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Topics - Dpa1991

I need your crash logs so I can investigate the crashes, I can't fix anything without the information. Grab the crash logs and upload them Here and paste the link here then I'll take a look.

Due to the new EULA enforcements we'll be having a sale on the items we're removing. To find the sale navigate to our Buycraft shop and click on the new category.

VIP Perks will be removed on the 1st, but users who have the perks will be able to claim their perks until their full month expires. During this sale, all rank packs are going to be 25% off as we'll be removing the items from the rank packs and discontinuing the Supporter rank on the 1st. Users who already have the Supporter rank will keep the rank.

*The items we are removing may or may not be added back to the shop if anything changes with Mojangs stance on server monetization.

It just dawned on me that I havent updated yet. We should be updating the server tomorrow, providing me Towelie and Fear can be online at the same time (I believe all 3 of us are in different timezones) so it's proving to be difficult.

Until then, I've disabled item donations (rare candies/diamonds etc)
From now until July 18th Buy One Get One Free will be active on all random pokespawn donations!

That includes:

  • Random Pokespawn
  • Random Legendary Pokespawn
  • Random Shiny Spawn
  • [NEW!] Random Trio

For each of these, you'll receive x2 what you normally would (All random, if you get a Kyogre you won't get two Kyogres, you'll get two random spawns.)
I setup a modpack and a server for you guys to mess around on the new branch, you can add the pack to your technic launcher by clicking Here. Expect a lot of client updates and server downtime/restarts as this is a beta pack.

Currently it seems pokemon are not spawning on the map naturally, unsure why.
From now to July 14th every Legendary pokespawn donation will come with a free Normal pokespawn and a SHINY pokespawn as well! I've also added a 10% sale back to the shop.

The Random spawns can be any pokemon available in the game, except legendaries.
Hey guys,

Just wanted to give you guys a quick update on the status of the update. I seem to have the new client almost done and the server seems fairly stable but I hear there are still some crash issues so I'm going to wait a bit to see if theres any mention of a hotfix being released. The update to 3.1.1 does not offer any new content to the Pixelmon mod so I am in no rush to push this update. This update is just a port to 1.7.2 and adds some new cries and animations to pokemon -- no real content.

When we update to the 1.7.2 branch of Minecraft this will break the world we currently use, and all of your modded items/blocks will more than likely be destroyed in the process. So what this means is on the update, I'll add a new world for first-joins to join, and move the current world to a secondary world to allow you guys to salvage whatever survives the update and in ~1 month I'll go ahead and delete the old world and replace it with another building world.

I tried my best to prevent a map reset, but ultimately there just isn't anything I can do to stop it. Once we're on the 1.7.2 branch of forge there won't be any point in keeping an already full, destroyed world.  So hurry up and use your Rare candies and masterballs, because after the update you will lose them.

I'll also be looking into re-adding WonderTrade on 1.7.2 as it seems to have received a lot of updates and bug fixes. But don't hold me to that

Donators - you don't need to worry, we'll work something out for you, but we won't be refunding/re-issuing items from donations any older than a ~week from the reset date more than likely as you would have already used the items.

I've created a temporary modpack and server for Pixelmon 3.1 You can find the Modpack Here. In the update a lot of stuff breaks, as you can see once you join the server.

Just about every modded block from the modpack will have been deleted due to the conversion of item ID's to names. This means a lot of your items will have vanished, all except vanilla items. Nothing I can do about this -- its not my fault so don't yell at me about it.

Permissions also does not work, this means I need to find a suitable replacement for PermissionsEX and convert our current permissions to the new plugin -- this will be a lot of work.

Tl;DR I think our best bet would be to reset the world, I can keep your pokemon, but the current world is just trashed with the new update as it removes all modded blocks from the world. Don't expect the live server to update any time soon either, Pixelmon v3.1 hardly even works.

If you pick an apricorn the server crashes. If you craft a pokeball on the anvil, the server crashes. Theres also countless bug reports of crashes caused by various tasks.

Example of the destruction: Whats left of the Training Arena
I've wanted to make this server for a while but I couldnt really do that because it requires a lot of manual work, every player who joins I have to setup their profile, spawn location, setup their island (make sure its not too close to someone elses etc.)

So with the new EULA/regulations and it being enforced I decided this is the perfect chance to show players what to expect from servers after the EULA gets enforced: Subscription based servers. Pay, or don't play at all. But don't worry, we won't do this on any other server -- our other servers will always be free to play, this server is more or less an example of what's to come.

Subscription costs:
1 month - 3.5 Eur
3 months  - 7.5 Eur
12 months - 15 Eur

Information on how to join the server:
Click Here

Extra Information:
I highly suggest you try this modpack in single player before jumping onto the server, this is a very hardcore unforgiving skyblock game. You start with 2 lives and once you lose those -- you get banned for week or you have to purchase a revive (manual delivery again, not much is automated here)

On a sidenote, staff members from any of our servers qualify for a free subscription, just post in the topic and I'll add you to the server. All staff are required to play on their own island.

Server rules, Staff rules and useful commands:
Server rules:
No griefing, No excessive swearing/swearing at other players and no advertising of anything

Staff rules:
You are allowed to visit other players islands as long as they give consent, but you are not allowed to bring players to staff island or bring items from Staff island to the players island.

Staff do not get their own island and have to share an island. If a staff member wants a private island they will have to donate like everyone else, and they can play on both islands but can not transfer items from one to the other. If your subscription lapses, you can only play on staff island.

/tpahere <playername> - Requests the player to teleport to you, good for inviting people to your island

/tpa <playername> - Requests to teleport to the player

/warp help <#> - Lists info on creating and managing your warps the # being the page of commands

/home help - Lists info on managing your home

/rg addmember <id> <playername> - This adds people to your island protection, so they can play with you.

/rg removemember <id> <playername> - This removes people from your island protection. Your ID will be sent to you once your island is setup
I'm not sure how many of you will remember this spawn town but earlier I was asked to make a v2 of it.

Here's what we have so far No clue what we intend to do with it but I like the simplicity of the design in the town.
Hey Everyone,
After spending multiple hours thinking about how we could make a bad situation better, I have finally found the best solution:
Instead of a full reset (that would cause players to leave), or having two servers (that would split the playerbase, giving each server less players), we will add a second world when 1.7.2 comes out. We will then make the current world as /w2 and all your pokemon and builds and everything will be accessible across worlds.
I believe this to be a much better option because it satisfies everyone's needs and concerns and it doesn't involve resetting anything or splitting anything.
There is however, a slight issue: pokemon will not be spawning in world2, so instead, to get pokemon, you will have to go to world1 (which is as simple as typing /normal in chat). This is because, spawning new generation pokemon in an older world could result in unexpected outcomes.
Tell us what you think about this and how you see this new idea

PS: The reason for these changes is because I've been trying to find a better sollution for this, which satisfies everyone's needs.
For those of you that supported the two server idea, if the server starts working better after the update to 1.7.2 (if it consistently has over 100 players), the possibility of having a 2nd server is still open.

NOTE: At the time of writing the previous posts, I was not aware that the Pixelmon mods have implemented multiworld capabilities into Pixelmon, so I thought this solution would not work. But after testing, we've determined that it works and it works good.
Since my last post we've gotten a great show of support and gathered a nice amount of +1's but we're still not quite there. We're still pretty low rated on the list right now so we still could use some help. If you have 5 minutes of time we'd appreciate it if you gave us a +1 if you have already +1'd the pack pass the link on to your friends or make an account for your siblings if you want.

Pixelmon / Notice about xray/radar bans
Jan 28, 2014, 08:54 PM
We reserve the right to remove any and all pokemon while handling these bans. Even if you donated for pokemon, you very well may lose them. These are some of the most severe offenses you can commit and will be treated as such.