Jun 03, 2024, 09:46 PM


Proudly established in 2010, still going!

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Topics - fearthe1337

General Announcements / Yesterdays restarts.
Aug 16, 2015, 08:19 AM

I noticed there was a strong unhappiness about the fact that we needed to do about 5 restarts yesterday. Hence I would like to explain why these were needed.

When we copied the new world there were 0 ocean monuments. However after a while we suddenly noticed them and they were appearing fast.
All the restarts were to stop the fact that a lot of ocean monuments were randomly spawning all over the map.
Simply said for a multiple of reasons:
  • They generated broken, like, underground
  • They could be placed on top of existing builds
  • Their blocks (sponges,prismarine) are considered valueable, which would crash the economic vaue of these blocks.

The reason we did not mention this, is directly related to the third reason listed. If people found out, they would mine them instantly, despite knowing this was not supposed to happen.

It should be fixed now, @camster65  and some managers have removed 50+ of them yesterday.

Please try to remember, we do NOT do restarts for fun. They always have a reason, and saying stuff like "Enough with the restarts" does not help or motivate us.
General Announcements / [Pixelmon] New build.
Aug 07, 2015, 06:20 PM
Due to an issue with a technic launcher update we have launched a new version of the Pixelmon modpack.
Please update your SFT Pixelmon to the new version if you have issues logging in.

The new versions have been marked as recommended and latest with the following version numbers:
3.4.0fear - Default version.
HDFear-2   - Shaders.

Do not forget to restart your launcher in order to be able to see new versions.
Hi there pioneers of the wild west,

Here is a current preview of our new map in progress.

However, currently, according to some people there is too much ocean so we need to fill one of them with one or more islands, Currently we are thinking about the left bottom.

So, do you have a real life favorite island? Submit it and you might find the island back on the map.
Hello everyone,

As of today we have re-enabled tapatalk on the forums. We have manually upgraded it to support the new forum version.
Some features like notifications might not yet work.

At the same time we would like to remind people of the dangers  of tapatalk.
While it is not known if tapatalk actually uses or store this information we would like to mention to you that the following information is send to tapatalk when using their app.

All received Private messages.
All replies in a watched thread.
All posts in a watched board.
Every time you login.
Every link you click.

Besides that there might also be extra security risks.
General Announcements / [Survival] 1.8 Issues
Dec 02, 2014, 10:49 AM

Unfortunately even though we tested a lot of stuff before updating the Survival server there were some side effects. As you are probably well aware one of them was that the [ and ]'s on chests have disappeared.
An other effect is that some 1.7 chests have disappeared after being loaded in to 1.8.
We can currently not replace them as there is obviously some issue(s) with either the chests or the items within them. We can however possibly replace them after we have found the issue causing this.

In order for us to better learn what is causing the issue we would like to ask players to report which chests have disappeared. Depending on if it's possible and the amount of requests we might or might not refund the lost items.
In any case, players not reporting the chests will not receive refunds.
Please report the X,Y and Z coordinate as well as the world in which the chest was. Optionally, include the contents.
The last few days I have been trying to make sure the website loads fast for everyone. Recently we have made the downloads of files from the website template and the front page download their files from multiple address's so that it should load faster (especially for people with a higher ping to the web server).
As well as installing a module which should speed up the forums.

I would like to know how these changes effect our users, is it faster? slower? or the same?

Here are some technical graphs for the people interested:

Disk statistics! write usage to the disk almost halved when we switched to a more efficient database system!

Network usage is stable and has room to expand.

- Fixed images, noob.