Jun 05, 2024, 01:07 AM


Proudly established in 2010, still going!

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In-game Nickname: Roast-/-My-/-Toast#5108

   Forum username: Orco_

   Why were you banned ?:
   "Carrying on after being asked to stop, instigating, continuing after final warning" - and I'll admit it, you can probably add a dozen other things to that list

   Why should you be unbanned ?
   First of all I'd like to point out that I was only on warning 2/4, and should've been on 1/4 considering the second one should've been a mute, but I don't feel like arguing about that so whatever, it is what it is.


I'll be perfectly honest, I don't really care. by which I mean, I'm not going to lie my way to getting unbanned and try to sweet talk you with some fake sincere bs, I'd like to be unbanned sure, but at the end of the day if I do get unbanned, cool, if I don't, whatever, that's all there is to it. While I'm not super worried about getting unbanned, I actually am sorry for the rather extensive list of broken rules, offended players, displeased staff, etc. Plus at this point, I'm honestly so busy and stressed I just want to lurk and actually not cause problems this time around.

   Extra Information:
   It is also worth noting that I personally don't think I am a toxic piece of trash that is overwhelmingly negative and contributes nothing to the server, but you know, not for me to decide. That is all, thank you.
Other Servers / Forum / Discord / mätt#4206
Sep 18, 2021, 07:25 PM
In-game Nickname: mätt#4206

   Forum username: noobtube59

   Why were you banned ?:
   cause im a toxic piece of trash that is overwhelmingly negative and contributes nothing to the server

   Why should you be unbanned ?
   because i am no longer a toxic piece of trash that is overwhelmingly negative and contributes nothing to the server

   Extra Information:
   the moment we have all been dreading is here, my unban request again :heart_eyes:

since a staff member decided to mock my unban request last time im going to clarify some things, I used the same reason for why i was banned and why i should be unbanned as the previous unban. I dont believe the why i was banned should be changed considering thats literally why I got banned. I should be unbanned because im not like that anymore, im way too busy with work, school and other activities to have enough energy to be toxic/rude/what have you.

anyway, i would like to come back to sft discord so i can lurk and chill thank you have a great day
Other Servers / Forum / Discord / mätt#4206
Aug 30, 2021, 04:08 PM
In-game Nickname: mätt#4206

   Forum username: noobtube59

   Why were you banned ?:
   cause im a toxic piece of trash that is overwhelmingly negative and contributes nothing to the server

   Why should you be unbanned ?
   because i am no longer a toxic piece of trash that is overwhelmingly negative and contributes nothing to the server

   Extra Information:
   i took a harassment prevention learning guide to get my most recent job and this means i am 100% qualified to be unbanned now
Other Servers / Forum / Discord / Lucky
Aug 25, 2021, 03:00 AM
In-game Nickname: Lucky

   Forum username: _Luckycharm_

   Why were you banned ?:
   I forgot probably because I kept being an asshole.
I honostly forgot its been a long time

   Why should you be unbanned ?
   because I have changed as a person

   Extra Information:
Other Servers / Forum / Discord / mätt#4206
Aug 13, 2021, 02:28 AM
In-game Nickname: mätt#4206

   Forum username: noobtube59

   Why were you banned ?:
   cause im a toxic piece of trash that is overwhelmingly negative and contributes nothing to the server

   Why should you be unbanned ?
   because i am no longer a toxic piece of trash that is overwhelmingly negative and contributes nothing to the server

   Extra Information:
   for u pea brain idiots that think i ban evaded by making an alt discord account named "noobtube59" even tho at the time my mc ign wasnt even noobtube59, im not that dumb. If i was gonna create an alt account to ban evade it would obviously be something not related to me at all? like what kind of logic is that?
Other Servers / Forum / Discord / Krtizkrieg
Jun 03, 2021, 09:21 AM
In-game Nickname: Krtizkrieg

   Forum username: Solgrynn

   Why were you banned ?:

   Why should you be unbanned ?
   I was previously banned for alleged cheats on the prison server. I requested an unban for that and my appeal was accepted. Today I logged on to try out duels but found out that I was perma-banned for cheats. I have never played duels, so I believe this ban is a mistake.

   Extra Information:
In-game Nickname: matt61559#6843

   Forum username: noobtube59

   Why were you banned ?:
   idk discord doesnt tell you the ban reason, im assuming its because tow "doesnt like me and i bring nothing positive to the community"

   Why should you be unbanned ?
   Just to preface this unban, I would like to request that this is handled by discord admins that are not Towelie to avoid bias.

I came into general chat because there was a cry for help on how to bring more players to SFT. I gave my ideas and other players agreed with what I had to say. Somehow my ideas were seen as disrespectful and Tow went on to go off on me for it. Using Tow's exact logic he said after I got banned about how he doesnt take shit from anybody, neither do I. Being told I am "for dinner"? and being called human trash etc and having the audacity to ask me to respect you after saying those things is actually unbelievable. Respect is not something that is just given, it is earned. Personally, Ive been constantly targeted to get banned from SFT so I havent exactly been respected/wanted in this community but you expect me to give you respect? Idk seems kinda weird to me.

Also the constant trying to invalidate me trying to help the server because I "dont play minecraft anymore" is absurd. I joined survival like 18-19h ago, I talk in mc-network-chat to interact with friends online and I talk in general chat occasionally. One of the first things I said when giving my advice was that I dont find survival fun anymore and I play other game modes that SFT doesnt have, so yes, I do still play minecraft.

   Extra Information:
   I first joined SFT in 2011-12? The fact that Ive been around this long and still here trying to give advice on how to not make the server die shows I still care about the community at least a little bit. Im sorry for speaking the truth and how I felt though, guess next time I just wont talk when I see Tow in general chat.
In-game Nickname: NicotineBuzz

   Forum username: NicotineBuzz

   Why were you banned ?:
   Racial Slur

   Why should you be unbanned ?
   Samantha can you add me on discord so we can just talk 1 on 1 I feel like this was a mistake please add me. krown#8744. I would really appreciate a 1 on 1 dialogue even if it means I won't get unbanned

   Extra Information:
   Please consider. I am very sorry.
In-game Nickname: NicotineBuzz

   Forum username: NicotineBuzz

   Why were you banned ?:
   I was banned for using a racial slur allegedly.

   Why should you be unbanned ?
   Hold up hold up, I be talkin on the server rappin and stuff, so I ask the staff, is it cool if I say n*gga when I be rappin if not that's cool I won't you feel me? They be saying no you cannot so I say cool I won't no big deal it ain't a problem. Well they global ban me from the whole jawn. I was on skyblock trying to level up my island trying to show my dedication to the server and I get banned for it. I really ain't call nobody the n word I just asked is it allowed when I'm rappin. No warning, just a ban. I don't understand it, it's just my culture you feel me? I'm north philly strawberry mansion area, I work and come play and vibe out with everyone and now I get global banned for just a question. Don't unban me from survival, but I really was rockin with skyblock not causing no trouble. I even was playing minigames with Darren on creative we were all having a good time.  I just feel like it ain't right. Please let me know what you think about the situation.

   Extra Information:
   Tell me how you feel about it so I can be unbanned and improve myself to not have a situation like this again you feel me?
In-game Nickname: NickCipolla#6976

   Forum username: onionboyzz

   Why were you banned ?:
   One of the discord mods made a joke insinuating my mom was a whore so I made a gay joke

   Why should you be unbanned ?
      I am not really sure why the mod would set the precedent that attacking someones family member is okay but a gay joke is past the line.

   Extra Information:
   Not sure why the discord mod closed the thread before I could even respond. No, you did not use the exact word whore. You obviously remember what you said, something a long the lines of " your mother is used, and tossed out " dont quite remember but I know that you knew it was quite insensitive since you switched to the NSFW channel to say it. Because I believe this mod is in direct abuse of his power I would like someone higher up to be involved so he can not just close the thread to avoid responsibility
Other Servers / Forum / Discord / onionboys
Mar 16, 2021, 10:13 PM
In-game Nickname: onionboys

   Forum username: onionboyzz

   Why were you banned ?:
   One of the discord mods called my mom a whore, so I called him gay and then he banned me? I guess

   Why should you be unbanned ?
   I am not really sure why the mod would set the precedent that attacking someones family member is okay but a gay joke is past the line.

   Extra Information:
Other Servers / Forum / Discord / Hiay (ramp)
Mar 16, 2021, 01:24 PM
In-game Nickname: Hiay (ramp)

   Forum username: iiRampage

   Why were you banned ?:
   Messing around with George by misspelling his name

   Why should you be unbanned ?
   Because im a better man now and ive learned not to mess with George because he's sensitive and I respect him for that

   Extra Information:
   I wrote a whole serious ban appeal a month ago but i have no clue how to view it or respond to it. If you want me to write it all again message me on discord: Sox#2302
In-game Nickname: Roast_My_Toast Discord: Roast-/-My-/-Toast#5108 (Orco)

   Forum username: Orco_

   Why were you banned ?:
   While I'm sure my history and previous behavior had a play in my ban, my actual ban reason was for bullying George_Filos, calling him different variations of George, "gungo, gunga, gongle, gorgle," etc. This whole thing started before me, I had no idea about it and when I found out about it and joined in, at the time it just seemed like a joke, it didn't seem like it actually bothered him. I should have recognized how even if it wasn't originally a big deal, as it grew and escalated and more people began doing it more frequently, how it would seem to that person, it would no longer seem like an innocent joke, and it would begin to seem like everyone was mocking you and ganging up on you, i could've easily tried to stop it and obviously didn't and I apologize for that, it wasn't ever my intention to actually bully him.

   Why should you be unbanned ?
   I would like to be unbanned because I was asking Autpek about it a couple days ago and he told me that with how long its been since my last unban request, I was told I could post another in January but didn't, and im glad I didn't since it would've been denied given that I certainly hadn't shown any improvement by then, it could be worth making another unban request if I felt that I haven't recently done anything that would affect my chances of being unbanned and I felt that I've shown improvement, and I feel like I've shown vast improvement compared to how I was. Recent events in my life have given me the desire to improve myself and I think I have improved, obviously I'm still a dick, there's no denying that, I think thats just my personality, and obviously I'm still kinda toxic but I think Matt/Noobtube said it best that everyone is toxic in one way or another and im obviously no exception, not that you need to be told that.

   Extra Information:
Other Servers / Forum / Discord / Jinxie
Mar 06, 2021, 12:29 AM
In-game Nickname: Jinxie

   Forum username: Jinxie

   Why were you banned ?:
   I believe it's because of saying innapropriate things. I was told by an Admin it isn't because of this, but I understand that it was an event taken too far.

   Why should you be unbanned ?
   This was a while ago, and I've moved on from the event and learnt from the Discord ban that I should not talk about these events any longer.

   Extra Information:
Other Servers / Forum / Discord / Sharkfowl
Feb 23, 2021, 01:06 PM
In-game Nickname: Sharkfowl

   Forum username: Sharkfowlthe2nd

   Why were you banned ?:
   As a result of my IG ban, which has since been undone.

   Why should you be unbanned ?
   If it's not too much to ask, I'd like to be able to participate in the discord server as well as the survival one.

   Extra Information:
Other Servers / Forum / Discord / Tomsoz
Feb 17, 2021, 05:53 PM
In-game Nickname: Tomsoz

   Forum username: Tomsoz

   Why were you banned ?:
   Lagging creative

   Why should you be unbanned ?
   Because I saw UltraGamesNL_ do something to crash the server but I was just watching and nothing to do with lagging the server. I had no idea what was going on.

   Extra Information:
Other Servers / Forum / Discord / greenmemax
Jan 14, 2021, 09:45 PM
In-game Nickname: greenmemax

   Forum username: greenmemax

   Why were you banned ?:

   Why should you be unbanned ?
   I not using caps lock any more

   Extra Information:


Other Servers / Forum / Discord / Lucky
Jan 14, 2021, 03:58 AM
In-game Nickname: Lucky

   Forum username: _Luckycharm_

   Why were you banned ?:
   I made a inappropriate joke.

   Why should you be unbanned ?
   I didn't think it was bad to make a dirty joke I really don't think its necessary that im banned I didn't know why xQuicscope banned me the joke wasn't directed to him the person I said it to wasn't mad I don't see why he needed to ban me I really hope this doesn't effect my survival ban time please I'm really looking forward to tasting the air of the amazing sft survival nature please unban me I have learnt my lesson.

   Extra Information:
   also sorry for not adding full stops I'm not good at writing stuff


In-game Nickname: Hiay (women) disc: Sox#2302

   Forum username: iiRampage

   Why were you banned ?:
   I've been purposely misspelling GeorgeFilos's name for a full year. I thought it was a pretty harmless joke because it wasn't my intention to attack him in any way. Everytime I did that joke, George always jokingly replied back to it so I din't think it would be such a big deal. When I said "gorgle" like 2 times in general, admins told us to stop. I stopped about 4 minutes after I was told to do so. I got banned while I was asleep without any explanation given. If I knew joking around with misspelling names was THAT serious to George I wouldn't have continued for this long.

   Why should you be unbanned ?
   Well if i knew it was this serious I wouldn't have done it. I wanna apologize to Mr. Filos aswell. Look, I know I have a pretty bad reputation because of something that happened a year ago. I haven't done anything bad (besides this) after that. It has been months and I miss seeing Solidfuture's food in the food channel. But seriously tho i miss the homies (the ones that got warned instead of banned??) At first Tow said that I would get a warning too but for some reason he reconsidered it. Long story short, I apologize for my bad spelling when it comes to George's name, and I would love to talk to some of my friends again.

   Extra Information:

^Picture of Tow giving me a warning first, and reconsidering it because "I broke the rules repeatedly" (I genuinely couldn't think about anything i have done wrong in the past year besides this)

I hope whoever is looking at this doesn't hold grudges :)


In-game Nickname: Bruhmoment2023

   Forum username: Bruhmoment2023

   Why were you banned ?:
   i said i was 9 but i am 13+

   Why should you be unbanned ?
   bc i am the requested age that i should be

   Extra Information:
   reffer to the above


In-game Nickname: Bruhmoment2023

   Forum username: Bruhmoment2023

   Why were you banned ?:
   i used a fake age

   Why should you be unbanned ?
   bc i am 13+ and i should be unbanned in discord

   Extra Information:
   unban me in discord i am 13+


Other Servers / Forum / Discord / Orco
Nov 30, 2020, 10:07 PM
In-game Nickname: Orco

   Forum username: Orco_

   Why were you banned ?:
   I was banned on the discord for "bullying." I was banned after calling George_Filos various names, that while I may have saw it as harmless fun I should've still acknowledged that he didn't like it and stopped then, however I didn't and here I am.

   Why should you be unbanned ?
   I should be unbanned because I, for the most part, enjoy and miss the server, and because I was requested to make this.

   Extra Information:


Other Servers / Forum / Discord / topkekxD
Oct 02, 2020, 08:58 PM
In-game Nickname: topkekxD

   Forum username: topkekxD

   Why were you banned ?:
   idk, i was just seyn sum cute stuf about trump en det Quic gai. i was just banned den

   Why should you be unbanned ?
   bicoz im a funny guy and i can help community a lot to have mor fun

   Extra Information:
   pls unban me?


Trusted Request / Max_Man_007
Nov 20, 2018, 11:42 PM
Minecraft nickname:: Max_Man_007

Forum username of Requester: Max_Man_008

Completed the untrusted time ?:Yes

Extra Information:
ok I played on this server around 4 years ago when I was 12 and Im gonna be honest I was one of the worst players to ever grace this server. So I got quite a few bans for the common stuff such as Xray and I got the usual punishment you give to Xrayers and for the life of me I can't remember how much untrusted time I served. So I'm now 16 and I hope for the life of me that I have perhaps grown up a little from my twelve year old self and just wanna chill and play legit. If I do have any outstanding intrusted time could I be informed if I can have it removed or not.

Cheers in advanced guys
Closed Trusted Requests / ItzLyro
Jul 23, 2017, 06:55 PM
Minecraft nickname:: ItzLyro

Forum username of Requester:

Completed the untrusted time ?:Yes

Extra Information:
I was told to play 240 minutes and I was up all night to get it done