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Messages - deeklz

Gah, four million? I know he donates a lot to charity, but four MILLION?
Quote from: Jalapinos on Jun 19, 2014, 07:15 AM
Quote from: maxwolf28 on Jun 19, 2014, 06:12 AM
Quote from: Jalapinos on Jun 19, 2014, 05:50 AM
Quote from: Towelie on Jun 19, 2014, 04:21 AM
Quote from: Jalapinos on Jun 19, 2014, 03:43 AM
Not to ruin the hate-buzz (not that its not well deserved) Would it be ok or at least detectable if you sold everything as a custom donation. like contacting staff and asking them for items in return by paying manualy through paypal. that way we can still buy ranks an items. if you ask me this sounds even better than the original becuase its more personal.
That's still not allowed under mojang's new EULA.
You could consider it personal... then what the fuck can they do...

And im training to be a lawyer and the phrase think like a lawyer means something. there is always a way around it. if you cant sell an item sell a command to get an item. how the player uses the command it not your problem.
but the thing is they could say the command would modify in-game play.

Well then think like a lawyer agian. Getting trails could effect how people respect you changing how you play in the game... therefor trials modify in-game play. diferance from that and commands is up to you.

Getting trails are completely cosmetic. It doesn't change how people respect you - you could become an admin and people respect you.

If you get trails, you're not going to become a billionaire, are you? Trails do not modify your play. They only make you cooler. It doesn't give you any buffs, it's purely cosmetic.
Damn, wish my tablet was compatible with my laptop.
Quote from: 8d2 on Jun 17, 2014, 05:22 PM
It would kill SFT because it would remove derpy.

Derpy is my life!

Are you... ?

But seriously, just because it would remove derpy doesn't mean it's going to kill SFT. Now, if it removed Pixelmon and Survival, that would kill SFT.

Barely any people play on Derpy anyways. Pretty much 5-7 people online. It's not going to kill Derpy, but nice try at such a comment.

Quote from: mordalthunder on Jun 17, 2014, 07:54 AM
Quote from: Towelie on Jun 17, 2014, 07:49 AM
Making our servers pay to play would kill our playerbase :S

True, the lurkers that can't afford to pay 3 dollars a month would leave, which is about 1/3.
SFT is a community that has a very old player base, 2/3 of the people are here for 1 year+
If they can't afford 3 dollars a month to play on a server, they won't find any better ones for free somewhere else.
I think 90% of the servers would switch to a subscription based gameplay instead of a f2p gameplay

I really dislike this idea. Like, a lot. "The lurkers that can't afford to pay 3 dollars a month?" Just because we can't pay 3 dollars doesn't mean we don't like the server and just 'lurk.' I know some people's parents would never let them use a credit card to play on a Minecraft server, including me.

I really dislike p2p. Please keep this as f2p. Maybe, as a f2p server, we could attract more attention by being one of the few f2p. Just a thought.
Quote from: SirDoggeh on Jun 15, 2014, 06:10 AM
(without backspace)

tylerinator (with backspace)

Of course you can type it correctly with backspace, SIrDoggeh.
A lot of people are saying they have bony elbows.


I used my nose.
General Announcements / Re: Towelie's Client
Jun 09, 2014, 04:00 PM
Good and all, but how do I add/remove mods from the pack?
Quote from: maxwolf28 on Jun 05, 2014, 01:16 AM
Quote from: tylerinator on Jun 04, 2014, 11:33 PM
I am the only one wondering why the heck 2 girls this young did this? and what could they have possibly used a knife from the kitchen?????
a knife is probably one of the easiest weapons to obtain.

Nope, they obviously used a stick.

Of course they used a knife, it said "stab" in the article.
eevereerfn btt ghoisfrt


Event Host / MobileHome18
Oh, I thought they meant 40 each. Whoops. xd
Quote from: AndrewGarson on Jun 07, 2014, 10:30 PM
Congrats to the Blue team on winning UHC !!!!

Karkafi will give u prizes soon,

Definitely competing next time. Go Blue!

I can't believe I'm going to have $40 on the donator shop...

I remember asking where to get/buy glowstone. People said, "do /nether!" but it wasn't a command. Will try it out.
The Towel of Power
Quote from: Stariieyed on Jun 02, 2014, 04:13 AM
Quote from: Dpa1991 on Jun 02, 2014, 03:40 AM
Quote from: tady1 on Jun 02, 2014, 03:11 AM
Quote from: onionboyzz on Jun 01, 2014, 10:14 PM
Quote from: HappyNem on Jun 01, 2014, 09:35 PM
Quote from: Karkafi on Jun 01, 2014, 06:45 PM

The community skip feature isn't really reliable since it has to be the majority of listeners that have to "meh" the song. (8 mehs out of 10 listeners for example). Since alot of people will be AFK, we can't garantee that offensive songs will be skipped. As for "what is defined as offensive" I'm pretty sure it will be easy to define them. Nazi/ other political groups propaganda, religious propaganda, songs mocking a certain religion (i.e "Jesus Christ is my *****) and all that bad stuff.
I have been part of this thing for a few days now and the only time i have seen it get skipped is if it was an actual reason, Like over 5 minutes or not an actual song like somoene just being goofy and all

Can managers or bouncers skip songs with out the community meh majority?
That will turn into SFT Radio where the dj decides what song plays

It's not going to turn into that so don't just sit there and complain about something that hasnt happened (and wont).

Onion, you played one song that I'm aware of and it was a 10 hour long Nyan cat on repeat, besides the obvious fact you broke the 5 minute length rule, did you think everyone was going to sit there for 10 hours listening to that?

I don't understand how a staff skipping a song because its not getting meh'd and it breaks 1 or more of the rules means that i'll turn into just dj's deciding. Just cause a bouncer or other staff member has the ablitity to skip a song doesn't mean they will just cause they don't like the song. I'd go as far to call that an abuse of power. :P I'd say only skip a song if it breaks one or more rules or if its their own.

From what I see plug.dj as...

It's a radio system where you can set up your own playlist and join others to play your music and share with everyone. If people like it, they can "Woot" it. If they don't like it, they can "meh" it and if it gets enough mehs, it'll be skipped.

If someone was playing an offensive song, but there were a few people and they were AFK with one staff member that's not AFK, they should be able to skip it. Just because the staff doesn't like it doesn't mean they can just skip it, so that wouldn't turn into dj deciding. The staff even need their own guidelines that are enforced. Make it like; "Do not skip a song only if YOU don't like it. Only do the will of the people, yours included."


If the staff is complaining about you meh'ing a song, think of it as them booing your opinion. If the staff like it but you don't, it shouldn't give them the authority to yell at you about it. You guys should look into that.
Quote from: AzGotSwag on Jun 02, 2014, 03:55 PM
New spawn, what spawn is this for?

It's not new, silly. It's 2012's spawn.

Quote from: GRIMIGAMING on Jun 02, 2014, 05:05 PM
I joined during circle spawn so woop woop. yay for circular spawn towns

Beach, anyone?
Quote from: brE on Jun 02, 2014, 05:53 PM
Quote from: Fractalion on Jun 02, 2014, 05:46 PM
Tibia? I think that's the name of the game that Miricx has been wanting a server for forever. I remember it looking pretty interesting. If that's the MMORPG in question then I look forward to it!
It sure is, it's taking shitloads of time to setup/code/map a tibia server to keep players entertained
also im working the whole summer, so don't expect it soon, sori

Tibia is though still a popular game when it comes to custom servers, so it will bring players to the community.

Huh, haven't seen it. Interested, though.
Aaaaand that's why you don't torrent.
General Announcements / Re: Curiosity. Again.
May 30, 2014, 02:18 AM
If I'm not doing anything that day, I'm up for it. Missed the last one.