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Messages - Stoovs

Forum Games / Re: Would you rather.
Feb 07, 2016, 12:18 PM
Drunk from even a drop of alcohol. Being a cheap drunk isn't a bad thing.

Would you rather live one life that lasts 1000 years or live 10 lives that last 100 years each?
Forum Games / Re: Join the word
Feb 07, 2016, 12:16 PM
This would be awesome if it were on factions.

I still really like the idea though and I can see how people would use it in survival.
So lonely. QQ
Quote from: fearthe1337 on Jan 20, 2015, 11:33 AM
Quote from: UnitedWeDance on Jan 20, 2015, 07:19 AM
I have a concern!! 

I always seem to get murdered  :-\

One of the classes has a weakness to a wooden sword :P
Same here! Someone brutally murdered me with a wooden sword... (which was somehow really OP)
I'm Stoovs (I hate my IRL name so..). I just turned 19 (a matter of days). I live in Canada and trust me when I tell you that I love the cold winters and even more than that, I love snow. Most winter weekends of mine are spent at my cabin (very small, hours away from civilization, no cell service, no electricity, a REAL cabin). I have a passion for riding snowmobile and I treat mine like it's my baby (although I'm pretty hard on her most times) and when it's not winter and I can't ride her, I'll probably be hunting in side-by-side (big game [moose], or just shooting things like squirrels and grouse with pellet guns).

I truly enjoy playing games and I frequent many on a variety of platforms. I've just recently returned to SFT (after a couple month hiatus) and can be found on Factions usually. If I'm not playing that then I could be playing on a number of different games (usually CS:GO or something on Xbox One).

I'm pretty big into building computers and I've been contemplating a career in Computer Engineering but haven't yet decided on what I want to do so I haven't entered into post-secondary education so I've been working (although I haven't been getting many hours as of late).

I'm pretty laid back although I can be very passionate towards a topic and become very stubborn and defending about it. I can also be very passive-aggressive and I'm sorry if I am.

I'm also a twin! I have a twin sister (I'm male in case you didn't know) and we're very close to one another. Is anyone else on SFT a twin? I'm curious.

Although I haven't mentioned it, yes, I do have friends, and I'm in a very close-knit group. We gather regularly and I enjoy my time with them although we all have very different interests from one another and are an unlikely group of friends.

Don't be afraid to give me a shout if you see me on any of the servers either!


How...? How could I possibly mess this up? 3 characters.. and? Nice.
Forum Games / Re: Pick a number
Jan 04, 2015, 03:50 PM
Quote from: Cireshie on Oct 10, 2014, 12:55 AM
42. The answer.
21. The real answer.
General Announcements / Re: Anyone hungry?
Dec 24, 2014, 01:10 AM
Others seem pretty excited to give it a try, and personally I'd love to give it a whirl.

Count me in!
Forum Games / Re: One word story game.
Mar 02, 2014, 02:22 AM
Our story so far (with added punctuation so it somewhat makes sense [not really]):

Once Penis had to suck a cow's ear and swag and yolo herpes. However, Spen96 had a gargantuan ego so his dildos became gargantuan men. AIDS suddenly developed within. Spen96 likes boys therefore SFT is always high on shrooms with potatoes that kill MOVINGTEXT that also death. Poo eats your favourite potatoes with cream flavoured fingers which are very horrible and this turned weird. Yeah. Pandas eaten by spen96 exploded Mudkips because yolo. Unfortunately spen96 smokes dicks with Boymac45 in

Now to continue: the
Forum Games / Re: One word story game.
Mar 01, 2014, 02:12 AM