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Messages - supermee3

Quote from: blakus87 on Nov 28, 2017, 09:09 PM
Quote from: supermee3 on Nov 28, 2017, 02:02 PMA team has to be three members?  :-\

Up to three. Three is max.
Alright, thanks :)
A team has to be three members?  :-\
Forum Games / Re: Never Have I Ever...
May 07, 2017, 03:18 PM
I have been to quite a few :)

Never have I ever gone bungee jumping :o
She has a burning passion for math :)
I would still love to see UHC getting hosted in the future again :) I guess this qualifies as more major events?
What kind of PvP mechanics is it going to be? :D
I thought Clinton was going to win, but I'm kind of happy Trump won. As I mentioned in another thread I personally think having Clinton as president leads to a higher risk of war.

None of them are good, but I feel the better president is Trump, because his plans are so dumb that I can't believe anyone else in the government would ever agree with him :D (at least I think he isn't allowed to make decisions alone?)
Polls / Re: Donald Trump v. Hillary Clinton
Nov 06, 2016, 05:00 PM
Quote from: Towelie on Nov 06, 2016, 11:44 AMLet's not forge the fact that Donald Trump is a fucking insane person with a thug attitude and who acts like he's rich so he can do anything he want.
Please don't vote this fucking bufoon, it will end up destroying the world, not just the USA.

Why? Because:

- He clearly said NATO should be disbanded and that he intends to no longer support his allies unless they cover the costs (oh really mister trump? HOW ABOUT THE FACT THAT WE FUCKING HOST YOUR ANTI MISSIL SHIELD YOU MASSIVE ASSHOLE SHIT TURD?
- He intends to stop "guarding" Asia and end the treaty which states that Japan/Neighbouring countries are not allowed to build nukes and in return USA defends them against any threat from North Korea / etc.
- He's Putin's bitch.

If this fucking bufoon is elected  World War 3 will probably come and this whole planet will be destroyed.

I'm not a huge fan of Hillary Clinton either, but come on people, face it, at least she's not a fucking insane baboon who uses way too much spray tan on his face (except on his eyes who end up looking like a gorilla's butthole)

If anything Hilary is more likely to start a war, since she has been so outspoken about implementing a no fly zone in Syria. This no fly zone in Syria would require USA to go to war with Syria and Russia, so out of the two candidates the risk of war is in my opinion much bigger with Hilary.
Just chillin' n fishin' with my two buddies! Such a good time! @Green_Giant @Toadlet

Polls / Re: [LoL] Kha'Zix or Rengar
Jul 01, 2016, 04:00 PM
Khazix is a fair bit stronger than Rengar currently due to various reasons that I cba to list :D
General Announcements / Re: The pulse of SFT
May 22, 2016, 03:21 PM
Quote from: BattleAxium on May 22, 2016, 02:53 PM
Quote from: Towelie on May 22, 2016, 06:26 AM
Quote from: BattleAxium on May 22, 2016, 01:56 AMIt'd be interesting to look into something more creative when it comes to voting. E.g. Events, etc.
Managers are constantly "pushing" votes for events. Aka promising players they'll host this or that fun event if we get <x> votes.

Quote from: Towelie on May 22, 2016, 06:27 AM
Quote from: BattleAxium on May 22, 2016, 01:56 AMHow to get more players? Instead of throwing money at advertising websites. Which I can highly vouch is a extreme waste of your money (ESPECIALLY when you aren't flying with donation funds) Instead, cut down on those costs, and focus the money towards new ideas, developers, individual advertising etc. Because I can guarantee unique mini-games, new servers and incentives to spread the word will bring a much more FRIENDLY playerbase then current.
Normal advertising is a waste, but what we're doing now (paying to be sponsored on the first page of voting sites) seems to work and to be one of the things getting us new players and keeping us alive.

These quotes were from @supermee3 and not me.
Not me Battle xD
General Announcements / Re: The pulse of SFT
May 21, 2016, 08:06 PM
Quote from: BattleAxium on May 21, 2016, 08:00 PM
Quote from: supermee3 on May 21, 2016, 06:57 PMI honestly think there is too much going on for SFT and most of it doesn't look like it is working. As I am writing this now there are 5 of the servers on front page that I can't see why we still have, if money is a problem (I am assuming that every server costs some amount of money, and if that's not true just ignore what I am saying). If removing them would help on the state of the server I say shut them down, even though I know it sounds harsh.
I feel like focus should be on the main servers that see activity (Survival/Pixelmon/Bteam), instead of SFT starting to work on new servers when (lets be real here) it most likely won't help enough.

Just picking out this part since it's inaccurate. Most of the servers run on the same box. So, it doesn't cost more money to run servers. The only thing being expended here is resources. We could have 20 more Minecraft servers and still be running smoothly though. It's really a matter of is it worth keeping the extra servers since the main servers (as you say) really aren't full and doing well. But, I agree that we should stick to the servers that have a decent amount of players and drop the rest. 
Yeah I didn't know if that was the case or not, which is why I let that statement stay :D Thanks for telling me though :)
General Announcements / Re: The pulse of SFT
May 21, 2016, 06:57 PM
I honestly think there is too much going on for SFT and most of it doesn't look like it is working. As I am writing this now there are 5 of the servers on front page that I can't see why we still have, if money is a problem (I am assuming that every server costs some amount of money, and if that's not true just ignore what I am saying). If removing them would help on the state of the server I say shut them down, even though I know it sounds harsh.
I feel like focus should be on the main servers that see activity (Survival/Pixelmon/Bteam), instead of SFT starting to work on new servers when (lets be real here) it most likely won't help enough.

Regarding the full reset I think people are being stubborn about it. First, the problem about people losing their work could be solved if a world download were to be released, so if you are passionate about your project you could continue work. Second, people are more likely to stay if they make friends. A good way to make friends is if you play the game together or you help each other out. I really doubt any of the "rich" people on the server play with the new people. Most of them just say welcome and maybe give them whatever items they ask for, but they never engage with anyone outside of their friend circle. The reason this makes sense regarding the reset is that people might be more willing to play with others and work together with newer players. Third, some people have mentioned people would just mine out the new worlds of strip them of resources but come on.. People have always done this whenever a reset happens, so therefore I can't see this as a good argument.

tl;dr - I think sft should focus of main servers (Surv/Pix/Bteam) and people need to be more open in regards to the full reset, and actually see the potential it brings.
Team Name: Rugbrød, Freedom & Tea

Team Member 1: Supermee
Team Member 2: Green_Giant
Team Member 3: Jinxie
Team Member 4: _Key_

  :bone:  Many shift keys were harmed during the making of this GIF   :bone:
Quote from: TeraStorm on Mar 16, 2016, 05:06 PM
Quote from: supermee3 on Mar 16, 2016, 05:01 PMQuestion for @TeraStorm :
Most annoying champion to play against and why? :)
Udyr, he triggers me.
I'm Supermee, Fred IRL. I am a 17 year old student. I study science in general, but I have huuuge interest in the universe.
I see myself as a very sociable person and I like to have fun. I enjoy playing games so it takes up most of my spare time outside of school and friends. I mostly play league of legends/csgo as I really enjoy competitive aspect of those games. Every once in a while I play RPG's that look interesting (e.g. Shadow of Morder or The witcher).

Question for @TeraStorm :
Most annoying champion to play against and why? :)
I may have found the issue if anyone wants to take a look at it if I'm wrong here but:

He cannot use the relative frequency and times that with the midpoint. He would need a total amount of boys (a number, say 20 boys) and times that with the relative frequency before he times it with the midpoint.

So if total amount of boys is 20 it would (in the first case) be:

(20*0.3) * 1 = 6

I haven't learned about stats yet, so I'm just guessing here xd
General Announcements / Re: Problem
Feb 10, 2016, 01:36 PM
What does the green line mean? Also I would like to know what restrictions there are for the premium shop (like what is allowed there and whatnot) :)
Team Name: Rugbrød & Tea

Member 1: Jinxie
Member 2: Green_Giant
Member 3: Supermee
TowelieDOh needs a hug
almost D:

Type: Onomatopoeia
How many people in group :

Name 1 : Supermee
Name 2 : Green_Giant
Name 3 : Jinxie
Forum Games / Re: Never Have I Ever...
Jan 13, 2016, 04:26 PM
I have! I've actually never been in the US ;)

Never have I ever watched the Harry Potter movies