Jun 05, 2024, 01:07 PM


Have a Super Fun Time!

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Messages - tman6698

Thanks for keeping us updated!
General Announcements / Re: The DOH Cult
Sep 14, 2016, 12:07 PM
Stop abusing naughty substances tow, and lay off the "pot" noodles or else this type of post happens ;)
General Discussion / Re: Post your FACE!
Aug 26, 2016, 11:07 PM
Me, and Me + Girlfriend, I am 18, but look younger ><

Shes gorgeous, her names celina <333
Awesome wanted trails and player glow for ages, will be buying when I'm home! Thanks Tow!
right back pocket is my phone, wallet and change in the front left, and car keys in hoodie/jacket pocket etc xD
I have a town consisting of a bridge and 3 houses, Do I have to choose one thing, because if so i'd be loosing pretty much everything I own
General Announcements / Re: Drop Party :3
Mar 25, 2015, 09:16 AM
Never played bteam before. Might come on and see what it's all about :)
Congrats guys :)
Staff team should have one together, each group to a specific gmt
Im Tom, I get called Tomar a a lot by everyone who knows me in real life. I am from the UK. not far out of Birmingham, but a lot of my family live in South Africa.
I'll be 17 in a new months time, can't wait!
I don't really have many hobbies any more as I work full-time. I am a drummer though, orchestrally trained, and have been playing for about 6/7 years also. Sadly my deathcore band flopped so I'm currently looking for a new one :) I also play WoW a lot in my free time. Recently started it again as life made my WoW days go on hold.

I love metal. I've grown up with it as my dads also a fan. I'm seeing Slipknot in 2 weeks along with some other bands this year! Concerts are what take up most of my time nowadays other than work.

Some say I'm very laid back, so much I could possibly fall off my chair, although when things need to be done, I have to make sure they're done right :) Bipolar sucks, but the effects have toned down as I've got older.

I'm a very boring person after reading back through this ><
I also love any type of milk and sponge cake so if you have some then please share!!

Oh god, not name changing D:
been waiting for the dayZ to come back! Missed the old times :)
I shall add this IP when i get home :) been waiting for SFT DayZ to come back!!
Q: What's your name? (no last names)
A: Tom

Q: What's your age?
A: 16

Q: What country are you from?
A: Im from the UK

Q: What's your favorite SFT Server?
A: Survival XD

Q: What's your favorite thing to do on the SFT server you play most?
A: Staff Duties mainly :3

Q: What are your hobbies?
A: I've been playing drums for 7 years, but other than that nothing cause my job takes over my life :P

Q: What kind of music do you listen to?
A: Metal, Deathcore, Punk. All that mainly. Saw Attila on tuesday and they where great :D

Q: Do you own a Console? If yes what console?
A: I have a xbox 360, and a ps3, but I'm more a PC gamer

Q: Do you have any pets? What kind of?
A: I have a dog :3 I used to pet mice a while ago. I have a sister to if that counts XD

Q: Do you use Skype (y/n)
A:  Yup all the time :)

Q: Name the top 3 games that you still play
A: BF3, Titanfall, MC

Q: Is there anything about yourself that you'd like to mention?
A: I collect, well used to collect power ranger figurines, my earliest model of 1993. I hate chocolate which is weird XD
Id love this as it's my preferred genre of game and it looks awesome! Ive achieved what i want with SFT as I play everyday as Im a Mod and apart of the staff team.
I had to add the image this way as i couldnt copy the link, sorry :)
Happy Birthday :D
General Announcements / Re: SFT Client
Jun 29, 2014, 06:18 PM
hey. Recently today, the power plug from the mains was pulled from my pc and all its data deleted. This means I have to start from nothing, feeling like its a new pc even though it isn't. So, I need to install the SFT client. I installed java and also normal minecraft and they work. I then did the launcher. It did its loading and everything, checking for updates and then it just shuts down. Ive tried reinstalling it and it doesn't work. I tried restarting my pc and that doesn't fix it either. Im stuck and I don't know how do fix it :( if anyone has any ideas, please contact my Skype "tman6698" or forum pm me! hope someone knows the problem, thanks a lot!

Minecraft IGN: tman6698
Total uptime:1499
Favorite types of music: Indie, metal, rock, classical and jazz.
Will you show up everyday and play music? Yeah, Ive been on the radio for most of the days ive known about it! So yes ofcourse I would be playing music everyday!!