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Topics - Towelie

General Announcements / Vote Contest
Aug 02, 2014, 09:12 PM
First three voters at the end of the month (August 31st) will win 40, 30 and 20 EUR donator shop credit OR steam games worth.

Check progress at: http://www.superfuntime.org/votes (click this month)

ALSO: 300k, 200k, 100k to the top 3 voters each week (first rewards: 7th of august) (click this week in the votes page)
General Announcements / Dpa appreciation day
Aug 02, 2014, 05:31 AM

I'd like to take this day (seing as it's Pixelmon's bday) to appreciate what Dpa1991 has done for SFT and what he continues doing:

- He prevented SFT from dying by starting Pixelmon (which was insanely popular) when Survival was at it's lowest popularity
- He made Pixelmon into the popular server he is today
- He made the third most rated pixelmon modpack on technic (we have you guys to thank for that too)
- He is the first pixelmon modpack manager to update to Pixelmon 1.7
- He dedicates hours of his time each day, and with this update, he pulled all-nighters like a boss (working up to 30 hours without sleep or rest).

Let's all give dpa our congrats!


Yep, worth a try at least :P
PS: Dpa suggested this to me xD
Yes, this post targets our Survival server. Not because I care about only Survival but because currently it is the only server that has me running without ideas. I can't do a world reset because I'm stuck waiting for 1.8, Towns plugin is taking long to test and will take even longer until it's deployed (don't ask me when, we're testing it atm, doing our best, don't wanna rush).
So seing as the situation on Survival is not too good right now (World2 is almost full, World1 has ~30% free space and there's not really anything new to discover/explore), what should we do to give players stuff to do  until the reset?
Maybe a minigame plugin, maybe something else? let me know
I am wondering why people aren't voting.
You asked for better rewards, we added better rewards. You asked for more EmpBucks in the votes, we added more EmpBucks. You asked to be able to buy Flymod/Other permission-based donations by voting, we added that.
So why aren't you guys voting?

We are in a bad bad place, whereas we used to be on #40th place a while ago now we struggle to maintain in the top 100.
What is your reasoning for not voting on the server?

I believe I explained one to many times that it's crucial for us to get votes and that our very existence relies on that, as well as donations and +1's.

We aren't forcing you to vote like other servers and we aren't whoring rewards either (although we are getting close to doing so, I believe our current vote rewards are a bit too big but you asked for them).

I don't want to play the shaming card (again) and tell you how horrible you are for not voting because a) that doesn't work b) it isn't a real good way of doing things.

But I'm trying to find out why people are not voting. PS: Saying you are lazy is no real excuse. What if staff were too lazy to help you too? Or what if we were too lazy to process unbans. Would that be an excuse?

The moral of this story: Please /vote daily. Please +1 our server on all of your LEGITIMATE minecraft accounts, please donate if you can. It helps us a lot and these are the only 3 things that can help guarantee our future existence
I have set up a Pocketmine (pocket minecraft) 0.9.0 server. You can now join with your 0.9.x clients.
It's not vanilla, but it only has a few plugins (as most haven't been updated yet).

Server IP: games.superfuntime.org
^^^ This will be the new IP for our pocketmine server, we will not use the ro. one any more.

What works:
- Ranks and prefixes
- /home and /sethome
- Your chests should be in theory protected (not tested)
- Your builds are NOT protected (we have to wait for a protection plugin to be updated)
- Automated broadcasts

NOTE: All staff members need to contact me to have their ranks set to Mod/Admin. All ranks and passwords were reset (so you will need to /register again)
NOTE: Griefing will get you banned globally. So don't grief on this server.
Ok so, first of all, the title is meant to be a joke. Please don't be offended by it. I will not in fact kick anyone in the face (you might hear some very ugly words from me if you get to upset me that much but few people did so far).

What you should know about me:

I am a human being. I have defects. One of these defects is that I'm defensive. Tell me that my baby (SFT) isn't perfect and my first instinct will be to kick you in the nuts/face. If you want your suggestion to not get ignored and if you are reporting an issue and don't want me to respond with aggresion,

1. Suggestion  Examples
This server sucks. I can't even grief. Make it so i can grief ori leave nao
In my opinion, it would be better if you allowed us to salvage abandoned builds.

2. Reporting Issue Examples
I hate it how you have to wait 2 seconds before you /warp. Whoever made that is an idiot. I hate SFT #rebel
In my opinion, having to wait 2 seconds before warping should be tweaked a bit and made better. I will also make a poll to see if I'm the only one thinking this or not.

Please remember, I try to keep cool and even though someone pisses me off I'll do my best to keep that to myself. Please keep in mind I am a human being and I do get angry too. I can't control my feelings and I can't just stand idly by while people say bad things about my baby (server). Yes, I am defensive. Yes, it's a defect. No, I can't change it. WHY SHOULD I CHANGE IT OMG I HATE YOU!

NOTE: The above post is meant as a sattire. Please don't let anything I said above offend you I was just giving a few humorous examples.
This is just a post to remind you guys that we have a "NO REFUND" rule in place.
This ofcourse applies to any items lost that were not the direct consequence of a staff member.

For example:
- If you die losing items, we will not refund
- If an admin slays you (and it was unprovoked) and you lose some items, we will do our best to refund

Why this rule?
- It's impossible to verify the veridicity of one's claims. For example, you say you lost 100 diamond stacks, when in fact you lost 1. We cannot check that, the logs don't log item drops/pickups.
- Even if we do believe you (for example let's say you are a very old player who has never broken the rules in their life), we cannot refund your items upon loss because that would constitute as preferential treatment over the other players

We ask that you understand this one big rule and understand that we may not be liable for any of the bugs in mojang's game and/or third party plugins.
If you are affected by a first party plugin (plugin we made), we will do our best to refund where possible.
Our pixelmon server was updated. You will need to update to play on the server.
Currently, the SFT Client does not work so please use the technic launcher.

Instructions on getting the technic launcher:
1. Open your Technic Launcher and click "Add new pack" and paste in your Platform URL (Found below)
2. Paste in our  Platform URL and click play, the pack will now start downloading.
3. Our server IP is already located in the client so you're all set to start your adventure!

Platform URL:

Dpa did all the work, I am just posting FYI.

Edit: Added. Costs 10 eur to buy then you can change your badge for free (via the donator shop) at any time.

New donation item that will be added tonight: Badge system.
It will cost 10 eur to unlock the badge system and get an initial badge but afterwards you will be able to change your badge for free, as many times as you wish (via the donator shop).
There will be multiple badges/symbols ranging from icons of vehicles (plane/boat) to heart, etc.

Stay tuned!

Thanks to Fear for making it possible
General Announcements / Few Changes
Jul 20, 2014, 02:51 PM
Few changes happening lately which I felt needed a post.

#1 The nether was reset.
#2 World1 will be increased from 5500x5500 to 5750x5750 4500x4500 to 5000x5000 to give you guys some more space until the world2 reset
#3 We are tweaking vote rewards (as soon as ColesyM is here and can do the changes):
- Remove wool rewards completely (32 x wool, etc).
- Replace cooked pork with pumpkin pie
- Replace emeralds with golden carrot
- Increase the XP in the tiers (1: 50xp, 2: 100 xp, 3: 150 xp, 4, 200xp, 5:250 xp)
- Increase the Emp reward from wh at it is now (2k emp per vote?) to 4k emp per vote for tiers 1,2; 6000 emp for tiers 3,4 and 7500 for tier 5
- Add SteveCo crates on tiers 3,4,5 (3 with the rarest chances, 4 with a more common and 5 with the most common but still not very often). Current crates: Series 1-17

#4 We are re-adding all the vote sites in /vote. When you type /vote now the first link will be to our current global vote site (superfuntime.org/vote) but after it there will be links to each individual voting site, making it easier to you guys

#5 We are adding "unusual armors". What that means, is that you will be able to buy Effect Tags from the donator shop (soon) and add a particle effect to your armors (will work similar to how ReNametags work now). ETA: Later today or tomorrwo

#6 We have added an option to add 1mil/2mil to the lottery pot and to draw the lottery (by donating)

#7 We have added the new donation ranks. They look the same, but have only cosmetic perks. They are based on this thread: http://www.superfuntime.org/forum/minecraft-discussions/%28feedback-needed%29-new-donator-ranks/new/#new but also contain ReName tags. You can also rent these ranks for 1 month now, at a cost of 30% of the full cost (however you will not get any consumable items such as  ReNametags).

#8 We have moved all the items that are going to be removed on August 1st into a category (that says just that), and we have discounted them all 50%. I'd like to remind you that you have until August 1st to buy these items after that they won't be available to buy any more (including empbuck packages, flymod, autoshop and so on).

#9 Around next week we should be starting the BetaTest of the Towns plugin. We were supposed to start it this weekend but some permission issues prohibited us.

As a reminder, any items you have already donated for until August 1st will be yours to keep.

Hope I'm not missing anything.
PS: I've got an exam next week, not sure when, I'm going to register Monday so probably Wednesday/Thursday. Until I pass the exam i will spend less time on SFT due to having to study. Driving test here is much more complicated than the us, I have to answer 24 questions correctly out of 26.
We have discounted all the EULA Violating items from the donator shop by 50%.
I'd like to remind you that starting August 1st these items will be removed from the server.
To make it easier to you to realize which items will be released, I have moved them all in the "Will be removed in august 1st" category.

Click here to go to the donator shop -> http://superfuntime.buycraft.net/category/168625
So, with this new update (that by the way is completely broken), and the fact that we have to wait until we can safely update, our Pixelmon server is slowly losing popularity.
The only way to stop that is by getting more +1's.

In order for us to get a steady stream of players and to be able to continue we'd need a total of at least ~2500 2000 +1's (right now we have 1673 1829.

So please, +1 our modpack.
Link to modpack: http://www.technicpack.net/modpack/details/sft-pixelmon.162655
To +1, log in or create a technic account then go to the link above and hit +1.
ONLY POST if you +1 our modpack. If you already +1'd, we had contests before.
You are allowed to +1 multiple times but ONLY ONCE FOR EACH MINECRAFT ACCOUNT YOU OWN!!!

PS: Post a screenshot after you +1 and at August 1st 15th we will have a draw and three lucky winners will receive 20 25 eur donator shop credit each (on either Survival or Pixelmon).
As per our poll, we decided to support the World Cancer Research Fund International.
To donate for WCRFI, please click here -> http://superfuntime.buycraft.net/checkout/packages/add/911769/single

Details about how this will be done, are in the purchase page.
After donating, contact TowelieDOH to receive your comemorative hat.

QuoteDonate for the World Cancer Research Fund International

Reminder: As per the poll we made, WCRF was the winning charity.

How this works:  what you donate for this item, after a month (on August 15th 2014), will be donated to WCRF (during a live stream event).

Also, at the end of the period, we will provide an evidence (in the form of screenshots of all the purchases of this item) of how many donations we received for this charity.
We aim to do this as transparent as possible.

By donating for this charity, you will also receive a comemorative hat in-game.
Contact TowelieDOH to claim your hat after donating.

NOTE: 2 Eur is the minimum, however you can specify any sum you want for this Charity.

Total raised so far (updated daily): 96 Eur

Donators so far:
SteveCo Crate #16 was added.
It contains over 20 decorative heads (food items, decorative objects, character heads).
NOTE: Every unbox will give you a head, there are no "fail items".
If you notice any broken heads (that aren't what they're supposed to be) let us know but PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT YOU ARE USING 1.7.9 else you may not see the heads.

The world(s) will be reset as we update to Pixelmon 3.1.x.
We are currently performing tests and we cannot see a way in which we don't have to reset the world.
What happened ins, 1.7.2 Pixelmon uses a different way of storing items (Went from item id's to item names).
We apologize for this inconvenience!

What you will lose:
- Your builds
- Your inventory
- Your XP level

What you will keep:
- Your Pokemon
- Your /money
- Your MCMMO xp

We apologize for this however sacrifice is often needed for progress. We will do our best to refund any item donations that occured in the last two weeks prior the reset, but no more than that seeing as these items are considered consumable items

NOTE: At this time we do not have an exact time of the upgrade so this is just an informative message.
We are testing 3.1.2 for stability and will post more updates as we have them

NOTE: Our initial plans of giving you guys a storage world to store your items on would not work because of this item id-> name change.


Server IP:
Vote for our server: http://7daystodie-servers.com/server/1081/vote/

I would like to remind everyone that we have a 7 Days To Die server.
I believe this server shows promise and that you guys should check it out! I play on it and I just love it.
What's 7 Days To Die? Well, It's like minecraft except focused on hardcore survival. Yes, you can build and make your own shelter but the game isn't all about building, it's about surviving, about raiding the map and trying to find some good loot. There's plenty of weapons in the game from pistols to shotguns and rifles.
It has a nice crafting mechanism, where stuff takes time to craft and I guarantee it will give you a run for your money.
Since most of the players that will play on this server will be beginners we decided to let players keep their inventories upon death so the only thing you will lose when you die are the items in the quick bar.
So yeah, I am personally inviting you to try the game out and I am promising you that this game will be around for at least 6 months (hopefully more but 6 months is a pledge I'm willing to take to get people playing).

Where can I find the game?
1. You can find the game on Steam, for 23EUR (or about $30)
2. If you are willing to take a small risk or two, you can get the game much cheaper on Kinguin.net
Link: http://www.kinguin.net/category/3792/7-days-to-die-steam-gift/
Be careful at the user's ratings, I have personally purchased games from here before and hadn't had a problem but don't deal with users that have a poor rating and also, Steam might not like it if you do this often (buy games from other sites)
3. You can buy 7DaysToDie from the makers directly for $25. Link: https://7daystodie.com/buy/

NOTE:  The game is in alpha at the moment. It's very enjoyable and they will constantly be adding new content. What's cool is that they are telling users what to expect from future updates so even though at the moment  there's just a predefined map with ~3 types of zombies, when the game comes out it will have a huge procedurally generated map (like minecraft), vehicles, many more zombie types, much more weapons and so on.

Dpa is now 24! Happy Birthday!
Buy the man a beer! Paypal:  dapsters@gmail.com
Thanks to katoon for the image
ColesyM has updated SFTMMO2 and added a cool feature - The Glider!
This is unlocked when you get to Level 25 for Acrobatics and its performance is increased based on your Acrobatics level.

To activate your glider, hold a feather in your hand and jump while holding it.
NOTE: The glider will only activate if your Acrobatics level is at least 25.
Looking in different directions changes how the glider behaves (will let you discover that)

NOTE: This may be glitchy if you don't own flymod due to the anticheat
General Announcements / 7Days2Die Server
Jul 05, 2014, 10:04 AM

We now have a 7 Days To Die server.
I promised you guys that as soon as they add resource regeneration we will have a server and now we do.
So get your 7d2d installed and running and tonight we'll have ourselves an event.

You had the opportunity to suggest charities, now we have to pick one of the suggested charities.

Website Links:

Please vote in the poll!

NOTE: When a winning charity is selected, we will add a new option in the donator shop saying "Donate for X Charity" and after ~30 days, we will see how much we raised and donate that money to a charity, during a livestream.
The donators will get a customized leather helmet that marks the occasion. It won't have any OP enchants or anything, it's purely a commemorative item.

Please vote in the poll!
General Announcements / Happy 4th of July!
Jul 04, 2014, 06:20 AM

A new donation item has been added to the Survival donator shop (and in a few minutes to the Factions donator shop): Hit Effects.
Upon purchasing this, you will be able to enable hit effects These effects will be played when you hit a mob/player with a weapon (including axes and bows).

PS: Its cost is 10 EUR
Added poll, please vote!

Lniks to charities:

And now details about how this campaign will be run:
After the poll ends, we will add a special donator item in our donator shop for the charity that wins.
This will go for a month, and after a month, all of the proceedings from that charity will go to the charity (this will be done open and transparently and during a livestream.

Everyone who donates to that campaign will receive a special "hat" (leather armor cap) customized to this occasion. The hat will have no enchantments other than unbreaking 10, so this will be purely decorative and to mark the fact that you donated for that charity.

PS: To see how much was donated for the charity, we will post screenshots such as this one that shows the names of the donators, dates and you can get total amount by adding everything together.
There is no other way of doing this with buycraft

Not sure if you remember, but a while back we had a donation run and we donated 50% of that month's income to the charity Childs' Play.
It went good, however, due to suggestions from the past thread, this time I will let you all suggest a charity then we will have a poll to determine which charity we will donate to.
We will then run a special campaign and donate the income of that campaign to the charity.

So here it goes, name your charity.

It has to be a reputable worldwide charity (such as Red Cross, Child's Play, Electronic Frontier Fundation, etc)

I don't know about you but I feel like things such as these should be done often and we should give something back to the world!

So yeah, name your charity, I will do a poll after i get several charity names then we vote.
We are running a differential discount campaign on Survival.
All the Items/EmpBuck Packages/Rank Packs are discounted by 35% while all the cosmetic/global items are discounted by 25%.

NOTE: 35% is the highest discount we will add on the Items/EmpBucks/Ranks. I would also like to remind you that starting August 1st these items will be discontinued, and if you buy them until then, you will be able to keep them.
I'd like to explain the new items we have added and what they do:

Armor Locker
After purchasing this, you will have access to the /armor command. That command allows you to color leather armor in multiple ways. First way, the default screen, allows you to quickly color the armor in the color of all the available wools / precious metals. However, if that's not enough for you, you can click on "Advanced Mode" and the armor window turns into a full fledged RGB color editor in which millions of shades are possible (255*255*255)
For more details, see BluetigerESW's video.

After purchasing this, you will have access to the /hat command. This command opens a graphical user interface which allows you to pick a hat from tens that are already available. More hats can be easily added by an admin, and will be added by request or when new items are added. These aren't just normal blocks, they are customized hats. NOTE: You cannot take the block off your head. IF you attempt to do that, it will dissapear. This is normal and intended.

Vanity Pack
After purchasing this, whenever you join the server, three random fireworks will be played above your head, and whenever you leave the server, a non-harming lightning strike will hit where you used to stand.

You can now rename items in-game. To re-name an item, hold it in hand and type /name <yourdesiredname>.
However, in order to rename items you need ReNametags. You can purchase these in the donator shop with prices starting from 5 Eur for 10 ReNametags or more advantageous bundles at a higher price. Why we are selling nametags instead of just the permission to rename items? Because otherwise, a single player would've bought permissions and would've renamed items for the entire server. Also, because we need donations to pay the bills and we need more "recurring" donations - items that players donate for more than once.

Drop a SteveCo Crate/Key
After purchasing this, a SteveCo Crate of your choice (or Key) will be dropped to all the online players, along with a broadcast that will tell the server who performed this kind gesture.

Invite Everyone to MobArena
We added this after repeatedly seing players desperately trying to get other players to play MobArena. For 1.5 Eur (any cheaper than this and paypal would've taken all the money in taxes), you can now have a boss-bar broadacst, telling everyone that <playername> is inviting them to MobArena.

Broadcast your shop
Self explanatory. For 4 Eur you can broadcast your shop in-game. NOTE: The broadcast only runs once, but it's the boss bar broadcast, not the normal one, so much more visible.

The others I believe are self explanatory.

This is the part where I ask questions and answer them myself:

Q: But Towelie, why start selling everything all of a sudden?
A: With the new EULA being enforced since August 1st, we will no longer be able to sell any gameplay affecting items (such as EmpBucks, diamonds, flymod, etc). We will only be able to sell cosmetic items or global items (hence why "buy everyone online flymod for a month" is  in the donator shop).

Q: Why did you take /head away from us? We really liked it.
A: I am sorry, but we had to take /head away in order to make the /hat plugin more attractive for players. We have to pay the bills and we are pretty scared of this whole EULA thing. Sorry :S

Q: What else are you gonna take from us next?
A: Nothing, we promise!

Q: Why should I donate?
A: If you like the new donator items we added, and most importantly, if you enjoy your time on SFT and would like SFT to continue existing for more than a few months, PLEASE DONATE!

Q: My parents don't allow me to donate
A: No problem! There are other ways in which you can help us if you want to: Vote for us daily, +1 our modpack and spread the word to your friends!

Huge thanks to a**hole for developing these plugins

I have cut in half the price of all the cosmetic donations.

All of the items were too expensive and it was unrealistic of me to expect someone to pay 30 eur for particle trails.
Check out our merch shop (now updated!). Link: http://superfuntime.spreadshirt.com/
We've added a lot new products and several new designs (and we are still constantly adding new ones as the community submits them).
New products: iPhone/iPad cases, Buttons, Mugs and a new T-shirt.
We are trying to revamp our merch shop and our main problem is that we have only a few models out of which are out-dated.
So we need new designs! This is where you come in!
If you are talented, know how to use photoshop, SFT NEEDS YOU!

Image requirements:

- Big resolution with a maximum of 4000x4000 (preffered between 3000x3000 and 4000x4000)
- File size under 10mb
- If it's a vector file it can contain 3 colors max.
- Image must be TRANSPARENT
- You must provide the source file (psd, etc)
- Available file types:

We would really appreciate everyone's contribution, with the new Mojang EULA we need to think of ways to help us pay the bills and this could be one way.
You are not restricted to only SFT designs, you can do Minecraft designs too as long as you are not using Mojang's graphics or any copyrighted graphics.

PS: If you make a design that is added to the merch shop and it's bought at least twice, we'll send you a t-shirt for free, with your design and a donator shop voucher worth 20 eur.

Sample t-shirt design: https://db.tt/IulVzDo1
Ok so, I feel like in my post "August 1st - The end of the SFT Donator Shop as you know it." I may have scared some of you and that my post is too negative, mainly because I was distraught at the time.

Even if the worst case scenario happens and Mojang starts cracking on servers starting August 1st prohibiting all donations except cosmetic ones. I believe we will be able to raise enough donations to support SFT even like that. However, there is a difference between the SFT that is today and the sacrifices we might have to make:

SFT Today:
- We have 5 Dedicated servers and a VPS around the world:
  - one for survival/bteam, one for pixelmon
  - one for the multitude of smaller servers (parkour, tekkit, derpy, eventhost server, spawntown build server, pocket server, etc)
  - one for factions, creative and small servers for the developers / staff training, etc
  - one for the website

- We have a multitude of other expenses:
  - cPanel WHM license for the webserver
  - Cloudflare license for the webserver
  - Mediafire Business and Dropbox Pro for the pixelmon/survival servers (backups/downloads/etc)
  - TCAdmin license for hosting servers and giving access to devs and so to them
  - Several Buycraft licensess
  - DayZ Server Hosting
  - TTT Server Hosting

- Other expenses:
  - Developing costs (we don't pay our developers because we cannot afford, but every other month, we try to create paid projects or bonuses so it keeps them motivated and interested)
  - Advertising costs
  - Maintenance costs

If we were to stop receiving the donations today, we would have to cancel pretty much everything but one Canadian server (where survival + pixelmon would run) and the webserver (where the website runs). This reduces our expenses to a minimum but means SFT will only have two servers: Survival and Pixelmon. Again, this is the worst case scenario. Maybe we will receive enough donations to support more than this, or maybe not.

So my point: SFT won't die. Don't panic. We won't be able to provide the Services we provide now, but it won't die.

PS: We do have to worry but you don't. We are the server owners, we have to worry and deal with this, you just have to play and be happy and if you like our servers vote/donate for us.
August 1st is the deadline when all server owners have to update their donator shops to match Mojang's EULA.
What this means: Starting August 1st we won't be able to sell EmpBucks/diamonds or pretty much any items.
We will only be able to sell cosmetic items (particle trails, pets, disguise, etc).
Realistically, we will start editing our new donator shop on July the 15th.
So benefit while you can because after July 15th our donator shops will feature purely cosmetic items.
I have no idea what this means for sft's survival and future existance.

PS: Rank packs are included too: they can't contain items or anything else.

QuoteDo server hosts have a grace period to implement changes to their servers?
Yes. All servers must comply with the EULA by August 1st, 2014.

I am 100% serious. This affects all servers (pixelmon too)
General Announcements / SteveCo Crate #14
Jun 15, 2014, 12:43 PM
SteveCo Crate #14 was added today.
It's pirate themed and was inspired by MrEpicWonder.
Open them to learn what's in them :P (or ask MrEpicWonder as he got a full set for suggesting this).
Come play on Towelie's Derpy Server based on Towelie's Derpy Modpack!
Thank you dpa for helping me make the server!

Platform URL

To play:

Step 1: Open your Technic Launcher and click "Add new pack" and paste in your Platform URL (Found above)
Step 2: Paste in our  Platform URL and click play, the pack will now start downloading.
Step 3: Our server IP is already located in the client so you're all set to start your adventure!

You can find the full list of mods in the technic mod description, here: http://www.technicpack.net/modpack/details/towelies-derpy-modpack.362466
Please +1 my modpack if you want me to actively maintain it and add cool new stuff.

Short version of what this modpack is: Survival experience with over 100 added mobs/animals and other mods. Also, it contains the minecraft alive mod that allowes you to marry/have a kid with/etc with villagers/other players. It also has the dungeon pack mod, so keep exploring for awesome dungeons!
All Survival/Pixelmon items are discounted by 25% until June 30th.
Enjoy this Summer Sale!

Visit the survival or pixelmon donator shop to benefit from this discount!
General Announcements / Factions Problem
Jun 09, 2014, 05:43 PM
The latest Factions update caused some factions to lose their leaders and members (due to the UUID thing).
If you used to own a faction and you are no longer owner of it, please contact me or post a thread if I am unavailable.
Mention your faction's name.

ONLY IF YOU ARE AN OWNER!!!!! The rest of you - ask your factions owners to re-add you
General Announcements / Towelie's Client
Jun 08, 2014, 07:02 PM
Soo, I made a client that is meant to enhance your experience on our Survival server. It's a modpack based on technic.

Platform URL:

To get it:
Step 1: Download and install Technic Launcher
Step 2: Click on the "Add Mod" button
Step 3: Paste the "Platform URL" found above
Step 4: Click add and wait for the mod to download
Step 5: Proffit

This contains:

- Minimap Mod
- Animated Players
- Chat Bubbles
- Inventory Tweaks
- Damage Indicators
- Arrow Cam Mod
- Compass Heading  Mod
- Status Effects Mod
- Shader Mod (disabled by default, read modpack description to learn how to enable it)

Link to modpack; http://www.technicpack.net/modpack/details/towelies-client.381841
Please +1 if you enjoy it! It will be updated often.

PS: To use the arrow cam mod: The mod will detect when you fire an arrow, and if you are crouching then it will send a camera entity after the arrow until that arrow either gets stuck or you stop crouching, then the camera will return back to you.
Mojang recently clarified  (via one of their support techs, Marc_IRL, that Servers are not allowed to sell items or permissions or anything else Minecraft related. They are only allowing donations, and only if the server hosts offer nothing in return for said donations.
Currently mojang are only discussing this but it seems that this is the direction they are taking. In 1.7.10 they've added an eula confirmation when the server starts and the owners have to accept the eula before starting the server for the first time.  Adding this means that the server owners accept the eula when starting the server, and it makes it possible for mojang to sue server owners.

My question is: If tomorrow, we are forced to remove the Donator Shop and we would just have the option to donate for the server without getting anything in return (forced so by Mojang), would you donate, knowing that it's what helps us to keep going ?

I am worried about the future of SFT and the future of Minecraft if this trend continues like it is and I am dissapointed to see Mojang shamelessly promote Realms by discrediting/destroying player owned servers.
If this was to happen, we probably wouldn't just die but we'd go through serious downsizing, probably involving removing all servers but one or two and drastically limiting us (without money, we can't pay devs to make awesome plugins, we can't pay subscriptions to dropbox/mediafire for automated backups and off-site backups, we can't host more game servers and we can't upgrade our hardware/infrastructure when needed.
NEW: Breaking Bad themed crate (Series #13)

I have added a new SteveCo Crate Series.
This one is all about potions. Not just any potions: custom brewed, OP potions that made 123my45 say "OMFG" when he saw them.
This crate contains 4 potions. They are each focused on an effect: Regeneration/Harming/Buffing and something I'm forgetting :P
The 'fail prize' is SteveCo milk which helps you remove all potion effects.
I can guarantee that you've never seen potions such as these!
So, I'd like to list a few projects that we are working on (either Me/Dpa or the Developers):

- A new server (confidential at this time as it's too early to announce it. It's minecraft)
- Towns plugin (Colesy has implemented almost all of the big features, he still has some to implement and the plugin needs testing. I'd say it's in alpha. Don't expect it to happen in a few days, but it will happen).
- World2 Reset - We are waiting for 1.8 for that one. I know we said it would be reset in May, but that's when we thought 1.8 would be released. And for the reset, we need 1.8 because we need all the new chunk generation mechanics.
- A minigame server. stuart is working on this one, he can choose whether to give details or not. It's something new and original, not done by any other server to my knowledge
- Cookie Clicker update including trophy case and some competitive minigames (blackjack for cookies everyone?). Stuart can give an estimate release date for taht
- Dpa has started building Circletown v2. Not 100% what we're gonna do with that but a lot of people were nostalgic about it.
- Pixelmon updating to 1.7.2 and adding a new world (Rather than world reset).
- B-Team full reset (copen can give details about that)
- A TeamSpeak 3 server. Excon is setting it up and he's been pretty much begging me to look at it but I haven't had time lately. I'll try to one of these days though
- Miricx is working on a secret project too. It's a classic MMORPG server (And when i say classic i mean pixel art, 2d, and all that kind of stuff). He can give details if he wishes

Hope I didn't forget anything so yeah, there you go, we aren't inactive, we are still doing plenty of stuff, it just takes time and patience xD
SteveCo Crate #11 was added to survival.
It contains diablo 3 themed items, the chances are a bit lower than usual (higher chance of getting a fail prize).
The chest consists from a legendary armor set and an epic axe.
We are looking for developers for an up-coming project.
We are interested in java and php developers. The java developers should have extensive bukkit knowledge.
If you are chosen, you will have to work as a team, with our current developers.
This will be a paid project. We are only interested in established developers, that have worked in the past or are working for a company and know java/php to perfection.
Please do not apply if you don't master java or php because otherwise we are not interested.
This will be a big project and hearing "I don't know how to do this" will not work for us.
If you are interested, you will have to prove your skills by showing us your portfolio or doing a project of our choosing pro bono before becoming a developer for sft. Details of the project will only be discussed after we choose you.
I too have decided to make a modpack. This modpack will run Minecraft 1.7.2 and will focus on providing a Survival Experience, enhanced with more mobs, more weapons, more everything and also Bibliocraft so you can decorate your homes and make them pretty.

You can grab the modpack from here: http://www.technicpack.net/modpack/details/towelies-derpy-modpack.362466
Please +1 if you like it!

I have not yet made a server, but I am working at that right now so hopefully, soon there will be a server.
Give me your feedback on how you think the mod should be improved (but keep in mind that this is running on minecraft 1.7.2 so not all mods work yet with 1.7.2)
You can find a list of mods in the modpack link, above.

PS: Come to the dark side, we have doge!
General Announcements / Website Outage
May 19, 2014, 08:27 PM
There might be an website outage for certain parts of the world as Cloudflare (our CDN) is experiencing major problems in Eastern Europe. Since our server is based in Eastern Europe, that means that cloudflare cannot pull content from our server and cannot serve it to certain countries, while in others, it will work normally.
We apologize but it's not up to us, knowing that Cloudflare is a huge company serving not only small websites but IT giants as well, I would expect it to be fixed soon.
Meanwhile, use our twitter @SFTMedia to keep in touch
Forum Games / Who would win?
May 19, 2014, 12:01 PM
Let's play a little game!
The game's name is "Who would win?"

A sample question woulld be: Who would win in a boxing match between Muhammad Ali and Justin Bieber?

When you answer, please justify your answer (why do you think the person you chose would win?)
The format of this game is, you answer the previous question, then post another yourself.

My Question:
Who would win a pie eating contest: Towelie or Dpa?
We need your help bringing other players to the forums!
Since the more newer players don't seem to enjoy browsing the forums and socializing with us, I am going to have to ask you, the older guys, to spread the word about the forum and tell every living guest and noob out there about our forums.
Tell them about our discussions, about our forum games, about the fun they can have on the forums.
That would help us a lot!

Thank you.
We have re-vamped the Donator shop. We've removed old items that didn't sell and added some new ones. To celebrate this, all the donator shop items are discounted 20%
Head over to our donator shop to see for yourself!

- Removed Several packages with 0 buys
- Added Rank Upgrades (you can now upgrade from a rank pack to another)
- Decreased prices for EmpBuck Packages
- Decreased beacon price to 60 eur (From 80 eur)
- Added GlobalMarket perms for 17 eur (no longer will be sold in-game)
- Added a bunch new free items and a "Free" category
- Added SteveCo Crates (ten pack). You can buy 10 x the same series steveco crates for 45 eur or 5 x the same series for 25 eur
- Added Firework Gun (three packages) to the donator shop. These are guns that shoot fireworks when you right click on a player/animal
- Added shop ad. You can now advertise your autoshop using boss bar styled broadcasts. Only once/month. This comes with a pre-defined message, you can only specify your shop's warp. You can see the ad format on buycraft
- Added pretty icons for /buy (if you didn't know you can also donate from in-game now using /buy and just have to go to the site to check out).
The avatar above you is your only partner in a Zombie Apocalpyse. How screwed are you?
Forum Games / Make a story
May 14, 2014, 11:00 AM
Alright here is how it works, I will start the story by saying four words:

Jamie drank a bottle

Now you can respond by saying four woods to keep the story going, goofy, serious or random. Your choice, please keep this clean so everyone can read. Thanks =)

example: of old spoiled milk

example response: and got food poisoning

ect. My first post is "Jamie drank a bottle"

Interested to see how this story ends. The story can end any time and we can start over again.

NOTE: This forum game was taken from another forum
General Announcements / A new age for SFT
May 10, 2014, 04:55 PM
I am proud to announce that we now have our very own Economy plugin and Chest Locking plugin.
Why replace the working ones? Basically because they were outdated and did not support UUID's (which are coming in minecraft).

What's different?
- The SFTConomy plugin (made by a**hole) was made to closely resemble iConomy so there shouldn't be anything different between it and the old iConomy plugin
- The SFTBolt plugin (made by ColesyM)  had to be changed a bit because now, instead of playernames the sign protection was done via UUID's. This added the need to give each bolt its unique id and to store bolts in a MySQL db rather than in the world. This may seem to complicate the process a bit, but it's just the matter of getting acquainted with teh slightly different commands/procedures. It's all self explanatory, and all can be found out by typing /lock.
You will need to convert your existing deadbolts to the new system, thankfully ColesyM made this a very easy process - You just have to right click on your old signs twice.
The old signs will still protect your chest, but it's highly recommended that you convert your signs.

NOTE: Protecting your new chests is just a matter on right clicking on a chest with a sign. Nothing complicated.

We hope you enjoy these new plugins and please don't tell us how you loved deadbolt or iconomy more because going back is not possible. These plugins were outdated and not prepared for the UUID system.

This is a new chapter in history for us - having such important plugins custom-made.

Welcome Bashur fans!
To join our server, you must perform these simple steps:

Step 1: Download Technic Launcher from http://www.technicpack.net/
Step 2: Open your Technic Launcher and click "Add new pack" and paste in your Platform URL (Found below)
Step 3: After pasting in our  Platform URL and clicking play, the pack will now start downloading.
Step 4:  Our server IP is already located in the client so you're all set to start your adventure!

For any help, feel free to ask our Staff members.