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Messages - Zesty

I joined back in 2013 so almost a decade ago. Under so many names, quadkaiden, yugurehono, yuggysft, zestyg and heaps more I'm forgetting. I miss playing, last time I checked I had almost 10,000 hours of game time. Funny how much time I spent on these servers
Well yeah every time I go to my home at /warp oblivion, the chests are always stone and take awhile to change back, sometimes even after I approach and jump on them they continue to be stone. But it seems, from what I've heard of other peoples cases, that it only happens to your own chests/blocks.

For myself, it's only those 5 chests of mine that are altered, and nothing else ever appears to be like that, but someone else may be experiencing something different. As for what I'm doing, it happens as soon as I get there, and as soon as I fly out of view of it and return it becomes stone.
Online? The future is now old man
I understand it falls back on you, but like if two people agree on it why stop it? It's not harming anyone and if any shady things happen confront those players apposed to stopping everyone.
Enjoys tnt a little too much ;)
Seems like the guy who would play fallout all day, lives for steam sales, needs his fidget spinner on them at all times (shares those instagram posts to "win free spinners") and "is up to date on the latest funny"
Seems like a good guy (or girl), has a cute avatar. Seems to be a living zombie? Wait, zombie?!?!

Quote from: Dday694 on May 02, 2017, 11:11 PM<snip>

You didnt offer help until after the last map corruption, and by then you have asked a majority of the same people we already had on the project plus declaring yourself as the "head architect and planner" even though camster, dpa and myself all said you were not.

Excuse me? I offered to help
a- when the server first became a thing
b- countless times during the beta testing
c- When you all started working on the spawn
d- after the map corrupted.

I asked many, many times to help.

Now I asked the majority? Alright, I asked one person before I was completely shut down, but I guess judging by your lack of team that is the majority. As for the head architect and planner, I'd like to bring up some quotes:

Zesty - 04/22/2017
I'll look at the current archtiect list/who deserves architect, and seeing as multiple servers are looking for a spawn it couldn't hurt to run a team (even if we resort back to pixelmon clasic). You'll ofc remain as HoA, and before I go around asking people, I'll create the recomended list and send to you for you to think over, and edit how ever you like. I can also provide photos of each persons builds.

As I clearly said, you were the head. What I told Camster was that I'd ask you who'd you like to be it, however you may be busy because last time we talked, despite my other attempts to contact you, you stated you were in the middle of an internship.

As for the planner, yeah I'll admit I said I was because of yet another quote I'd like to bring up:

Zesty - 04/22/2017
I mean I can pull together an enitre team right now?
Dday694 - 04/22/2017
im literally the only living one
cause the rest suck
by dying
Zesty - 04/22/2017
xd true
But yeah, I can pull together a team right now, grab the list and send it to you
Dday694 - 04/22/2017
wouldnt matter atm
if you want you can

You clearly said I can set this up because in your words "the rest suck by dying". Now, I'd also like to ask when Camster, and/or dpa said I was not? Dpa told me to speak to you, which I did. Camster really only told me how to do it and to pick the head and team.

So, almost your entire statement there was false/made up unless you can prove otherwise. I tried to help, but I guess it's been shown time and time again that Pixelmon, and SuperFunTime as a whole doesn't want that, I'm sorry I tried but if you're going to also make up fake claims about this, don't both. @Towelie you ask us what's wrong with things, this isn't the first time this is happened and I know it most certainly isn't going to be the last.
Quote from: Dpa1991 on May 02, 2017, 01:32 PM
Quote from: AmberKat on May 01, 2017, 02:53 PM
Quote from: theP on May 01, 2017, 12:10 PM
Quote from: Towelie on May 01, 2017, 11:37 AM
Quote from: TheOfficialMiner on May 01, 2017, 06:58 AMIsn't the spawn the exact same as the current world 1 on survival or am I going insane?
Let me rephrase what dpa said but in rougher terms: The entire architect team (surv + pix) failed to come up with a spawn for pix so we used Survival's.
Thats a bit harsh...
As hard as everyone tried, plus the world corrupting, in order to finally get pix out, corners had to be cut. (Like stealing survival's spawn.)

Stealing isn't the right word, were all on the same team. I would of loved to have a unique spawn special to pix but that would have never happened.

Almost 2 months of building we had maybe 4 people come online to build (I'm one of the 4), and out of those 4 only lavish, me and D-Day built anything. Never mind the fact we only had like 3 buildings built with not much else going on.

E:I can't remember if it was lavish or ilax now. Way too early

:/ I did offer many times to help build, was even willing to pull together a team until I got rejected and ignored :)
Well why not have people who want it actually bid for it? Starting price at say $70?
Hopefully I can actually play on it when it's finished, I'll try messing around with some things to add more memory :)) seems like it's going to be great.
I'm not sure if it technically counts as a server, but adding how to join the discord server here might help some people? I tried finding it today and how to join isn't on the forums anymore.
Quote from: Towelie on Apr 22, 2017, 05:49 AMA Leg To Stand On (ALTSO) is a non-profit providing

Quote from: camster65 on Apr 22, 2017, 08:37 AMIs the donations 100% to the charity or 50/50 like described in the email post?
Rename the head of hosts to head of events... ;)
Still don't know why there isn't a creative board/forum ranks. Possibly adding either of those?
And still no creative board :(
Totalchip is listed twice, guess we want him twice as much?
General Discussion / Re: Post your FACE!
Apr 13, 2017, 12:54 AM
Quote from: TheOfficialMiner on Apr 12, 2017, 05:31 AMBit of an update

Slightly off topic, but I looked up "attack of the bteam servers" third result was ours. :) hopefully that'll bring more people in.
General Announcements / Re: Ongoing Projects
Mar 15, 2017, 02:48 PM
Quote from: Towelie on Mar 15, 2017, 02:46 PM
Quote from: Halla on Mar 15, 2017, 01:33 PMWhat do you mean by "content maker"?
People who want to dedicate their time creating servers for SFT. Content creator may not be the best name for it but it's still appropriate.
Can you pm me on discord or here, we can always do the idea I came up with? And with saywhat back, as well as the others it'll be easy to make server-wise
Polls / Re: Fast Food
Mar 15, 2017, 09:15 AM
Last year I spent ~$600 on sushi... I don't usually eat fastfood, I buy sushi, coles 75 cent drinks, and eat them in mcdonalds for their wifi
General Announcements / Re: How are things?
Mar 13, 2017, 09:42 PM
Quote from: Lucy_23x on Mar 13, 2017, 04:59 PMhave very low ranks, so it doesnt really show what you can actually do and i dont like that
I also feel that guardian+ get kits which are a bit too op. Guardian or chieftan (cant remember which) gets an unbreak III sharp III diamond sword per kit, so you can make a sharp V sword every four days with no effort.

guardian = that sword
warlord = p3 diamond armor (or maybe that's chief not sure)

But it's not just that, if you can sit back and fish +do repair for 700 levels, all the kits become a very useful way on getting recorces. By being able to salvage them, you can get a hole heap of different things from iron, to diamonds everyday.
General Announcements / Re: How are things?
Mar 13, 2017, 10:52 AM

Things just aren't how they were before. The rules although similar, aren't the same. Almost everyone I've spoken to able this have all said the same thing. Now what I'm about to say is going to possibly be mean/biased but from what I've noticed, before we had one Owner, one really active Admin, two or three active mods and that's it. Everyone did their own thing, in their own way, and played how they wanted to. Now it's more of, hey look it's survival, but with teams and you can enemy people. Don't get me wrong, the server is still pre fun, but it's just so different to how people played before, there are so many rules, yet so many more rules are still needed. It's too easy to win, yet we are so restricted. It's hard to explain but, ask anyone who avidly played last time. I guess the best way to explain it, is it's just gotten boring already. People got too op, too quickly, can't do much more, and just got bored grinding for no reason.


Again, I feel like the server is too controlled, it's far from survival. It's not a matter of needing more things, we have too much, with too many restrictions. Most higher up staff don't realize this since yeah you get what you want, and it lately has started feeling like you are adding stuff that higher up people suggest, ignoring the newer players, and just pleasing the people who have a good rank. Last week for example; someone joined and asked for staff, yes that's against the rules, but the responses he received were beyond rude. In Towelie's response, he literally says no because he is new. I know this is a pretty odd example, but it's the most common, and shows exactly what I mean. SFT is becoming over populated in staff, things we don't need, and are staying away from the real aspect of it. Ask yourself this; when was the last time you logged on, didn't have /fly, /god, you just logged on, cut down some wood, built something, and fought off mobs and tried to "survive"?

Now, I know I packed a bunch of unrelated things in one, but I kinda cba putting them into their own thing, as I'll be here for ages typing out. If you don't understand I can explain further what I mean (:
coughcough I do everything you listed there as a subject at school
Probably posts here too much like everyone else.