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Messages - Stoovs

General Announcements / Re: How are things?
Mar 14, 2017, 06:16 PM
Quote from: Stoovs on Feb 23, 2017, 01:18 AM
Quote from: Dday694 on Feb 23, 2017, 12:17 AMI think what sft lacks is not events hosted, but bigger games that need plugins (such as build my thing and hunger games).

However the constant problem with this is when we do open up such a minigame server just for it, it dies off after 2+ weeks because people get tired of it and it shuts down.

So my suggestion is why not create an independent world from the event world (but still hosted on the survival server) that would only host these big events. However after a certain amount of time, it gets replaced with another big event. For example, for 1 week players can play hunger games. After that it would be replaced with build my thing for a week and so forth.

That way, these mini games are always cycled around and entices more players to join and participate in these events. Even the same can be done for adventure worlds or whatnot to change it up.

Really like this idea and give it a +1. Might even attract some new players in every now and again (if you just advertise it's existence within the Survival description on voting pages). Could finally put into motion what I've been suggesting for quite some time and that being a mini-games server (where Minecraft servers are clearly thriving). You now have quite a decently sized dev team as well, where it isn't just Fear and darknuju and SFT has been needing something to help spring it back to life.

This came from another topic, still don't know why it's not looked into. It doesn't have to be just you (@Towelie) and @saywhat2365 looking into this kind of thing, let your devs do it. They're there for a reason, use the potential they have.
General Discussion / Re: Post your FACE!
Mar 07, 2017, 11:34 PM
Quote from: smallfry5545 on Feb 22, 2017, 11:44 PM
Quote from: CaykoMarie on Feb 22, 2017, 11:22 PMThe only problem with the Manager+ team hosting more major events is that a lot of the time, people don't even show up. We have a big weekend event every Saturday or Sunday. Last weekend, while I understand was the release of factions so it was bound to be slow, I offered the prizes to be on Survival or Factions hoping for people to at least show, but not a lot did. I was only able to host two rounds of Tower Spleef rather than four like I had originally planned.

A lot of the time, people say they want events, but then don't show up or end up not thinking the prize is great enough because it isn't a huge emp amount.

Part of this is because players generally get bored of playing the same events over and over. I understand that you can't make a new event every week, but every few weeks is definitely possible. Or take games that are normally played, and completely change the rules or how you play it so at least there's variety. Just my opinion..

On top of this, I honestly don't think the best solution is to host more big events. Not all the time can players get on at the specific times for certain events so having EventHosts host more often, more around the clock is probably a better option. Not to mention a lot of the weekend events either seem to be some kind of spleef or hide and seek/prop hunt type thing. If you're going to be hosting weekend events then they should atleast be exciting, and I'm not talking about the prize pool. There is more incentive to go play something that is a brand new then there is in getting some money in what is already considered an inflated economy. Want to get more players to show up to events? Don't have them every weekend and have something new for a change.

So to summarize:

  • Get yourself more EventHosts that are hosting more around the clock (most hours of the day)
  • If you're going to host big events, host new, exciting events. It doesn't have to be every weekend.

Quote from: Dday694 on Feb 23, 2017, 12:17 AMI think what sft lacks is not events hosted, but bigger games that need plugins (such as build my thing and hunger games).

However the constant problem with this is when we do open up such a minigame server just for it, it dies off after 2+ weeks because people get tired of it and it shuts down.

So my suggestion is why not create an independent world from the event world (but still hosted on the survival server) that would only host these big events. However after a certain amount of time, it gets replaced with another big event. For example, for 1 week players can play hunger games. After that it would be replaced with build my thing for a week and so forth.

That way, these mini games are always cycled around and entices more players to join and participate in these events. Even the same can be done for adventure worlds or whatnot to change it up.

Really like this idea and give it a +1. Might even attract some new players in every now and again (if you just advertise it's existence within the Survival description on voting pages). Could finally put into motion what I've been suggesting for quite some time and that being a mini-games server (where Minecraft servers are clearly thriving). You now have quite a decently sized dev team as well, where it isn't just Fear and darknuju and SFT has been needing something to help spring it back to life.
There's no point in resetting an economy without resetting the whole of the server. Erasing money is nothing if the richest will still have all of their items. The only way to get the economy that YOU want is to have a full reset. That being said, lots of people have made arguments on both sides of the spectrum so the best thing to do is to judge them equally, weigh out the options, and pick the end solution.

If you want to try to balance the current economy then take these suggestions into account:

  • Remove the Emporium OR remove the ability to sell to the Emporium
This will stop bringing cash into the economy and will remove cash from it, especially if Emporium prices are adjusted accordingly where people will actually buy from it
  • Create a variable tax rate (Lower for poor players, higher for richer)
The poor only have a few dollars to spend and they're going to want to keep as much of it as they can. The only problem that would occur here is people forcing themselves into lower tax brackets so they don't have the higher tax.
  • A market with variable prices based on supply and demand
Could be useful, could be awful. It could easily kill the Emporium and autoshops but there is no guarantee either way. It'd be a completely different economic system then what it currently in place. This could however, still be abused by players with lots of money and materials. They could easily manipulate the market, especially on a small server such as SFT.
  • Increasing overall tax (closer to real world economies) to 15-20%
Would help drain money from the economy (which is clearly needed). Very simple solution, albeit, won't get the result you want as quickly, or maybe even at all.
Quote from: Towelie on Jan 25, 2017, 06:26 PM
Quote from: Stoovs on Jan 24, 2017, 10:58 PMThis is the exact opposite of progress for a server. This is the type of thing you'd experience back in 2012 when the servers were actually full and lag was prevalent for that exact reason. Cheating is a not nearly as serious a problem these days and the biggest problem with regards to "cheating" these days is actually X-ray which there is already a process in place to deal with that. Don't like the idea, definitely don't support it.
That's extremely rough to be honest. Tweaking things like the anticheat are things that take time and observation of players. I'd hardly call a couple of days of some people maybe triggering alerts "the exact opposite of progress.
The biggest problem is not xray, the biggest problem is that there are people who can go and spend $10 and buy a hacked client which can literally destroy the world unless protected by a plugin such as this. For example nukers: they destroy huge areas of the map in a very short time, without the player having to do anything but moving. Then there's the pvp cheaters which may not be as important but also work against us, by making players frustrated for being cheated.

You need to understand that progress means work. And work some times means temporary setbacks for the sake of even more progress.

Your main concerns seems to be nukers in this case. Precautions you can take for nukers is to have regular map saves and backups, say every 8-12 hours. This gives you a good time frame in which if there were extensive server damage, you have a quick backup that you can load without there being days or weeks of progress for players reset. I'm not exactly sure how often you backup the server in-case you need to rollback but this is the best suggestion that I can see instead of hindering your players experiences.

As for PvP, if you even remotely think it's still alive on Survival, you're definitely wrong. The small amount of times I've actually seen people PvP in recent days I'm able to count on one hand. Also, with the economy the way it is, it's more than easy for someone to get the type of gear they'd PvP with back, literally within minutes. I'm not saying the economy is terrible either, it's just matured which allows for easy access to a wide variety of items.
This is the exact opposite of progress for a server. This is the type of thing you'd experience back in 2012 when the servers were actually full and lag was prevalent for that exact reason. Cheating is a not nearly as serious a problem these days and the biggest problem with regards to "cheating" these days is actually X-ray which there is already a process in place to deal with that. Don't like the idea, definitely don't support it.
I suggested this a while back, albeit, not formally. Nice to see it come to fruition.

I haven't played in quite some time now but I think it might be useful to add this to the GUI that we have (assuming it's still around). Wouldn't mind seeing it toggled on as default as well and having to manually turn it off. Seems this would lead to less complications.

EDIT: Wouldn't mind seeing the list of blocked words either. May I suggest posting it somewhere? That way it could stay updated at all times and people could easily make suggestions to it. Might also want to tag it as NSFW or something if you were to post it somewhere.
Forum Games / Re: Yum Or Yuck?
Dec 26, 2016, 07:13 AM
Yum! I love tacos in and around my mouth

Rice is..
The only reason, as a Canadian, that I would prefer that Trump wasn't the President is simply because one of the first things he wants to do is look at the NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) which could be damaging to the Canadian economy, as if it isn't hurting enough already.

That and the fact that Canada doesn't really support a Republican party. All of our political parties are left wing, some more central then others, obviously.
Meh, Bernie would've had a stronger campaign. That's where the Democrats went wrong.

Other than that I am somewhat surprised although it's not like Trump actually won by a huge margin. As far as we can tell right now, he lost popular vote and the swing states he did end up winning were all pretty close.

Just like Trump said himself:
Polls / Re: Donald Trump v. Hillary Clinton
Nov 03, 2016, 11:28 AM
Still have no clue why people don't look to the "Third party" and calling them a "joke" is absurd. Clearly we have people in this community (and so far it honestly seems like the younger players, the ones who can't vote) brush off any third party candidate. Just saying that learning a thing or two about politics might actually sway what way you vote, not just taking what the internet thinks into account, or how your family might think. Take your own approach.

I've also been seeing a whole lot of people calling politicians "corrupt" so I'd like to link a CGP Grey video and let you understand WHY people become corrupt.

Username: Stoovs
Have you ever been staff before, and if so, where?: Yeah, Tekkit, Survival, Factions
Have you ever been banned before, and if so, what for?: Uptime boosting years ago
How active are you on discord?: Very
What do you plan to do as DJ?: Umm, play music?
To myself personally, Christmas has become a commercial holiday and a lot less of a religious one. Is that necessarily a bad thing? No, but I don't think it's a good thing either.

I've always seen Christmas as more of a time to spend with family and friends, and a lot less about what you get and I guess I could say the same thing about most holidays. They all seem the same, commercialized. People nowadays seem more interested in what they can buy for their friends and family and a lot less about the time and experience that they are going to spend with them. Other holidays I can specifically think of include Valentine's Day, Easter, Halloween, and a few others.
Quote from: td998 on Sep 15, 2016, 07:56 PMThe issue I have with this election is that people are ducking out of the decision. Don't vote for someone who isn't one of these two, that's just a throwaway vote and the same thing as not voting at all.
Quote from: IPwnCreeps on Sep 14, 2016, 08:50 PMTo all the people saying they would vote for neither, if you're of voting age and in the US I highly suggest you vote for a third party candidate. People always seem to claim that a vote for anyone besides Trump or Clinton is as good as not voting, but it shows in the polls. Say Clinton wins the election with ~40% popular vote. That means more Americans chose someone who was NOT Clinton than those who did. If you really don't want someone to win, or at the least have a very 'unsuccessful' win, vote against them. The only way to throw away a vote is to not vote.

Also, to anyone planning on voting I plead that you actually look into the policies and ideas each candidate truly stands for and don't just vote based off of what you've seen or read on the news. Most, if not all, news outlets are extremely biased.
Polls / Re: Skype v.s Discord v.s Teamspeak
Aug 24, 2016, 09:30 AM
I've grown very used to using Discord. I like the features that it has and the constant development that the program has.

That being said there are advantages and disadvantages with each and there are even a few more like Raidcall and Curse which I have used. Each one is unique and supplies different features than the other.
Polls / Re: Left or Right Handed?
Aug 13, 2016, 04:23 PM
Quote from: NoBoDyWoLf on Aug 13, 2016, 09:43 AMI use my left to write but my right for everything else. I'm weird  :P 
Basically the same thing here. My left hand is used for any sort of small utensil. Pencils, screwdrivers, forks, spoons, etc. However, I use my right hand for most other things such as throwing any type of ball (basketball, baseball, etc.), for anything that involves some type of strength, and just general usage.
Polls / Re: Back to school
Aug 09, 2016, 11:02 AM
School!? Yeah right!


...if only ;n;
Forum Games / Re: FAZAN!
Aug 04, 2016, 08:24 PM
Quote from: QuadKaiden|Yuggy on Jul 29, 2016, 11:05 AMCan we be told who these staff are so we know who to contact :)

There will be a "Staff Catalogue" at the spawn so that way players can know who the staff members are (I assume it will just be names due to other creative limitations).

That being said, this far in the staff members include the following:


I'm not 100% sure that all of these names are the ones that staff will have in-game (the ones marked with a star are confirmed names).
Eh. I think the requirements are a bit steep. I've been around for 4 years, don't even have 1000 hours on survival and had less than 500 before returning in February.

I know that the rank is for survival but I think that using total hours may be a better idea for this. Right now most people don't meet the requirements of 3500 hours on survival because of the simple fact that they either played elsewhere within SFT or just don't have the time to actually get there.

That being said, if you're not to change the requirements, then that's fine too. It just gives players something to strive for in the future and them getting to see it as a long term, multi-year goal. I think this is where you wanted to go with it, to make the rank more prestigious again.
Quote from: djkirsh on Jul 07, 2016, 09:07 PMIs Trove a thing that could be made into a server?

And would definitely love Left 4 Dead 2. I know at least 6 people who still play it xD

As far as I can tell, no. Trove hosts their own servers and doesn't allow for personal use servers. The best thing that could even be done in Trove, to my knowledge, would be a club.
Altis Life is very much so a community game in the fact that there is a lot of socialization. With proper management and no-pvp zones, etc., the game could very much be one of the "community centric" games that we're looking for.
Quote from: Lucy_23x on Jun 23, 2016, 06:28 AM
Quote from: ochoaj on Jun 22, 2016, 11:53 PMI think staff needs to chill out more often and not be so strict on kicking and banning people for minor offenses. I can understand if they are kicked if they say something completely inappropriate, but I think that if it's not major, then they should resort to talking it out.

Diplomacy is key.  :steve:
someone has been needing to say that for a while now but ever time I say it it comes out wrong.

A minor offence is usually something like a player breaking blocks in a claimed area, or a player breaking blocks within an unclaimed area but they are compliant with replacing them as best they can.

X-raying is a very serious offence, and I don't think you understand that Lucy. X-rayers basically ruin the economy and honestly, it's not doing so great currently. Having an economy with billions on billions of dollars in it just destroys the economy and any player having tens of millions of EMP basically just sets them up forever. If we were to allow x-rayers to just get away with a "sorry" then that's not a punishment on their behalf either. Most people (especially younger kids) aren't going to learn that they've made such a game-breaking mistake unless you punish them for it.