Jun 03, 2024, 09:58 PM


Have a Super Fun Time!

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Topics - Dday694

So because of how much there is to talk about, we deiced that we should have our own separate post to describe everything that is going on at the time with Pixelmon.

As some of you know, myself and Dpa know that the last launch of Pixelmon one year ago was not picture perfect. Although it did bring some promising ideas and changes, and the server runs ok at the time, we didn't have anything build wise/plugin wise prepared after launch and the server stalled as soon as it started.

When we had time to talk about the launch months later, the one thing that we agreed on is that if we did this one more time, we wanted to make sure that it was done right. That there were no mistakes with plugins, there was things that players could interact and work towards, as well as a variety of unique areas and places that are meant to be featured as to why you should play on this modpack.

Over June/July we did start work on it, however it was shelved briefly as we both were preoccupied with real life issues/ summer travels that kept us away from working on the game. During that time, we did have a small set of builders from the pix community that was helping us and adding their own builds that they initially were working on while we were busy, however by the fall, most left for their own various reasons. It wasn't until Dpa was back from his vacation and I myself was basically on medical leave from a car accident (it's a long story, sums up, this nub/no one got hurt and that's all) that we finally got working on the project again in late August. By Thanksgiving, we had all the plugins basically good to go except minor testing/updates, and building wise (Gyms/Towns, Team Clubs, TA, Event World) just fleshing out current builds.

It was during this time however that we started to review everything and noticed a few issues with some of the builds. Some of those previous builds that were built by other Pixelmon members in a nutshell.... did not make sense where they were placed, not to mention that some were just impossible to really protect/block players from accessing.

So as we debated about the release and then Dpa got busy again with other issues, we decided that we would use the spare time from Dpa's misfortunes (again sorry for dragging the nub down), to really address these issues and make sure that everything is as good as we could make it. One such example of using this spare time is adding some things that we planned to add later on to give you guys more things to enjoy on launch!

So in a sums up everything is not as bad as I am making it to be! If anything, we are hoping that the server will be officially updated by January/February. We just want to make sure you all get the best experience we can give you guys to show that we are different then every modpack out there and prove what it means to be a SFT Pix player. So until then, keep an eye on the Discord Pix-Update chat to see more photos/updates about the new version and do not hesitate to talk to either myself or Dpa (when he is not being stricken by "insert bad luck here moment") about anything to help answer any q's on the update!

Until later, hope those Magikarps keep exploding on you all this Winter Holiday!

Sincerely ~ Sft Pix team
Allow me to show you the most macho update ever!

Thats right! This update is.....

The Love Update~

Which includes the following:

+ Using the /CandyGram <player> command, a player can give a single Rare Candy to another player, up to 3 times. Rare Candy will not be taken from the sending player, instead being created like using the /Give command. A player cannot send a Rare Candy Gram to himself/herself. However, a player may receive multiple Rare Candy Grams from multiple players.

+ If a player uses the /ToggleVEffect command, they may toggle their heart particle effect from being visible to invisible.

+ A VERY special bonus that will be announced later for players online during Valentine's Day!

The Candy Gram/Heart particles on players is only enabled on Valentines Day ONLY! Because of that, if you got a SO (significant other), I suggest you pop on and spread the love on Valentine's Day!
So Dpa wanted me to give you guys a little update on some of the work that we have be working on for the Pixelmon Server!

After much searching, discussing, and mass hysteria, we came across something that has never before been seen on SFT Pixelmon. Something SO Lifelike, SO Overbearing, SO Very traumatic, SO EVENLY MACHO.

However! This mod is SO awesome that we have to hold it back until a day Dpa can really be on to study this mod.  Were thinking around the 14th, but we might be able to give you a tease a day or so before we launch it!

Stay tuned~
Pixelmon is at a crossroads that cannot be ascertained it's fate.

I really did not want to be the one to write and begin this open conversation, but I feel I need to as the issue of it should have been brought up long ago.

As you know....Pixelmon is in all honesty the worst position it has been since it's existence. There are many reasons for this, some in our control, some not. I myself take full responsibility for the faults that I have/have not done which is partly the reason Pixelmon is in the position it is now. I have been with this team since 2013 and I am deeply saddened how we have virtually went from one of the best to non-existent. However I do believe there is many things we can do with the modpack still. Things that can be from radical, to even extreme if needed.

However, before I go any further I want to clarify that nothing I will say here is set in stone. This is merely an opening for a discussion of what we can do to help the current Pixelmon server. This is also my own thoughts alone. Dpa and I have talked about some of these issues time and off, but he has not fully approved of anything that I am proposing/talking/ranting.

When it comes to this modpack in its current state, the one issue that seems to get in the way is the power needed for the mod itself. Now back when this mod was small(er), a lot more people could play because the models for the pokes were a lot less refined to simple sprites. Over time however the sprites have gotten more high-def (with some even being ported from the sun/moon games) and with those more quality models come more space/power needed to run them. Not to mention the additional data needed for about 800+ pokes and their models, code, etc. As of right now, there is a current update that apparently will fix a lot of these model issues and lower the space/fps needed to run them. However the update is also suffering a high CPU issue (where if in single player you will not notice it, but if you add more then 2-3 people, you will not be able to do anything) with no set timetable to be fully functional.

Another issue that is severely hurting Pix was the update, namely, the move from bukkit to sponge. With the move, we lost virtually all our plugins from autoshops/economy, to ranks. No matter what plugin we could find to try to replace them, it would not work. Not only that but some of the plugins we could find to help with the pixelmon side are either to unpredictable, or are just not working right.

Lastly, we were not prepared for this update at all. We did have a plan and everything for how it would have been worked on, however things happen. But unfortunately, the announcement was made right when our world was corrupted (twice mind you) everything was lost and then irl stuff happened where we had to suspend work. By the time we were able to get back on track, too much time has passed and a lot of people simply moved on. With no external support, we were doomed.

But you know, when life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons, what the hell am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager! Make life rue the day it thought it could give this nub lemons! Do you know who I am? I'm the nub who's gonna burn your house down! With the lemons! I'm gonna get my magikarps to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down!

This server even with the current flaws it has is an amazing server still. Excluding the Pixelmon mod alone it has a great working complement of Biomes O' Plenty, Chisel and Bits, Pam's Harvestcraft, and so many more that flesh it out and can make it so much better. Which is why what I am suggesting (AGAIN THIS IS JUST MY OPINION HERE) a few ideas that could help pixelmon either regain it's glory, or go down in a final tailspin.
As I said beforehand, the current version is although beautiful with many of the pokes and items, it is very slow with fps issues. However a lot of these issues are not as bad in a single player world, where you are the only one that needs to load in items. A while back we worked on a multiplayer adventure world for the pixelmon server that never materialized because of the whole EULA thing with Mojang and Wild West being the adventure world launched. One suggestion could be that because of our current lack of players, we temporarily shut down the multiplayer server and create a true single player Pix adventure world, with puzzles and npcs/command block interaction. Then once released, we would have a multiplayer available, but only for things such as events and maybe survival only aspects, where it's used more as a socialization place (and then if enough peeps are present then launch an official pix multiplayer again).

One suggestion that could be done is to remove the Pixelmon mod altogether. As I said before, this server has many other mods that work together flawlessly. We could just make those mods (and use all that free space that pix gives us to add in additional mods) to make a completely new server.  I wouldn't know how well this would go (as I know a lot of you solely play Pixelmon for the name it is called) but it could be something that is still different with new concepts and ideas altogether.

Another extreme suggestion I have heard is backtrack and just stick with our previous version of 1.8. Now that honestly wouldn't be the worst idea as we would get all our plugins back and it would be a lot easier for some people to run/ play on it. However the one concern I need to point out would be that we would be way, way, wayyyy back on many things from items in the base game that 1.12 has now to other mods being backtracked. I honestly wouldn't mind this but, I do not think it will help get new players (in a way I'm saying this isn't like Runescape classic where new people will join still, I think it will stagnate).

I would love to hear your thoughts on this to try to help create a discussion about what we should do. If you think none of these ideas are good (which I will admit are not perfect in anyway), then give some thoughts about your own ideas that you think would work! I know there are many of you out there that really do want to keep playing on the Pixelmon server and want to see it be back in its former glory, but the best way to help is to hear your thoughts on what we should do to make this work for everyone as best as we can.

Like I said beforehand, Pixelmon is at a crossroads that cannot be ascertained its fate, unless you nubs help pitch in and give us some insight on what you think we should do to fix it!
Hey you!

Have pokemon that keep losing every battle? Hate how someone makes that perfect team setup to go against everything you can throw at them?

Well say no more!

Next Friday, the 3rd of November, I'll be hosting a Battle Factory style tournament to a secret prize!

"Thats great and all, but whats a Battle Factory?"

The Battle Factory is a pokemon tournament style battle, BUT all your pokemon are random. Thats Right! No items, no pre-planning, PURE RANDOMNESS!

What that means for you though:
+You will be given 3 random pokemon to fight.
+All will be auto leveled to lvl.50
+All pokes are just rentals. Once the tourney ends, they will automatically be removed.

I will open the tournament at 2pm MST and then start the tournament around 2:30pm MST

As of now I have a planned prize, but I will not release it until the start of the tournament!

Start planning to get your butts on that day and being ready to play!
Hey guys! I just wanted to ask a quick question and ask on your thoughts on the situation.

As of right now Pixelmon is still going steady, but I know we can do a lot more to make it better! As of right now Dpa is trying to work on implementing a gym system while waiting for the new update from the Pix devs who hopefully do it sooner then latter (where if we are lucky, will help immensely with performance issues so even crappier PC's might be able to run it!).

But I want to know what your thoughts are on the STAFF level that can make Pix better. For example, do we need to host more events? Host a pokemon tourney (which I would be all down for if I get the right plans for it!)? Etc.

Give this Nub ideas!


Hey guys so in case you haven't been browsing the pix forums lately, the new spawn for Pixelmon is about done! However there is one thing that we need your help with!

You see, in this new spawn there will be a Mini Poke-zoo of sorts where you can see selected pokes! However.....

We have NO idea which Pokemon should be in this zoo.

SO, that's where you come in!

Tell us what Pokemon you think should be in this zoo, and whatever ones we see as the best choice, will do our best to implement them in! There are a few catches though....

+ There will be 5 zones only! (one of which will either be an aquarium or birds nest)

+ All the zones MUST be a different Biome/style difference! (So think bug=forest etc.)

+There will be NO two same types at the zoo (sorry dragon lovers out there!)

We might eventually change the Pokemon out every now and then, but this is for the beginning of spawn honors! So be creative and think of what pokes you think should be at this zoo!

(I would prefer to have an idea of what types I should be getting ready to build for to get this spawn done! So there will be deadline by Aug. 14th for all entries!)

Pixelmon Storage Wars!

After much delay, I will finally be hosting the Storage Wars event Nov. 1st, at 2pm GMT -7!

There will be a lot of cool prizes, including some that are usually not attainable in game! ( such as Shinys!):o
  • When: Nov. 1st, 2pm GMT -7
  • Where: /warp Storage Wars
  • Rules: We will have rules when the event starts
Get Hyped!

The long awaited Training Area is being worked on! As of now, it will have...
+ 2 Training Domes classified by low/high levels
+ A Trading Hut with Ender Chest access
+ A Burn Pit for all those unnecessary items

Hopefully we will get the final finishing touches/testing done soon so you all can enjoy the Training Area!