A Friendly Reminder (From your animal friends on minecraft)

Started by ACrazyHobo, May 24, 2014, 11:36 AM

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     Hello there SFT players! I have been talking to the many Mobs on SFT lately and they really wanted to say a few things which needed to be said.

:pig: Says: Hey there pal! When you keep breeding me over and over, it is not good at all! Please try to limit mobs being placed and do not over populate us in one spot.

:cow: Says: When you over populate mobs, they may be killed off and you may loose the resources from theses mobs. Please keep in mind by how many you place and/or breed. If you hog all the mobs to yourself, it may limit others which makes sharing our love and resources limited to one area.

:sheep: Says: Lastly If you are caught with a striving population which can match a small city of mobs or so, you may receive a warning from the staff. On a second warning offense may result in ether a time ban or a normal ban which you will need to post for an unban request.

       Thank you for taking the time to read this and hearing them out. We wish you all to have a SuperFunTime.


I need to get CurryKoffee take a look at this.
Seriously u should see our cow pen
Good post!


I think that the players who mostly do this are Guests. There aren't many guest on the forums to see this.


Quote from: Darren64_MC on May 24, 2014, 12:07 PM
I think that the players who mostly do this are Guests. There aren't many guest on the forums to see this.

Spread awareness of the forums then, this is also one of SFT goals now.

Call me Bond. Bright Bond.
Elytra Creds to Cayko <33


Guess we can't put anymore cows in our basement, Ryan. We better remodel that 'room'!
*cough* http://gyazo.com/89c6aefb15a8d58026dcf6604760536f *cough*


What, do the squids have nothing to say? I see how it is.


Quote from: Barbacue2 on May 24, 2014, 12:44 PM
What, do the squids have nothing to say? I see how it is.

They came outta the water to talk, but died shortly after. R.I.P





:pig: When we're all crammed together there's way too much pressure!
:cow: Those who over-breed are bound by greed!
:sheep: Get another warning and you won't be back in the morning!


Quote from: ACrazyMan on May 24, 2014, 12:50 PM
Quote from: Barbacue2 on May 24, 2014, 12:44 PM
What, do the squids have nothing to say? I see how it is.

They came outta the water to talk, but died shortly after. R.I.P

  :fish: says: Blub blub blub blub blub blu- *suffocation*


I'm suprised chickens had nothing to say. The only large groud of mobs I've seen together was chickens.



 :steve: was very  :( because he couldn't find any  :cow: to make  :cookedmeat: this was because other  :steve: was greedy and had to many  :cow: . After searching for hours  :steve: decided he would live off  :apple: for the rest of his life. He became upset cos he couldn't find a  :cow: to get  :milkbucket: and he couldn't find a chicken to get an  :egg: to bake a  :cake: for his birthday. He began to  :'( and buried himself in  :grassydirt:

To stop this from happening to you don't be greedy and breed to many animals!

~Willow <<3



Well what this post was meant to be about was not like 10 or so cows and cheek in a pen. Its more like whole fields back to back cows, pigs, sheep, chickens. Its easy to tell when you have too many. If you see a guest doing this which may not have seen the forums, let staff know to check into it. Each mob equals one entity. Dogs and cats do but there never are they many of them and are harder to make more of. so they shouldn't be much of an issue unless someone somehow makes a whole field.


One with loads, iv seen places where there is 2-3X this maybe or more.

The one with less is a good bit and you wouldn't really need more then this. I do understand sheep maybe needed a bit more to sheer the wool. But as for pigs and cows, there is no real need to go past this.


I am slightly worried
I have spoken to my friend and he won't do anything about it
I went on a massacre in our farm to reduce numbers but he will spawning them in again.
Maybe alter /kit farm slightly?