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The Diary Of Towelie

Started by Jasper, Jun 26, 2015, 07:54 PM

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The object of this game is to write a journal entry describing one day in the life of our dear Towelie. Swearing is fine, normal forum rules apply, and here are some basic guidelines.
 :slimeball: 3-4 sentences
 :slimeball: Good grammar
 :slimeball: Must be coherent/make sense

Must Haves:
 :slimeball: Throughout the entry, Towelie's name will remain as simply 'Towelie', but feel free to add a middle/last name if something comes up that requires it

 :slimeball: No double posting. Wait for someone else to contribute in between your posts, don't try to take over this and make it all happen your way. It is supposed to be a compilation of all of our efforts to make this as fun as we can

 :slimeball: This is always recapping the day, so it will be in the past, unless something is going on when he writes it, then that will be in the present

 :slimeball: Must make sense with the past entrys.

 :slimeball: Must be something that is appropriate and that no one will get offended by (if someone is offended by something you write and has a valid point, then you may be forced to take it down).

 :slimeball: Do not skip pages/days. Every time an entry is posted, that is one day, and also one page of the journal.

 :slimeball: Don't talk about having to get a new journal, this a very magical journal with an infinite number of pages.

 :slimeball: Don't be overly Pessimistic, or vice versa. This has to be realistic, towelie can't win 100 billion Euros and
 move to Costa Rica, that just won't work

 :slimeball: If it doesn't make sense, I will tell if it counts or not. As I am the creator of this forum game, I can say whether or not I want anyones entry to count

 :slimeball: No degrading comments, such as gay, noob, retard, etc. These are unacceptable, use a nicer word if you're gonna try to insult.

 :slimeball: No using this to talk to people outside the game, you have forum PM, In-game time, Minechat, etc. That being said, you may have towelie meet some people who play on the server, that is fine.

 :slimeball: No one may ever know about Towelie's Diary, no punks, not the police, not the swat team, nobody.

 :slimeball: Put dates in the diary. Also, keep the diary relative to whatever day it is on. For example, this will take place in August 2014, so don't have Towelie talking about how the Microsoft Hololens is amazing, since It hasn't been announced yet in that time.

 :slimeball: This will in no way imitate Towelie's Irl life, or what he may do (cough sleep 24/7 cough)

 :slimeball: Romance is fine, but don't do anything really creepy or something Oh Great Leader won't appreciate you posting. (aka no saying Towelie is forever single, or that he has 837 Girlfriends, you know)

Finally, Towelie may post here, remove a post, or close this down completely, so please don't mess this up, I want to get a good number of entries into this.

Mkay, thats everything I can come up with, have fun on this. I'll start out with the first entry.

Page 1
Monday, August 25th, 2014

Dear Diary,

      Hey, Towelie here. I was cleaning out my new desk today when I found this old diary. I'm gonna start recording my thoughts here, better than keeping them bottled up in my head all the time. I hope I'll be able to keep this for a while, It's pretty nice quality, leather cover, old style binding, ah, what am I talking about. Today was a pretty good day for me. I got promoted today at my job, so that's why I got the new desk. The old person who worked here got fired for some, well... I don't think I should talk about it. It's a pretty touchy subject for everyone, myself included. After I moved into my new desk, I got this call on my phone about some missing child or something. Damnit, the world today is so messed up. Just the other day, I got into an argument with some kid Todd I know, and he tried to tell me that I should just quit my job and sell drugs on the street with him. I told him that he's gonna get himself killed, and I hoped he gets arrested before he hurts anyone.

         After work was over today, I went back home and just thought about my life, and how I ever got myself here. I'm pretty happy, It's just that sometimes I feel anxious about the world. I decided to calm my nerves be playing Halo 4 on my Xbox 360. It's pretty good, but I really can't wait until The master chief collection comes out, that'll be sick playing it on Xbone, like a whole new experience, you know? Ah, I feel like I should get to bed now. I can't wait for another day. Gnight Diary



Page 2
Tuesday, August 26th 2014(Isn't it 2015 though?)

Dear Diary,

   I woke up really early today, so I had a few hours to work on my SFT servers. A strange bug appeared in game a few days ago, but that was the first time I had time to work on it. It doesn't appear too bad yet, so I will try to patch it later. It might not happen for a few more days, now that I have to work so much harder because I got a promotion. While programming, a fellow staff that I will not name messaged me about players who made a conspiracy theory about me being in the Illuminati. As if. Work was stressful as usual, with only more work coming from being promoted. I want to go to bed early today to make up for waking up so early. Goodnight.



Jun 27, 2015, 05:07 AM #2 Last Edit: Jun 27, 2015, 05:39 PM by xX420YoloSwagXx
Nice work there Legion, I like how you added in references to SFT, keeps it real. And also, about it being 2014, theres a reason I did that. If we made it 2015, we might end up with a number of posts that goes past the current date, and make it therefore the future, so setting it in 2014 allows room for more than ~1 post per day. All in all, looks great.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Dear Diary,

Today at work was hilarious. Our boss, Nick, is pretty laid back in terms of productivity, so we all have this thing called 'Wacky Wednesday'. We went around today shooting each other with BB guns, it was tons of fun, but it hurt at the same time. I got hit in both knees, some other dude got hit in the genitals, and this one guy got hit in the eye, he had to get sent to the hospital for that, so that's basically where our boss drew the line and told us to get back to work. Some guy used his computer monitor as a shield and had it shattered by a BB. Nick took it pretty well, though. He told us all to come outside (which hurt due to my incapacitated knees) while he walked across the street into Staples, and bought a new 27" ultra-widescreen monitor, even I was wanting that kind. It'd look sick sitting in my gaming room next to a big bottle of Mtn. Dew and some Doritos, because yeah, I am that MLG. After that we had a nice day, It was hot out though, so we turned on the AC, and relaxed. A bunch of us started giggling, and we eventually started taking paper out of our printers and throwing it at each other. We grouped into three parts- the IT, the Devs, and the Customer Service. We had a huge fight until Nick came out with this giant cannon made of a few plastic spoons from the deli next store and a bunch or waste bins. Pretty much, he mauled us with it. We all got bombarded with paper, and someone even got hit with a rotten banana peel. I pretty much lost my shit at that point, it was too funny. I cracked up laughing while everyone else was constantly smacked in the face with rolled up printer paper. I was almost upset when we it was time to go home, but our boss doesn't pay for our overtime, hell, i don't know why he pays us at all, for the work we get done, or lack thereof.

           When I got home, I found my sister had called me twice in the car and I hadn't even realized it. I called her back to see what's up, and I heard her sobbing, and close to tears. Her boyfriend had been kidnapped today at around 11 AM, and the police weren't even going to bother doing something about it for 24 hours, at least that's what she told me. Come to think of it, I saw some shady looking guy out my window today, but it was probably nothing. I couldn't help but not feel sorry for her, because really, he was a nice guy, and he was probably going to be my brother someday. I told her about how I felt, and that I would do whatever it took to help track him down. I put on my 'Super Towel' Cape, got my towelie limited edition laser gun (a green laser) and went out to save the day. I pretty much combed my town, It's kinda small, with only around 1800 or so people in it last time I checked. I was hoping to find something, but it turned out that the biggest lead I got was a cat rummaging through a garbage bag in some alleyway.  I chased it for a while, but by that point it was pretty much dark out, so I headed back to the Towcave. I was really tired from all of the running I had been doing around town, so I drank some Dr Pepper and got onto Minecraft for a bit. I didn't want to worry everyone, so I just told them I fell asleep for most of the day, which is also what I'm gonna do now. Gnight Diary, sleep tight



Follow me on Instagram (i post cool stuff) https://www.instagram.com/toweliewtf/
Psst, got a Nintendo Switch? Add me -> SW-6574-1607-3796


Dear Diary,

Today I found that some members of Superfuntime started to make a fictional diary about what they thought my life was like. I was like 'wat xD' . If only they knew what I really did in my spare time, that I was a vigilante, roaming the streets of Romania, beating up petty criminals, and of course, the infamous xX_Dorito_kid420_Xx, who wreaks havoc upon my home town. But they must never know my true identity, to them I'm just a guy who goes to a boring job by day, and fixes servers by night...

Good night,

Sergiu (Towelie)


I can already tell that this post will need to be sticky.....

Dear Diary (Aug 28 2014)

I woke up today and hopped right on to SFT to check in and see how everyone was doing.  There was this guy named 'xxxXXX420NOSCOPEXXXxxx' who said he was from Planet Minecraft and was here to review this server, I was ecstatic to say the least he told me that before he reviewed the server that he needed to have OP status so naturally I gave it to him.  It was right then that I realized it was time for work I quickly said goodbye and went to work.  While at work I continued to get messages, I was hoping that the messages were not important so I could focus on work but they kept coming so I decided to take a look.  To my utter shock so many things had gone wrong since I left The server was badly greifed, the entire staff team was demoted, all of our world backups had been deleted, the server was on fire, and to top it all off I could hear Dap (dpa) shouting at me from across the atlantic, it was quite clear something went wrong and the culprit was even clearer. KANINKA I shouted running away from work rushing home to hopefully get the server back in order (I also grabbed the fire extinguisher to put out the server fire). Once I arrived home I immediately put out the server fire and hopped online to see the damage, it was devastating, I immediately bindimoted Kaninka it was obviously him he is always messing things up and getting into trouble.  Over time we were able to fix most everything (people were upset with the map reset they would have rather lived in the greifed pig pen that was the old world cause in their own words "I WANT MAH VIRTUAL MONIES AND DIMONDS"), that night I only had one thing on my mind one thing that kept me up all night "Did Kaninka greifing the server mess up the Planet Minecraft review? D:" I suppose I would have to wait until the review was published tomorrow to find out as the review was the most important thing to me.



Quote from: darknuju on Jun 27, 2015, 01:16 PMI can already tell that this post will need to be sticky.....

Dear Diary (Aug 28 2014)

I woke up today and hopped right on to SFT to check in and see how everyone was doing.  There was this guy named 'xxxXXX420NOSCOPEXXXxxx' who said he was from Planet Minecraft and was here to review this server, I was ecstatic to say the least he told me that before he reviewed the server that he needed to have OP status so naturally I gave it to him.  It was right then that I realized it was time for work I quickly said goodbye and went to work.  While at work I continued to get messages, I was hoping that the messages were not important so I could focus on work but they kept coming so I decided to take a look.  To my utter shock so many things had gone wrong since I left The server was badly greifed, the entire staff team was demoted, all of our world backups had been deleted, the server was on fire, and to top it all off I could hear Dap (dpa) shouting at me from across the atlantic, it was quite clear something went wrong and the culprit was even clearer. KANINKA I shouted running away from work rushing home to hopefully get the server back in order (I also grabbed the fire extinguisher to put out the server fire). Once I arrived home I immediately put out the server fire and hopped online to see the damage, it was devastating, I immediately bindimoted Kaninka it was obviously him he is always messing things up and getting into trouble.  Over time we were able to fix most everything (people were upset with the map reset they would have rather lived in the greifed pig pen that was the old world cause in their own words "I WANT MAH VIRTUAL MONIES AND DIMONDS"), that night I only had one thing on my mind one thing that kept me up all night "Did Kaninka greifing the server mess up the Planet Minecraft review? D:" I suppose I would have to wait until the review was published tomorrow to find out as the review was the most important thing to me.


Follow me on Instagram (i post cool stuff) https://www.instagram.com/toweliewtf/
Psst, got a Nintendo Switch? Add me -> SW-6574-1607-3796


Sorry for not posting recently, haven't gotten around to it.

August 29th, 2014

Dear diary,

After yesterday's hassle with the server i decided to take the day off and dedicate it towards getting everything in order. I called on my super staff team of Cri, GotAnError (who took Kaninka's old spot, naturally), fearthe420, and Saywhat. We started with banning Kaninks ip since he kept coming on his alt accounts that he stole from people forum accounts and doing "8==>" so of course with the large amount of 8yrolds action had to be taken. Then we had like 69 people come online saying "plzunbankaninkaplx" so I noskoped them with my swag, but they didn't have pvp on so they got away. Then Dpa said he had to go to work, so i demoted him to jmod because I'm obviously more important. GotAnError came on console and started flirting with these 10 year olds so I called aboose and he banned me. In tears, I sat down and called Saywhat2369 telling him to unban me. He responded with "Do you actually want me to do get off my couch and do work?" so I said if he did I'd send him a Big mac, he said yes to that which pretty much made me poor due to my boss firing me for "stealing $10000 worth of computer parts (I had to fix the server with something, eh?) and for not calling in and skipping work (come to think of it that explains why a McDraculas picked up the phone and not him)." So now, I'm stuck with my pet bird, some noob Calin who found my house and lives under the deck and steals my internet, and Saywhat expecting a Big Mac in the mail. I decided to go on my alt account Deeznuts545 and checked out how the server was doing. Turns out Gotan had been lighting people on fire and Kaninka had been unbanned. Seeing this I ran to the front porch and told calin to pass me my oregano, because I needed to bake. After that I played MK X online until Obama unplugged my router and ran away giggling. I shouted "THANKS OBAMA" down the street, then got in bed and wrote this. Well, cya diary.


Aelia Angel

Dear Dairy,

Today has been AWFUL. 15 Hackers, Had to ban darknuju for making a rude comment about me, AND saywhat had gotten ebola. AND TOMORROWS MY BIRTHDAY!!! What comes next?

(Day 2 of my post)
Dear Dairy,

TODAY WAS THE BEST DAY EVER!!!! Turned out saywhat had been playing a joke. It wasnt darknuju making the rude comment (wont tell the name) AND all the hackers were banned. Now Im eating my birthday cake in peace.
Former Pocket Mod
If you fail, fail foward. Don't be the victim of the hard times. This is what it takes to be successful.


Dear Diary,

We've dreaded it for so long, but it finally happened. Sparkle_Sun unbanned paul_weebird.
Storm is sitting here trying to fill the 4 sentence limit. Ok done.

- Towelie_weebird


Dear Diary,

I work too much and go AFK too much.
I'll make that my New Years' Resolution.
Should I post my face on the forums? Nah.
Should I play games with EpicHoe? Yah.
Will I unban paul? Nah.

"Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech."
― Benjamin Franklin