Jun 07, 2024, 10:13 AM


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Messages - TheBluePill

way more battling events there is literally no one who battles ever gets really boring after a while when thats like one of the main things in pokemon. and everyones running around complaining their team is too bad or this that and the other why they can't battle PLEASE any inscentive to battle.
But Battle Factory is the complete opposite, where they are built teams. This is pure random battles not battle factory xd also are you manually picking mons or using the random poke command ;o? (as in are people gonna get stuck with caterpie and stage 1 pokes)
/warp SealTeamRicksPumpkin
IGN: SealTeamRick
General Announcements / Re: We gotta talk
Oct 12, 2017, 07:23 PM
Best thing you could probably do is stop bleeding your heart out to people who don't really care if you live or die man. In my own experiences I have found that it just becomes a waste of energy and literally accomplishes nothing.  Hate it or love it, can't force anyone to like anything.  Keep up the enthusiasm towards keeping the server alive it needs it.