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Messages - issa_savage_

General Discussion / Pixelmon server
Sep 04, 2021, 10:30 AM
Hi guys, I previously posted on the pixelmon forum but I'm not sure if many people saw...
So I'm going to post on this one.

Basically, the pixelmon server is still up and running with little to no community, every time I look at the server its empty. I know there has 'recently' been a reset but I think there should maybe be like another one and literally start the wholee thing over again with more members and more of a community

I've never owned a server before and have no idea how to advertise one, but is there any way for free we can put our server out there? Maybe if you guys like pokemon and are struggling to find something to do maybe hop on pix servers for a bit just to see if you guys like it.

I don't know just an idea but I've been playing for a long time and the community which we did have was active and lots of people were on at the same time. I am also down to help try get more people on the server. I know times are busy right now too but if you guys were down to look I will try and leave a link.

thanks for reading  :cake: this is how you get the modpack if interested:https://www.superfuntime.org/serverstats/Pixelmon

Hi guys long time no see... Very long time

Last time I really actively played pixelmon with everyone was a long, long time ago.
Iv'e recently seen literally no one on the server, I was just wondering if it is still being advertised because the community on here was so positive and was thriving with people. I understand times are hard with money because of the server not being active with people, no one donating etc. however as a community maybe we could try and advertise the server? Is there websites where we can advertise for free? I'd happily help to get the server up and  running again.

Please comment what you guys think!  :christmaspig:
Quote from: MPSX_Phoenix on Feb 01, 2015, 10:10 PM
Plus because I'v been banned before I know how it feels to have griefed and to have regretted it.

You havevbeen banned before + you have killed someones dogs, and swore at platerfin and if you regretted being banned, why kill the dogs which belonged to the same person you griefed?
Hey, I did it , hope you can get back soon c;

Post Merge: Feb 01, 2015, 04:22 PM

PS. My skype may not work as I have linked it to an email, need this email feel free to pm me. If you need any more info, just say