Jun 04, 2024, 03:51 AM


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Messages - Cireshie

Quote from: balistic_skills on Aug 16, 2014, 05:38 PM
im going to guess god/gold apples are not allowed?
Probably not. Because golden apples give you potion effects, and potions are not allowed.
General Announcements / Re: Backpacks
Aug 16, 2014, 06:13 PM
All the old plugins are being revived! :O
IGN: Cireshie
Country Representing: USA
Quote from: emm10 on Aug 02, 2014, 12:19 AM
Quote from: Cireshie on Aug 01, 2014, 11:50 PM
Quote from: TheGoldenKibby on Aug 01, 2014, 11:49 PM
So if this works, you get payed to play video games? Genius...
Pretty sure he already does this. I thought he once said he was a game tester. I may be wrong though.
Why would you want to quit a job as a game tester? That seems awesome, even if you can't devote as much time to SFT.
I think Towelie said before that his game tester job isn't that great. I believe he said they aren't the best games that he tests. I think he loves SFT and the community :D
Quote from: TheGoldenKibby on Aug 01, 2014, 11:49 PM
So if this works, you get payed to play video games? Genius...
Pretty sure he already does this. I thought he once said he was a game tester. I may be wrong though.
I am glad to say that I vote everyday :D

Fine, you got me. ALMOST every day
Pandas. Most commonly known to be not very active creatures. I hope this is a fast panda or we're both screwed.

Quote from: onionboyzz on Jun 06, 2014, 07:21 PM
So if this goes through big servers will fall, as well as people will stop playing minecraft. That will then cause minecraft youtubers who rely on servers to fall
And this will cause lots of hatemail to Mojang. This might actually get them to listen to the community as well as to their ideas.