wearer - nod off - aid in crime - martial art - engrave deeply - citrus rind - Saudi, e.g.

Welcome to The Newsstand board! If you are not aware of what The Newsstand is, you can get caught up by going to this post. I am not an editorial person, nor a person who would know where to start on keeping you all informed. I still read the local newspaper each day to get my news. Instead, I will be posting a couple brain teasers 2x a week. Post the correct answer and win 1k in-game! You can either respond with the answer or download the images and write on them to respond. Happy solving!

P.S. If you are interested in posting editorials to this board, please contact myself or another admin to get the rundown on how!

Brain Teaser Monday, February 20th -Solved by Mazeworker
A sundail has the fewest moving parts of any time piece. What has the most?

Brain Teaser Tuesday, February 21st - Solved by Mazeworker

Brain Teaser Wednesday, February 22nd
Solve the math sudoku by filling in the correct numbers based on its order of operations.

Survival / [Survival] Commenting on Unbans
Nov 23, 2017, 07:07 AM
Within the last month an onslaught of comments on unbans that aren't the person's that is commenting has happened. (Warlock_ben being the best example).

This is just a reminder that if you comment on an unban that is not yours, and you were not asked to comment, you will be forum warned. This will be strictly enforced starting now. This could result in loss of rank for Legends if it is excessive and repeated. Just use common sense.

If you absolutely must say something, either ask the staff member in charge of it or the Manager+ team before posting or be at peace with the warning you will receive.
Study Corner / WordPress Guidance
Feb 17, 2017, 02:48 AM
Hello! Recently, my Ag Business class has taken over a website hosting ag jobs. The program used behind it is WordPress. We want this website to be developed and marketed by students, so I asked to learn how to run and work it.
Only one teacher has training behind it, so if someone who has ample knowledge and is willing and able to teach it to me could, I would love it. A little more than the basics but I do not expect to excel in the program.

Thank you!
Polls / [Potato] Favorite type of potato
Jun 01, 2016, 11:01 PM
Howdy ;D ! We all love potatoes. Towelie even had a potato awareness day. Now, anyone who is pro-potato please look away, but what form do you love to eat? I could eat fried potatoes all day long. Chips are good, especially hickory-smoked barbecue.

What about you? What kind of potatoes do you love most? Do you only eat potatoes with a certain type of condiment?
Polls / Etiquete
May 23, 2016, 11:29 PM
Hey there!

What kind of things are considered rude/inappropriate/impolite in your life and culture? Are there things that are considered such that you think are unique only to you and your life? What kind of things do you find rude/impolite/etc? With different cultures practicing different things, maybe some things you do would be shocking for other cultures to do.

In my life, speaking with food in your mouth, having your phone out at the dinner table, and chewing with your mouth open are all considered extremely rude. No one really cares about taking off your shoes or if you speak out of turn.

If you leave a comment, try to point to what part of the world you are from/what kind of culture you are influenced by!
Marketplace / [Survival]Frozen Marketplace
Feb 10, 2016, 03:01 AM
Sang to the tune "Do You Want to Build a Snowman?" from Frozen:
Do you want to sell some items?
Auction off your favorite hog? :christmaspig:
I never see y'all anymore,
Please click on my board,
It's on the forum waaAAAAALLLLLL!
I get a little lonely
Prowling here,
Watching our topics diiieeEEEEE!X(
Do you want to buy some diamonds? :diamond:
It doesn't have to be some diamonds. :chest:
Okay byeeee.

You sang it, I hope. Our Marketplace is getting a little slow. Let's clean out our chest and sell some stuff to others. Maybe you're one of the others that needs some stuff, make a post saying you'll buy it! The board really is a great place to get what you want. Whether it be buying, selling, or auctioning I'd be happy to see you make a post!

Remember to do the following when you make one!
  • Read the forum rules before posting
  • Read the Marketplace rules before posting! This is an important one. There are quite a few special rules for posting!
  • Keep active on your post! Don't forget about it! I'll eat it if you do  ::)
  • Remember a closing date! Something that is always forgotten. 1 day to 1 month!