Jun 04, 2024, 07:26 AM


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Messages - Vattsu

Not really around, but I got into a nostalgia rabbit hole that got started by some random Yogscast video and I got here somehow.
I was under the username "Vladminer" in 2011-? and I was ~13 at that time. I don't have access to the old SFT account in here (or it got deleted) so I just made this.

I find it surreal how this server is still around and by the looks of it active enough. I'm glad it's still alive.
I actually met a really good friend on this server who I keep in touch to this day. He was known as: "Lt__Huntsman".

There some others who's name I still remember: Hytessi, waziel, lmay0001
Any of these guys still around?

Below are some pictures as sort of proof. These are from some unlisted videos which are waaay too cringeworthy to actually share them. Well besides one where I don't actually talk.
Also timestamp of an island city I worked on with waziel.


Cum o mai duci Towelie?