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Messages - Sybarr

General Discussion / Re: garywb
Apr 01, 2020, 07:43 PM
I didn't know him very well but he seemed like a funny and great guy. He will be sorely missed.

Rest in Peace <3
What is your IGN (in-game nickname)?: Sybarr
What is your uptime in the last week (/pstats)?: 7hr 17m
What is your overall uptime(/pstats)?: 1207h 22m
Were you banned from our server in the last 6 months?: Nope
Were you ever banned for xraying / advertising / exploiting glitches?: Nope
What rank do you wish to be (EventHost / JMod)?: Eventhost
Why do you want that rank?: I use to be Eventhost a little while ago and I just absolutely loved the experience, being able to spend time with the community in fun little activities like wipeout is amazing, more the merrier. Having the chance to help the community is always a bonus in my eyes, I love the server and seeing it grow and develop over the years has been wonderful.
What region are you from? (EU / US / AU / OTHER): EU
Do you have a Discord account?: Yes - Sybarr#7563
What is your IGN (in-game nickname)?: Sybarr
What is your uptime in the last week (/pstats)?: 28Hours 35Minutes
What is your overall uptime(/pstats)?: 301Hours 42Minutes
Were you banned from our server in the last 6 months?: Nope
Were you ever banned for xraying / advertising / exploiting glitches?: Nope
What rank do you wish to be (EventHost / JMod)?: EventHost
Why do you want that rank?: I've always been interested in the event side of SFT, to bring the community together and have fun while a bit of competition as well. I would love to help the community have fun and see them enjoy being online, I've always liked bringing people into the community, helping them enjoy their time here at SFT. Helping them have a Super Fun Time would be amazing.
What region are you from? (EU / US / AU / OTHER): EU
Do you have a Discord account?: Yes. Sybarr#7563
IGN: Sybarr
Survival uptime:  100 hours 27 minutes
Can you get 6 hours of uptime on Survival each week? Yes
Have you been banned before? If yes, why should we overlook this? No
Do you have or can you get a Skype? I have Skype
Are you applying to be JMod or EventHost or both? If EventHost, will you be able to host 25 events per week? JMod