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Messages - Delmaire

i beg of you, reform flat earth survival
hi735 (ben), for several reasons

he is the example for chaotic neutral, he loves to watch everyone suffer. Behind the scenes is hard working, but has a closeted motif for anarchic values. Some people can often describe him as the "smart ass genie" in films.

me: i need water here
ben: sure *creates ice*
me: no i mean make it liquid
ben: *creates lava*
me: i said water
ben: this is water if its hot enough
me: make it colder
*entire room is turned into solid blue ice*
What is your IGN (in-game nickname)?: Delmaire
What is your uptime in the last week (/pstats)?: 23 hours (last week)
What is your overall uptime(/pstats)?: 1130 Hours
Were you banned from our server in the last 6 months?: No
Were you ever banned for xraying / advertising / exploiting glitches?: No
What rank do you wish to be (EventHost / JMod)?: JMod
Why do you want that rank?: I have numerous prior skills applicable to a JMod, and I already have experience working alongside SFT staff with numerous Architects. I have many new ideas, some of which have already been implemented. I am active on all of SFT's mediums, and I feel as though I would be a great addition to the team because of this.
What region are you from? (EU / US / AU / OTHER): EU
Do you have a Discord account?: cele#0001
Continute Reading:
Application Extended
Alts, if not from a actual staff from factions, should be banned.

We've eliminated the "play to win" aspect of the game long ago, having a faction riddled with alts just gives their faction free power for 24,95 each. It's practically a injection of 20 faction power if you have the cash. They are good for nothing else besides loading chunks, which is again, pay to win.
Faction Recruitment / Naboo
Apr 17, 2020, 06:27 PM


To all fans of the Star Wars trilogy and concept, this is a faction for you!

Our faction will be modeled by the architectural feat of Naboo, the planet that was first mentioned in The Phantom Menace, and have a actual government system similar to it's cinematic counterpart.

We already have quite a few members who are in this faction as this post goes out, but if you want to join, here is a Q/A as to what is and isn't required based on basic guidelines

Q: Do I have to be in a certain timezone in order to join?
A: This is unnecessary, and in fact will serve better for us if people are online throughout the day/night cycle. Our membership thus far is balanced between the United States/Canada and the EU.

Q: How active must I be to maintain membership?
A: You will not be kicked for being offline for a period of time, but if you are offline for length of time that gives us the information that you may not be returning, only then will you be kicked. We do not stress this.

Q: Do I need a discord?
A: It is highly advised that you use discord to get a hold of all of the faction members and also stay up to date with news provided by SFT. This will be the fastest form of communication to other players.

Q: Do I need prior faction experience?
A: Not at all! Our faction will teach you how to be the best at what you want to achieve. We will teach you how the faction plugin works, how to protect yourself, and how to help us expand.

Q: Do I need to be an absolute legend at PvP to even be accepted?
A: No! You may be accepted instantly just by sharing an interest in the concept in our faction. However, people who are glorified as experienced in PvP may be granted a higher rank to meet their demands.

Q: Will I be punished if I die constantly?
A: This depends. If you are known to die over and over purposefully or without caring, this may be a rare instance in which you see yourself kicked. Dying reduces our POW, and hinders our ability to protect ourselves from aggressors, and puts everyone at risk.

Q: Will I be allowed to build?
A: This will be the one of the only rules that we will stress as concrete, as we plan to act as our own Theater State. People who wish to take part in builds must show their competence via screenshots.NOTE: People who prove themselves to be expert builders who compliment our style will be given the highest accessible role to members!

To summarize, all fresh meat can join us! However proving yourself as a trustworthy, dedicated individual will let you move up the ranks with ease.

Please list the following when putting your name on this post for recruitment!
- Minecraft Username
- (Optional) Knowledge of the Concept "Naboo" (This will not hurt your chances. However modivated builders should take part in this)
- Realistic PvP skills, from 1-5
- Discord friend code (ex: Towelie#0420)
- Your availability to play on SFT.
- (Optional) Previous SFT servers played on and playtime on that server(s)

Good luck!
When I'm online, a lot of players usually say "where's spleef" or a specific minigame. I'm guessing that some players are reading off of an outdated advertisement on one of the many websites we're on.

A lot of players are from larger servers where you don't need that much if not any communication to do simple things. On larger servers you rarely need to ask for help to do things and all of the instructions are in your face. Put them somewhere where they're more than likely to find an exit to spawn or prompt them with a hologram that says "do /random". Make frequent [Info] and [Broadcast] announcements to remind players that mods are the ones who claim land for them.

To solve the question of player confusion you could also put them in a portion of spawn where to get through the rest of spawn, they would walk through a slideshow of our server rules and a list of commands.
I've been putting this off for a while now, but i feel it is finally time now that I see the privilages that people who fancy building crave. I know I have rejected the offer to be an Architect for a long time, but only now do I realize it is only up from here.

Ingame name: Delmaire
Hours: 760 Hours, Joined August 2018
Discord: Ping @Delmaire on the SFT Discord, or send me a DM from there.

I have not been banned.

Warps to builds:

/warp delmaire_castle- traditional medieval castle, interior and many walls are unfinished but has a nice base design.
/warp delmanor- 80% complete old american mansion, inspired by the Monte Cello.
/warp pumpking- my mostly complete halloween build, wide demonstration of trees and a detailed statue, aswell as custom text that could be a utility when designing a spawn (most than welcome to help with that)
/warp deltemple- my most ambitious project, features a high class emperor tomb, and a large statue with accurate human anatomy
/warp delstatue- another organic statue which features a pose of a drawn back bow.

Most of the builds I desire to finish have always been incomplete because I havent had the proper tools to complete them.

Keep in mind, one statue alone takes me 4 weeks worth of building just on a singleplayer world. It is really difficult to make organic structures to especially with the limitation of minecraft blocks, but at this time I am prioritizing my statue building.
Team Name: Delmaire
Team Members: Delmaire, Delmaire, Delmaire, and Delmaire (dont forget delmaire) also delmaire might be comming but she might not. Delmaire is totally in though
Warp to build: /warp pumpking

My build is almost done, I started as soon as this was announced. Come check it out!