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Messages - Waffle_man22

Quote from: Bobert on May 03, 2020, 09:34 PMA detailed plugins list somewhere because half the time I end up discovering some new element to the server at the worst possible time (Like trying to pearl away from a fight just to find out I cant use them at all in combat).
Most that stuff is written down at spawn
General Discussion / Re: 8 years of service
Mar 03, 2020, 09:03 PM
One year for every time you've beaten me in an event eh Green ;) Congrats man, sft is lucky to have someone like you around
When I was looking for a survival server like SFT I had a lot of options to pick from and pretty quickly I would move on if things weren't easy to understand or interesting.  Much of the player base is made of kids and people who don't care enough to figure out how our server works or go through a long tutorial process.  I think this leads players to leave and look for a simpler experience among other things.

It this is true then it would be great to create a balance of easy to understand tutorials that still have all the needed information.  With the current tutorial, the warp is somewhat hidden by the spawn message, it would make more sense for warp tutorial to be the first thing you see along with other important commands like /rules /random and /servers to see the other servers.  It is a barebones approach, similar but different from the current message.

Warp tutorial could also be changed, the first thing I saw when I walked in was all of the staff and player ranks.  While good information it is not essential and discouraging to a new player to try and comprehend all of these permissions and titles. It is overwhelming to someone with no prior knowledge and could easily cause them to stop going through the tutorial or just leave the server. I'm not just trying to hammer this one section, the whole tutorial needs to be the opposite of this, organized and targeted for someone with no prior knowledge and little patience to read.

The rest of the tutorial really only covers some Frequently Asked Questions and the more so confusing Build Code Violation rules in a somewhat complex layout which to me is missing out on a whole lot of potential.  I would create a system similar to many player auto shops, with a signboard with different categories labeled with their topic that then would bring you to an isolated room with only that information.  Ideally, there would be some way to have Starting Info and other essential information as the first ones to be visited.  This would essentially be a more robust version of the 20-page help book. How is this any better then? This allows easier navigation so a player can get information on what they need and nothing more, preventing unnecessary time spent reading or getting overwhelmed by something complicated right out of the start, while still having more information on each topic.

Some Examples:   
  • Starting Information-Basic information such as rules, finding and protecting land, emp, events, FAQ.  Just enough to get them started
  • Server Ranks-Breif description of Staff and Non-Staff ranks, including donator ranks since they often get mixed up as staff
  • SlimeFun-Basics over SlimeFun, a video about SFT SlimeFun would be great as this can be hard to explain with signs
In no way am I trying to discredit the hard work of others, a refined tutorial system is one way I think we could help prevent overwhelming and confusing players, causing more to stay in the long run.  There is definitely room for improvement in my ideas which is what I hope happens- improvement.
Quote from: George_Filos on Sep 17, 2019, 06:45 PMI dont like the idea of people getting free stuff just for playing. That would be like telling them to log on for 30 seconds and take their reward and leave.

This exactly, I like the concept of there being something to get players to log on, but  I feel this would just lead to people logging on and leaving like what George mentioned.  Assuming something was done like 10k emp a day to me it kind of feels like it undermines the voting system which gives you rewards every day for very little effort, in addition to helping the server.

I think it could be interesting if whoever has the most uptime for that week or that month to get some kind of reward or surprise or a rank like TopVoter. Though this might not be as effective as getting players on like a daily reward system, I think it would lead to more overall uptime in the long run and avoid players logging on and off, as well as adding a competitiveness between players to see who can get the highest uptime.

Yes around 80 hours
Looks like the lad is ready for some baseball, very epic
I would really love to see two things, changes to SlimeFun and changes to the Tycoon rank.  I believe I and others have mentioned both of these things in the past but much of the SlimeFun Plugin isn't in use on survival and I think it would be cool to have more of it added as long as it doesn't break anything of course. Secondly, Tycoon rank right now is pretty pointless but I suppose to be fair it been like that for a while, so it could be on purpose.  I think it would be nice if there was something that came with Tycoon to make it more exclusive or worth the emp to get, like special perms or commands.
I would stilll like to know if SlimeFun unlocked items will carry over or be reset.
Going to be bitter sweet to lose items that have been keepsakes of past and from friends that have moved on, or other rare and old collectibles.

Question: Assuming SlimeFun is brought over to Survival 2.0, will research be kept? I know myself and others have spent hundrededs and even thousands of levels of xp to unlock everything.
Forum Games / Re: Last poster wins!
Mar 28, 2018, 01:08 AM
Just keep swimming, just keep swimming swimming swimming swminning...
Quote from: Mrs_Ender88 on Jan 16, 2018, 06:31 PM
Quote from: MrChanango on Jan 16, 2018, 03:14 PM
Quote from: Waffle_man22 on Jan 16, 2018, 01:24 PMThe real question- who will be first to create a star wars like race track?
Make it an event ;D
The real question- who will be first to create a star wars like race track?
Polls / Re: Dark VS Milk Chocolate
Dec 27, 2017, 06:21 PM
Well I'm strongly sided on dark chocolate, as I simply like the taste more of 60% and 70% cocoa content that is often found in dark chocolate.  However, for you dog owners that have 'mischievous' dogs that have a 'knack' for eating your chocolate every time(Looking at you buster!) milk chocolate would be better for them to eat, as it doesn't have as high of a cocoa content as dark chocolate.
Quote from: hi735 on Dec 13, 2017, 09:58 PMAlso for this special prize you may want to have a steam account
If we do not have said steam account does the 'prize' go to no one?
Will there be a temporary set of rules or are you just going to let the Beta do its own thing and see what happens?  I'll try it out either way, Waffle_man22.
Quote from: Towelie on Dec 06, 2017, 02:17 PM
Quote from: Waffle_man22 on Dec 06, 2017, 01:59 PMCouldn't a player just say they 'lost it' then take the new copies and sell/give them to another player?  Its a great idea though
They could. We also have logs and we would ban them for that. I don't think anyone would risk that, or if they would it would be obvious after the first time xd
I see, figured you would have something in place.  Might not be a horrible idea to mention that is a banable offense though
Couldn't a player just say they 'lost it' then take the new copies and sell/give them to another player?  Its a great idea though
@MrChanango should just turn the village of big tree's tree into a into a Christmas tree. 
I know you probably didn't mean to say it, but you say a bad thing could be a wither... I'm going to say they don't actually have a chance of spawning a wither in?
I may not have been here seven years ago, or have 10000 hours(gary is a wizard...) but I'm proud to be a member of this wonderful community, as player, staff, or anything else.  Thank you ALL for what you do to for this server, from staffing to just being aa all-around good person and anything that might be in-between.  Cheers to the good times we've had and the good times to come!
General Announcements / Re: Thank you!
Nov 06, 2017, 03:14 PM
Wooow good job everyone!  Its so nice to see a post like this!
Accuses waffle for things he uh totally didn't do
Loves gravel décor around his house :>
Wishes they could come to my house ;D
Forum Games / Re: TIAY #4
Oct 04, 2017, 03:00 AM
Amaesrizing- Even better then amazing, but sounds cooler. Verb... noun... Do I look like a English teacher to you?
Forum Games / Re: TIAY #3
Sep 29, 2017, 01:14 AM
Quote from: MrChanango on Sep 28, 2017, 09:58 PM
Quote from: Waffle_man22 on Sep 28, 2017, 09:47 PMWhen people call terraria a rip off of Minecraft or vise versa.

People who hang a American flag vertically with the stars on the right, even in Minecraft.  It goes on the left people always the left >:(
Preach 🙌🙌