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Messages - Beanz__

hey guy's as you know other night I (Smugworm3422) lashed out at everyone for no reason. i'd love to apologise for that as none of you deserved my anger and lashing out that i gave.

the reason why i was in that fowl mood and lashed out at you is because i am over protective of the people that mean a lot to me. that day i went to my phone provider (Vodafone) and i asked them if i could get a sim card replacement like i was told to do over phone and they know full well i have level 1 clearance an they treated me like absoulte crap. they know all the reasons why i have level one clearance and they ignored it, an they decided to drag my mum out who has a lot of health problems and is disabled out not once but twice which nearly put her in hospital and they didnt even give a reason to why they wouldnt allow me to get it myself.

yesterday i called them up and i'm assuming it was someone of high power in the vodafone company who responded as they were outraged that i was turned away as i have level 1 clearance again it's the highest clearance there is. in context of the clearance Level 1 clearance allows me to do everything my mum can do EXCEPT change her billing information, and it was Vodafone themselves who decided to put me on level 1 clearance as they know my mum can't get out to them due to her health and disability.

an that night i was just extremely infuriated due to how they treated my mum. i know this is no excuse to how i treated everyone and i am extremely sorry for how i treated you all, especially when you were just trying to have some banter with me.

If you want me to have any reprecusions for how i treated you all then i'll accept anything you want, as long as i can still play on the server as i love the server. I CAN however promise you that this will NEVER happen again BECAUSE i've realised when i've had that bad a day then it's best not for me to join the server and i will not join if i've had that bad a day, i can promise you that. also i am taking roughly a week off to help calm the situation as i dont deserve to be on for a week with how i treated you all
My newest 81x81x81 menger sponge

i have 2 questions for my newest menger sponge that i am going to be building eventually.

Q1) Should i build the 81x81x81 out of 20 different 27x27x27 menger sponges?

1 material: vote  :iron:
20 different materials: vote  :diamond:

Q2) IF you voted for 20 different materials what 20 materials would you like to see? (please give 20 different materials)

welcome back 99yellowgirl
Inactivity Board / Going to be inactive
Nov 03, 2021, 03:26 PM
hey from this friday coming which will be the 5th i shall be inactive for maybe a week maybe 2 as i'm having to take my mums computer to shop for a health check as it's running weirdly.
General Discussion / Stardew Valley
Oct 30, 2021, 10:27 PM
Hey guys i play Stardew Valley on PS4. if anyone plays stardew valley on playstation 4 or has a playstation 4 and has been thinking about getting stardew valley then feel free to hit me up either in this thread or on the servers Discord Beanz_ an let me know your psn so that i can add you an then i can start a multiplayer world with the multiplayer based map. i have a specific idea of what i want to do with the multiplayer version of stardew valley as well and that goes as such.

as you can only have 4 people on at a time so it'd be perfect if we had a lot of people sign up for the following roles

 :diamondhoe:  farmer
 :diamondpickaxe: miner
 :egg: animal farmer
 :fishingrod:  fisher

now if we had 4 people online at a time there'd have to be 1 farmer, 1 miner, 1 animal farmer (someone who makes sure the animals are looked after an are fed an clicked so a heart shows and collect their produce such as milks, eggs feather)  and also a fisher so that as a community we could complete the community centre in game but also have a laugh while doing our own things and then also ask each other for help if the others have completed their own tasks.

if you are interested and you have it or are getting it on ps4, put the role that you think you suit best. for an example i'm best as  :egg: and  :diamondpickaxe: i can do farming but that personally doesnt interest me other than coffee farming
Hi guys just an update about this, i am no longer doing this on the 10th and had to reschedule it to the 11th as i no longer have a working mic and mine doesn't arrive till the 11th
General Discussion / Charity live stream
Jan 16, 2020, 11:46 PM
Hey guys on the 10th of February i'm going to be doing another 24 hour live stream, but this time it's for cancer research UK. If any of you could maybe pop in to watch the stream if possible at any point and i'd be extremely grateful for any and all donations for this fantastic cause.

You can donate here

If you're wondering the time i'll be streaming from i'll be streaming from about 10am GMT i say about as i will be going to the shops to get stuff on the 10th to help me out
General Discussion / I need help
Jun 03, 2019, 07:18 PM
hey guys i am currently needing help with my spruce tree that i've decided to build a house in. the second floor which is the main floor doesn't have any rooms or have any decor in and i need help creating both and i also need a balcony as well.

to help me decide who can help me with this, please add a photo of something you've created in minecraft whether on the server or in your own single player game that you've decorated the interior and then also have a wall to show a balchony but the most important at the minute is the interior

dm me either in game or on discord about my house an i'll send you screen shots of the room and the area you have to work with for the balchony
thank you guys so far for the information i am sure this will help me (haven't started it even though it has been a week since i should of started an that is because i have the most USEFUL tutor who clearly knows how to inform me on stuff)
hi guys i'm going to be starting (in a few days) a understanding mental health awareness course an if any of you have any of the following (like legitly do) then please message me on discord Beanz_#6162 (if you know someone who has cared for someone with the following then that'll also be helpful as well)

the following listed is what i'll be learning part of my course

-Anxiety Disorders
-Phobia's (not sure what type but all is equally important to me so message me and explain your phobia and how it affects you)
-Post natal (not sure what this is but it's a topic)
-Dementia (i know quite a bit about this already)
-Eating disorders
-PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder)

any and all help will be appreciated as long as it is truthful and not just memes as this is important to me on so many different levels it's ridiculous. As i've said before if you have any information that can help then dm me on discord my name is Beanz_#6162
General Discussion / Autism
Jan 20, 2019, 04:20 AM
If anyone wants to learn about all the different types of autism then dm via the forum and ask me "what is your email for your understanding autism" and i'll then send you my course work from my level 2 understanding autism course and if you still have questions then i'll try and explain it from the autistic person perspective.

Because even if you are a parent of a child with any form of autism you can still learn a crazy amount from my course work and from my self personally as i can help you understand it from your child's point which can help you create a deeper bonding with you child like me and my mum have (and there is not 1 friendship and child/parent bonding tighter than me and my mum bond in my opinion as i've do anything for my mum and my mum has currently broken  3+ ribs and i'm currently ding anything possible to make her life easier (not saying that some people with autism won't do this)
General Discussion / Re: [Survival idea]
Dec 03, 2018, 11:06 PM
@Nubbun @KamerMKT @stevebean

my idea was to get this list and then give them an option of things that i can give them and tell them to picks some things out of the list (that people have picked) to come up to a total of $12. so after having a load of ideas from what others would like on this list then i can suggest to the player "here are some things other players would like" (if not a lot of items are suggested) then i'd say "if there isn't anything on this list that is on /buy that you'd like that cost either $12 or less or multiple items that cost a max total of $12 then let me know"
General Discussion / [Survival idea]
Dec 03, 2018, 06:45 PM
i have an idea of what i want to do (if i have the money to do so every month around the 16th, could be 15th could be 17th depending if the 16th lands on a saturday or sunday) but i was planning on buying a random player on survival the rank [Contributer] which is $12.00 which is roughly £9.42, then i thought what if the player already has a rank that is higher than contributer (this is including staff) then what do i get them.

so my question is, if you already have a rank that is higher than contributer then what would you want that totals up to $12.00, it can be more than 1 item as long as the total is $12, i want to know so i have an ideas of what to get people that is higher than contributer rank so everyone has a chance of getting something. you have to be able to get it from /buy on survival

so to be clear if you don't have a rank that is [Contributer] and is lower than contributer like elite then you will get contributer.

if your rank is [Contributer] or higher like custom prefix or benefactor (or staff) than you could get anything that is in the price range of $12 (could be multiple things)

please leave your suggestions below, thanks.

What would bring me back constantly every day is if i had the time to but i have a lot of things that going on at the minute
See i enjoy fishing and have done it before but i'm not sure what equipment i need for sea fishing. If i knew exactly what i needed then i'd be down the seafront fishin as i love it, its quite relaxing
I'd love this, it seems awesome
What is your IGN (in-game nickname)?: Beanz_
What is your uptime in the last week (/pstats)?: well for this week it's so far been 13 hours but previously it's been 20 hours or more
What is your overall uptime(/pstats)?:  overall hours i have done on survival is 2009 hours
Were you banned from our server in the last 6 months?: i was banned longer than 6 months ago
Were you ever banned for xraying / advertising / exploiting glitches?: no
What rank do you wish to be (EventHost / JMod)?: i would like to be a JMod but i would settle with EventHost
Why do you want that rank? (the only valid answer is: I want to have power over the plebe. Jk.): I would like the rank so that i could help out players more than just giving them item.
What region are you from? (EU / US / AU / OTHER): i'm from the UK
what are you currently doing? i am currently doing a long distant learning course which is Understanding Autism Level 2. this won't affect my course work or up time as much as all i have to do is 3 pages a day and sometimes 3 pages is quite easy as sometimes they are quick questions to answer
General Discussion / Re: Autism
Aug 09, 2018, 09:18 PM
Quote from: Thanos on Aug 09, 2018, 07:26 PMThis is actually really helpful for me, since I know understand what Autism is a bit better. Thanks for the post @Beanz_

it's alright @Thanos  i just really want to make it easier for people to understand autism better and have less of a negative view of people with autism which i have been seeing a lot of lately to be honest.

like i said before if you have any more questions that weren't answered in this super brief explanation (believe me it is brief my first part of my course work was 10 pages Full an that is just the tip of the iceberg there is tonnes more to it all) (also there are 3 parts of my course work, all simply named Part A, Part B and Part C)
General Discussion / Re: Autism
Aug 09, 2018, 02:57 AM
Quote from: Arctic_Walrus on Aug 09, 2018, 02:41 AM
Quote from: Beanz__ on Aug 08, 2018, 11:54 PM
Quote from: GraceDaBear on Aug 08, 2018, 11:06 PMI think it is very important that people read and understand articles or in this case, forums about mental disabilities. I personally think it is needed in today's society, especially because of the inconsiderate people on the internet. Thank you for sharing your story with us!

i've explained only the basics of autism, there is way much more to it if you want to get the full understanding. i'm currently doing a Level 2 autism awareness course so i have a better understanding of my own condition and others like stated before, so then if anyone ever plays on here an has one of the forms of autism then i can help them out and explain things in a way they understand, and also they can have someone they can play with knowing that they have someone they understand.

like i said above if anyone wants to know more then just pm me if you don't want to ask on here because of the amount there is to it because if you really want to understand autism you truly need to delve into the history of autism which there is a lot to it as i've found out and i've found out a lot of information from this course that i'm doing
I really appreciate this as I have a cousin with autism and now I feel like I know there perspective  in life. Thx for sharing

if you want to ask me anything then i'm happy to answer
General Discussion / Re: Autism
Aug 08, 2018, 11:54 PM
Quote from: GraceDaBear on Aug 08, 2018, 11:06 PMI think it is very important that people read and understand articles or in this case, forums about mental disabilities. I personally think it is needed in today's society, especially because of the inconsiderate people on the internet. Thank you for sharing your story with us!

i've explained only the basics of autism, there is way much more to it if you want to get the full understanding. i'm currently doing a Level 2 autism awareness course so i have a better understanding of my own condition and others like stated before, so then if anyone ever plays on here an has one of the forms of autism then i can help them out and explain things in a way they understand, and also they can have someone they can play with knowing that they have someone they understand.

like i said above if anyone wants to know more then just pm me if you don't want to ask on here because of the amount there is to it because if you really want to understand autism you truly need to delve into the history of autism which there is a lot to it as i've found out and i've found out a lot of information from this course that i'm doing
General Discussion / Autism
Aug 08, 2018, 10:28 PM
I regularly get asked what is Aspergers (not always on the server but i have been asked a few times) so i am going to give a shortish explanation of what Autism what there is. if you still have any questions that i have not answered than you can ask them below or if you'd rather you can pm me on here.

What is Autism

Autism is a spectrum disorder. It is considered a spectrum condition because there is a group/category of behaviours that have specific key features but the part that makes it different from the other types on the spectrum is how the different behaviours are seen typically ranging from mild to severe.

What is ASC

ASC is the technical term for autsim (not the spectrum), ASC is short for Autism Spectrum Condition, it's the most common known form of autism and it's vastly known as a social disorder or disorder.

People who have autism are generally seen as having limited social, emotional and communication skills and they tend to mainly focus in on the obsessive and repetitive behaviour.

some people with autism can have delays cognitively (mental or intellectual process or the action taken by which people think, reason, understanding of ideas and how they remember things). their behaviour can fluctuate sometimes their behaviour can be calm and then the next minute their behaviour can be out of control. one reason for the fluctuation in their behaviour could be because of sensory overload

What is Asperger Syndrome

this is generally and greatly considered as the 'milder' type of autism on the spectrum. People with Asperger's Syndrome are typically similar to people who are in the 'mainstream' of society compared to people who have autism.  this is because their typical daily responses and behaviours are closely similar, thus being one of the hardest to diagnose.

Because people with Aspergers are close to people in 'mainstream' society it means less people are diagnosed. Also note that every individual with Asperger's syndrome is different from another individual with Asperger's syndrome, once you've met one person with Aspergers you've only met one person with Aspergers.

What is High-Functioning Autism

High-Functioning Autism is hard to differentiate from Asperger's syndrome and it is just as difficult for professionals to diagnose. people with High-Functioning Autism (i'm now going to be referring it as HFA from now on) could exhibit some features of asperger's, for instance they could have limited social skills, have obsessive interests and also have emotional responses which in some cases are seen as inappropriate. However people with HFA are more likely to be smarter than your average person and they are more likely to occupy professional positions such as a professor or an ICT technician because of how intelligent they are.

How does Asperger's affect me

My Asperger's affects me mainly with communication. My communication my seem alright and even in person it may seem alright at times but when i explain something that is where i tend to screw up because i'll be trying to explain something and the person just won't understand yet they say that they do which will infuriates me.
So many of you may know (or not) that i am currently doing a level 2 Autism Awareness course. I luckily managed to complete part A out of the 3 parts i have in the small amount of times i had, the bit which was most struggling for me was the legislation part, always found it tedious and difficult as i can never manage to find the right information that is needed. so i was wondering, if i get any more legislation in the next 2 parts, would i be able to gain any help from here???
General Discussion / Re: photography
Aug 04, 2018, 01:24 PM
@djkirsh i'm actually surprised that the dragonfly one isn't your most liked to be honest, i love that one the most. my most faveourited post on my instagram at the minute is of when i went to york for the first time on my own on the 17th of feb an i went past the trainstation (cause this guy who i asked for directions told me to keep going straight ahead but luckily some people came out the pub an took me to the trainstation as they were on their way there as well) but i went past this castle like structured bridge which had a load of lights on it. you can find the picture and many more of mine if you follow me on instagram an my instagram is simply oliver_mulford
@PurpleShlong that is totally a 10k roller coaster xD i wouldn't pay 10k to get in it like but it's totes worth 10k with what you can do in it xD