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Messages - American_Walrus

Parkour, mario, unturned
Thanks for signing up guys
Really, not much. Seems like a cool guy. Ik he's a pixelmon person, but ehh, we all make mistakes. (jk jk, pixelmon is fun too)
It's awesome Towel! Great work all the devs and stoof. Its like if B-team and Survival had a lovechild
General Announcements / Re: SFT Black Friday!
Nov 20, 2015, 11:55 AM
Quote from: LuffyA7X on Nov 15, 2015, 04:00 PMPastebin can be used to store plain text. So if you want to copy something & keep it saved, you'd copy the text, past it in the pastebin, then whenever you need it you could go to the pastebin & access it again.

They're normally used for code & stuff like that, but this makes it easier to share text between large groups of people. For SFT, this could be for like a modpack or something, maybe even commands idk, but it can be useful if people use it :)
This isn't about voting on a new manager guys. What you are doing is saying "I really like this mod and they should be manager". 1. Im sorry, but no one asked you 2. Its not a voting system. The manager+ chooses who they think will be the best role for Manger, who will help us no matter what. 4. Its exclusive and rude.
Quote from: JohnOaklyjohn on Nov 15, 2015, 03:52 AMNo one wants #JohntheMinger? :(

Perfect example. Its a great way to hurt someones feelings. Just don't.

Sorry for the harshness but its true.
Lovely, get well soon
Quote from: Groot_69(MW3) on Nov 15, 2015, 02:31 PMWhat is a PasteBin?

This. I think it isn't self explanatory tow xd
A true tragedy. It's crap like  arguing over a coffee cup and a blue and black dress that proves we are doing absolutely terrible as a human race. We need to unite, and stop having these petty fights. We need to stop the horrible, HORRIBLE, monsters that start these atrocities. My heart goes out to anyone affected. Any life is a precious life, and these horrid people took 120 or more of those, and injured, scarred, and tainted many others. If any of our SFT family was inflicted or, absolute worse case scenario, taken, I would/do feel SO bad for you. Rest in Peace, those who fell in Paris. You will be remembered.
General Announcements / Re: A few concerns
Nov 05, 2015, 10:02 PM
I do admit I could vote more. Ive recently brought 2 more people to SFT but honestly, I can't invite much more.  I will try my hardest :) Im just not in touch with many people that would play
Quote from: darknuju on Oct 31, 2015, 07:36 PMEwww who is the nub in the forefront of the picture  

The aquatic mammal of your dreams ;)                                         
I love the pic
Cool cool
Forum Games / Re: True or False
Oct 25, 2015, 01:55 PM
the person below me has brown hair
Forum Games / Re: Slap, Hug or Rocket
Oct 25, 2015, 01:52 PM
slap cuz whynot

type Richard Nixon
Guys it's super fun to kill the End Dragon, try to do it. Its fun.
General Announcements / Re: Come baack!
Oct 23, 2015, 05:27 PM
Tow, we're growing older. I stick around because I have a lot to stick around for, but I can understand why people are spending less time here. They/we need to start focusing on what we are going to do with our lives. We/they still like the server, love it at that, its just we can't spend our lives continuously staring at a computer screen. We're advancing in school and in life in general. It's hard to accept, but its true that one day, barely any of us will ever play. We have all seen that one REALLY old Legend get on and go like "Who are you people?" "None of my friends are on anymore". This will one day happen to us. Its the hard truth, but you have a point. Maybe some of us could come back a bit more.
Forum Games / Re: Ban the person above you!
Oct 11, 2015, 01:08 AM
Banned for  x-ray and drugs
Forum Games / Re: True or False
Oct 11, 2015, 01:04 AM
False I drive a sled.
The person below me has a last name starting with W
Forum Games / Re: Slap or Hug
Oct 11, 2015, 12:59 AM
Stealing my freaking name >:~|
It's fun but I wish there was a way to hide it for only those who were playing. Somehow turning Reaction on and Off. It's just kinda spammy, but fun.
Yes! Happy 5-years!