Jun 04, 2024, 12:57 AM


Please vote for us daily!

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Messages - Orco

Application form:
What is your IGN (in-game nickname)?: Roast_My_Toast

How much do you think you will be able to play?: I should be able to play quite a bit as on June 11th I'll be done with school and most of my summer plans have been canceled due to the Covid 19 outbreak, so come soon I should have quite a lot of free time.

Do you have a Discord account? Yes
Why should we choose you for our beta test?: I recently decided to finally buy Java edition, and now that I can play I would like to play more often and help out and I think this would be a great way to get started. I've also done my fair share of beta testing for various games and servers and like to help find bugs and get things running smoothly.