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Messages - cravend

I haven't been on in a while, but every once in a while I think about SFT... hi guys :)
Please fix the voting pages so either A.) all 10 work in the embed, B.) there's just a list of links I can click on, or C.) both!
don't die.
General Announcements / Re: What's this?
Feb 27, 2017, 10:36 PM
Quote from: Foonsen on Feb 25, 2017, 06:14 PMSFT Farming? SuperFarmTime?
if it's a farm plugin and it isn't called SuperFarmTime i'm quitting this is the perfect name
ooh i remember this it was lit (and it's still lit)
Quote from: maxwolf28 on Jan 31, 2017, 06:14 PM
Quote from: Bug on Jan 31, 2017, 05:54 AMWhile Autoshops are convenient, I think we should implement a tax on autoshop owners, as payment for the convenience, and to encourage player shops to be used more.

Like the 20$~ irl or like 10mil in game that you have to or would have had to spend to get it.
isn't there already a 10% tax on autoshop transactions?
Quote from: Towelie on Jan 30, 2017, 06:50 PMAaand disabled because they want my ID as verification but are saying they don't support any verification methods for my country.
it was a good run y'all
Guys, here's a thought. A lot of these discussions revolve around the Emporium. There are some problems with the Emporium, and I think consum summed them up concisely:
Quote from: Consum on Jan 29, 2017, 06:37 PMMain problem with the economy is EMP prices. No one wants to buy from emp (taking money out of the conomy) because the prices are soo high. Meanwhile everyone sells there (bringing money in) to sell their items. If a reset is done, which I'm fine with, EMP prices really need to be looked into. Otherwise we get the same problem occuring again in around 2 years time.

I've noticed this too, both from talking to people and just by being an active player. One of the first things I was told when I joined is "don't buy from the EMP," and I have this mindset that going to the Emporium is a tradeoff: you have convenient access to (most) materials & don't have to run around to a bunch of autoshops looking for the stock you need, but you have to pay wayyy too much. Meanwhile, we have some very successful entrepreneurs (cough cough mallusa) on the server.

Anyways, this is getting too long, so here's my suggestion. We need a way to keep the Emporium's prices "fresh," to encourage people to use it more. Yes, we'll be losing money on each transaction, but I think that the amount of transactions we make will make up for the loss. First, we need to have more frequent updates to the Emporium's pricing. Also, we need people that are more in-tune with the market to give us a "voice from the masses" with prices. We could ask high-profile auto owners how they think the market is, what we need to raise/lower, etc. Additionally, I'm fully in support of the plugin that tracks market pricing. Maybe we could let regular people access it too, to see around how much items are selling for (which would make for better player-to-player sale pricing, something I'm very bad at xd), and if not it would still give managers a better perspective as to how much things sell for. Anyways, it's critical that we get the Emporium some "new branding," for lack of a better word, and kick the mentality that it's some high-priced, selling only joint. That's just how I see things c:

Quote from: Towelie on Jan 29, 2017, 04:54 PM
Quote from: Lucy_23x on Jan 29, 2017, 03:40 PMCough what is a bitcoin cough cough
five bucks says tow had that video locked and loaded for when someone asked that question
Username: cravend
Have you ever been staff before, and if so, where?: I'm a survival mod
Have you ever been banned before, and if so, what for?: Nope!
How active are you on discord?: I've been more active recently!
What do you plan to do as DJ?: Share my... eclectic taste of music with the rest of SFT, and hopefully get the discord bot to be more popular!
General Announcements / Re: The Conclusion
Jan 21, 2017, 05:47 AM
Quote from: magl on Jan 21, 2017, 05:30 AM
Quote from: cravend on Jan 21, 2017, 02:41 AMHave you deleted the original post where people made criticisms as to what you need to change?
Nope just moved (assuming so it doesn't take space up in frontpage) https://www.superfuntime.org/forum/index.php/topic,169901.0.html
cool that's what i was wondering thanks
General Announcements / Re: The Conclusion
Jan 21, 2017, 02:41 AM
Have you deleted the original post where people made criticisms as to what you need to change?
Quote from: Jinxie on Jan 15, 2017, 06:09 PM
Quote from: Towelie on Jan 15, 2017, 06:01 PMbut like are you sure you wanna see that? xD

I'm sure. The reason I ask is so I can possibly add to it :)

jinxie's just gonna add the entirety of urbandictionary to the list c:
Are there any donator ranks that are at a disadvantage by changing these? As far as I can tell, every rank either has comparable or better perks under the new changes compared to before (did I miss something?).
will fly be enabled?

sorry it's rotated & a lil late, i didn't get a chance to hang it until today

EDIT: I made my own but i forgot to put a copy on the post, i was going to but i forgot xd
Mike Pence would electrocute me

Steve Bannon, Trump's 'Chief Strategist,' allows his newspaper to be blatantly homphobic, as well as sexist and transphobic (content warning for trans individuals struggling with depression).

Just sayin'

General Announcements / Re: Reddit Post
Nov 18, 2016, 11:59 PM
I'll miss you ella, you were always a really good friend and fellow staff member, and I'm sorry to the friends and family
ayyyyyyyyy congrats @all
General Announcements / Re: The DOH Cult
Aug 11, 2016, 01:27 AM
Quote from: nuggetzor150 on Aug 11, 2016, 01:13 AMI would buy a tshirt. Let's take submissions for a tshirt and then sell them for the server.

are you implying that there is a shirt that could POSSIBLY be better than mine? How dare you!!
General Announcements / Re: The DOH Cult
Aug 10, 2016, 06:26 PM
Quote from: magl on Aug 10, 2016, 06:01 PMpssst it's ">18" ;P
nuu because >18 means greater than 18 and that is for less than 18 year olds
General Announcements / Re: The DOH Cult
Aug 10, 2016, 05:51 PM

As requested, @Towelie
Member's favorite event
Member that dislikes cold weather