Sep 21, 2024, 01:02 AM


Proudly established in 2010, still going!

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Messages - GotAnError

General Discussion / Re: 8 years of service
Mar 30, 2020, 09:54 AM
Quote from: Towelie on Mar 09, 2020, 06:24 AM
Quote from: GotAnError on Mar 08, 2020, 11:39 PMAnd here's to eight more! ;) Hope to get online soon to chat again!
OI! Where have YOU been?

Been enjoying the FF7 remake demo, AC New Horizons, Mystery Dungeon DX and more!! Also finally picked up studying again and got a proper job now. So all is going well. Missing SFT. Would like to be active there soon again c:
General Discussion / Re: 8 years of service
Mar 08, 2020, 11:39 PM
And here's to eight more! ;) Hope to get online soon to chat again!
General Announcements / Re: Please vote
Sep 06, 2018, 09:44 AM
Been gone this week because I was way too busy. Will vote daily again, starting today!
Hello Kitty Adventure Online!
Congrats! That was a super fun post about a super fun server in which you can have a super fun time!

Get it?


Yourself. Focus on yourself. You have done plenty. Go have some rest.
Depends on how t h i c c the soup is.
:slimeball: Loads of new games I have wanted to play have come out, so I am focusing on those.

:slimeball: I have been playing Minecraft for about 6 to 7 years now. I definitely need a break.

:slimeball: I am focusing on jobs, internships and university work.

Basically, it's mostly external factors for me. It has nothing to do with you, Pixelmon or SFT as a whole. I am guessing loads of people feel the same way.
General Announcements / Re: Roast me
Sep 13, 2017, 07:29 PM
Towelie the kind of person to scream for help and wait for hours when the escalator stopped working.

General Announcements / Re: Roast me
Sep 13, 2017, 05:43 PM
Quote from: Lucy_23x on Sep 13, 2017, 04:41 PMWhy don't you have a girlfriend?

That's what you get when you're in your late 30s and your frame of reference is the female population on a Minecraft server.
Just an fyi: the server being hosted in Romania does not mean the Romanian court is the only one which can handle this case. The country of the offender also has jurisdiction. Even any third party/other countries which do not even have anything to do with thise case (but have this offense listed as a criminal offense in their countries too), can ask to do the case.

Either way, good luck.
Does this mean we will get a Biomes o' Plenty world soon?
I don't mind the policy. I think the policy is good and I do think toxicity needs to be regulated.

I just hope it will go in a proper way. This goes for both sides.
Imma definitely donate.
Quote from: lionblaze10 on Jul 14, 2017, 06:41 AMMulti-billion dollar company and a bunch of stuck up jack asses... Welcome to shitty business 101.

Leave us alone Nintendo

But honestly this really sucks for everyone.

Nintendo has nothing to do with this. Game Freak is the rightful owner to Pokémon. Nintendo only has shares in Game Freak.

Plus, Pixelmon is in fact against the law, no matter how much you enjoy it. You can't say Game Freak is in the wrong because it is a successful company. This is how property infringement works. Their idea. They want to make money on their ideas. They don't just want anyone and their cat making money by abusing their ideas.

That being said, it still sucks. So many people were looking forward to it.
Quote from: Green_Giant on Jul 11, 2017, 04:29 PM
Quote from: GotAnError on Jul 11, 2017, 03:45 PMIt's time for the top 10 spleefers to take away everyone's chances.

@firelordnero (whatever his account is, think he deleted it)

How could you forget @leebarca

I only did players who actually play.
It's time for the top 10 spleefers to take away everyone's chances.

@firelordnero (whatever his account is, think he deleted it)

Elite mobs are fun. I collect and love their drops and I only need a few hits in with my bow to even kill lvl 22 elite mobs.

They are a challenge people need to be willing to take. Survival needs a challenge. I have not died a single time to an elite mob, as far as I know. Just be strategic in how you fight them.

Plus, even before the whole elite mobs plugin, I saw Guests and Members ask for help to kill mobs on a daily base. Elite mobs haven't changed that one bit.

To counter it, maybe allow protection flags again which stop hostile mobs from spawning within protections. That way, you'll only find elite mobs during your explorations in the wild. Those flags used to be allowed.
If anything, B-Team staff resembles the Survival 2012 staff the most. And that is a good thing.
Best netball player ever. Doesn't just win. She literally and utterly destroys the other team.

What a meanie D:
Remove Minecraft.

Make Hello Kitty Adventure Online the main server.
General Announcements / Re: What's this?
Apr 23, 2017, 06:48 PM
A dating website.
General Announcements / Re: How are things?
Mar 13, 2017, 02:04 PM
The Nintendo Switch came out together witha game I have been waiting for for years. Thus, I stopped playing Minecraft. At least for a while. Not sure if that is a reason for others.
General Announcements / Re: Whats up?
Jan 16, 2017, 02:09 PM
Quote from: LordSlacky on Jan 16, 2017, 02:03 PMHello

First of all thank u for taking your time to read this, I have a suggestion that I'd like to share with you guys. The overworld/building worlds are full of holes and you can clearly see some pieces of land cleared out for the resources it contains ( see desserts for sand, regular land for dirt etc ). What I'd suggest is to make a new world where the players go to get resources. This would reduce the disrupting of the beautiful land and wasting nice spots to build on.
The new world would be like a mining/digging world ( prob flat would be nice) and gets reset every 1/2 weeks or so. I'd really like to see that in our server in the future and I don't see any disadvantages in this idea.

Kind regards

