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Topics - Towelie

Just wanted to mention that nether was reset on Survival, and also, at @garow93 's request, I have disabled the fireworks on mcmmo perk activation/deactivation (they caused a ton of lag)
As some of you may know, I was pretty sick recently (acute tonslitis) and in bed / unable to stay up.
After taking the treatment for a couple of times, I now feel somewhat better (enough to stay on my feet for ~1-2h at a time or at the PC), so here's a small Survival update:

- PyroMining is now back and updated
- Nether was reset
- Various plugin updates and bugfixes
MobArena is back! The old one that we used to have 1-2 years ago, not AdvancedMobArena.
Try /ma join (you can play with up to 8 players).

NOTE: Due to 1.13 I can no longer have potions in kits, so a couple of kits were removed, and some potions were replaced with gold apples.
Some of you may remember /play or /mbg play - The old "board games" plugin we had.
Well, now we have a better one with way more games. Just type /pg play and get started!

/pg play - Shows you the list of games
/pg list - Lists the games (so you can use them later for multiplayer)
/pg multiplayer - Shows you the list of multiplayer games (but you can't start them from here)
/pg duel Cireshie tictactoe - Start a game of tic tac toe with Cireshie (sample command)
/pg duel accept - Accept a duel invite
/pg help - Shows help
MissileWars is back! If you are familiar with the awesome minigame we once had, jump right in at /missile (on Survival)
If you aren't familiar with it, see this video:

NOTE: It is considerably more laggy (frame drops / low framerate) due to how 1.13 works. So unless you have a beefy computer, you may have issues, but the frames only drop when a missile hits the target, so it should be borderline playable even on a weak pc

Good news! There is a new premium perk in the shop: ClickDye. It costs $5 and it allows you to dye blocks (stained glass, wool, clay, etc) by right clicking on them with dyes.
It also has a bulk dye option, where you can sneak + right click with a dye and it will dye up to 32 blocks (if they are connected)

Additionally, a 20% sale has been added to Survival!
General Announcements / SHC is now open
Oct 24, 2018, 02:43 PM
Good news! Survival Hardcore is now open to everyone.
Just connect to Survival and type /shc to play on it.

As a reminder, Survival Hardcore is a server that is meant to give players the experience of the old Minecraft - Tough as nails to Survive.

Regeneration is disabled, eating food doesn't replenish your health, your health is only replenished once every 2 hours, and if you die, you get banned for some time.
It features a great Party system, with shared XP and other MMO-like features.
Give it a try, you may like it.

NOTE: There is no economy, there are no fancy plugins and it's as close as possible to the old style Vanilla.
This post is adressed more to people that played once on SFT, and are no longer playing, but also applies to existing players that would like something new.
What would it take to get you generally interested in SFT again? What kind of game server / other?
Please stick to one per person, because I will take the most mentioned and make them into a poll.

Things that aren't coming back, regardless:
- Factions. I'd rather kill SFT with my own hands than bring Factions back.
There is no update for bungeecord yet, so please don't update to 1.13.2 or you will not be able to play.
I don't have an estimate for when we will be able to update at this time.
For a limited time (til the end of October), it is free to register your autoshop/spawner/town on /autoshop /spawner /town.

If you have an autoshop/spawner/town, please post a ticket in #support on discord, mentioning the name of the autoshop/spawner/town, the owner, and the warp (and a 2-3 word description for spawners/towns)
- Replaced shiny llama from voteparty with a new shiny llama. This one has double the standard health and double the attack damage
- Replaced polar bear from voteparty with a new shiny polar bear (baby).
- Added shiny tropical fish egg to VoteParty.
- Added shiny turtle egg to VoteParty
- Fixed a ton of VoteParty rewards that were broken and no longer dropping due to new 1.13 item ids
Since my post gained some traction on reddit, I decided to share it here as well. Because I share pictures of cocoa and it makes people be like aww, how cute, I want one, here's a post containing info about why you should NOT get a parrot:

This plugin essentially brings your mining experience to life. This plugin adds many different functions that allow you to customize your mining experience and enhance it further.
For more info, see here https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/pyromining-1-9-x-1-13-x.59867/

Seriously just read the plugin page as there's too much for me to tell. Custom enchants, custom pickaxes, custom everything, and 100% more fun when mining!
Command: /mine

ProFishing Update:
Added Fish of the Day. (Fish that can be sold for more money / less);
Re-designed the codex gui a little bit. (Will update this again soon).
Added Deliveries (repeatable requests - with generous rewards depending on chance and tier);

Prepare to be spooked! (from now and until halloween).
We have a special halloween plugin that I won't disclose what it does, but unlike last year, you won't have random pumpkin heads on your head or mobs spawn behind you to kill you, only spooky scary effects.

Also look out for the special mobs that only spawn during halloween:
ChickenJockey - Is a baby zombie, zombie pigman, villager zombie or a husk riding a chicken. Spawns sometimes when a zombie spawns.
SpiderJockey - Is a skeleton, wither skeleton or a stray riding a spider or a cave spider. Spawns sometimes when a skeleton spawns.
SkeletonHorseman - Is a skeleton riding a skeleton horse. Will equip an enchanted bow and sometimes an enchanted iron helmet. Spawns sometimes when a skeleton spawns.
ZombieHorseman - Is a zombie riding a zombie horse. Will equip an enchanted iron sword and sometimes an enchanted iron helmet. Spawns sometimes when a zombie spawns.
Illusioner - Makes the Illusioner mob to spawn naturally sometimes when a witch spawn.

Nether was reset on survival!
Enjoy farming the Nether again!
General Discussion / Forums vs EU stupidity
Oct 04, 2018, 05:45 PM
Not sure if many of you know, but a LOT of forums are shutting down recently due to the absurd EU laws.
Basically, if the law passes, I am liable if any member of my forum uploads or embeds a copyrighted image on my forum.

Due to this, most likely I will either shut down the forums or disable uploading of files and [img] and [youtube] tags.
Thoughts? comments? Feedback? Inside info?

General Announcements / Happy Halloween!
Oct 02, 2018, 08:43 AM

 :jackolantern:  :jackolantern:  :jackolantern:
General Discussion / Add IdleRPG to Discord?
Sep 30, 2018, 01:57 PM
Would anyone be interested in this? https://discordbots.org/bot/idlerpg

@Loasty @Nubbun  - FYI
Do you enjoy having power in a video game server? Do you enjoy flexing that power towards the plebe.. er... players?
Then you've come in the right place! We want YOU to be a staff member!

All jokes aside, we actually need balanced people who are past the highschool drama stage to be staff members for us.
Interested? First check if you meet our requirements, then apply:

- At least 100 hours uptime on Survival
- At least 6h/week uptime in the last 3 weeks
- You haven't been banned for anything serious in the last 6 months.
-Must have a Discord account.

Application form:
To show that you have minimal levels of intelligence, copy and paste this form (with the answers filled in):

[u]What is your IGN (in-game nickname)?[/u]: Sample answer
[u]What is your uptime in the last week (/pstats)?[/u]: Sample answer
[u]What is your overall uptime(/pstats)?[/u]: Sample answer
[u]Were you banned from our server in the last 6 months?[/u]: Sample answer
[u]Were you ever banned for xraying / advertising / exploiting glitches?[/u]: Sample answer
[u]What rank do you wish to be (EventHost / JMod)?[/u]: Sample answer
[u]Why do you want that rank?[/u]: Sample answer
[u]What region are you from? (EU / US / AU / OTHER)[/u]: Sample answer
[u]Do you have a Discord account?[/u]: Sample answer

Other info:
- If you've been rejected for the last 3 times you applied for staff, it's probably not a good idea to apply again.
- Ideally, we are looking for people over 16 years old, but we will accept 13+ if you are mature and serious
- Benefits: Some freebies (a bunch of premium shop perks that are free for staff), and our undying appreciation.
- You will only be contacted if you are chosen. It usually takes ~1 week to put everything to a vote (the staff votes if you should be staff)

For those of you that are bored of Minecraft, well guess what. This new plugin will make you destroy your mouse!

Type /cps and then start clicking that left mouse button as fast as you can. You can then see how you fair against the others by using /cpstop <page> (eg /cpstop 1).

NOTE: Anti autoclicker protection is also part of the plugin and it logs all those suspected of using an autoclicker. Cheating in this, is not only lame but will also be punishable by a 1 week ban. Keep in mind, the plugin just records potential autoclick users, and doesn't stop them, so while you won't know, if you use an autoclicker you will be flagged by the plugin and logged.
Nether was reset today, enjoy exploring a brand new nether
Also, please vote daily, it matters a lot for us and helps us bring in new players
General Discussion / Promoting SFT
Sep 21, 2018, 03:36 PM
First of all, I'd like to thank @TonyStark_ for her great work in searching for these youtubers, and negotiating with them.

We have recruited and are continuing to recruit a series of small to medium youtubers and paying them to make videos of our server.
Since finances are tight, we can't afford to pay $100+ per video like we used to, so we are only working with youtubers who's prices we agree with.

So far, the first of this video:

NOTE: Some of these youtubers will be foreign language speakers and we're fine with that. The goal is that we get players on our server, regardless of what nationality, or what language they speak (they should speak English in main chat tho).
We will mainly feature Survival, but will also feature other SFT servers.
One lucky winner will get $30. This can be as premium shop credit, or as credit for Steam/PSN/XBL/Nintendo Switch. The costs for the prize will be covered by me.

- In order to enter, please spread the word about SFT and take a picture / screenshot to prove it
- On October 1st, I will choose a lucky winner from the people that entered this giveaway, by using a random number draw. Your reply number will serve as your ticket.
- You are allowed to enter several times. If you want multiple chances, make a post for each time you spread the word on SFT
- You may post your entry until the end of September 30th (UTC)

Where to spread the word
You can either post on social media (facebook/twitter/instagram/etc) and then post a screenshot or link to your post to enter. NOTE: Please make your post contain something along the lines of "Check out Super Fun Time - a Minecraft community where everyone is welcome! https://www.superfuntime.org"


Create a flyer (must contain the following phrase: "Check out Super Fun Time - a Minecraft community where everyone is welcome! https://www.superfuntime.org" and then whatever else you wish
Post the flyer at a notice board, school board or where otherwise allowed. Please make sure you aren't breaking any rules or laws when placing these flyers.


Post a screenshot of a minecraft player with < 24h uptime, saying "I was invited by <yourname>". Please also include some way of showing their uptime at the time (either ask them to do /pstats and include that, or look up with https://www.superfuntime.org/playerstats )


Create a video for Super Fun Time on youtube and have at least 20 subscribers. Post that video here as an entry.
Video must be decent quality, no squeaky voice, no 5fps. If I don't consider a video is doing SFT good, I will disqualify said video.

NOTE: If you post anything else but a contest entry in this topic, you will be disqualified.
If you have any questions, you may create a ticket under #support on Discord https://discord.gg/uuSBVNT
Your images that you attach must be visible or at least working links at the time of the draw, or you will be disqualified.
I want to make a contest/giveaway soon and I want it to help SFT.
Any ideas to what this could be?

Also, are there any Eventhosts or EventMods willing to host SFT Olympics? Because it would be kickass to make people compete for the prize :D
General Announcements / Please vote
Sep 06, 2018, 09:43 AM
There has recently been a decline in voting, which in turn is hurting our ranking on voting sites, which in turn makes less players join our server.

It is extremely important that you vote daily on at least half of the voting sites (let's be realistic here).

Plus, it's not like the rewards don't amount to something considerable if you were to vote daily!

Thank you <3
There is an update to EliteMobs that will make that currently spawned items will not be sellable in the shop any more (due to a change).
Please sell all your elitemobs items that you want to sell, I will delay the update by 24h.
I'm not saying sell items you want to keep, just those that you WANT to sell.
I would like to ensure you that the rollbacks were ISOLATED INCIDENTS and they will no longer occur so often (normally we had 2-3 rollbacks / year).
I can guarantee that the rollbacks were not due to incompetence or misconduct (either mine or my team's), but due to a spigot bug that prevented the internal server from writing the world changes to disk. So even though we had backups every 3 hours, all backups contained day old information because of the internal saving engine that is built in in minecraft was malfunctioning.
The bug was since fixed, so we shouldn't have any big rollbacks from now on. Smaller rollbacks (up to 3-4h) are still possible, but highly unlikely. Basically, whenever the server crashes during shutdown, the world fails to save, therefor a rollback occurs. Since that bug was fixed, it is extremely unlikely that it will happen again any time soon.


I am aware, there are a lot of bugs in Survival 1.13/1.13.1. Why is that? Because when I updated to 1.13, I had to choose the lesser of two evils (update the server and have a lot of broken plugins and bugs OR let the server die).
I am fixing bugs on a daily basis, and FYI it's a time consuming task, taking me 1-2h / day.
Please bear with us, the server will eventually be almost bug free, just not until plugins are updated.

I wrote this post because I saw some players were afraid to play / build on the server, fearing subsequent rollbacks. That is not the case.

Thank you!
I need your help in finding the next big Minecraft.
What I mean by that, is the next game we could be hosting after minecraft dies off (but hopefully before that happpens).

For a game to work as a server, there have to be some rules:
- Game has to be playable on a wide range of configurations, ranging from toasters to PC MASTER RACE GAMING SYSTEMS
- Game has to offer customisability. Don't ask us to host a COD server, because we'll just be 1 out of 10000000. We need something that allows us to be unique
- Game dev has to not be restrictive. for example there are some gaming companies that don't allow you to sell items in their games. We need to be able to make a revenue to support SFT from that game.
- Has to be relatively new. I don't want us to host another game that is 10 years old and dying.
The Nether and End were reset and there may be a bit of lag (and by that I mean a lot) until nether is re-generated.
I have also attempted a dynmap update, but sadly it still doesn't work on 1.13.
- Donator rank was removed from the premium shop and will likely be re-named in-game to something else (due to Mojang not liking servers using the word Donator / Donate)
- Prices of other ranks were reduced
- Custom Prefix upgrades were removed in favor of the Custom Prefix premium shop item (which allows you to get a custom prefix for any rank)
- A discount of 20% was added
- A bunch of perks that no longer work in 1.13 were removed

Today I turn 35. It's not really a happy joyous ocasion as it once was. Just another reminder that my body is starting to decompose and that I'll be dead soon. Realistically, I'm smack dab in the middle of my lifespan.
Looking back, I can't say I've accomplished too much or done anything remarkable. The things I am most proud of and love the most are, in this priority: Cocoa, Super Fun Time.
Cocoa because I finally turned an empty, lonely home into a birb home. And because when you have one of the world's smartest animals as your pet, you learn you can even have conversations with your pet. And that's... i don't know, interesting, creepy, however you want it.
Super Fun Time because it's my proudest achievement in life. I may not be the most successful person, but at least I have something that touched the hearts of hundreds of thousands of people (yes, we legit had hundreds of thousands of unique users over the years). And that's gotta mean something.
Thank you for accepting me, a weird 35 year old guy, who's not the most politically correct, and probably the most stubborn person around, as your host (or your Leader for staff).
Right about now would be the time I buy a new Ferrari if I was rich, but I'm pretty broke...

PS: I changed my birthday on Facebook to February 31 so people wouldn't spam a meaningless Happy Birthday on facebook. My real birthday is today, August 22nd.

So, I'm wondering what to do about SHC (SurvivalHardcore).
The following options come to mind:
- 1. Terminate the server (EOL). Do we really still need a SHC?
- 2. Update the server just to allow 1.13 clients (but it would still be 1.12.2)
- 3. Update the server to 1.13 and reset world (otherwise new mobs/etc wouldn't spawn)

So please vote and speak your mind
General Announcements / It's ok Alex Jones
Aug 14, 2018, 07:33 AM

You can come here and post.
We could always use another completely insane person on SFT!

alex jones infowars altright youtube facebook twitter trump gay frogs
This is just a reminder, that when playing on a Minecraft server, your private messages are not private. Due to how Minecraft Servers work, PM's are printed in console and logged.
There have been cases where we saw things that were against the rules happen in PM and not act on it, but there is a threshold on which we will act, even if it happens in PM (borderline illegal things mostly)

Just a reminder as this is a shock for some people who haven't worked with Minecraft server files / don't know how they work.
PS: Pretty much also valid for party chats and other similar things.
General Announcements / [Survival] Good night
Aug 06, 2018, 04:51 AM
I have just added a plugin to Survival that changes how the sleep to pass the night mechanic works.
From now on, if 5 players sleep, the night will pass and it will turn day!
Should help with the pesky phantoms xd

Good news!
Survival has been updated to 1.13! Come play now!

NOTE: SurvivalClassic will be down for a couple of days, and then brought back online afterwards.
- mcMMO has been fixed (it was broken by the update due to various item names being renamed EG carrot_on_stick -> carrot_on_a_stick)
- We have a working WorldEdit and protection plugin (we didn't before...)
- Most of the cosmetic / particle effect plugins (and disguises/pets/etc) are broken and will be for a while (probably 1-2 months. It is how it is with Minecraft and major updates. If you purchased one of those things, we will not refund and ask that you wait a maximum of 3 months (afterwards, if it's still not fixed after that, we will find a way to reimburse with premium shop credit)
- We have rideable dolphins. Via a plugin, and it's awesome! It will be free for everyone to ride dolphins and shoot water! pew pew pew!
- The 1.13 update is AWESOME and has a looot of content. You will enjoy exploring it for weeks, all we ask is that you are patient for another week or so.

Personal remark:
- Announcing Survival 2.0 ahead of time was a monumental mistake. I should've not revelead it until it was ready. Announcing it ahead of time literally killed Survival, let's just hope we can revive it with 2.0 / MC 1.13

Now we just have to find a way to attach lasers to them so we can ride mother freaking dolphin lasers (not the same sound as shark lasers but... good enough)
This will be a STANDARD feature for Survival 2.0 (available for everyone - yes, I recognize how awesome it would be as a premium shop perk, but think of it as a thank you for sticking around).
Just a quick status update for Survival 2.0:

- While most of the plugins are still broken, my Manager+ team and I chose a world (with no working dynmap) out of 4, simply by exploring it and trying to decide which has least water
- We have began protecting structures. We decided to only protect temples and leave wrecks / villages unprotected this time, for you to explore and enjoy
- After the structures will be protected (couple of days), we will begin moving the spawntown, and then the attractions from @TheStarNomad✯ 's list.
- There is a LOT of plugin breakage due to 1.13. Pretty much everything that has to do with particle effects is broken, as well as disguises.
- We also have some critical plugins broken (commandbook - which handles basic commands , dynmap and many others)
- We have managed to get a working worldedit+worldguard just today.
- @Lansdiinio  is working on an Emp price re-do and should be about ready (let me know when ready as we'll need to post it publicly before we add it)

We'll keep you posted.
Just a quick update - Survival now accepts 1.13 clients. While the server is not yet updated, due to a protocol hack, you can connect to the server with MC 1.13. There may be some weird bugs involving connecting blocks (doors, etc), but other than that it should be ok.

I continue to work on Survival 2.0, currently I am a bit stuck waiting for a dynmap update that works with MC 1.13, so that I can begin to find a suitable world.
The internal devs are also working on fixing their plugins and making them 1.13 compliant. An ETA of 2 weeks / Mid August seems plausible / doable, but it may happen sooner than that as well.
General Announcements / 1.13 and SFT
Jul 19, 2018, 08:03 AM
1.13 is out and it contains far more changes than expected.
This means it will take a bit longer than expected to update Survival 2.0 (obviously, I can't even start until spigot updates to 1.13)
The plan currently is: Add 1.13 support to Survival by tomorrow, via  a protocol hack (this means that the server will be 1.12 but will accept 1.13 clients), then when I return from my vacation Sunday, if spigot 1.13 is out, begin work on Survival 2.0

Just FYI.
For now, don't update to 1.13 if you want to play on Survival, I will add the protocol hack when it's good enough (currently it has a lot of bugs)
Regarding the Survival 2.0 announcement https://www.superfuntime.org/forum/index.php/topic,186050.0.html
I have a few answers and various other info:

What will happen to the items I purchased in premium shop?
- Any permission-based purchase will carry over. Any item (except global items) purchased from the premium shop since January 2018, that you have a paypal transaction id from (they are sent via e-mail automatically after a purchase) will be reimbursed as premium shop credit. Please wait until Survival 2.0 is out and I will make a post about this and how to claim. Any claim requests will be ignored until that time

Please move my house/town/item
We will not move ANYTHING from the current server, other than a few attractions and various things needed for running the server (emp, tutorials, etc). Stop asking for your items / builds / etc to be moved

I want to start a town/autoshop/business
Stay tuned and watch the front page around the time Survival 2.0 is released. I will likely have another initiative where I will sponsor people willing to start new businesses that can provide a legit business plan and have several employees. Stay tuned closer to Survival 2.0 launch date for that info

I had a mob spawner (either from premium shop or otherwise) and now I won't be able to have a mob spawner any more
I don't have a solution for this yet, however I will have one.

I quit / you suck / SFT sucks
Grow up. It's normal for a game server to have resets. Every game server out there has resets. It's just normal. You should embrace the opportunity and enjoy some more time out of Minecraft, rather than just get in-game to be salty and talk to people. I didn't do this to spite you, I did it because it was needed for SFT / Survival and the continued existence of Survival/SFT

Will I lose my money/xp/items/paintings/etc
Yes. Only the permissions are carried over. That means the ranks and the permissions (eg: if you bought glow perms, you will still have them)

I bought a painting from your premium shop, will that carry over?
No. We are not carrying over paintings for this reset. But if you can provide a valid unique transaction ID, I can re-create that image for you in-game, provided you have the source image. Please note this will be done AFTER we are finished with 2.0

Hi everyone,

Due to Mojang releasing MC 1.13 only at the end of July, I decided to bring something from Survival 2.0: A revised, re-balanced EliteMobs.
This new update drastically modifies the way EliteMobs works, scaling their difficulty to a player's guild rank.
What I mean by guild rank? Just go to /adventurersguild and find out

NOTE: I MAY DECIDE to carry over EliteMobs coins from Survival to Survival 2.0 (still haven't taken a decision to that effect), so go ahead and kill dem mobs, it won't be in vain!
As you all may know by now, I am preparing a big thing for 1.13 that will ensure Survival and SFT's continuance. That big secret thing, is Survival 2.0.

What is Survival 2.0:
- Survival that is fully reset, with some major changes
- I thought just doing a full reset would cause a lot of players to leave, so instead, I am setting this up as a new server, which will replace Survival and the current Survival server will be added to bungee as a 4 slot server where people can go and see their old builds and so on (But the old Survival server will no longer be maintained). I know it's confusing but basically: The current Survival will become /survivalold in Bungee, Survival 2.0 will become /survival in Bungee and will be the default server.
- Survival 2.0 will have mcMMO instead of SFTMMO (due to Colesy no longer being able to provide support for SFTMMO and me not finding a dev that will take over this huge project)
- Survival 2.0 will have a revamped and updated EliteMobs, with levels up to 1000 (due to mcMMO making players more tough and so on), and a brand new adventurer's guild where you can set your own difficulty for EliteMobs - and a higher difficulty gives you better rewards!
- However, thanks to @darknuju, we will port some of the SFTMMO functionality to mcMMO (powerups, prestige, etc). That will allow us to maintain a certain unique-ness in the sea of Survival / mcMMO servers.
- A reduced number of plugins - Some plugins that are truly useless will be removed to make the server less laggy
- At first it will have only World1 and World3. World3 is the only world that will be transferred over. World2 will be re-added when the next big update comes (eg 1.14) to ensure you have the latest content)
- veteranworld will NOT be carried over. However, we may create a new veteranworld
- Everything will be reset, except: Your rank, permissions (eg disguise, fly and so on, you will keep them all), your pstats uptime and the number of votes you have.
- Money will be reset (I know I said everything will be reset, just double-checking to let you all know)
- We will transfer over Attractions (TheStarNomad maintains a list of attractions, and these will be transferred)
- We will transfer over tutorials/guides
- We will transfer over a few of the biggest autoshops, NOT INCLUDING THE ITEMS IN THEIR CHESTS (FYI: That's why cty closed mallusa, because I didn't agree to his terms (which were to leave all his items in the chests). Why are we transferring over autoshops? So you will have where to buy stuff from when the emp is closed. Currently, I am discussing with some of the biggest autoshop owners)

What will happen to the current Survival?
It will be kept as a Bungee server, which you will be able to get to at any time, but:
- Slots will be reduced to 4-8
- It will no longer be updated to future versions, but protocol support will be provided so you can join it with newer versions, just won't have any of the new content
- dynmap, pstats, the premium shop will all be removed from this server
- voting will be removed from this server
- Some plugins that are un-essential will be removed from the server (eg vehicles,mob arena, sabotage and so on, but not any of the important ones)
- It will be left in bungee for an undetermined period of time, no smaller than 6 months. Although that doesn't mean I will remove it after 6 months, it means I can guarantee keeping it for at least 6 months, but since it won't cost anything to host, because we will be hosting it on the same as Survival 2.0, there is no reason to remove)

Why should I still play on Survival until Survival 2.0 comes out?
- Because your progress will remain on SuirvivalOld, and you will be able to visit it any time you want
- Because if you build something that can be considered an attraction (talk to TheStarNomad) it will be moved over, but ofc, not in your name / protection)
- Because Survival is more than just a map where you build stuff. It's a community where you come and have fun with other players. Maybe don't start a huge new project, but do go hunting mobs with your friends and racing vehicles and so many other fun activities

I quit! I don't want to start over
- At least give it a chance. You may be surprised how much fun you will have on Survival 2.0 starting over. You have "staled" on Survival for years, losing your drive, maybe this is what it takes to get your drive back. Not to mention Survival 2.0 will have some pretty nice features due to mcMMO such as Party XP Sharing and so on.

In closing I'd like to say that I've had a team of 42 beta testers for Survival 2.0 that helped me balance and tweak many aspects of the game. So you will find it's quite a balanced experience. You can join the beta now at https://discord.gg/uCE6J4u , but please note, anything you build will be reset when the Beta becomes Survival 2.0. This server is just there for testing currently.

Other Info
Quote from: Rose2247 on Jul 08, 2018, 04:47 PMQuestion, could we bring items over? I have quite a few items that have awesome enchants on them. If not that's fine. Restarting is always fun
Sorry, but no. You will be able to visit them on /survivalold tho, at any time
General Announcements / We've met our goal
Jul 06, 2018, 04:32 PM
Time to go home, we've met our Patreon Goal thanks to AlphaFire and 13 other awesome Patrons!

Now we can relax and work on the [secret project] to have it in time for MC 1.13, as well as other projects (Dpa working pi pix, people working on the Lost replacement)

Stay Frosty!

Happy Independence Day fellow Americans!

I have decided to change my career, I want to become a director.
General Discussion / One last push
Jun 13, 2018, 04:26 PM
I know you are all probably bored by posts I make trying to get donations or "beg for money" as some of you put it.
I'll spare you the annoyance, and instead, say one thing:
- Premium shop purchases (donations) are effectively 0 with 1-3 happening / month (overall not even enough to pay the costs for Buycraft which are close to $15 / mo)
- Patreon has decreased from $250 / mo to $200 / mo https://www.patreon.com/sftmedia
- Month after month, I have to resort to paying at least some of the costs from my own pocket, which in turn has the undesired effect of making me broke.
- The place where we usually advertised for cheap is shutting down / will no longer be available. That means in order to advertise SFT anywhere, I'll need upwards of $150 , as opposed to advertising worth $50 at a time like now

Because we are running out of options, and because the situation is getting desperate, I have one final push in me. One final round before I give up. I better hope that one final push works.
I can't reveal what I am talking about at the moment, but everything will be clear soon after 1.13 is out. Some are going to be infuriated by this, some will love it, I have long accepted I can't please everyone with my decisions and am focusing instead on the percentage of people I please vs infuriate.

If you want to help SFT, and make sure it's still here 1,2 or 3 months from now, you can do the following:
- Support us on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/sftmedia As little as $5 / mo gives us a sense of continuity and if enough people do that (if we manage to get to say $300 / mo), we would be able to have SFT for practically forever
- Purchase something from our premium shops https://www.superfuntime.org/shops (You may think you don't have anything that interests you, but try and browse. Or, why not, be selfless for once in a while and get something for the entire server)
- Purchase something from our merch shop (albeit this only gives us $5 / purchased item, as the majority of the proceedings go to spreadshirt) -> http://superfuntime.spreadshirt.com
- Vote daily. This will help us get more players, hopefully, out of all those players there are a few willing to help SFT financially

From the bottom of my heart, please, help SFT in any way you can. Anything helps.

FYI: If someone asked me a while ago what's more important for me: Me or SFT I would've said SFT. Now I will say cocoa, then me, then SFT. Why me after cocoa and not SFT? Because she needs someone to take care of her, and a gaming community / Minecraft Server can't do that
General Announcements / Subscribe to Cocoa!
Jun 05, 2018, 01:40 PM
Subscribe to Cocoa on YouTube if you want adorable parrot videos.
What do you mean you don't want parrot videos? You.... monster!
