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Topics - Towelie

The Spigot team just announced that they are working on a 1.8 update, which means that Soon we will be able to have Survival updated to 1.8.
This puts a much needed certainty in the future of Minecraft and SFT in particular. I would like to thank the heroes of Spigot (and especially md_5) for their very hard work and for succeeding despite their legal burdens and other issues.

Their estimated release for Spigot 1.8 is November-Early December. This is amazing, seing as they are reinventing the bulb here (they don't have Bukkit to depend on so they have to do all the work: deobfuscate classes, fix some bugs and prepare for the biggest Minecraft update).

I am thrilled about this and it has given me new hope for Minecraft and the Minecraft Community.
This is a two-part post in which I wish to adress some forum issues.

Forum Ranks:
Since our donations are now automated, it has been impossible for us to keep up giving each donating player a Donator rank on the forums. If you have donated on either of our servers and don't have a "Donator" rank on the forums, open a ticket http://www.superfuntime.org/ticket/ and let us know about that. We may ask for identification (transaction id, etc), if we can't find you in our donator system.

This also applies for the other normal ranks (Member, Veteran, Elite, Legend). Since these ranks correspond to those of Survival and not other servers, I have decided to do the following:

- Anyone that is playing on any of our servers except Survival, and that has ranked up (is no longer the Default rank of that server, the one that new players logged in with)- They can request to be promoted on the forums to Member (via ticket http://www.superfuntime.org/ticket/admin/). Please send a screenshot of your current rank and explain which server it's on in order to apply.
- Anyone that plays on Survival and is a Veteran/Elite/Legend, can open a ticket and request to also get that forum rank. NOTE: If you are a staff member on another server, we cannot do that because it would override your staff rank.

Forum Activity
I would like to promote forum activity. For that, I invite all the forum members to be active, and post in topics / start topics even if they are not related to any of our game servers.

To celebrate SFT Pixelmon reaching 2500 +1's I am releasing a 25% coupon that can be used 10 times.
Be one of the first ten people who use this coupon and you will benefit from a 25% discount!

Premium Shop -> http://sftpixelmon.buycraft.net/

NOTE: Each person can use the code once.

We did it, and for that we thank you guys! For without your support we could have never done it. I am very proud and I know Dpa is proud as well. He's currently on a 1 month vacation to see his girlfriend for the first time so he won't be very active for the next one month but I guarantee  he would say the same I am saying: We love you guys, and without you this wouldnt have been possible!
So, now that we have a new dev (darknuju), let us know if you have any idea for plugins for Survival.
I'm looking in particular for gameplay enhancing plugins or plugins that add new mechanics (sort of like slimefun rather than just a simple mechanic that you'd get bored of after a day).

Let us know if you have any idea, if not it's ok.

I'd like to introduce Wands, a new plugin made by our newest dev, darknuju.

Wands contains:
- Access to Wands -  allows you to create and use Wands that have diverse uses, from particle effects to throwing mobs like a cannon and even making clones of yourself.

Standard Wands:
- Fire (throws fire particles) - LEFT Click in air
- Smoke (throws smoke particles) - LEFT Click in air
- Buta Cannon (throws pigs like they were thrown from a cannon) - LEFT Click in air
- Kitten Wand (throws kittens like they were thrown from a cannon) - LEFT Click in air
- Horse Wand (throws horses like they were thrown from a cannon) - LEFT Click in air
- Rejuvenation Wand (turns animals/some mobs into baby animals. Can be used once every 2 min) - RIGHT click on animal/mob
- Clone Wand (spawns a clone of yourself that will last 2 minutes. Can be used once every 15 minutes) - LEFT click ina ir

- To spawn a wand, hold a blaze rod in hand and type /spawnwand to get the list of effects (more will be added in time) and then /spawnwand <wandtype> to create the wand.

Some of you were able to witness the Wands the other night when I called you guys in for a preview.

NOTE: I have also re-organized the "Cosmetic" category of the premium shop.


Quote from: news.sky.comThe UN says the ebola outbreak must be controlled within 60 days or else the world faces an "unprecedented" situation for which there is no plan.

The United Nations made the stark warning as it warned that the disease "is running faster than us and it is winning the race".

Nearly 9,000 cases of ebola have been reported so far in West Africa, including 4,447 deaths.

"The WHO advises within 60 days we must ensure 70% of infected people are in a care facility and 70% of burials are done without causing further infection," said Anthony Banbury, the UN's deputy ebola coordinator.
Video: '10,000 New Ebola Cases Per Week'

"We need to do that within 60 days from 1 October. If we reach these targets then we can turn this epidemic around."

But Mr Banbury told the UN Security Council the 70% target was becoming harder to meet as new infections stack up.

He urged: "We either stop ebola now or we face an entirely unprecedented situation for which we do not have a plan."

The UN's Unmeer emergency mission is following a four-pronged plan to fight ebola.

Identify and trace contacts; manage cases; ensure safe burials and provide people with information to protect themselves.
Video: Screening for Ebola at UK Borders

"If we fail at any of these, we fail entirely," warned Mr Banbury.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) earlier said there could be 10,000 new cases of ebola per week within two months.

WHO assistant director general Bruce Aylward told a news conference the total was expected to top 9,000 by the end of this week.

He said the death rate from the current outbreak had risen to 70% from about 50%.

When asked how the situation could develop in the next two months, he warned: "We anticipate the number of cases occurring per week by that time to be somewhere between 5,000 and 10,000 per week.
Video: On Board Ebola Ship RFA Argus

"It could be higher, it could be lower, but somewhere in that ball park."   

Some 95% of the cases are occurring in the same limited number of districts of Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea which were affected a month ago, he said.

Dr Aylward said it was "too early to say" whether this meant that the epidemic was slowing down.

The plateau in reported infections may simply be due to limitations in the ability of authorities in the region to check and record cases, he said.

Dr Aylward said there were "positive" signs of a slow down in the rate of new cases in northern Liberia and Guinea, probably due to behaviour changes among the local population.
Video: Liberia Gripped By Ebola Virus Fear

But he warned: "This is ebola, this is a horrible, unforgiving disease - you've got to get to zero.

"With a bit of change in the behaviour of populations, with some burials happening safely, with a little bit more case management and a couple of new centres opening, you are going to slow this down very quickly."

Quote from: blogs.wsj.comParents can be held liable for what their kids post on Facebook FB -0.52%, a Georgia appellate court ruled in a decision that lawyers said marked a legal precedent on the issue of parental responsibility over their children's online activity.

The Georgia Court of Appeals ruled that the parents of a seventh-grade student may be negligent for failing to get their son to delete a fake Facebook profile that allegedly defamed a female classmate.

The trouble started in 2011 when, with the help of another student, the boy constructed a Facebook profile pretending to be the girl. He used a "Fat Face" app to make her look obese and posted profane and sexually explicit comments on the page depicting her as racist and promiscuous, according to court documents.

When the girl found out about it, she told her parents who then complained to the school's principal. The school punished the boy with two days of in-school suspension and alerted his parents, who grounded him for a week.

But for the next 11 months, according to the appeals court opinion, the page stayed up. It wasn't deleted until Facebook deactivated the account at the urging of the girl's parents, the opinion said. The girl's lawyer says the child's parents didn't immediately confront the boy's parents because their school refused to identify the culprit for confidentiality reasons.

"Given that the false and offensive statements remained on display, and continued to reach readers, for an additional eleven months, we conclude that a jury could find that the [parents'] negligence proximately caused some part of the injury [the girl] sustained from [the boy's] actions (and inactions)," wrote Judge John J. Ellington in the opinion, which was handed down Oct. 10. He was joined by two other judges on the panel.

The appeals court, though, agreed with a trial court's dismissal of another part of the lawsuit that sought to hold the parents responsible for allowing the page to be posted in the first place.

Atlanta litigator Edgar S. Mangiafico Jr., who defended the boy's parents, told Law Blog that the court's decision was marred by inconsistencies and said he would appeal the ruling to the Georgia Supreme Court.

Mr. Mangiafico said when he was researching the question of parental liability with respect to cyberbullying, he couldn't find any case in which a court found parents negligent for failing to supervise their kids' computer use.

Natalie Woodward, an Atlanta attorney who represented the girl, said she also believed the outcome was a novel one.

The ruling shows, she told Law Blog, that in "certain circumstances, when what is being said about a child is untrue and once the parents know about it, then liability is triggered."

Quote from: wgno.comNEW ORLEANS (WGNO) - Tulane's Dr. Robert Garry has spent the last several months frantically working to find a way to help control the Ebola outbreak in West Africa.

"We've seen it spread now internationally to the United States, to Spain. There's a lot of potential for other cases. We don't want to see this virus turn up in other parts of the world that have poor health care infrastructure," says Professor of Microbiology at Tulane Medical School Dr. Robert Garry.

It's why Dr. Garry is devoting much of his time to developing and perfecting a test that would detect the Ebola virus in minutes, not days. He's part of a team of close to 200 people based in Sierra Leone. The test not only provides a quick answer, Dr. Garry says it's also safer.

"The current test requires that you take a tube of blood from a person's arm, first of all that's a risk for the person drawing the blood. What our test allows you to do is just use a finger prick; very safe device, small drop of blood, you can put a band-aid over it. You don't have to expose the person drawing the blood to the risk of a needle or a needle stick. Then you take that small drop of blood, put it on this device, 15 minutes later you have a result," explains Dr. Garry.

As of now a patient with signs of Ebola would have to wait 24 to 72 hours for results.

Dr. Garry says the tests would be used in West Africa to diagnose patients quickly, but they could also be useful in the United States at airports and hospitals. He says his team is doing field tests now, and if all works well he hopes to deploy them for mass use within a month.

"Everybody's got their shoulder up against the wheel, pushing as hard as we can, so with a little bit of luck and a lot of teamwork I think we can get this done pretty quickly," says Dr. Garry.

Dr. Garry says they're also looking into how soon the new test could detect Ebola. Right now someone isn't contagious until they're exhibiting symptoms, so if this test can determine whether someone has Ebola when they're practically symptom free it could help keep that person from infecting others.

Quote from: ReutersPresident Barack Obama vowed a more aggressive response to the handling of any new U.S. Ebola cases on Wednesday after the infection of a second Texas healthcare worker prompted him to postpone a political trip in a sign of growing concern.

Obama spoke after convening a special Cabinet meeting at the White House to discuss the U.S. response to the deadly virus. He acknowledged concerns and fears raised by the handling of the original Ebola patient at a Dallas hospital, Liberian national Thomas Duncan, who died of Ebola and infected at least two healthcare workers while there.

The case of the second healthcare worker who contracted the disease, Dallas nurse Amber Vinson, has triggered alarm because she flew on a commercial airliner a day before reporting symptoms.

The Vinson case forced Obama, who typically hews closely to his schedule, to abruptly put off a trip to New Jersey and Connecticut, amid growing criticism of the administration's handling of Ebola, which is raging out of control in West Africa.

The postponement suggested a sensitivity by Obama to the unfolding crisis after he drew harsh criticism in August for playing golf moments after delivering his response to the beheading of an American by Islamic State militants in Syria.

Obama said the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which has been criticized for its handling of the Ebola situation, would send a rapid-response SWAT team within 24 hours to any hospital or healthcare facility where an Ebola case is reported to ensure proper protections are being carried out.

He also said it is critical to safeguard doctors and nurses. "We have to make sure that we are doing everything we can to take care of them even as they take care of us," he said.

At the same time, Obama urged Americans to remain calm and stressed that the risk posed by Ebola in the United States was extremely low.

"It's not like the flu, it's not airborne," he said. Rather, he said, the only way to get it is by coming into contact with the body fluids of someone who is showing Ebola symptoms.

The White House has strongly backed CDC director Tom Frieden, with spokesman Josh Earnest saying the government is showing "the kind of tenacious, adaptive response that's required."

But criticism grew of the administration's handling of the situation.

U.S. House Speaker John Boehner, a Republican, said Obama should "absolutely consider" a temporary ban on travel to the United States from countries at the center of the Ebola outbreak - something the White House has so far ruled out.

Democratic Representative Sheila Jackson Lee of Texas told MSNBC that the CDC needs to be more responsive.

With three weeks to go until congressional elections Nov. 4, Obama had planned to attend a Democratic fundraiser in Union, New Jersey, and headline a rally for the re-election of Democratic Connecticut Governor Dan Malloy in Bridgeport, Connecticut.

The worker at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas had taken a Frontier Airlines flight from Cleveland, Ohio, to Dallas-Fort Worth on Monday, officials said.

Obama also held a video conference call on Wednesday with leaders from Britain, France, Germany and Italy, to discuss Ebola and stress that a larger international response to the crisis is needed.

If not stopped at the source, "it will spread globally in an age of frequent travel," he said.
In the case of Amber Vinson, the Dallas nurse who flew commercially as she was becoming ill with Ebola, one health official said "somebody dropped the ball."
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said that Vinson called the agency several times before flying, saying that she had a fever with a temperature of 99.5 degrees. But because her fever wasn't 100.4 degrees or higher, she didn't officially fall into the group of "high risk" and was allowed to fly.
I'd like to point out something that bothers me some times.
You are Super Fun Time, you are the World, you are the representatives of the next generation of people.
However, some of you are kind of bad to others (I'd use the word asshole but I can't).
Please learn to be nicer with players. Please learn that just because someone's view is different than yours it doesn't mean that you are better.
Please learn that what makes one tick, doesn't make the other.

Stop picking on players/other people for really stupid reasons. Start being better people and better with your peers.
If you keep going the way you are you will probably die alone and bitter and in the end regret behaving like you did.

What I'm reffering to? The people that immediately discourage someone just because they think their idea is "worthless".

Examples of people that are being basically bullied with mean and offensive comments:
- People that post on the forums trying to make friends (eg: ask me anything)
- People that don't agree with you
- Others

Let's take this month as the month we learn to be better people and to stop bullying  and pointless discrimination.
Let's try to be better people or if we can't to just shut up and don't make other people's life miserable.
It has been pointed to me that the decision to post only a 24h notice before removing MinePacks was "poorly handed, not nice and lacks respect to players".

While i did post enough notice beforehand implying that the plugin can be removed without any warning and advising against storing any valuable items in it and saying we cannot be responsible for any item loss due to using the plugin, I agree that it's best to give people more time to remove this, and I apologize for the initial short term and lack of consideration for the players of this community. It was not my intention to disrespect you guys and I am sorry for that.

So you have until Friday, October 17th 2014, 20:00 EEST to remove all the items from your MinePacks, afterwards they will be lost forever.
Come chill with us!
General Announcements / [Survival] More /hats
Oct 11, 2014, 12:58 PM
For those of you that bought the Hat Perms (/hats), we have some good news!
If you haven't bought it, you can buy it from here (CTRL+F and search for "Hats")

New hats were added for free to all the players that purchased Hats Perms.

- Ender Face (Ender Portal) (Replaces Lava as it no longer works in 1.8 )
- Manly Man's Beard (Daylight sensor, looks like a beard) (Replaces Water as it no longer works in 1.8 )
- Mycelium Head (New)
- Pink Scarf (Pink Carpet, looks like a scarf - New)
- Mr. T Haircut (Anvil, looks like Mr. T's hair - New)
- Pressure Hat (Gold Pressure Plate , looks like solid gold glasses. Deal with it! - New)
- Herobrine's Head (Special Halloween Head - New)

I hope you enjoy! As a reminder, to open the Hat interface, type /hats then click on any of the hats to equip.

Hat Perms price was just reduced to 12.5 EUR and a new 10% sale was added  - so it's the best time to get hat perms if you don't have them.
For those boring (really boring) times when you're on survival and are wondering: "hmm.. what should I do now?", we have Tic Tac Toe (developed by FearThe1337)
To play the game type /ttt challenge <playername> They will then accept and an interface will open
You can bet up to 5000 EmpBucks per game via /ttt challenge <playername> <amount>

There is one fundamental flaw with the game (not the plugin, but the game itself) that we did not think about before doing it: Tic tac toe almost always ends in a draw xD (just like the real game). But that one time when your opponent is not paying attention you will win xD

Please disable your ad blocker on our website to support us!

I've decided to add two (at the moment there's just one) non-intrusive advertisements on the bottom left part of the website.  As opposed to last time, I pre-approve all ads now so there won't be any that there normally shouldn't. We are using Project Wonderful for the ads, and users can bid on the ad spaces (duration =24h so the amount you see below is 24h).

I don't think we'll make a lot of money (I'm estimating ~60bucks / month?!), but the money we earn will be used primarily to cover the costs of advertising (we use the money we get from advertising to advertise our website) and if it's more than we expected, It will go towards paying the bills as well.

Key facts to remember (in case you wish to bid yourself):
- We do not accept advertisement for other game servers. Period.
- We do no accept adult themed advertisements (so you won't see any porn or ads for viagra/cialis or any of that bullshit).
- We pre-approve all ads (meaning an ad won't appear on the website unless I manually accept it)
- The cost is per 24h. So if it says "Your ad here for $1" that means you will pay $1 / 24h (NOTE: Ad prices can change dynamically based on interest and how many people are currently bidding). Our minimum will stay at $1/24h/region/banner

I hope this clarifies everything. You aren't going to start seeing those annoying flash pop-ups/banners, your computer won't get infected from using our website and we control each and every ad that reaches our website.

This being said, I'd like to give a shoutout to our first two bidders:
- Katoon123 - An ad for /warp blaze (survival)
- saywhat2365 - An ad for http://www.towelieisfat.com/ (I'm ok with that and see it as a funny joke :P)
I am giving away a copy of Life is Feudal to a player that will play it daily with us.
To participate, tell us a story of why you want the game and how often you plan on playing on the SFT server and what is your goal/intentions to do on the server.

Then, after 24hI will do a random number draw and the person with the post number to match that wins the game.

NOTE: You are only allowed to post once in this thread. Posting twice will get your entry as well as the second post deleted.
I have hosted a Life is Feudal server (on a machine that already existed so at no extra cost).
To play on it, look it up in the list of "Internet" servers. The name is Super Fun Time [superfuntime.org] (easiest to find is to sort by name)

NOTE: Watch some videos before playing as i tried playing and did not understand how to do stuff.
I've made a list of questions that you can answer to (feel free to not answer to a question if it bothers you / offends you), in order for us to get to know each other better.
I was trying to think of a way to get SFT to be a more close-knit community and also to promote forum activity, so I believe this would be a good start.

Answer these questions and let's get to know each other:

Q: What's your name? (no last names)

Q: What's your age?

Q: What country are you from?

Q: What's your favorite SFT Server?

Q: What's your favorite thing to do on the SFT server you play most?

Q: What are your hobbies?

Q: What kind of music do you listen to?

Q: Do you own a Console? If yes what console?

Q: Do you have any pets? What kind of?

Q: Do you use Skype (y/n)

Q: Name the top 3 games that you still play

Q: Is there anything about yourself that you'd like to mention?

NOTE: Anyone harrassing/mocking/jailbaiting anyone for their answers in this thread will face severe punishment. Starting from 40 warning points up to a forum ban for repeated offenses.
NOTE2: It is not safe to reveal private information about yourself. Don't reveal your last name, exact address or anything else that you aren't comfortable with the whole internet having.

I'd like to raise to your attention an early access steam game by the name "Life is feudal" This is a mmo type game in which players can build houses and farm together, etc.
There will be two types: The MMORPG version with thousands of players ant the Server version (which we can host) and would have a max of 64 players (32 at start) but with customizable drop rates, xp rates, etc).
What I want from you guys is to tell me how many of you would buy this game if we had a server (only if you are 100% sure) and play it daily.

The game costs 30 EUR on steam and costs about ~35GBP/mo for us to host so not too much.
See the video then let us know what you think, whether you'd get it / play it and whether SFT should host a server

The game is early access and it's not fully complete but I'd be inclined to give it a try and host a server as it looks like it's awesome. I haven't played it myself and just found out about it.
General Announcements / Thank you!
Oct 05, 2014, 09:48 AM
I would like to thank all the players and especially those that donated after my "Alarming revenue" post.
Purchases have really picked up and I am confident at this rate we will be able to cover our costs.

You guys are awesome and honestly, I did not expect a response this good to my thread, I was barely posting it so you guys are up to date with what's going on.
You are awesome, and I am glad to be the founder of a community that has players like you guys.

Faith in humanity restored.

Players who haven't donated/can't donate, if you want to help, you can /vote for us that is also very helpful to us!
The old styled Mystery Chests and Jumbo Mystery Chests are back, exactly how they were before, but better.
This is for a limited time (we don't know how much they will stay in the store).

- All Mystery Chests / Jumbo Mystery Chests now contain at least a cosmetic item
- Jumbo Mystery Chests will contain Unique Cosmetic Items

We are re-stocking the Mystery Chest Warehouse as we speak. If you buy one now, expect a ~24h wait time due to the high demand and low stock.
I'd like to point out some things we're dealing with so you can better understand why we do what we do.

Bukkit Info

- Our server runs on Spigot. Which is a mod of Bukkit. Which is what allows us to have plugins and commands on the server. Bukkit has recently been "suspended" following a DMCA takedown request by an old contributor of Bukkit's source code (I won't get into detail, you can find that stuff on the internet). Because of that, It is currently uncertain if Bukkit will continue existing. A lot of developers bailed out and it's mostly dormant at the moment. Spigot is still continuing to issue small updates / bugfixes but it is uncertain whether they will be able to continue without Bukkit.
A new "guy" has appeared -> Sponge. Sponge aims to be the replacement of Bukkit. A way to have plugins/commands on a vanilla server, without requiring custom clients. However, it's just started and there's no telling when it would be ready. A few months at best, ~1 year at worse. The team is working as hard as they can.
When we will switch to Sponge, we will not be able to use our current plugins with Sponge, at least not without serious hours spent at making these plugins compatible.
Which is why currently, we've put a halt (or at least a slowdown) to making new plugins because we don't know when Sponge will be released and we already have a lot of plugins to update which will burden our Developers for basically months. This means that we will limit to fixing the bugs in our proprietary plugins but we will not be making new ones until Sponge is implemented, with the exception of a few things that are currently being worked on:

- Tic Tac Toe
- Town of Salem Minecraft (will be a server in its own)
- The Purge (will be a server in its own)
- Might be another thing or two that I'm forgetting now

Developer Info

We currently have 3 plugin developers (in alphabetical order):
- ColesyM
- FearThe1337
- a**hole

One plugin developer in "recruitment phase" (which means he's working to prove to us that he's suitable for the job):
- darknuju

And a website developer, who everyone knows -> Mordalthunder.

Playerbase Info
Like expected, our playerbase has taken a hit with the school/college starting. This was something we anticipated. You will see less players online, this is somewhat normal, however the weekends seem to be boosting our playerbase a bit.
Normally we'd resolve this by placing paid advertisements but due to the relatively low revenue we've received in this last month we are unable to. It seems like things are picking up, these last two days we've seen an increase in donations/purchases.

Infrastructure/Expense Info
We currently have 6 server machines hosted around the world:
- Webserver (Dell Poweredge R210 II)
- RO Server (Where Survival was hosted before: i7, 32GB RAM Currently on it: Tekkit, Parkour, Event Host Server, UHC Vanilla, Vanilla )
- Survival Machine (Where Survival and bTeam are hosted now : Xeon 1650v2, 64GB RAM)
- Pixelmon Machine (Where Pixelmon and the Pixelmon Modpack downloads are hosted: Xeon 1650v2, 64GB)
- Games Machine (Where Factions, B&B, Pocketmine and Vanilla (/vanilla) are hosted. Xeon E3-1245V2, 32GB)
- Unturned Machine (Where Unturned and 7 Days To Die are hosted Core i5 2500k, 16GB RAM)

Servers are located in:
- Webserver and RO server -> Romania Datacenter
- Survival Machine, Pixelmon Machine and Games Machine -> Canada Datacenter
- Unturned Machine -> At my house. I don't take any money for hosting it even though it uses my power

Current total monthly cost, after cutting the costs:
- Approx. 450 EUR
NOTE: This does not include any other expenses than just the hosting of the servers. If we want to advertise our servers that will run us an aditional ~3-400$ per month for ad campaigns. If something breaks, we will need money to fix it. This is just the barebones minimum to keep SFT alive

I hope this post has been informative for you and I made it so it adresses  SFT's situation so you all know.
I'd just like to inform everyone that we are seeing an alarming drop of revenue (donations/purchases). This is valid for all our servers, including Pixelmon and Survival.
If things go like they've been going in the past ~2 weeks it looks that for the first time, we might not get enough revenue to cover our monthly bills.

There is no reason for panic yet as we have a reserve from which we can pay the costs for several months, but it is alarming.

Want to help? You can do it in 3 ways:
- If you can, purchase something from the premium shop (type /buy in-game on the server you are playing with)
- Voting daily on all the voting sites helps us reach to new players which potentially might purchase premium items and help us cover the bills. Type /vote in-game
- +1'ing our modpack will help our SFT Pixelmon modpack/server gain visibility and potentially new premium purchasing users.  http://www.technicpack.net/modpack/details/sft-pixelmon.162655

NOTE: There is no reason to panic yet, SFT isn't dying, i am just pointing this out so you are up to speed with our currnet situation
If you are downloading the SFT Pixelmon modpack for the first time, it will not start due to an issue with Mojang.
To fix that, follow these simple instructions:

#1 Download and extract this to your desktop: http://puu.sh/bVbj9/2582edab6d.zip
#2 Double-click on run.sh

Done! You can now play!

NOTE: This fix does not work for Mac. If you use a mac, go to the .technic folder then to "cache" and "com" and extract the contents of this archive there. -> http://puu.sh/bVbnh/90f4cfa58f.zip
General Announcements / Story of The Empire
Oct 01, 2014, 08:35 AM
Check this out -> http://www.superfuntime.org/starwars

Text: TowelieDOH
Idea and Implementation: Mordalthunder
I've been talking to the Slimefun author and he fixed several bugs I reported (he's a cool guy).

- Fixed wood not being taken when crafting Grandma/Grandpa's stick (And re-added the possibility to craft the stick)
- Fixed wool not being taken when crafting Cloth
- Multitool now works and will be added into the game
- Added more tiers of jetpacks to the game

Changes will be effective on the next server restart (Couple of hours from now)

If you don't know what I'm talking about, type /sf guide in-game or say the word "slimefun" in-game for a link to the wiki
Since the Autumn has arrived, I decided to add a sale on Survival and Factions.
All items are discounted 20% as part of our Autumn Sale promotion
Go to the premium shop to see the reduced prices!

This promotion lasts until October 7th
General Announcements / GlobalMarket Tweaks
Sep 29, 2014, 10:51 AM
I have tweaked global market a bit (/market create).

- You can now have a max. of 15 open sales instead of 10
- Reduced the market mail queue time from 30min to 15min (meaning you get your money in 15 min now rather than 30)
- Made auctions expire in 48h instead of 24h

Effective in ~12h or after a restart
General Announcements / [Survival] Slimefun
Sep 28, 2014, 12:54 PM
Slimefun was added to Survival.
What is Slimefun? It's a plugin that replicates all the cool gadgets/weapons/machinery of Tekkit/FTB modpacks, but on Survival/Vanilla.
You will get a "Slimefun Guide" when you join which shows you how to obtain the items and how to craft them. NOTE that while some need to be crafted, others need to be put on the ground as they show (a crafting recipe with items only on the last row represents a craft that needs to be constructed on the ground.


Mods can now place pistons!
So if you need pistons placed you no longer have to wait for a Manager!
I was asked by Leftcut to allow Elites to place pistons but I cannot do that because pistons a) have been known to be very glitchy and even dupe items at basically every update b) are known to cause intense lag

I hope this is a good compromise for you and for us guys.
This is embarassing but I forgot about this until now. A while back we raised some money for WCRFI (World Cancer Research Fund International). Turns out though that we can't donate to them but one of their subsidiaries:

- WCRFI Netherlands
- American Institude for Cancer Research
- World Cancer Research Fund Hong Kong

Please vote which of these subsidiaries we should donate for.
Total money raised: 131.31 EUR

General Announcements / Emporium Price Change
Sep 23, 2014, 05:27 PM

You can see new prices above.

Notable chances:
Wooden Plank (all types) sells for 20
Log (all types) sells for 80
Wood Stair (all types) sells for 30 / does not buy
Wood Slab (all types) sells for 10 / does not buy
Sapling sells for 120
Stone Brick sells for 75 / buys for 15
Glass sells for 36 / buys for 12
Glass Pane sells for 15 / buys for 5
Stained Glass sells for 225 / buys for 50
Lapis Lazuli sells for 200
Dandelion Yellow sells for 15 / does not buy
Diamond sells for 4650 / buys for 2000
Diamond Block sells for 41850 / buys for 18000
Wool sells for 100 / buys for 40
Gold sells for 2280 / buys for 912
Gold Nugget sells for 253 / buys for 101
Stained Clay sells for 450 / buys for 180
Hardened Clay sells for 250 / buys for 80
Clay Block sells for 250 / buys for 80
Clay sells for 63 / buys for 21
Netherrack sells for 1080
Soulsand sells for 480
Nether Brick sells for 4544
Brick Block sells for 260 / buys for 87
Brick Slab sells for 130 / buys for 44
Stone Brick Slab sells for 25 / buys for 16
Music Disc (all except "13" and "cat") sells for 20000 / does not buy
Music Disc ("13" and "cat") sells for 8000 / does not buy

Coal Ore sells for 150 / buys for 60
Diamond Ore sells for 11625 / does not buy
Stained Glass Pane sells for 210 / buys for 55
Rose Red sells for 15 / does not buy
Cactus Green sells for 105 / does not buy
Cocoa Bean sells for 180 / does not buy
Wood Slab sells for 10 / does not buy

Chainmail - does not buy or sell
Spawn Eggs - does not buy or sell

New Premium Perk in the Premium Shop (Cosmetic Category, Last Item)
Firework Rider! Leave in style any time, from any occasion with just a simple command!
After typing the command /fwride, you are gloriously launched in the air on a firework, not befure leaving an awesome fire effect on the ground. Best way to make people say "WOAH" or to leave in style from any location. Best accompanied by the phrase "I must go! My people need me!"

Particle effects at launch:

Do you know of any new games (or existing) that SFT should host?
Suggest them here!

When suggesting, consider the following factors:
- If there are thousands of existing servers and the game in quesiton doesn't allow customization other than a few simple variables such as server name and motd, most likely there's nothing we can do to try and be above the other thousands of servers
- A perfect server to host would be one that allows us to customize it (such as Minecraft or via scripting) and allows us to add microtransactions which are needed to cover our running costs (for example, in Minecraft we can add microtransactions but in other games, for example Counter-Strike: Global Offensvie there's not much we can add in the form of microtransacitons.

List of games we are considering hosting servers for
Terasology: http://terasology.org/
Terraria: Even though we've had a Terraria server, tying it again might work.
We have a 10% discount running on all of our premium shops (Survival, Pixelmon, Factions, Creative, Unturned).

Check out:
Survival Premium Shop
SFT Pixelmon Premium Shop
Factions Premium Shop
Creative Premium Shop
Unturned Premium Shop (NOTE: Enter any minecraft nickname to see it. Enter TowelieDOH if you don't know other. This isn't needed, it requires it because we are using a Minecraft premium shop software for Unturned)
General Announcements / Tapatalk is back!
Sep 21, 2014, 05:32 PM
We have re-added tapatalk to our forums which means you can use Tapatalk for Android/iOS to browse our forums with convenience on mobile devices!
Why re-add it? TheHuntingHunter suggested it, I instantly said no but then I checked and it turns out they updated their plugin and it no longer breaks our forum like it did before.

To use, download tapatalk then search "Super Fun Time" in the list of forums. You will be greeted with a familiar looking logo :-)
I have updated several mods on the Unturned Server.
- Better cheat detection and ban
- Less crashes
- Less lagspikes when there are multiple builds
- Vote rewards now always get delivered if you are online

Server IP: unturned.sftmc.org
Download the Unturned game on steam (For free) to play!
Apply for whitelist here -> http://www.superfuntime.org/forum/unturned/apply-here-to-be-whitelisted/25/
SteveCO #23 - Iron Man Set was added today.
You can get steve-co crates by playing, voting or from our premium shop!
General Announcements / Survival is UP!
Sep 20, 2014, 01:24 PM
World2 has been reset. The old World1 is now World2.
There is a new World1.

Credit for the new spawn to camster65 Green_Giant Supermee3 Djkirsh funkymonkey245 that's the builders list (and saywhat is special and made a hill xd)

Not sure if you remember, but we used to have a 7 Days To Die server which we abandoned due to the game being too early in development and not having things such as infinite worlds / procedurally generated worlds.
Well, now, that stuff is in so come on and play some 7 Days To Die on our new server!


Server has been set up by Rallyreaper contact him in case of any problems as I don't know a thing about managing the server.
If you have our Minecraft Server (play.superfuntime.org) added to your favorite servers you will notice a minor change: Your head will now display instead of sft's logo.

When you hover on the number of players online, it will show this:
Regarding what dpa was working on.
Open technic -> add mod -> Enter Platform URL -> http://www.technicpack.net/api/modpack/sft-supertheftauto

Then join games.superfuntime.org:2100

NOTE: Read the signs at spawn else you won't understand a thing
Thanks to a**hole, we have added a new cosmetic donation to Survival and Factions - Particle Gun Tags.
What is it? See pictures below. Basically, particles will follow your arrow animating your bow's trajectory.

How to use: Buy Particle Gun Tags from the premium shop (/buy in-game) then store them in a safe location!
When you want to use one, hold a bow in your primary (equipped) slot, and have a particle gun tag in your inventory. Then type /particlegun to see a list of effects.

Once you have chosen an effect, type /particlegun <effectname> and the effect will be applied to your bow!
All there is to do next is fire an arrow and be amazed!


NOTE: I didn't have time to take screenshots of all the effects, so i just asked donny to take screenshots of my favorites.

Don't get your hopes up. At all. Controls aren't that great (due to limitations of Minecraft) and there is the ocasional glitch.

What to expect:
- A sandbox/ roleplay server with vehicles (including airplanes/tanks) and weapons

What does sandbox mean? You'll create your own fun. We just give you the tools (vehicles/weapons), a map (san andreas reproduction map) and you do the rest.

To be announced, dpa is working on it and we don't have an estimate release date.

Also, again, DO NOT GET YOUR HOPES UP (well.. you can get them a bit up becuase this is fun but don't expect grand theft auto). Like i said, there are bugs, the controls are bad / borderline unplayable but if you manage to get used to it you'll manage to control the cars/airplanes.
Oh, and one of the big issues is the airplanes behave like helicopters (or like floating cars) So they aren't very realistic.

Server IP: games.superfuntime.org:1343

After working with many people for several weeks, IPwnCreeps presents you: The Bread & Butter SuperFunTime Modpack.
In collaboration with Butterwhisperer, BattleAxium, TheHuntingHunter, TowelieDOH, hobodavid, dpa1991, spen96
We have created a Modpack Server for the SuperFunTime community. The modpack has mods such as Applied Energistics, Not Enough Items, Tinker's Construct, Computer Craft, Biblio Craft, and many more!

To download the modpack, you need the Technic Launcher

After that, open the launcher and scroll through the pre-loaded modpacks until you find "Add New Pack"
Once you find that, insert this link where it says "Paste Platform URL Here"

Modpack Link: http://www.technicpack.net/modpack/details/bread-butter.424445
NOTE: For support regarding this server, adress IPwnCreeps
I'd like to change/add a few rules.

- From now on you cannot transfer your perms to other players unless you are buying the Sponsor rank (in that case you can transfer any perms that you have, that will be doubled by the Sponsor Rank
- From now on selling donator shop items for EmpBucks / any other currency is a grey area. We will not allow post of such trades on the forums and you will receive a warning if you are cought posting it, but you can trade them in-game as well as you don't publicly advertise them

Why these chances? Quite simple really:
- 50% of Survival's current donations come from two people (I will not name them)
- Donations have decreased drastically compared to pre-EULA (we can cover the bills so we aren't in danger but we would like to try to increase this).

PS: You are welcome to suggest any new premium items that you think we should add AS WELL AS THEY ARE COSMETIC ONLY AND RESPECT MOJANG'S EULA.

In Disclaimer Form:
- Permission based donations are account-bound and not transferable to any other players. There are two notable exceptions from this: 1) If both the accounts belong to you and you can prove that (for example if you change your account) and 2) If you buy the Sponsor/SantaClaus ranks
- Players are not allowed to publicly sell/buy/trade any premium shop items
General Announcements / Vanilla Bungee Server
Sep 13, 2014, 11:40 AM
I have added a Vanilla Server to the bungee system so you can check out all the new 1.8 features / items.
To connect to it, just type /vanilla when connected to play.superfuntime.org

NOTE: You will need to apply for whitelist here-> http://www.superfuntime.org/forum/minecraft-discussions/apply-for-vanilla-whitelist/


After playing, you can get back to lobby or survival via /lobby or /survival
General Announcements / Network Status Tool
Sep 13, 2014, 09:54 AM

Always know the network status and when a server is down from now on!
Click on a server's name for detailed information about that server.

NOTE: The site doesn't auto-refresh to conserve resources so you will have to refresh when you want a refreshed playercount.

SteveCo Crate #22 Added!
Contains Mega Man Set