Jun 05, 2024, 04:18 AM


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Messages - MrMichael_

What is your IGN (in-game nickname)?: xXSlayer001Xx
What is your uptime in the last week (/pstats)?: 7 Hours and 35 Minutes
What is your overall uptime(/pstats)?: 763 Hours 23 Minutes
Were you banned from our server in the last 6 months?: No
Were you ever banned for xraying / advertising / exploiting glitches?: No
What rank do you wish to be (EventHost / JMod)?: JMod
Why do you want that rank?: I would like that rank to help ease the stress on other staff members and learn a few new things. Along with help the server in general while hopefully improving the community. I was previously a staff member for a different server in the past that no longer exists.
What region are you from? (EU / US / AU / OTHER): U.S.
Do you have a Discord account?: Yes: UltimateSlayer#0403