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Messages - Kysentra

General Discussion / Re: garywb
Apr 02, 2020, 02:44 AM
Moments like this make me wish we know for sure there is a good afterlife for those who brought cheer to other lives. Rest in peace you magnificent human being garywb, or do whatever you damn well please. You deserve it. This world is a poorer place without you.
General Discussion / Re: 8 years of service
Apr 01, 2020, 02:49 PM
Damn Green 8 years is pretty impressive. (and omg GotAnError, another old name).

I recently checked the event list and saw Tiebreaker is still around...that steal or share thing has your name on it. Let it be known that I am shamelessly claiming credit for originally bringing that idea to SFT, though you probably did a better job than my crappy old red and blue pile of redstone crap.

Love ya you lovely welcoming person you.
Hi, I'd like /kit legend permissions, but to keep my SponsorOLD rank...

I know you need a 2 year old forum account. I am not sure where my old 2013 forum account went, but was advised by Sasha to post a request anyway and say that it got deleted.