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Messages - itsConnor_

Study Corner / Re: [Math] Difference Quotient
Sep 25, 2015, 08:55 PM
Quote from: Duncz on Sep 25, 2015, 08:28 PM
Quote from: itsConnor_ on Sep 25, 2015, 08:27 PM
Quote from: Duncz on Sep 25, 2015, 08:09 PMx
What are you planning on doing at university next year (assuming you're intending on going to university next year)? :)
physics! the best subject
ah, very good career prospects :P I'm applying for chemistry myself. What universities have you been looking at?
Study Corner / Re: [Math] Difference Quotient
Sep 25, 2015, 08:27 PM
Quote from: Duncz on Sep 25, 2015, 08:09 PMx
What are you planning on doing at university next year (assuming you're intending on going to university next year)? :)
Study Corner / Re: [Math] Difference Quotient
Sep 25, 2015, 06:23 AM
This isn't on the A-level maths syllabus (AKAIK), but I will try and do it later - I'd just be using this video (or others) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1O5NEI8UuHM , so maybe try and use that in the meantime.
Quote from: djkirsh on Sep 25, 2015, 02:22 AMStill don't get it.

So the point of this board is no one is going to post on it?
I think the idea of specialists isn't that they are the only ones to answer people's questions, but people can go directly to them to ask questions without having to make a forum post (if they don't want to) and to have people that are responsible for answering questions to ensure there aren't any unanswered questions.

Having specialists shouldn't affect anyone else helping too though.

Quote from: Dogggeh on Sep 25, 2015, 06:13 AMI can do english :)
yea I'm not sure if I'm going to be much help in English tbh (don't really read literature other than the books we study)
Study Corner / Re: Suggestion/Problem
Sep 24, 2015, 03:51 PM
Quote from: Dracorex on Sep 24, 2015, 03:39 PM
Quote from: itsConnor_ on Sep 24, 2015, 03:37 PMIsn't this something you can just Google easily?
Googling how to do a math problem isn't as easy as you think it is... I've tried googling how to divide fractions before... Didn't help at all.
He said 'maths rules'. It would be much easier for me to Google "trigonometric identities" than post on here and wait for someone to post them, no? :)
Study Corner / Re: Suggestion/Problem
Sep 24, 2015, 03:37 PM
Isn't this something you can just Google easily?
Quote from: camster65 on Jul 30, 2015, 06:53 PM
Quote from: GRIMI_ on Jul 30, 2015, 05:21 PMAt the moment, Architects get a prefix, the same perms as legend, and the ability to request blocks for building attractions. They do not get fly, creative or WE.
You get fly mytime compass as well as everything legend/elite get
What about /thru ? Never been an Architect, but it's really useful.
Quote from: GRIMI_ on Jul 30, 2015, 03:49 PMI already applied and you've already seen and judged my builds, but I havent been formally accepted or denied yet, I dont think. I'll build something else if I get time.
I think GRIMI would be a rly good architect - he helped build the SFT Olympics 2013 venue (at least I think it was 2013)!
Quote from: camster65 on Jul 30, 2015, 12:45 PMit is a long and vigorous process before you are accepted.
lol what do Architects get in return anyways? :P
Does anyone have any from 2011 / 2012?
What's B-Team?
When did we try CS:GO (although I doubt it would work, just curious)?
Forum Games / Re: Which one is a lie?
Feb 09, 2015, 09:13 PM
Isn't the idea that..you wait for the person to reply in regards to whether or not the lie your guessed was the real lie?
General Announcements / Re: New forum rule
Feb 04, 2015, 06:01 PM
What's all this name-changing malarkey? You can change your name in Minecraft like you can in Steam now? That could get confusing..
I like the reasonable uptime requirement; 10/12 hours a week on Minecraft borders ludicrous for many.
Quote from: Fire_Lord_Nero on Jan 26, 2015, 02:23 PM
Isn't the mansion pimmerts?
I was thinking it was pothnozz's :P
Quote from: Towelie on Jan 25, 2015, 11:13 AM
Um. No comments?
Well I suppose people don't feel this this will affect them as they are still paying the same price and are still using their own currency as the conversion when browsing the shop?
Typing other users' names with different body parts..what have these forums come to!
Found a couple in my folder (if they even count as 'selfies')..

An Event Host team one from 2013:

A staff team one from...2012?
Quote from: King_Craftius on Jan 13, 2015, 04:29 PM
Hey fellow SFTers, my name is Ben aka King_Craftius.
I live in the UK, in a town called Reading.
I am currently 17, i will be 18 on the 27th March.
I enjoy gaming, Minecraft, Archeage, League of Legends but i mainly play on my Xbox, with Fifa 15, Far cry 4, Skyrim, Gta5 etc. I also enjoy playing football in my spare time and I support Liverpool FC.

Do you go to a sixth form or college? If sixth form, which A-levels are you doing? What are your plans for next year - university?

Sorry, just curious!
Q: What's your name? (no last names)
A: Connor

Q: What's your age?

A: 17

Q: What country are you from?

Q: What's your favorite SFT Server?
A: 'Survival'

Q: What's your favorite thing to do on the SFT server you play most?
A: Used to be hosting events (e.g. Spleef Weekend, SFT Olympics, PvP Weekend), talking to others, before that helping players in my time of staffing (2011 & 2012)

Q: What are your hobbies?
A:  Counter-Strike (playing and watching!), I also like film

Q: What kind of music do you listen to?
A: Whatever really, not big into music!

Q: Do you own a Console? If yes what console?
A: Xbox 360 - not that I use it anymore!

Q: Do you have any pets? What kind of?
A: An 8-year old chocolate labrador called Molly

Q: Do you use Skype (y/n)
A: Yes

Q: Name the top 3 games that you still play
A: CS:GO (the only game I play..!)

Q: Is there anything about yourself that you'd like to mention?
A: Like Jerry above, I like chemistry. I'm only active on the forums these days, also... oh and I am approaching 4 years on SFT in May!

Quote from: donnydoom604 on Jan 01, 2015, 01:08 AM
Onion, please, for the love of fuck. Shut the fuck up right now. Do you know how hard it is to be the head of staff? Do you know how a head of staff doesn't only have to try fix all the staff teams problems, they are in charge of saying yes or no to a promotion, they need to monitor their actions, Djk does monthly staff evaluations for the entire fucking staff team, if a certain staff member got a low score they would be talked to it's as simple as fucking that, ok? "OHMYGOD THERES SO MANY PROBLEMS IN THE STAFF TEAM RIGHT NOW>">{<"ERIONW"  yeah guess fucking what, SFT isn't filled with glorious minecraft gods who are 15 years old, have impeccable grammar and can deal with the stress of being shouted at by 40 players as well as have a real life as well as have these standards they are required to uphold to keep their rank. And krikky seriously? You aren't Mod anymore, so button it, things change things change all the fucking time in the SFT staff team, I know this because I was the god damn head of staff for god knows how many months, I've dealt with the bullshit of omg this jmod mod manager admin is naughty pls fix it, IF YOU HAVE A DAMN PROBLEM WITH A MEMBER OF STAFF OR THE STAFF TEAM AS A WHOLE


Rant over.
djkirsh evaluates 43 staff members every month? Holy moly. That really is quite an achievement! Only one was managed during my time (and that was a once in August '11).

Regarding 'personal message djkirsh' as she is the Head of Staff, perhaps players should be made more aware of this? It's hard to know who the Head of Staff is unless you are in the staff team. I certainly wasn't aware, for example. Sorry if this is publicised more than I think - I'm not too active around here these days!  :-X

Perhaps she could have the forum title 'Head of Staff', similar to 'Head of Hosts' held by Karkafi, as a suggestion.
Quote from: ryan_m004 on Dec 30, 2014, 02:52 AM
I see guests/ members, I can tell which ones have potential to be a Jmod+ And which ones don't have the potential.
I see a lot of the people that I think Didnt have the potential getting Jmod (I agree with krikky)
As Minecraft has grown over the past ~5 years, the target audience has shifted and subsequent age of the playerbase has decreased considerably. Where in 2011 many of SFT's players may have been aged 15-30, the majority now may be 8-14 (note I am just speculating). I can only imagine it is much harder now to find appropriate staff members with many Minecraft players being ~10 years old.
I've been to events (iSeries), which have now taken great interest in Minecraft and the Minecraft area may as well be a daycare centre; most of the Minecraft-interested visitors are literally 5-10 years old!

Type: Utilitarianism