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Messages - Nicadean33

These are so friggin cute. You'll have my money soon.
Polls / Re: INJURIES
Jun 05, 2016, 03:53 AM
Quote from: Stoovs on Jun 05, 2016, 01:03 AMdo what it takes to win the race.

Daaaaa(ng)mn straight my friend. ;D
Polls / Re: INJURIES
Jun 04, 2016, 08:10 PM
This past September I was setting up for a basketball banquet and while we were getting some stages off the cart fell on top of me. I stuck out my left arm to try to catch it/slow it down and after I did my wrist really hurt to turn. I went to a wrist specialist and he said it wasn't a GFC tear, but didn't know what it was. An MRI didn't help so after two months in a plastic "cast" he said, "Go on with life, try not to strain it. If it hurts when you get older just come back and we'll see if we can figure it out this time."

Thanks Doc. :/

Still don't know, and it only hurts to lift heavy things/ hold things for prolonged periods of time.
Polls / [Potato] Favorite type of potato
Jun 01, 2016, 11:01 PM
Howdy ;D ! We all love potatoes. Towelie even had a potato awareness day. Now, anyone who is pro-potato please look away, but what form do you love to eat? I could eat fried potatoes all day long. Chips are good, especially hickory-smoked barbecue.

What about you? What kind of potatoes do you love most? Do you only eat potatoes with a certain type of condiment?
Polls / Re: Are Birkenstocks back in style?
May 31, 2016, 05:34 PM
Can't say those are, but every girl around here is trying to get a tanline from these
Polls / Re: Stanley Cup
May 28, 2016, 05:43 PM
Since the Sharks beat the Blues, I could never root for them. Plus, the Penguins have always been my back-up team. Really my favorite since the Blues just have the "hometown" advantage in my heart.
Polls / Etiquete
May 23, 2016, 11:29 PM
Hey there!

What kind of things are considered rude/inappropriate/impolite in your life and culture? Are there things that are considered such that you think are unique only to you and your life? What kind of things do you find rude/impolite/etc? With different cultures practicing different things, maybe some things you do would be shocking for other cultures to do.

In my life, speaking with food in your mouth, having your phone out at the dinner table, and chewing with your mouth open are all considered extremely rude. No one really cares about taking off your shoes or if you speak out of turn.

If you leave a comment, try to point to what part of the world you are from/what kind of culture you are influenced by!
Polls / Re: What kinds of polls do you like?
May 23, 2016, 01:47 AM
Wish I could select more than one. Long live the bread poll.
Marketplace / [Survival]Frozen Marketplace
Feb 10, 2016, 03:01 AM
Sang to the tune "Do You Want to Build a Snowman?" from Frozen:
Do you want to sell some items?
Auction off your favorite hog? :christmaspig:
I never see y'all anymore,
Please click on my board,
It's on the forum waaAAAAALLLLLL!
I get a little lonely
Prowling here,
Watching our topics diiieeEEEEE!X(
Do you want to buy some diamonds? :diamond:
It doesn't have to be some diamonds. :chest:
Okay byeeee.

You sang it, I hope. Our Marketplace is getting a little slow. Let's clean out our chest and sell some stuff to others. Maybe you're one of the others that needs some stuff, make a post saying you'll buy it! The board really is a great place to get what you want. Whether it be buying, selling, or auctioning I'd be happy to see you make a post!

Remember to do the following when you make one!
  • Read the forum rules before posting
  • Read the Marketplace rules before posting! This is an important one. There are quite a few special rules for posting!
  • Keep active on your post! Don't forget about it! I'll eat it if you do  ::)
  • Remember a closing date! Something that is always forgotten. 1 day to 1 month!
Walrus Apocalypse  Leaves Life Exceptionally Tyrannic


Silly Iguanas Gratify Nearly All Laser Systems.

Happy HanaRamaKwanzmas!
Forum Games / Re: The Thing At Your Right
Dec 18, 2015, 04:30 AM
I'd have to fight Greg Heffley from the tenth book with a drink coaster. I think I got this handled.
(It's a forum game, I don't think bumping matters :P)
Quote from: MrEpicWonder on Dec 16, 2015, 09:33 AM* MrEpicWonder cocks shotgun and aims it at door.

Don't you know he comes down the chimney? Unless you don't have a chimney. Then I could see why you would aim it at the door.
I like the idea of a Veteran+ world. A few thoughts though.

You are absolutely going to get rid of towny? You cannot integrate it into the other worlds to use it? I'm not going to miss it but I would think maybe a few people might.

For this Veteran+ world, are build moves into it going to be allowed (For resets and/or just to move our build too)? I would assume no, but I didn't think it would hurt to ask.

I like the idea, kinda reminds me of the family world we used to have. Or what was /w5 at one point.

(Mentioning /w5, that reminds me of the /w4 we had once where we had to pay to get an island. What if we integrated that into it too?)
Kill all the elves first!
<3 you Towelie!
GRIMI_ I love the post! Everyone needs to read that and maybe we could have this question,
Quote from: GRIMI_ on Jul 28, 2015, 05:05 PMOMG why can't manager X come and move my shit???!?!?!?!?!?!
Firstly, chill out. There's literally ~a month to do it, and as you can expect, from the second managers get online to the second they switch off their computers they're busy trying to get everyone's builds moved. Ask politely, and most importantly once every 5mins or so. If a manager is obviously busy with someone else, dont spam them demanding you get your build moved. Please be considerate of other players, and also of how busy these managers will be.
added to the original post @Towelie ? So many people are shouting at managers to move their builds because if they don't move them TODAY they will be deleted. Maybe just shorten it down to get the gist but great comment.
I was on during the example of this, and this was needed after that. I hope everyone that needs to see this does! Yet all of us can still take from it.
Awiral, we have a board dedicated to reporting players for broken rules. As it sounds like Pixelmon, I will provide a link to that board. Please don't post it in this thread though, since it is not for reporting players and most likely the right people won't see it here. Create a thread at the following link to get help. https://www.superfuntime.org/forum/index.php/board,221.0.html
Quote from: frankie_jay17 on Jun 11, 2015, 09:02 PMdon't you think the part where you say "- Don't let people push you around. Do what you want, and what is right for you" let people on the server disobey rules? O.o and then they'll say well tow said is okay or whatever but yet again it says "and what is right for you" :I but still... not like i'm going to break any rules... (i never do) but yeah ^_^ others might :I

I think what Towelie means by this is just because others are doing one thing that you would rather not, don't let the peer pressure overcome your opinion and beliefs. "Do what you want, and what is right for you. Don't let people push you around."
Love all the additions! Thanks!
That all sounds sweet ColesyM! Thanks for all the work you're putting in to it!
Quote from: Fire_Lord_Nero on May 24, 2015, 05:39 PMEdit, Also maybe the first few ranks are the colour silver/nickle, the middle tier gold, then the next(top prestige) diamond/platinum colour
I like this idea. Bronze/silver/gold/diamond sounds pretty cool. If it is an admin adding the prefix, could the prefixes be different colors for the top player only or something along the lines? Everyone who gets a prestige level has it the color bronze then the top 3 are silver/gold/diamond or something like that? Sounds pretty good though, I can think of a few people who would jump on the whole bragging rights thing... ;)
Forum Games / Re: 20...Billion Questions!
Apr 24, 2015, 01:13 AM
I'm definitely more brians then brawl.

Apple or Android?