Jun 01, 2024, 11:12 PM


Proudly established in 2010, still going!

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Messages - boomonstervi

What is your IGN (in-game nickname)?: Boomonstervi
What is your uptime in the last week (/pstats)?: 32 hours I think.
What is your overall uptime(/pstats)?: 596h 56min
Were you banned from our server in the last 6 months?: nope
Were you ever banned for xraying / advertising / exploiting glitches?: No
What rank do you wish to be (EventHost / JMod)?: Jmod
Why do you want that rank?: I already play more then enough to hit uptime requirements and believe I could be helpful. I really appreciate this community and what it has done for me over the years and would like to be beneficial to it in return.
What region are you from? (EU / US / AU / OTHER): NA (North America)
Do you have a Discord account?: Yes: boomonstervi#4408

I appreciate everything the staff team does to keep this server going, thanks guys!
- Your minecraft nickname: Boomonstervi
- Have you played on our bTeam server before: yes I have
- Is this adorable or what (picture below)
int adorableness = 100;
Oh, dang I cant buy items from the shop cause I cannot make any digital purchases due to lack of a credit card etc, Bteam was what introduced me to SFT and it was my favorite server aside from older pocket, but I hope other people find the same fun I did!
Or just not xD
My parents made playing video games a pain at my place, I'm sticking around because of pocket and the hope that it will be able to update, but I understand it's condition and how it's being fixed.
Wait which perms will carry over?? The lettering is to small to read on that last part, jkjk lol
Thanks guys!
General Announcements / Re: My time has come
Jul 12, 2018, 03:27 PM
Thanks for all the help!
General Announcements / Re: 7 years
Feb 28, 2018, 04:07 AM
Yay for sft, though it seems to be falling apart in weird ways like the rest of the world, it's nice having friends from all over the world.
Sad you left, kinda I'm glad you get to be releaved from the stres! Good luck!
Thanks tow for paying for us it really does mean a lot. For those who cannot pay lets make sure to vote daily so that all this money is worth it.
Quote from: mot603 on Dec 30, 2017, 10:44 PMOMG thx I forgot when new years eve is I always think its the 32nd. :D

ITS NOT?? crap the year is ending too fast.
Lol count me in!

Ign boomonstervi
Ok two things:

1 new year's is in a month xD a little early

2 why wasn't I mentioned we have talked so much!

Keep it up sft xD
Polls / Re: Pizza!
Oct 17, 2017, 02:53 AM
Hmm maybe have the quest just double what ever price was for the original fish or something like that.
I'm a bit confused on this update its a little fishy

XD just kidding it looks awesome thanks guys.

Discord Nickname: boomonstervi
Have you ever been staff on a SFT server before? If yes, which and what rank?: I've been a pocket mod for over a year 😉
Most uptime gathered on a single server: over 40000 pocket minutes
Why you wish to be discord staff: my phone isn't running PE well and I feel like I need to be more productive as a staff and this looks like a good opportunity.

It isnt that other servers arent known, its that each server targets specific people. You cant get your pixelmon fix on survival, bteam or lost. You cant get your bteam fix on pixelmon or survival and so on. You cant just make another popular server, Pixelmon is popular because it is a 1:1 rip of the official games of a billion dollar company. This was bound to happen eventually, and in one hand I'm laughing at it but the other I feel sadness because now we may lose a once great server.[/quote]
I feel like you missed this reply ^ 

Oh I did thanks
I honestly think that pixelmon cant really go further because we cant really beat Nintendo they are better funded etc. I think that all past pix users who have played for a while (idk how many minutes that would be) should be able to get special stuff on a new server we could make on some modpack or over the top plug in stuff for normal minecraft. OR

I'm a pocket mod so don't take this as bias we could make another pocket server (pocket can be played through windows 10) with a add-on or a bunch...
https://minecraft.net/en-us/addons/ that's the link to learn more on those and theres a pokiaddon  http://mcpedl.com/pokeaddon/

this whole problem really sucks and idk what to do those are just suggestions.
btw I think add-ons are C or C# and I don't know any of those.
Hmm just a small idea but could you make another normal Minecraft server with a large Pixelmon plug in to replace it?
Could you make donator ranks that apply to multiple servers? so that way its more worth it if one server for us stops working due to personal technical difficulty's.
My prayers are with you Ella my bteam neighbor
Polls / Re: SICKNESS
Aug 29, 2016, 02:41 AM
wow this is a sick post !!
Also the worst kind of sick I got (actuality might not be a sickness)  was getting up and wow i had lost a ton of hearing iv had a lot of tests and know one knows what happened and this day
So i ware hearing aids

the end