Jun 04, 2024, 10:08 PM


Have a Super Fun Time!

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Messages - GotAnError


Ah, the nostalgia. Bit late though, hour-wise.
General Announcements / Re: What's up?
Dec 04, 2016, 06:08 PM
Quote from: maxwolf28 on Dec 04, 2016, 05:47 PMI would like to see trading with villagers come back.

Afaik, this was taken out as it massively destroyed the economy.

However, why not bring back a tweaked version?
General Announcements / Re: Llama business
Nov 19, 2016, 09:40 AM
Llamas look like they have a small :| face on their noses.
I still wonder why Hillary is constantly being attacked for what her husband did.

Like, if my grandfather robs a bank, does that make me a bad person? Why is what Bill did one of the main arguments to not vote for Hillary?

Either way, have fun in the new US of A. I'll watch from the sidelines in my safe country.
No, I am not Xenii12.
Forum Games / Re: FAZAN!
Aug 06, 2016, 11:32 PM
Legend 0 = Nothing.

Legend 1 = Legend.

Legend 2 = Legendary.

Legend 3 = Legendarier.

Legend 4 = Legendariest.

Legend 5 = OverLegend. ('Cuz overlord).

Yay. There you have it. New rank name suggestions. Coolio. I am out.
That is very nice solution. Awesome! :)
General Announcements / Re: Drama is toxic
Jul 18, 2016, 06:45 PM
If only this was implemented much sooner.
General Announcements / Re: New B-Team Owner!
Jul 09, 2016, 08:32 PM
Very much deserved. You're such an amazing person! #MakeB-TeamGreatAgain

I am free if you need another Admin/Owner, Laxiebae <3 No training needed, jkjk luvu
Polls / Re: Euro Championships (Last 8)
Jul 03, 2016, 04:03 AM
Quote from: CCookie22 on Jul 02, 2016, 10:04 PM
Quote from: GotAnError on Jun 30, 2016, 08:16 PM@Cocobutter03 Italy winning from Germany is not an upset. Germany has never won even once from Italy in a European Cup match.

They have now ;)

With a very, VERY mediocre if not bad penalty shoot-out.

Though it must be said that Germany did dominate most of the game.
Polls / Re: Euro Championships (Last 8)
Jun 30, 2016, 08:16 PM
@Cocobutter03 Italy winning from Germany is not an upset. Germany has never won even once from Italy in a European Cup match.
Quote from: Darren64_NY on Jun 28, 2016, 07:15 PMWhen you buy this but you can't use them at events so why bother?

Because your sole purpose in Minecraft is showing off during events? Alright then. Keep glowing.

Also, well done @darknuju!!
The time is near to hunt for bone blocks.
But.. fame will get me lots of money...
Quote from: maxwolf28 on Jun 19, 2016, 09:55 PM
Quote from: Brightpkz on Jun 19, 2016, 07:41 PM
Quote from: GotAnError on Jun 19, 2016, 07:40 PM
Quote from: Brightpkz on Jun 19, 2016, 07:38 PMLink to request for offline build moves: http://goo.gl/forms/WqWQE09Fq3KQjLXf2

Please note, items will not be moved due to 1.10 for now. Remember to do them on your own!

How come exactly?

Due to 1.10. The chest moves are bugged out right now.
If i read this right nothing in chests will get moved.
Idea to fix this... we could go back down to 1.9 for 2-3 weeks then before the reset update. (just an idea).

That would be unbelievably kind of you. I am ready to move them manually too, of course.
Quote from: Brightpkz on Jun 19, 2016, 07:41 PM
Quote from: GotAnError on Jun 19, 2016, 07:40 PM
Quote from: Brightpkz on Jun 19, 2016, 07:38 PMLink to request for offline build moves: http://goo.gl/forms/WqWQE09Fq3KQjLXf2

Please note, items will not be moved due to 1.10 for now. Remember to do them on your own!

How come exactly?

Due to 1.10. The chest moves are bugged out right now.

Ouch, that sucks. D:
Quote from: Brightpkz on Jun 19, 2016, 07:38 PMLink to request for offline build moves: http://goo.gl/forms/WqWQE09Fq3KQjLXf2

Please note, items will not be moved due to 1.10 for now. Remember to do them on your own!

How come exactly?
This is just a post to provide a simple solution to that which has been a problem for many, many resets in the past.

Stop causing drama. This reset was announced a month ago. In total, you would have had about 7 weeks to move several of your creations manually. You decided not to because you blatantly counted on the Manager+'s doing the dirty work for you.

That is laziness. Own up to it or start using your time to collect money for moving purposes instead of using your time to complain about a solution which is not fully reaching your standards.

And if you're so concerned about players who don't have enough money to move, then why not support them financially? Why not talk to the Manager+'s to see if there is a possible exception or other option for them. There are so many things you guys could have done with your time, but you decided to spend it on arguing.

EDIT: Stoovs was a bit earlier than I was. Darn you, Stoovs.
Time to part with 500k and 50 vote tokens.
Will buy when Visa stops rejecting the transaction.
1) Can a Vet+ move to World 1 instead of the Veteran world?

2) What is defined as a big build? For example, can /warp errorisland be moved or not?
In all honesty, isn't a big reason the lack of fast updates on the Pixelmon creators' side? To me, having only a select amount of Pokémon hurts the replay value of Pixelmon as a whole. I don't think SFT can do much about it, sadly.