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Messages - Sparkle_Sun

Hey all,

A while ago, @millsyboi suggested creating a minigame for TTT (Trouble in Terrorist Town) on Survival. Him, myself, and @Katherine began working on the project (no creds to me, I didn't do much) and a few other players I believe. However the project dried up and we need your help to start it again, and finish building!

The arena looks like this so far, @millsyboi is making some sewers below. We need some players to design the inside of the houses, but not just ordinary decorating. We need secret objects hidden, secret passageways, hiding places, tricks and traps, they need to have a good plan behind them. If you are interested, reply here with the following form:

Warp 1 and Warp 2 refer to two of your build warps that show your building and designing skill.

[b]Inagme name:[/b]
[b]Warp 1:[/b]
[b]Warp 2:[/b]
[b]Are you active lately and can get this done?[/b]
General Announcements / [Survival] The Market
Jun 11, 2016, 06:06 PM
Introducing a new concept, an alternative to the Emporium, the Market.

The market will be, obviously, a market. It's layout will be similar to a farmer's market, with various stalls/kiosks spread out around a plaza. Players can pay to rent out a kiosk when the Market is opened, and then they can do business.

How this will work:
The Market will be opened by Managers+ as an alternative to the Emporium. They will announce its opening soon, and any Members+ who wish to rent a stall may private message the Manager with the stall they want. It will cost a small fee, 1000-5000 Empbucks, to rent a stall. The Manager will add the Member+ to the protection of the kiosk. After a few minutes in which the Manager is adding players to protections and they are setting up, the Market will be announced to be officially opened.

The kiosks will have 5 item frames to display items they are selling and 2 spaces for signs to display prices, but they could sell more if they wished. The Members will do business in their kiosks to whoever comes to the Market. They may sell whatever items they wish, but prices will be monitored by the Manager+ running it to make sure they are not scamming players. The Members running a kiosk would choose their own prices and use their items to sell.

The Market will be open for at least 20 minutes at a time and will close when the Manager+ chooses to close. Then all those who rented kiosks will have a few minutes to get their items out of the chests before the Manager+ will clear the players off all the kiosk protections and the Market will officially be closed.

Why are we suggesting this?
This would offer an alternative to the Emporium and create a way for players to sell items easier, promote players to put more effort into making small little businesses, and keep money flowing in the economy instead of being pumped in by Managers. This offers an alternative to expensive Emporium prices because these prices are determined by the Members+ running the kiosks. It also helps players interact more both with staff and each other.

Please comment below with your thoughts and vote in the poll above. Questions, suggestions, and concerns are encouraged!
Chamber of Secrets for me, I liked how the plot developed and how it made sense but wasn't too dark for his age.
Which Harry Potter book is your favorite? Comment below and explain why!
Mine is Marshall, he doesn't break my heart like the rest of them do.
Which How I Met Your Mother character is your favorite? Explain below please!
Polls / Re: INJURIES
Jun 09, 2016, 10:57 PM
When I was 2 I fell off a slide and also got smacked in the face with a swing and I still have the tiniest scar from it under my nose.

This isn't really an injury but when I was little I used to suck my pointer finger for some reason, instead of my thumb, but I'd stick it in my mouth funny and it started getting deformed and bent inwards. To this day I do no use my left pointer finger for anything really, I'll pick things up with my middle finger and my thumb, tap my phone with my middle finger, everything like that.

In fourth grade I was playing kickball at recess and was wearing flimsy flipflops, the ones that cost like $.99, and they folded under when I went to kick so I dug my toe into the concrete and split it open, I ended up going to the ER right from school.

In seventh grade my friend was carrying me around on her back and I fell off, I cut my elbow open and I have a big scar still from that.

Track, gotta love those shin splints. I stressed my left shin this year really bad and was out for the last few weeks of the season.

Locking this as results are in. It'll take a hell of a long time to make a post about them, but if anyone really really wants one, PM me and I'll see what I can do. Otherwise, the staff team can see them and we will take note of them.

Thanks again guys!
The Manager team messing around supporting @Brightpkz as he opens the Emporium for the first time!

Closed Trusted Requests / Re: GeminiJupiter
Jun 08, 2016, 05:26 PM
@GeminiJupiter When your uptime is 41 hours you can apply again for trusted.
Closed Trusted Requests / Re: tnt_mastermind
Jun 08, 2016, 05:26 PM
Set back to Guest.
Closed Trusted Requests / Re: GeminiJupiter
Jun 04, 2016, 04:16 AM
You have about an hour left
Hungergames and Parkour could be modified and put as World 3 events instead of having their own server, too.
General Announcements / Re: We love you
Jun 01, 2016, 12:46 AM

 :laugh:  :heart:
Polls / Are Birkenstocks back in style?
May 28, 2016, 06:18 PM
Are Birkenstocks back in style?

Polls / Re: Re-enable end?
May 28, 2016, 05:48 PM
Quote from: Towelie on May 28, 2016, 03:36 PM
Quote from: Fractalion on May 28, 2016, 12:26 AMI doubt the end will be readded since it doesn't really add much to the game that the emporium cannot already provide. Furthermore, re-enabling the end would make elytras slightly more accessible, and would introduce dragon heads into the economy. (Plus the added strain on the server for a dimension which, once again, doesn't really do much.)

This being said, there are a couple of things I would like to see:
  • Add dragon breath to the emporium so that we can craft lingering potions and make tipped arrows.
  • Reduce the cost of end stone/end stone brick. The price of end stone was set to 10000 back in 2011 when it was introduced because we wanted to use it as a temporary drain on the economy during the month after release when it was a hot item. I know this because I was at the meeting where this was decided. It's been almost five years since the release of 1.0.0 now. It's time to give end stone a price that isn't absolutely insane.
  • Add dragon heads to the list of things the emporium sells. They aren't that different from the other mob heads, and it would be cool to have access to them. (As far as I'm aware, the only difference is that the mouth moves when the head is receiving power from redstone, which is kinda cool and can be used as decoration in a few situations)
What Frac said.

@Sparkle_Sun - Get sme some prices for dragon breath? As for dragon heads I want them to be expensive as I've sold heads to players for 10mil +. I'm not saying make them cost 10 mil but probably 2+ mil. Feel free to debate people.
I can give an estimate but I don't work with potions at all. If someone has a good price range it'd be more accurate than mine.
Polls / Re: Re-enable end?
May 28, 2016, 02:46 PM
Emporium prices were designed for having the End accessible, if it isn't brought back they most likely will be altered somewhat.
As brought up by @Alvaress's post in Survival Discussions, please answer the following questions to help provide us with feedback and improve.

Thank you! :)

How did SFT get your attention?
Polls / How old are you?
May 23, 2016, 11:15 PM
How old are you? Please only answer this poll if you are comfortable. All answers are anonymous.
Polls / Will you post your own polls?
May 23, 2016, 10:17 PM
Will you post your own polls?
Polls / What kinds of polls do you like?
May 23, 2016, 01:36 AM
What kinds of polls do you like?
General Announcements / Re: The pulse of SFT
May 21, 2016, 03:48 PM
Quote from: Towelie on May 21, 2016, 01:08 PMHey guys, I 'm Towelie, your friendly Owner

Hiiiiii Towelie!

I like NicholasPlay's idea for more automated minigames, that's the draw for many players. My brother and cousin are obsessed with these.

Voting, what about perks for voters? EULA banned "pay to play" but since voting is accessible by all, why not "vote to play"? Of course the prizes could be very large, but if there is a way to track every player who votes each day it could be "200 votes 1mill Empbucks" or "75 votes for " or something along those lines.

Keep things interesting: Fund more towns and sponsor them, fund more brick and mortar shops and sponsor them, fill the spawn towns with active players and let those areas be a hub for players. More organized events, more variety of events, bigger events organized. More weekly features like we had with the Toy Story Map. Have a downloaded map added to a world for a week at a time (if we added a Harry Potter world I'd drop out of school and explore it 24/7).
Yes it is
Bump! This is still going on, keep building/working your shops. :)
Not quite the turnout expected, but congrats to @cazboy10 for winning! You will be payed ingame shortly.