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Messages - arch8ic

Forum Games / Re: What's Your Excuse?
Oct 20, 2016, 02:46 AM
Can't, my mixtape isn't out yet.

Take my AP Psych test for me.
Why should we choose you?: I try to be as helpful as possible to the people around me, I've got tons of experience with mods and even B-Team as I used to play a lot. I've also got some experience staffing, having been a Manager on Lost. plus i love memes
Do you reach the requirements?:Yes, although my weekly uptime is on other servers (mainly Lost)
Do you try your best to help players?: Of course!
How much time do you play SFT a week?: 10+ hours, normally. School does get in the way sometimes, but I can manage that much.
Have you been banned before? If so, what for?: I haven't!
Do you have skype? If not, are you able to get it?: I do, and lax, you've got me already xd
Thank you so much! You might be able to get me off Lost for a while c;
Ooo, man am i glad this server is back! I've missed it c: Hopefully it'll bring in plenty of players!
General Announcements / Re: New B-Team Owner!
Jul 10, 2016, 03:03 PM
Congrats Laxy! It' well deserved c;
Happy birthday dap, you old man!
General Announcements / Re: Whelp
Jul 06, 2016, 06:27 PM
Quote from: Izzdaer on Jul 06, 2016, 06:16 PMIve been watching all sorts of threads and have had anonymous email correspondence with mojang (Or their BOT Brandon who is emailing us all) and have compiled all the important information i found into a layed out word document, which i have forwarded on for @Towelie 's viewing.

But I have dug out some pretty worrying stuff, but we have also managed to figure out some hard facts within the mist of hazy rules mojang is currently chugging out.

As for theories on how to get around it, we have to tread carefully because ive been talking to alot of server owners who thought they had found a way around it, a mojang representative connect to their server and they were whitelisted for a breach. bottom line is these rules are hazy, and their enforcement is just as hazy, and even if we dont directly break these rules, its looking like mojang can just choose to blacklist anyways if they dont like what a server is doing.
Microsoft in general is being really hazy about this. My advice, honestly, is to not try anything that could end us. We're already treading on thin ice here; finding a possible loophole might land us in even bigger trouble if we're not careful. Moving on from Minecraft might just be the best option we've got.
Quote from: Thanos on Jul 06, 2016, 06:15 PMJust a suggestion. What about a GTA V server, if there is such a thing.
Doesn't exist. The sessions are hosted by Rockstar themselves, and I think a majority of GTA V players here would be on different platforms anyway.
~Terraria's facing it's last few updates. It's been an extremely good game, and one I can come back to time and time again, but it's already had it's last major update (i'm assuming). Luckily, less updates = less broken plugins, and the game has challenging enough content to the point that it's still very playable. It could work.
~Minetest. I wouldn't rely on this too much. If it's buggy, it's likely not gonna work out too well. I'm not sure how this would pan out, but I don't feel very solid on it.
~I know nothing about SS13, so I'll follow dap and look in to it as well.

Now, GMod still has a pretty okay playerbase. If we wanna branch out from minecraft more, I'd say getting that TTT server up would help. That was a very well loved server.
General Announcements / Re: Whelp
Jul 06, 2016, 05:58 PM
Quote from: Towelie on Jul 06, 2016, 05:54 PMhttps://www.spigotmc.org/threads/mojang-no-longer-allowing-non-cosmetic-vote-rewards.161520/page-3#post-1719126

I'm hoping this reply actually gains traction. Unlike the other (extremely immature) ones, this one's actually reasoned and calls everyone to action. Well worded, Tow c;
PS i love ur memes bro
General Announcements / Re: Whelp
Jul 06, 2016, 05:52 PM
Quote from: Dreamξηder ღ on Jul 06, 2016, 03:17 PMAt this rate fan-made mods are going to become illegal too.

According to the EULA, anything that applies to the base game also applies to mods. The EULA basically states that they reserve the right to any mods, and they'd be able to take that right away from everyone else with a few clicks. They're not far from doing that.
Quote from: Karkafi on Jun 25, 2016, 01:03 AMIs Rust really that good? and where is the SFT server that hosts it located

Gonna preface this by saying I hate survival-type games with a passion. They're just not my type.

Rust though, is a good enough game to keep my interest. It's still in alpha, so it doesn't have very many things to do, but it's still a fun game, and with the random encounters/dungeons coming up it'll be enough to even capture my time. Funny enough, I think it's the most playable alpha I've ever been in. It's nearly bug free, and hackers are a rarity.

Overall it's a good game with huge potential. I'd say grab it.

I honestly jumped when I saw Dark Souls III on sale for like $45, I picked it up almost instantly.

Then came the Witcher 3.

oh my god guys i'm gonna be broke
@Towelie, can we talk about this? There are some easily fixable problems that simply require a person capable of fixing them.
Funny enough I was at one of their concerts last night. They played this song, of course. 'Twas lit, my dudes.

Sorry about your radio tho Dap.
IGN: arch8ic
Preferred Server Type: Adventure, mainly. I love it all though.
Study Corner / Re: Year 10 Analytical Essay
Mar 23, 2016, 12:22 AM
Quote from: YugureHono on Mar 22, 2016, 02:18 AMThe non-movement components used in this contempary dance show a vast variety of things, from the colours of the clothing to determine and analyse who the bullies, and victims are. The bullies and people who choose to ignore the people being bullied, are wearing black to show more muscularity and strength. Lighting used in the dance, usually is only pointed in a big group, but lights up when the people split away. The background is a very dark place, showing how dark the world can be around you when no one chooses to help you, instead leaving you behind.
Since the thesis of this essay is how the dance truly shows how hard bullying can hurt someone, your analysis needs to tie back to that, moreso than just an allusion. For example, you could say "This darkness emphasizes the fact that bullied people truly feel isolated, no matter what their surroundings are."

As for the conclusion, you could also say something as simple as "Both the movement and non-movement components of this dance bring out aspects, such as darkness, to illustrate the idea that bullied victims feel alone and withdrawn, hurting them more than what one can outwardly see."
Study Corner / Re: Year 10 Analytical Essay
Mar 22, 2016, 02:45 AM
The fact that you're limited to 600 words kinda sucks a lot. It's not a lot of room to work with at all.
If you could, try to elaborate on the analysis a tad more. I know it's something you've probably heard a lot, but analysis is always the most important part of an essay.
The second paragraph especially could use some beefing up; tie that darkness back to the thesis and say how the darkness emphasizes the bully victims' experience.
Overall, it's pretty good. Try to recap the essay in the conclusion though; even brief sentences that gloss over the main points can be extremely strong.
I hope I didn't sound too critical; after all, it is a nice essay! Just fine tune it and you'll be golden c:
This thread is strangely nice; I've noticed that some of the players who've been around for a while fall into an older age group, and the newer players seem to be younger. It's interesting, actually :P Never expected us all to be so close in age.

Anyway, I'm arch8ic. Some of you may (unlikely) remember me as ShadowAngel867. Gross name. Anyway, real name's Aman, I'm into tons of games, although recently I've lost a lot of time due to school. I'm 17 years old, junior year of high school, and a p okay orchestra player. I really love music, though, whether it's playing it or listening to it. If you wanna chat, my skype is also arch8ic.

@Cireshie fight me? or are you too chicken?
Quote from: happypinecones on Aug 12, 2015, 08:05 AM[...] I think the best way forward would be to not host too many more minecraft based servers. There is really only so much you can do with a game losing it's player base.
I agree with this. We should move away from Minecraft. Most of our servers at this point are Minecraft-based, and with the playerbase falling, our servers will reflect that drop. There are plenty of other really good games with larger playerbases that can provide even more entertainment, such as Rust. It may still be in Alpha, but it's getting better and better, and we can reflect that growth in SFT with our own server.
Quote from: Wavestrike on Sep 18, 2014, 03:23 AM
"Failed to login: Bad login" Is this a problem on my part?
It means your account is being used elsewhere at the same time. I suggest changing your password and not using multiple clients.
I know it's currently not complete, but a lot of the vehicles from the planes & cars mod w/ the Vehicle Crafting Table cause a lot of griefage, and can go through then barrier of the world. These vehicles are also a lot slower than the bike vehicles, and somewhat redundant.
Forum Games / Re: What's Your Excuse?
Aug 04, 2014, 12:11 AM
you memeing fuck

Accept Snoop Dogg as your lord and savior
dank kush