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Topics - tree43

Study Corner / Math Help
Oct 02, 2015, 01:00 AM
So my teacher never explained these types of problems. Could someone help me with this problem and explain how to do it? Thanks

Would you like to help as well?
Fill in the following form in a reply!
[b]Subjects you can help with:[/b]
[b]How can you help? Do you have any certificates or are you studying them in university or you are just quite good at them? :)[/b]

Study Corner / Geometry Homework
Sep 21, 2015, 11:41 PM
Help I have been trying really hard to do this and my teacher didnt even teach this so ugh help.
 Starting today, we are getting study corner specialists. We will try this for one month. At the end of the month, I will decide if the specialists are or aren't necessary. We need about 2 specialists per topic. If you don't know what a specialist does, click here. If you think you have what it takes to be a specialist, click here to apply.

The application page will close in 4 days. Feel free to post any questions, comments or concerns down below.

Good luck!


I fixed your words that were spelled wrong b/c ily ~cravend
Thanks I was rushing when I posted this lol -tree43
Study Corner / Study Corner Specialists!
Sep 21, 2015, 01:04 AM
Hi everyone!
I hope everyone is doing well in life and in school! Green_Giant suggested the following idea for Study Corner:

Quote from: Green_Giant on Sep 21, 2015, 12:33 AMSuggestion: How about having a couple of people for each subject who would be the "go to" people for that subject? If a person has any issues on a particular subject but don't want to make a post about it, these could be some dedicated people who they could ask about it via pm etc. It could be a separate stickied topic of list, having the subject and then the names of the specialists below them. I would nominate myself as a History specialist. :P

I think this is a great idea! The way it'll work is if lets say you have a particular academic issue you can pm the specialist for that subject. After messaging them you could set up a meeting of some sort on skype or somthing of that matter. But if you think you have something that is broader then submit it here on the board. We will try this for about a month then I'll decide if we will keep it or not.

But first I wanna know what you guys think of this idea! So feel free to do the poll or say your opinion in the comments.
I look forward to your feedback!
