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Messages - Sassy1233

Figured I'd make a new application since I got my uptime up :P

IGN: XSassyX
Survial uptime: About 74 hours
Can you get 6 hours of uptime on Survival each week? Yes
Have you been banned before? If yes, why should we overlook this? Never been banned before
Do you have or can you get a Skype? I have both Skype and Discord
Are you applying to be JMod or EventHost or both? If EventHost, will you be able to host 25 events per week? I am applying for JMod
Not sure if applications are still being accepted but worth a shot

Discord Nickname: Sas (XSassyX)
Have you ever been staff on an SFT server before? Yes, currently a Pocket Edition Manager.
Most uptime gathered on one server: Pocket, 30,000+ minutes
Why you wish to be to be discord staff? I'm on discord quite often and won't be as active in-game because of school starting soon, and would like to help keep the chats friendly so everyone has a super fun time!
I think @Passava1 is a nub ;)
R&U. Great post Tow!
Polls / Re: gender
Aug 18, 2017, 02:45 AM
Unicorn 😉
Polls / Re: Imagine Dragons or Jake Paul
Aug 09, 2017, 08:45 PM
Imagine dragons ftw
Quote from: fanis1234 on Jul 24, 2017, 05:13 PMHi im fanis and i would like to be jmod because i help people and i want everyone have fun time!!!
Hey @fanis1234, please answer the questions asked :D
Forum Games / Re: Slap, Hug or Rocket
Jul 16, 2017, 08:10 PM
Slap cuz y nawt
Damn that's alot of money :O too bad i'll be camping this weekend
If applications are still being accepted then...

IGN: XSassyX
Survial uptime: so far about 18 hrs (also a PE Manager)
Can you get 6 hours of uptime on Survival each week? yup
Have you been banned before? If yes, why should we overlook this? nope
Do you have or can you get a Skype? I have skype
Are you applying to be JMod or EventHost or both? If EventHost, will you be able to host 25 events per week? jnub
Hope my uptimes enough for now.
EDIT: updated uptime to actual hours.
Quote from: Hassan Abbas shah on Jul 06, 2017, 05:38 AMHello I am Hassan and my name in SFT is sub_zero_HHH and I want to become Jmod
MY INSTGRAM:sub_zero_hhh
MY FACEBOOK:habbasshah@yahoo.con :goldenapple:  :cake:  :creeper: 💪
Please answer all of the questions that were asked! :D
Forum Games / Re: Slap, Hug or Rocket
Jul 06, 2017, 05:46 AM
hug because I forgot about this ;o

aye page 101
Polls / Re: Potato or Mall Security Guard?
Jun 30, 2017, 03:13 PM
potato ofc :heart:
IGN: XSassyX
Pocket uptime: I dunno
Uptime this week: 0- I got no phone lel
Are you able to obtain 4hours of uptime every week on Pocket? I would if I had a phone
Have you been banned before? If so, why should we overlook this? nope
Do you have Skype or Discord? If not, can you get it? I got skype
Any previous experience staffing on SFT? If so where and what rank? pocket manager ;)

Forum Games / Re: Slap, Hug or Rocket
Apr 26, 2017, 01:34 PM
Rocket to space
Forum Games / Re: Slap, Hug or Rocket
Apr 25, 2017, 02:59 AM
Rocket to the moon
Polls / Re: Fast Food
Apr 07, 2017, 02:43 AM
When there isn't a Taco Bell where you live ;-;
Forum Games / Re: What's Your Excuse?
Apr 04, 2017, 02:29 PM
Can't too lazy

Find me a pot of gold
Sorry for your loss Tow :(