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Messages - lioneatszebra

I didn't know we were supposed to block you lmao
Quote from: javcov on Dec 07, 2015, 01:24 AMI thought the warp was /warp Christmastree as it was made by me ?

 :chest: my chest totes don't contain masterballs and diamond blocks :P  :chest:

This is on survival :)

The annual Christmas land has returned! Visit /warp Christmas to leave gifts for your friends under the Christmas tree!

To make sure your presents are safe, lock the chest by doing /cprivate and punching the chest. Then, Shift + Right-click with a sign to put a label on the chest so you don't lose it!

Please limit yourself to three chests to save room for everyone who wants to give!
Study Corner / Re: WWII Flag?
Nov 30, 2015, 01:51 AM
If it's the Axis powers then it is the Italian flag (Mussolini), but that's not what the Italian flag looked like during WWII. Some of the Italian flags had that symbol, but they also had he red and green from the Italian flag with that symbol in the white. It's either Fascism flag or Italian flag.

Since the other two flags are Japan and Germany, my guess is the third flag is Italy.

Quote from: Dkxpl on Oct 10, 2015, 02:22 PMWhen do you think this could be implemented into the SFT client?

Whenever the SFT Clients gets json capabilities, which is up to bogey (who is generally busy).
Also, bogey pls come back and add json capabilities to sft client. xD
To reduce "chat spam," we could remove some of the other things that spam chat like SFTMMO announcing the amount of skill levels gained that session. No one care about that, especially when it's 0.

Could also remove RTD, but I like this plugin and hopefully with the more difficult words, the round will last longer than 2 seconds. :)
Thanks :) I've finally voted on all sites successfully!
Can we get a list of these new prices?
Still don't get it.

So the point of this board is no one is going to post on it?
Study Corner / Re: Suggestion/Problem
Sep 24, 2015, 07:07 PM
I don't think you need to add more sections. If someone specifies what they need, someone will be able to help. It doesn't need to be more than it is right now. It doesn't need to be even more complicated.
Will definitely be buying FIFA 16 because of this.
Study Corner / Re: Geometry Homework
Sep 21, 2015, 11:54 PM
The midpoint formula is Midpoint = (x1+x2)/2 , (y1+y2)/2

Since you know the midpoint, you can sub in one of the coordinates' x number.

K: (6, -12)

6 + x / 2 = 0

Solve for x.

This will be the x coordinate of your missing point.

Do the same for y.

K: (6, -12)

-12 + x / 2 = -7

Solve for y.

Your result for L is (x,y).

If you need help solving for the variable, let me know.

Btw, when I write / 2, it is all over 2 (aka division, which means multiply by that number on both sides).

So, in that theory, why would you have "specialist" when these people who have a special set of skills can just post on the topic when they feel like it (instead of having one set of people for one subject)?
So why do you need specialists if you can just tag them on forums (@djkirsh)? Lol. I'm not understanding. Why limit it to one person when this section is meant for everyone to help you?

Like, I'm not a specialist in chemistry, but I still know chemistry. I'm not a specialist in math, but I still am good at it.
But still, how are you going to test whether they are good at it or not?
How do you determine whether they are a specialist or are just saying they're a specialist to make people have the wrong answers (aka trolls)?

Like personally, I can prove that I've mastered the English language by sending you links to 50+ of my published works.
Study Corner / Re: Study Corner Specialists!
Sep 21, 2015, 02:10 AM
I don't think there should be "specialists." Once people start replying to topics, we'll start to figure out who is reliable in what subject.

This thing just started off, so you don't want to take any big steps right now in my opinion.

Also, there's no way to prove that they are actually an expert in that subject. I think it's just best to let people have free reign over the entire section.

On that note: if anyone wants me to edit a short essay for them or something that needs special attention to grammar, spelling and syntax, just tag me in the post using @djkirsh and I will help you. ;)

(weight of isotope 1) (abundance of isotope 1[which you don't know]) + (weight of isotope 2) (abundance of isotope 2[which you don't know]) = average atomic weight

First you do this:

(47.3417)(1-x) + (46.3344) (x) = 26.981539


47.3417 - 47.3417x + 46.3344x = 26.981539

-47.3417x + 46.3344x = -47.3417 + 26.981539

-1.0073x = -20.360161

I could be wrong. I think I went wrong somewhere, but I'm pretty sure the italicized equation is correct. Someone else needs to verify first. Sorry!

Quote from: djkirsh on Sep 16, 2015, 01:21 PMThe voting page is sooooo glitchy on my Mac. Can you make it so there is just a straight list (optional) of places to vote and we can open in a new tab as well as the one vote page for those who find it a convenience? That would persuade me to vote more often.

Yeah. Still can't vote because of this. Still broken. Can't vote. Can't help.
The voting page is sooooo glitchy on my Mac. Can you make it so there is just a straight list (optional) of places to vote and we can open in a new tab as well as the one vote page for those who find it a convenience? That would persuade me to vote more often.
Quote from: GRIMI_ on Sep 13, 2015, 08:22 PMThis is american football right? is this actually big news or are we just gonna start posting every sport result there is now?

Big news xd It's the first game of the season, so Americans are like ermergerd football.
What is mywarp give?
Quote from: maxwolf28 on Aug 19, 2015, 04:38 AMwhat if our autoshop is not fully finished but i want my auto in that list. can i still pay and get my auto in it?
I'm pretty sure it needs to be finished. That's why he removed a lot of them yesterday.
Quote from: HD on Aug 18, 2015, 05:40 PMGood offer Tow, thx! A have a question thought:

When you say only 10 lucky ppl, what happens if your not picked? do you get a refund?
Quote from: Towelie on Aug 18, 2015, 05:15 PMFirst 10 people will be added, if you are not between the first 10, DO NOT PAY as you will not be reimbursed